public void List() { IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession()); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); Clock clock = new Clock(1, "Seiko"); s.Save(clock); clock = new Clock(2, "Festina"); s.Save(clock); Book book = new Book(1, "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina", "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina, blahblah"); s.Save(book); book = new Book(2, "La gloire de mon père", "Les deboires de mon père en vélo"); s.Save(book); tx.Commit(); s.Clear(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Environment.LuceneVersion, "title", new StopAnalyzer(Environment.LuceneVersion)); Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = parser.Parse("Summary:noword"); IQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); IList result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count); query = parser.Parse("Summary:Festina Or Brand:Seiko"); hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count, "Query with explicit class filter"); query = parser.Parse("Summary:Festina Or Brand:Seiko"); hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query); result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count, "Query with no class filter"); foreach (Object element in result) { Assert.IsTrue(NHibernateUtil.IsInitialized(element)); s.Delete(element); } s.Flush(); tx.Commit(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); query = parser.Parse("Summary:Festina Or Brand:Seiko"); hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query); result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count, "Query with delete objects"); s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void MultipleEntityPerIndex() { IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession()); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); Clock clock = new Clock(1, "Seiko"); s.Save(clock); Book book = new Book(1, "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina", "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina, blahblah"); s.Save(book); AlternateBook alternateBook = new AlternateBook(1, "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina"); s.Save(alternateBook); tx.Commit(); s.Clear(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Environment.LuceneVersion, "Title", new StopAnalyzer(Environment.LuceneVersion)); Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = parser.Parse("Summary:Festina"); IQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); IList result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count, "Query with explicit class filter"); query = parser.Parse("Summary:Festina"); hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); IEnumerator it = hibQuery.Enumerable().GetEnumerator(); Assert.IsTrue(it.MoveNext()); Assert.IsNotNull(it.Current); Assert.IsFalse(it.MoveNext()); query = parser.Parse("Summary:Festina OR Brand:seiko"); hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); hibQuery.SetMaxResults(2); result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count, "Query with explicit class filter and limit"); query = parser.Parse("Summary:Festina"); hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query); result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count, "Query with no class filter"); foreach (Object element in result) { Assert.IsTrue(NHibernateUtil.IsInitialized(element)); s.Delete(element); } s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void Iterator() { IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession()); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); Clock clock = new Clock(1, "Seiko"); s.Save(clock); clock = new Clock(2, "Festina"); s.Save(clock); Book book = new Book(1, "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina", "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina, blahblah"); s.Save(book); book = new Book(2, "La gloire de mon père", "Les deboires de mon père en vélo"); s.Save(book); tx.Commit(); //post Commit events for lucene s.Clear(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Environment.LuceneVersion, "title", new StopAnalyzer(Environment.LuceneVersion)); Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = parser.Parse("Summary:noword"); IQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); IEnumerator result = hibQuery.Enumerable().GetEnumerator(); Assert.IsFalse(result.MoveNext()); query = parser.Parse("Summary:Festina Or Brand:Seiko"); hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); result = hibQuery.Enumerable().GetEnumerator(); int index = 0; while (result.MoveNext()) { index++; s.Delete(result.Current); } Assert.AreEqual(2, index); tx.Commit(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); query = parser.Parse("Summary:Festina Or Brand:Seiko"); hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); result = hibQuery.Enumerable().GetEnumerator(); Assert.IsFalse(result.MoveNext()); s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void ResultTransformToDelimString() { IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(this.OpenSession()); this.PrepEmployeeIndex(s); s.Clear(); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(NHibernate.Search.Environment.LuceneVersion, "Dept", new StandardAnalyzer(NHibernate.Search.Environment.LuceneVersion)); Query