private static string CreateUpdateQueryFromRow(IExcelDataReader reader, List <string> ListOfHeaders) { string startOfQuery = SQL_UPDATE_BEFORE + reader.Name + SQL_UPDATE_MIDDLE; string columnsToUpdate = ""; string endOfQuery = ""; for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { string currentHeader = ListOfHeaders.ElementAt(i); if (currentHeader.Equals(ID_IDENTIFIER)) { endOfQuery = SQL_UPDATE_END + reader.GetDouble(i) + ";"; } if (LIST_OF_DIRECTION_COLUMNS.Contains(currentHeader)) { int cellValue = (int)reader.GetDouble(i); if (cellValue != -1) { string columnNameInDatabase = currentHeader.Split(' ')[0]; columnsToUpdate += columnNameInDatabase + " = " + cellValue + ", "; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnsToUpdate)) { columnsToUpdate = columnsToUpdate.Substring(0, columnsToUpdate.Length - 2); var completeUpdateQuery = startOfQuery + columnsToUpdate + endOfQuery + "\n"; return(completeUpdateQuery); } return(""); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DataSet ds; bool control = false; using (OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog() { Filter = "Excel Dosyası |*.xlsx| Excel Dosyası|*.xls", Title = "Excel Dosyası Seçiniz..", ValidateNames = true, RestoreDirectory = true }) { if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { int sinir = 22; for (int i = 0; i < sinir; i++) { List <double> list = new List <double>(); clustering.dataTest.Add(list); } FileStream fs = File.Open(ofd.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); IExcelDataReader okuyucu = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(fs); ds = okuyucu.AsDataSet(); while (okuyucu.Read()) { if (okuyucu.GetDouble(0) != 0) { for (int j = 0; j < sinir; j++) { clustering.dataTest.ElementAt(j).Add(okuyucu.GetDouble(j)); } } else { break; } } okuyucu.Close(); control = true; } } if (control) { label8.Text = clustering.dataTest.ElementAt(0).Count.ToString(); label9.Text = (clustering.dataTest.Count - 1).ToString(); MessageBox.Show("Test verisi yüklendi"); } } catch { clustering.dataTest.Clear(); MessageBox.Show("Excel dökümanı şu an başka bir uygulama tarafından kullanılıyor.\nLütfen Excel uygulamasını kapatınız."); } }
private void getAllSections(bool boo, IExcelDataReader reader) { if (boo) { Section newSection = new Section(); string class_description = reader.GetString(5); Class c = Class.Where(s => s.Description.Equals(class_description)).FirstOrDefault <Class>(); newSection.ClassId = c.ClassId; newSection.Type = reader.GetString(0); newSection.StatusId = 1; // 'A' newSection.Capacity = Convert.ToInt32((reader.GetDouble(22))); newSection.RemainingSeats = Convert.ToInt32((reader.GetDouble(22))) - Convert.ToInt32((reader.GetDouble(8))); string times = ""; if (reader.GetValue(12) != null) { if (reader.GetString(12).Equals("Y")) { times = times + "Mon "; } if (reader.GetString(13).Equals("Y")) { times = times + "Tue "; } if (reader.GetString(14).Equals("Y")) { times = times + "Wed "; } if (reader.GetString(15).Equals("Y")) { times = times + "Thu "; } if (reader.GetString(16).Equals("Y")) { times = times + "Fri "; } } // if (reader.GetValue(23) != null || reader.GetValue(24) != null) { times = times + reader.GetDateTime(23).Hour + ":" + reader.GetDateTime(23).Minute + "-" + reader.GetDateTime(24).Hour + ":" + reader.GetDateTime(24).Minute; } newSection.Times = times; newSection.Room = reader.GetString(20); Section.Add(newSection); SaveChanges(); } }
private Transaction FromBuy(Dictionary <string, int> header, IExcelDataReader reader) { return(new Transaction { Timestamp = DateTime.SpecifyKind(reader.GetDateTime(header["Time (UTC)"]), DateTimeKind.Utc), Debit = new Money("USD", reader.GetDouble(header["USD Amount"])), Credit = new Money("ETH", reader.GetDouble(header["ETH Amount"])), Fee = new Money("USD", reader.GetDouble(header["Trading Fee (USD)"])) }); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { const string FilePath = @"C:\mongodb\bin\TrafficStopsSample.xls"; FileStream stream = File.Open(FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); //1. Reading from a binary Excel file ('97-2003 format; *.xls) using (IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(stream)) { //... //////2. Reading from a OpenXml Excel file (2007 format; *.xlsx) ////IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream); //... //////3. DataSet - The result of each spreadsheet will be created in the result.Tables ////DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet(); //... //4. DataSet - Create column names from first row ////excelReader.