public async Task <string> AddVideoObject(string accessToken, string videoUrl, string imageUrl, string title) { var appId = configuration["Authentication:Facebook:AppId"]; var opengraphobject = $"{{\"og:url\":\"{videoUrl}\",\"og:title\":\"{title}\",\"og:image\":\"{imageUrl}\"}}"; // $"{{\"fb:app_id\":\"{appId}\",\"og:type\":\"video.other\",\"og:url\":\"{videoUrl}\",\"og:title\":\"{title}\",\"og:image\":\"{imageUrl}\"}}"; var response = await facebookClient.PostAsync <dynamic>(accessToken, $"app/objects/video.other", new { @object = opengraphobject }); return(; }
public async Task <object> StartLiveStreamAsync(string accessToken, string userId, object dto = null) { if (dto == null) { dto = new { Status = "LIVE_NOW", Title = "Live Today", Description = "This is the live video for today." }; } var result = await _facebookClient.PostAsync(accessToken, $"{userId}/live_videos", dto); result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); return(await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); }
public async Task PostOnWallAsync(string accessToken, string pageid = "me", string message = "", string link = "", List <attached_media> attached_media = null, string PostedVideo = "") { if (PostedVideo != "") { var postVideo = UploadVideoOnWallAsync(accessToken, pageid, PostedVideo, message); try { Task.WaitAll(postVideo); } catch { } //Task[] array = new Task[] { postVideo }; } else { await _facebookClient.PostAsync(accessToken, pageid = "/feed", new { message, link, attached_media }); } }
public async Task <string> PostImageToInstagram(Page page, string imageUrl, string caption) { var igAccount = page.InstagramAccounts.FirstOrDefault(); if (igAccount == null) { throw new Exception("Instagram account is missing. "); } var objectToPost = new object(); var argsString = $"image_url={imageUrl}&caption={caption}"; var response = await _facebookClient.PostAsync(page.AccessToken, $"{igAccount.Id}/media", objectToPost, argsString); if (response == null || !response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw new Exception("Unable to post an image. "); } // TODO: FB Api doesn't work throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public async Task PostOnWallAsync(string accessToken, string message) => await _facebookClient.PostAsync(accessToken, "me/feed", new { message });
public async Task PostAccountAsync(Account account) => await _facebookClient.PostAsync(account);