query = parser.Parse("Dept:ITech"); IFullTextQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Employee)); hibQuery.SetProjection( "Id", "Lastname", "Dept", ProjectionConstants.THIS, ProjectionConstants.SCORE, ProjectionConstants.BOOST, ProjectionConstants.ID); hibQuery.SetResultTransformer(new ProjectionToDelimStringResultTransformer()); IList result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.IsTrue(((string)result[0]).StartsWith("1000, Griffin, ITech"), "incorrect transformation"); Assert.IsTrue(((string)result[1]).StartsWith("1002, Jimenez, ITech"), "incorrect transformation"); // cleanup s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="s"></param> private void DeleteTestBooks(IFullTextSession s) { ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Clear(); }
public void DoubleInsert() { Address address = new Address(); address.Address1 = "TEST1"; address.Address2 = "N/A"; address.Town = "TEST TOWN"; address.County = "TEST COUNTY"; address.Country = "UK"; address.Postcode = "XXXXXXX"; address.Active = true; address.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; address.LastUpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; Phone phone = new Phone(); phone.Number = "01273234122"; phone.Type = "HOME"; phone.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; phone.LastUpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; PersonalContact contact = new PersonalContact(); contact.Firstname = "Amin"; contact.Surname = "Mohammed-Coleman"; contact.Email = "*****@*****.**"; contact.DateOfBirth = DateTime.Now; // contact.NotifyBirthDay( false ); contact.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; contact.LastUpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; contact.Notes = "TEST"; contact.AddAddressToContact(address); contact.AddPhoneToContact(phone); IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession()); var tx = s.BeginTransaction(); s.Save(contact); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession()); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); Term term = new Term("county", "county"); TermQuery termQuery = new TermQuery(term); IList results = s.CreateFullTextQuery(termQuery).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Count); s.Flush(); s.Clear(); s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void FirstMax() { ISession sess = OpenSession(); Assert.AreEqual(0, sess.CreateCriteria(typeof(Clock)).List().Count); IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(sess); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); Clock clock = new Clock(1, "Seiko"); s.Save(clock); clock = new Clock(2, "Festina"); s.Save(clock); Book book = new Book(1, "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina", "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina, blahblah"); s.Save(book); book = new Book(2, "La gloire de mon père", "Les deboires de mon père en vélo"); s.Save(book); tx.Commit(); s.Clear(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Environment.LuceneVersion, "title", new StopAnalyzer(Environment.LuceneVersion)); Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = parser.Parse("Summary:Festina Or Brand:Seiko"); IQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); hibQuery.SetFirstResult(1); IList result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count, "first result no max result"); hibQuery.SetFirstResult(0); hibQuery.SetMaxResults(1); result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count, "max result set"); hibQuery.SetFirstResult(0); hibQuery.SetMaxResults(3); result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count, "max result out of limit"); hibQuery.SetFirstResult(2); hibQuery.SetMaxResults(3); result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count, "first result out of limit"); s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void PurgeAll() { IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession()); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); Clock clock = new Clock(1, "Seiko"); s.Save(clock); clock = new Clock(2, "Festina"); s.Save(clock); clock = new Clock(3, "Longine"); s.Save(clock); clock = new Clock(4, "Rolex"); s.Save(clock); Book book = new Book(1, "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina", "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina, blahblah"); s.Save(book); book = new Book(2, "La gloire de mon père", "Les deboires de mon père en vélo"); s.Save(book); tx.Commit(); s.Clear(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Environment.LuceneVersion, "Brand", new StopAnalyzer(Environment.LuceneVersion)); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); s.PurgeAll(typeof(Clock)); tx.Commit(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = parser.Parse("Brand:Festina or Brand:Seiko or Brand:Longine or Brand:Rolex"); IQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); IList results = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(0, results.Count, "class not completely purged"); query = parser.Parse("Summary:Festina or Summary:gloire"); hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); results = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(2, results.Count, "incorrect class purged"); s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void