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = true; ////DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet(); //this.textBox1.Text = string.Format("Rows imported: {0}", result.Tables[0].Rows.Count); int i = 0; //////5. Data Reader methods var stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); excelReader.Read(); //to get past header row while (excelReader.Read()) { var data = new CaryData { Id = i++, CAD_Call = excelReader.GetString(0), Call_Type = excelReader.GetString(1), Address = excelReader.GetString(2), Dt = new DateTime(2012, excelReader.GetInt32(5), excelReader.GetInt32(6)), Time = excelReader.GetString(4), Month = Int32.Parse(excelReader.GetString(5)), Day = Int32.Parse(excelReader.GetString(6)), Disposition = excelReader.GetString(7), Streetno = excelReader.GetString(8), Streetonly = excelReader.GetString(9), Location = new[] { excelReader.GetDouble(10), excelReader.GetDouble(11) } }; var col = database.GetCollection <CaryData>("trafficstops"); col.Save(data); } stopwatch.Stop(); this.textBox1.Text = "Done! Operation took " + stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds."; } //6. Free resources (IExcelDataReader is IDisposable) //excelReader.Close(); }
public static FxOperation MapForwardContract(this IExcelDataReader reader) { return(new FxForwardContract( reader.GetDateTime(TradeDate), Enum.Parse <CurrencyPair>(reader.GetValue(Symbol).ToString()), reader.GetDouble(Notional), reader.GetDouble(Price), Enum.Parse <Direction>(reader.GetValue(BuyOrSell).ToString()), reader.GetDateTime(WithdrawDate), reader.GetDateTime(SettlementDate))); }
public static FxOperation MapVanillaOption(this IExcelDataReader reader) { return(new FxVanillaOption( reader.GetDateTime(TradeDate), Enum.Parse <CurrencyPair>(reader.GetValue(Symbol).ToString()), reader.GetDouble(Notional), reader.GetDouble(Premium), reader.GetDouble(Spot), reader.GetDouble(Strike), Enum.Parse <OptionType>(reader.GetValue(CallOrPut).ToString()), Enum.Parse <ExecutionType>(reader.GetValue(AmericanOrEuropean).ToString()), Enum.Parse <Direction>(reader.GetValue(BuyOrSell).ToString()), reader.GetDateTime(WithdrawDate), reader.GetDateTime(SettlementDate))); }
public static float GetFloat(int i) { var type = reader.GetFieldType(i); if (type == typeof(double)) { return (float)reader.GetDouble(i); } if (type == typeof(float)) { return reader.GetFloat(i); } if (type == typeof(int)) { return reader.GetInt32(i); } if (float.TryParse(reader.GetValue(i)?.ToString(), out float value)) { return value; } throw Exception("Can't parse number from column " + (i + 1)); }
public TestClass2(IExcelDataReader reader) { Sku = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? default : reader.GetString(0); SupplierCategory = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? default : reader.GetString(1); Store = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? default : reader.GetString(2); SupplierDescription = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? default : reader.GetString(3); Price = reader.GetDouble(4); VAT = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? default : reader.GetString(5); CaseQty = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? default(double?) : reader.GetDouble(6); PackQty = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? default(double?) : reader.GetDouble(7); Unit = reader.GetDouble(8); Measure = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? default : reader.GetString(9); UomDescription = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? default : reader.GetString(10); Origin = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? default : reader.GetString(11); Brand = reader.IsDBNull(12) ? default : reader.GetString(12); LastPeriodVolume = reader.IsDBNull(13) ? default(double?) : reader.GetDouble(13); }
private int GetInt(IExcelDataReader reader, int index) { if (typeof(string) == reader.GetFieldType(index)) { string str = reader.GetString(index); bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(str, out int pin); if (!isNumeric && str != null && str != "") { throw new Exception("Excel файлын тоо агуулах ёстой баганад өөр төрлийн мэдээлэл орсон байна. Мөрийн дугаар: " + index.ToString()); } else if (str == null) { return(-1); } return(pin); } else if (typeof(double) == reader.GetFieldType(index)) { return((int)reader.GetDouble(index)); } else if (reader.GetFieldType(index) == null) { return(-1); } else { throw new Exception("Excel файлын тоо агуулах ёстой баганад өөр төрлийн мэдээлэл орсон байна. Мөрийн дугаар: " + index.ToString()); } }
