コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind data from explanation detail to view model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">id of explanation</param>
        /// <returns> ExplanationRequestViewModel </returns>
        public ExplanationRequestViewModel GetExplanationDetailViewModel(int id)
            List <ExplanationRequestViewModel> listModel = new List <ExplanationRequestViewModel>();

            // get explanation single
            var model = _explanationRequestService.GetExplanationDetail(id);

            // bind data to view model
            ExplanationRequestViewModel modelView = new ExplanationRequestViewModel
                ID               = model.ID,
                Title            = model.Title,
                Actual           = model.Actual,
                GroupName        = model.AppUserCreatedBy.Group.Name,
                FullNameDelegate = AppUserManager.Users.Where(x => x.Id.Equals(model.DelegateId)).FirstOrDefault() != null?AppUserManager.Users.Where(x => x.Id.Equals(model.DelegateId)).FirstOrDefault().FullName : null,
                User             = new AppUserViewModel
                    Id       = model.AppUserCreatedBy.Id,
                    FullName = model.AppUserCreatedBy.FullName,
                    Group    = model.FingerTimeSheet.FingerMachineUsers.AppUser.Group.Name != null ? new GroupViewModel
                        Name = model.FingerTimeSheet.FingerMachineUsers.AppUser.Group.Name
                    } : new GroupViewModel {
                Receiver = new AppUserViewModel
                    Id       = model.Receiver.Id,
                    FullName = model.Receiver.FullName
                ReasonDetail    = model.ReasonDetail,
                CreatedDate     = (DateTime)model.CreatedDate,
                CreatedBy       = model.CreatedBy,
                FullName        = model.AppUserCreatedBy.FullName,
                ExplanationDate = model.FingerTimeSheet.DayOfCheck,
                StatusRequest   = new StatusRequestViewModel
                    ID   = model.StatusRequest.ID,
                    Name = model.StatusRequest.Name
                Approver = model.UpdatedBy != null ? new AppUserViewModel
                    Id       = model.AppUserUpdatedBy.Id,
                    FullName = model.AppUserUpdatedBy.FullName
                } : new AppUserViewModel {
                AbnormalReason = _explanationRequestService.GetAbnormalById(model.TimeSheetId).Select(m => new AbnormalCaseReasonViewModel
                    ReasonId   = m.AbnormalReason.ID,
                    ReasonName = m.AbnormalReason.Name

            // convert reason name in list to string
コード例 #2
        public void ExplanationDetailTest1()
            var explanation = explanationService.GetExplanationDetail(1);