ProxyObjectInheritance() { // This will test subclassed proxy objects and make sure that they are index correctly. IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession()); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); // Create an object in db Mammal temp = new Mammal(); temp.NumberOfLegs = (4); temp.Name = ("Some Mammal Name Here"); s.Save(temp); tx.Commit(); //post commit events for lucene // Clear object from cache by clearing session s.Clear(); // This should return a proxied object Mammal mammal = s.Load <Mammal>(temp.Id); // Index the proxied object s.Index(mammal); // Build an index reader var reader = s.SearchFactory.ReaderProvider.OpenReader(s.SearchFactory.GetDirectoryProviders(typeof(Mammal))); // Get the last document indexed var Document = reader.Document(reader.MaxDoc() - 1); // get the class name field from the document string classTypeThatWasIndex = Document.Get(NHibernate.Search.Engine.DocumentBuilder.CLASS_FIELDNAME); // get the expected lucene type name (this should be equivilent to // the static method of NHibernate.Search.Util.TypeHelper.LuceneTypeName string expectedLuceneTypeName = typeof(Mammal).FullName + ", " + typeof(Mammal).Assembly.GetName().Name; Assert.AreEqual(expectedLuceneTypeName, classTypeThatWasIndex); // Tidyup tx = s.BeginTransaction(); s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void LuceneObjectsProjectionWithIterate() { IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(this.OpenSession()); this.PrepEmployeeIndex(s); s.Clear(); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(NHibernate.Search.Environment.LuceneVersion, "Dept", new StandardAnalyzer(NHibernate.Search.Environment.LuceneVersion)); Query query = parser.Parse("Dept:ITech"); IFullTextQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Employee)); hibQuery.SetProjection( "Id", "Lastname", "Dept", ProjectionConstants.THIS, ProjectionConstants.SCORE, ProjectionConstants.BOOST, ProjectionConstants.DOCUMENT, ProjectionConstants.ID); int counter = 0; foreach (object[] projection in hibQuery.Enumerable()) { Assert.IsNotNull(projection); counter++; Assert.AreEqual("ITech", projection[2], "dept incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual(projection[3], s.Get <Employee>(projection[0]), "THIS incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual(1.0F, projection[4], "SCORE incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual(1.0F, projection[5], "BOOST incorrect"); Assert.IsTrue(projection[6] is Document, "DOCUMENT incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual(4, ((Document)projection[6]).GetFields().Count, "DOCUMENT size incorrect"); } Assert.AreEqual(4, counter, "incorrect number of results returned"); // cleanup s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void Inheritance() { IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession()); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); Animal a = new Animal(); a.Name = ("Shark Jr"); s.Save(a); Mammal m = new Mammal(); m.NumberOfLegs = (4); m.Name = ("Elephant Jr"); s.Save(m); tx.Commit(); //post commit events for lucene s.Clear(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Environment.LuceneVersion, "Name", new StopAnalyzer(Environment.LuceneVersion)); Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = parser.Parse("Elephant"); IQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Mammal)); IList result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.IsNotEmpty(result); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count, "Query subclass by superclass attribute"); query = parser.Parse("NumberOfLegs:[4 TO 4]"); hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Animal), typeof(Mammal)); result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.IsNotEmpty(result); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count, "Query subclass by subclass attribute"); query = parser.Parse("Jr"); hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Animal)); result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.IsNotEmpty(result); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count, "Query filtering on superclass return mapped subclasses"); foreach (Object managedEntity in result) { s.Delete(managedEntity); } tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void TestScopedAnalyzers() { MyEntity en = new MyEntity(); en.Entity = "Entity"; en.Field = "Field"; en.Property = "Property"; en.Component = new MyComponent(); en.Component.ComponentProperty = "component property"; IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession()); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); s.Save(en); s.Flush(); tx.Commit(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("id", new StandardAnalyzer()); Lucene.Net.Search.Query luceneQuery = parser.Parse("entity:alarm"); IFullTextQuery query = s.CreateFullTextQuery(luceneQuery, typeof(MyEntity)); Assert.AreEqual(1, query.ResultSize, "Entity query"); luceneQuery = parser.Parse("property:cat"); query = s.CreateFullTextQuery(luceneQuery, typeof(MyEntity)); Assert.AreEqual(1, query.ResultSize, "Property query"); luceneQuery = parser.Parse("field:energy"); query = s.CreateFullTextQuery(luceneQuery, typeof(MyEntity)); Assert.AreEqual(1, query.ResultSize, "Field query"); luceneQuery = parser.Parse("component.componentProperty:noise"); query = s.CreateFullTextQuery(luceneQuery); Assert.AreEqual(1, query.ResultSize, "Component query"); s.Delete(query.UniqueResult()); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void UsingCriteriaApi() { IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession()); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); Clock clock = new Clock(1, "Seiko"); s.Save(clock); tx.Commit(); IList list = s.CreateFullTextQuery <Clock>("Brand:seiko") .SetCriteriaQuery(s.CreateCriteria(typeof(Clock)).Add(Restrictions.IdEq(1))) .List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count, "should get result back from query"); s.Delete(clock); s.Flush(); s.Close(); }
