コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves order for export and calls the IExportOrderService for each one
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A status message to be stored in the database log and visible from admin mode</returns>
        public override string Execute()
            PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal = PrincipalInfo.CreatePrincipal("admin");
            //Call OnStatusChanged to periodically notify progress of job for manually started jobs
            OnStatusChanged("Starting looking for orders to export.");

            Stopwatch tmr = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            List <ExportOrderInformation> results = new List <ExportOrderInformation>();
            List <PurchaseOrder>          orders  = GetOrdersToExport();


            _log.Debug("Found {0} orders to export in {1}ms", orders.Count, tmr.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            if (_stopSignaled)
                return("Job was stopped");

            IExportOrderService service = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IExportOrderService>();

            foreach (PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder in orders)
                if (_stopSignaled)
                    return("Job was stopped");
                OnStatusChanged(string.Format("Exporting order: {0}", purchaseOrder.TrackingNumber));

                results.Add(ExportOrder(purchaseOrder, service));

            return(string.Format("Exported {0} orders", results.Count));
コード例 #2
        private ExportOrderInformation ExportOrder(PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder, IExportOrderService service)
            // Export to back-end system, and retrieves an external id that is stored on the order
            string externalOrderNumber = service.ExportOrder(purchaseOrder);

            _log.Debug("Exported {0} to external system, got {1} back", purchaseOrder.TrackingNumber, externalOrderNumber);

            // TODO: This design could be better
            // It might take days to get a status update from a backend system. We
            // cannot export the same order many times, that would be a problem.
            // Instead, we should add a flag to indicate the order has been exported,
            // save it on order and reserve the BackendOrderNumber field to the
            // actual order id in the back-end. This will allow us to track that
            // an order has been exported, but not completed yet.
            // We could also use a custom Order Status for this

            ExportOrderInformation result = new ExportOrderInformation
                ExternalOrderId     = externalOrderNumber,
                PurchaseOrderNumber = purchaseOrder.TrackingNumber

コード例 #3
        private ExportOrderInformation ExportOrder(PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder, IExportOrderService service)
            // Export to back-end system, and retrieves an external id that is stored on the order
            string externalOrderNumber = service.ExportOrder(purchaseOrder);
            _log.Debug("Exported {0} to external system, got {1} back", purchaseOrder.TrackingNumber, externalOrderNumber);

            // TODO: This design could be better
            // It might take days to get a status update from a backend system. We
            // cannot export the same order many times, that would be a problem.
            // Instead, we should add a flag to indicate the order has been exported,
            // save it on order and reserve the BackendOrderNumber field to the
            // actual order id in the back-end. This will allow us to track that
            // an order has been exported, but not completed yet.
            // We could also use a custom Order Status for this

            ExportOrderInformation result = new ExportOrderInformation
                ExternalOrderId = externalOrderNumber,
                PurchaseOrderNumber = purchaseOrder.TrackingNumber

            return result;