コード例 #1
        private TMetadata ReadMetricMetadata(BinaryReader reader, IFrontEndMetricBuilder <TMetadata> metricBuilder, int maxMetricStringsLength, int maxMetricNamespaceStringsLength)
            var metricNamespace = this.ReadStringByIndex(reader);

            if (metricNamespace.Length > maxMetricNamespaceStringsLength)
                throw new MetricSerializationException(
                          $"Namespace string in the packet exceeds preconfigured length. Packet is corrupted. MaxLength:{maxMetricNamespaceStringsLength}, Value:{metricNamespace}.", null, true);

            var metricName = this.ReadStringByIndex(reader);

            if (metricName.Length > maxMetricStringsLength)
                throw new MetricSerializationException(
                          $"Metric name string in the packet exceeds preconfigured length. Packet is corrupted. MaxLength:{maxMetricStringsLength}, Value:{metricName}.", null, true);

            var count = SerializationUtils.ReadUInt32FromBase128(reader);

            for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                var dimensionName = this.ReadStringByIndex(reader);
                if (dimensionName.Length > maxMetricStringsLength)
                    throw new MetricSerializationException(
                              $"Dimension name string in the packet exceeds preconfigured length. Packet is corrupted. MaxLength:{maxMetricStringsLength}, Value:{dimensionName}.", null, true);


            var result = metricBuilder.CreateMetadata(metricNamespace, metricName, this.reusableStringsList);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes counter (metric) data from the stream and adds all objects to provided collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream from which data should be deserialized. Stream should be readable and provide randon access.</param>
        /// <param name="metricBuilder">An object responsible for creation and further consumption of deserialized data.</param>
        /// <param name="maxMetricStringsLength">Maximum length of strings, which represent metric name, dimension names and values.</param>
        /// <param name="maxMetricNamespaceStringsLength">Maximum length of metric namespace string.</param>
        /// <param name="maxMetricDimensionValueStringsLength">Maximum length of metric dimension value string.</param>
        public void Deserialize(
            Stream stream,
            IFrontEndMetricBuilder <TMetadata> metricBuilder,
            int maxMetricStringsLength,
            int maxMetricNamespaceStringsLength,
            int maxMetricDimensionValueStringsLength)
            if (!stream.CanRead || !stream.CanSeek)
                throw new ArgumentException(@"Stream should be readable and provide random access.", nameof(stream));

                using (var reader = new BinaryReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8, true))
                    var startStreamPosition = stream.Position;

                    // Read version and type serializers info
                    var version = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    if (version < MinVersion || version > MaxVersion)
                        throw new VersionNotSupportedMetricSerializationException(
                                      "Version is not supported. ReadVersion:{0}, MinVersion:{1}, MaxVersion:{2}.",

                    if (version >= 5)
                        // Read CRC. CRC check is done in upper layers.

                    if (reader.ReadUInt32() != TypeSerializerFlags)
                        throw new VersionNotSupportedMetricSerializationException("Type serializers not supported.");


                    // Read strings
                    var deserializerDataPosition = stream.Position;
                    stream.Position += sizeof(long);
                    stream.Position  = startStreamPosition + reader.ReadInt64();
                    var count = SerializationUtils.ReadUInt32FromBase128(reader);
                    for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i)

                    var endOfPacketStreamPosition = stream.Position;

                    // Read metrics metadata
                    stream.Position = deserializerDataPosition;
                    stream.Position = startStreamPosition + reader.ReadInt64();
                    count           = SerializationUtils.ReadUInt32FromBase128(reader);
                    for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                        this.metadataDictionary.Add(this.ReadMetricMetadata(reader, metricBuilder, maxMetricStringsLength, maxMetricNamespaceStringsLength));

                    // Read metrics data
                    stream.Position = deserializerDataPosition + (2 * sizeof(long));
                    this.ReadMetricsData(reader, metricBuilder, version, maxMetricDimensionValueStringsLength);

                    // Bring back the stream to total read data position
                    stream.Position = endOfPacketStreamPosition;
            catch (IOException ioException)
                throw new MetricSerializationException("Failed to deserialize data. Problem with input stream.", ioException);
            catch (Exception exception)
                var  serializationException = exception as MetricSerializationException;
                bool isInvalidData          = false;
                if (serializationException != null)
                    isInvalidData = serializationException.IsInvalidData;

                throw new MetricSerializationException("Failed to deserialize data. Likely the incoming stream contains corrupted data.", exception, isInvalidData);
コード例 #3
        private void ReadMetricsData(
            BinaryReader reader,
            IFrontEndMetricBuilder <TMetadata> metricBuilder,
            ushort version,
            int maxMetricDimensionValueStringsLength)
            long packetTime = 0;

            if (version >= 5)
                packetTime = (long)SerializationUtils.ReadUInt64FromBase128(reader);