public void Purge() { IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession()); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); Clock clock = new Clock(1, "Seiko"); s.Save(clock); clock = new Clock(2, "Festina"); s.Save(clock); Book book = new Book(1, "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina", "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina, blahblah"); s.Save(book); book = new Book(2, "La gloire de mon père", "Les deboires de mon père en vélo"); s.Save(book); tx.Commit(); s.Clear(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("Brand", new StopAnalyzer()); Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = parser.Parse("Brand:Seiko"); IQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); IList results = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Count, "incorrect test record"); Assert.AreEqual(1, ((Clock)results[0]).Id, "incorrect test record"); s.Purge(typeof(Clock), ((Clock)results[0]).Id); tx.Commit(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); query = parser.Parse("Brand:Festina or Brand:Seiko"); hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book)); results = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Count, "incorrect test record count"); Assert.AreEqual(2, ((Clock)results[0]).Id, "incorrect test record"); s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void ResultTransformMap() { IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(this.OpenSession()); this.PrepEmployeeIndex(s); s.Clear(); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(NHibernate.Search.Environment.LuceneVersion, "Dept", new StandardAnalyzer(NHibernate.Search.Environment.LuceneVersion)); Query query = parser.Parse("Dept:ITech"); IFullTextQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Employee)); hibQuery.SetProjection( "Id", "Lastname", "Dept", ProjectionConstants.THIS, ProjectionConstants.SCORE, ProjectionConstants.BOOST, ProjectionConstants.DOCUMENT, ProjectionConstants.ID); hibQuery.SetResultTransformer(new ProjectionToMapResultTransformer()); IList transforms = hibQuery.List(); Dictionary <string, object> map = (Dictionary <string, object>)transforms[1]; Assert.AreEqual("ITech", map["Dept"], "incorrect transformation"); Assert.AreEqual(1002, map["Id"], "incorrect transformation"); Assert.IsTrue(map[ProjectionConstants.DOCUMENT] is Document, "incorrect transformation"); Assert.AreEqual( "1002", ((Document)map[ProjectionConstants.DOCUMENT]).GetField("Id").StringValue, "incorrect transformation"); // cleanup s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void Criteria() { IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession()); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); Book book = new Book(1, "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina", "La chute de la petite reine a travers les yeux de Festina, blahblah"); s.Save(book); Author emmanuel = new Author(); emmanuel.Name = "Emmanuel"; s.Save(emmanuel); book.Authors.Add(emmanuel); tx.Commit(); s.Clear(); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Environment.LuceneVersion, "Title", new StopAnalyzer(Environment.LuceneVersion)); Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = parser.Parse("Summary:Festina"); IFullTextQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Book)); IList result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count, "Query with no explicit criteria"); book = (Book)result[0]; //Assert.IsFalse(NHibernate.IsInitialized(book.Authors), "Association should not be initialized"); result = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query).SetCriteriaQuery(s.CreateCriteria(typeof(Book)).SetFetchMode("Authors", FetchMode.Join)).List(); Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count, "Query with no explicit criteria"); book = (Book)result[0]; //Assert.IsTrue(NHibernate.IsInitialized(book.Authors), "Association should be initialized"); Assert.AreEqual(1, book.Authors.Count); // cleanup s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void ObjectNotFound() { ISession sess = OpenSession(); ITransaction tx = sess.BeginTransaction(); Author author = new Author(); author.Name = "Moo Cow"; sess.Persist(author); tx.Commit(); sess.Clear(); IDbCommand statement = sess.Connection.CreateCommand(); statement.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Author"; statement.ExecuteNonQuery(); IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(sess); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(LuceneVersion.LUCENE_48, "title", new KeywordAnalyzer()); Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = parser.Parse("name:moo"); IFullTextQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Author), typeof(Music)); IList result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count, "Should have returned no author"); foreach (object o in result) { s.Delete(o); } tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void LuceneObjectsProjectionWithList() { IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(this.OpenSession()); this.PrepEmployeeIndex(s); s.Clear(); ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(NHibernate.Search.Environment.LuceneVersion, "Dept", new StandardAnalyzer(NHibernate.Search.Environment.LuceneVersion)); Query query = parser.Parse("Dept:Accounting"); IFullTextQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Employee)); hibQuery.SetProjection( "Id", "Lastname", "Dept", ProjectionConstants.THIS, ProjectionConstants.SCORE, ProjectionConstants.BOOST, ProjectionConstants.DOCUMENT, ProjectionConstants.ID, ProjectionConstants.DOCUMENT_ID); IList result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.IsNotNull(result); object[] projection = (Object[])result[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(projection); Assert.AreEqual(1001, projection[0], "id incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual("Jackson", projection[1], "last name incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual("Accounting", projection[2], "dept incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual("Jackson", ((Employee)projection[3]).Lastname, "THIS incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual(projection[3], s.Get <Employee>(projection[0]), "THIS incorrect"); //Assert.AreEqual(1.0F, projection[4], "SCORE incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual(1.0F, projection[5], "BOOST incorrect"); Assert.IsTrue(projection[6] is Document, "DOCUMENT incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual(4, ((Document)projection[6]).GetFields().Count, "DOCUMENT size incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual(1001, projection[7], "ID incorrect"); Assert.IsNotNull(projection[8], "Lucene internal doc id"); // Change the projection order and null one hibQuery.SetProjection( ProjectionConstants.DOCUMENT, ProjectionConstants.THIS, ProjectionConstants.SCORE, null, ProjectionConstants.ID, "Id", "Lastname", "Dept", ProjectionConstants.DOCUMENT_ID); result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.IsNotNull(result); projection = (object[])result[0]; Assert.IsNotNull(projection); Assert.IsTrue(projection[0] is Document, "DOCUMENT incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual(4, ((Document)projection[0]).GetFields().Count, "DOCUMENT size incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual(projection[1], s.Get <Employee>(projection[4]), "THIS incorrect"); //Assert.AreEqual(1.0F, projection[2], "SCORE incorrect"); Assert.IsNull(projection[3], "BOOST not removed"); Assert.AreEqual(1001, projection[4], "ID incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual(1001, projection[5], "id incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual("Jackson", projection[6], "last name incorrect"); Assert.AreEqual("Accounting", projection[7], "dept incorrect"); Assert.IsNotNull(projection[8], "Lucene internal doc id"); // cleanup s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }
public void EagerCollectionLoad() { ISession sess = this.OpenSession(); ITransaction tx = sess.BeginTransaction(); Music music = new Music(); music.Title = "Moo Goes The Cow"; Author author = new Author(); author.Name = "Moo Cow"; music.Authors.Add(author); sess.Persist(author); author = new Author(); author.Name = "Another Moo Cow"; music.Authors.Add(author); sess.Persist(author); author = new Author(); author.Name = "A Third Moo Cow"; music.Authors.Add(author); sess.Persist(author); author = new Author(); author.Name = "Random Moo Cow"; music.Authors.Add(author); sess.Persist(author); sess.Save(music); Music music2 = new Music(); music2.Title = "The Cow Goes Moo"; author = new Author(); author.Name = "Moo Cow The First"; music2.Authors.Add(author); sess.Persist(author); author = new Author(); author.Name = "Moo Cow The Second"; music2.Authors.Add(author); sess.Persist(author); author = new Author(); author.Name = "Moo Cow The Third"; music2.Authors.Add(author); sess.Persist(author); author = new Author(); author.Name = "Moo Cow The Fourth"; music2.Authors.Add(author); sess.Persist(author); sess.Save(music2); tx.Commit(); sess.Clear(); IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(sess); tx = s.BeginTransaction(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Environment.LuceneVersion, "title", new KeywordAnalyzer()); Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = parser.Parse("title:moo"); IFullTextQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Music)); IList result = hibQuery.List(); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count, "Should have returned 2 Music"); music = (Music)result[0]; Assert.AreEqual(4, music.Authors.Count, "Music 1 should have 4 authors"); music = (Music)result[1]; Assert.AreEqual(4, music.Authors.Count, "Music 2 should have 4 authors"); // cleanup s.Delete("from System.Object"); tx.Commit(); s.Close(); }