            Stream readerStream = reader.BaseStream;

            var metricsCount = reader.ReadUInt32();

            for (var i = 0; i < metricsCount; ++i)
                DateTime timeUtc;
                var      count = 0U;
                var      sum   = default(MetricValueV2);
                var      min   = default(MetricValueV2);
                var      max   = default(MetricValueV2);
                double   sumOfSquareDiffFromMean = 0;

                var metadata = this.ReadMetricMetadataByIndex(reader);

                if (version >= 5)
                    var timeInTicks = (packetTime - SerializationUtils.ReadInt64FromBase128(reader)) * SerializationUtils.OneMinuteInterval;
                    timeUtc = new DateTime(timeInTicks, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                    timeUtc = new DateTime((long)SerializationUtils.ReadUInt64FromBase128(reader), DateTimeKind.Utc);

                for (var j = 0; j < metadata.DimensionsCount; ++j)
                    var dimensionValue = this.ReadStringByIndex(reader);
                    if (dimensionValue.Length > maxMetricDimensionValueStringsLength)
                        throw new MetricSerializationException($"Dimension value string in the packet exceeds preconfigured length. Packet is corrupted. MaxLength:{maxMetricDimensionValueStringsLength}, Value:{dimensionValue}.", null, true);


                var samplingTypes        = (SamplingTypes)SerializationUtils.ReadUInt32FromBase128(reader);
                var isDouble             = (samplingTypes & SamplingTypes.DoubleValueType) != 0;
                var isDoubleStoredAslong = (samplingTypes & SamplingTypes.DoubleValueStoredAsLongType) != 0;

                if ((samplingTypes & SamplingTypes.Min) != 0)
                    min = this.ReadMetricValue(reader, isDouble, isDoubleStoredAslong);

                if ((samplingTypes & SamplingTypes.Max) != 0)
                    max = this.ReadMetricValue(reader, isDouble, isDoubleStoredAslong);

                if ((samplingTypes & SamplingTypes.Sum) != 0)
                    sum = this.ReadMetricValue(reader, isDouble, isDoubleStoredAslong);

                if ((samplingTypes & SamplingTypes.Count) != 0)
                    count = SerializationUtils.ReadUInt32FromBase128(reader);

                if ((samplingTypes & SamplingTypes.SumOfSquareDiffFromMean) != 0)
                    sumOfSquareDiffFromMean = reader.ReadDouble();

                bool haveHistogram = (samplingTypes & SamplingTypes.Histogram) != 0;
                metricBuilder.BeginMetricCreation(metadata, this.reusableStringsList, timeUtc, samplingTypes, count, sum, min, max, sumOfSquareDiffFromMean);

                if (haveHistogram)
                    IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <ulong, uint> > histogramBuckets =
                        SerializationUtils.ReadHistogram(reader, hasHistogramSizePrefix: version > 3);


                if ((samplingTypes & SamplingTypes.HyperLogLogSketch) != 0)
                    var sizeOfHyperLogLogSketches = reader.ReadInt32();
                    metricBuilder.AssignHyperLogLogSketch(reader, sizeOfHyperLogLogSketches);

                if (version >= 6)
                    bool haveTDigest = (samplingTypes & SamplingTypes.TDigest) != 0;
                    bool readTDigest = false;

                    // starting from version 6, there is a list of TLV-type
                    // (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type-length-value) tuples in the rest of the serialized metric.

                    // deserialize all of them ignoring the unknown ones.
                    // list TLV values is expected to contain a single end-of-list marker in the end with T = 0x00
                    uint type;
                    while ((type = SerializationUtils.ReadUInt32FromBase128(reader)) != 0x00)
                        int  length  = (int)SerializationUtils.ReadUInt32FromBase128(reader);
                        long nextPos = readerStream.Position + length;

                        switch (type)
                        case TDigestPrefixValue:     // 0x74 == 't' (tDigest)
                            if (haveTDigest)
                                if (!readTDigest)
                                    metricBuilder.AssignTDigest(reader, length);
                                    readTDigest = true;
                                    // if we already saw tDigest value and see it
                                    // second time it is a sign of a protocol error.
                                    throw new MetricSerializationException("Saw 2 TDigest values for the same metric", null, isInvalidData: true);
                                // if TLV list contains tDigest but the sampling types does not
                                // it is a protocol error
                                throw new MetricSerializationException("Sampling types do not contain tDigest, but TLV list contains it", null, isInvalidData: true);


                            // ignore unknown types

                        // always set the position to point to the next entry.
                        // do not trust the deserializer code to leave the position set correctly
                        // this helps prevent compatibility problems and makes the deserializer
                        // more stable
                        readerStream.Position = nextPos;

                    if (haveTDigest && !readTDigest)
                        // if sampling types contain TDigest but we have not seen it in TLV this is
                        // a sign of protocol error
                        throw new MetricSerializationException("Sampling types contain tDigest, but TLV list does not contain it", null, isInvalidData: true);