private int Integerize(IExcelDataReader reader, int position) { int result = 0; var fileType = reader.GetFieldType(position); if (fileType == null) { return(0); } if (fileType.Equals(typeof(System.Int32))) { return(reader.GetInt32(position)); } if (fileType.Equals(typeof(System.Double))) { return(Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetDouble(position))); } if (fileType.Equals(typeof(System.String))) { int.TryParse(reader.GetString(position), out result); return(result); } return(0); }
public static double GetSafeDouble(this IExcelDataReader reader, int i) { double value; try { value = reader.GetDouble(i); } catch { value = 0; } if (value == double.MinValue || value == double.MaxValue) { return(0); } if (value < 0) { return(-value); } return(value); }
public Data GetNextData() { //Gets next Data vector and skips zeros if (reader.Read()) { int shift = 0; HashSet <int> zeros = new HashSet <int>() { 57, 116, 117, 118, 119, 124, 125, 126, 127 }; Data data = new Data(reader.FieldCount - skips); for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { if (zeros.Contains(i)) { shift++; continue; } data[i - shift] = reader.GetDouble(i); } return(data); } else { return(new Data()); } }
private void ReadColumn(IExcelDataReader reader, int colPosition, out object value, out Type valueType) { switch (Type.GetTypeCode(reader.GetFieldType(colPosition))) { case TypeCode.String: { valueType = typeof(string); value = reader.GetString(colPosition) as string; } break; case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.Int64: case TypeCode.Double: { valueType = typeof(double); value = reader.GetDouble(colPosition); } break; default: { valueType = typeof(object); value = null; } break; } }
public void Handle(StartBatchUpload message) { Log.Info("Received StartBatchUpload with batch id: {0}, path: {1}", message.BatchId, message.BatchSourcePath); FileInfo info = new FileInfo(message.BatchSourcePath); if (info == null) { return; } using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(info.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { //ES - ResultsCount isn't reliable on ExcelDataReader, so do a //pass through the results to get the count: int registrationCount = 0; using (IExcelDataReader reader = GetDataReader(info, stream)) { if (!IsValid(reader)) { SendErrorNotification(message); return; } while (reader.Read()) { registrationCount++; } } //index is 1-based as may be published: int registrationIndex = 1; using (IExcelDataReader reader = GetDataReader(info, stream)) { while (reader.Read()) { //specify the queue so we can use BizTalk as a replacement subscriber: Bus.Send <AddProduct>("ExcelUpload.AddProductService.1.InputQueue", m => { m.BatchId = message.BatchId; m.BatchSourcePath = message.BatchSourcePath; m.RegistrationsInBatch = registrationCount; m.RegistrationIndex = registrationIndex++; m.OriginatorDestination = Bus.SourceOfMessageBeingHandled; m.Name = (string)reader.GetString(0); m.ProductNumber = (string)reader.GetString(1); m.SafetyStockLevel = (int)reader.GetInt32(2); m.ReorderPoint = (int)reader.GetInt32(3); m.StandardCost = (decimal)reader.GetDecimal(4); m.ListPrice = (decimal)reader.GetDecimal(5); m.DaysToManufacture = (int)reader.GetInt32(6); m.SellStartDate = DateTime.FromOADate(reader.GetDouble(7)); }); } } stream.Close(); } }
public IEnumerable <ShippingLabel> Map(IExcelDataReader dataReader) { _logger.LogInformation($"Map using ShippingLabelMapper."); yield return(new ShippingLabel { Tmstmp = DateTime.Parse(dataReader.GetString(0)), Name = dataReader.GetString(1), Recipient = dataReader.GetString(2), StreetName = dataReader.GetString(3), StreetNo = dataReader.GetValue(4) == null ? string.Empty : dataReader.GetString(4), AreaCode = dataReader.GetDouble(5).ToString(), AreaName = dataReader.GetString(6), Units = dataReader.GetDouble(7).ToString(), Email = dataReader.GetString(8), Phone = dataReader.GetValue(9).ToString() }); }
public void ReadPrices() { string startupPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; IExcelDataReader excelReader = ReadExcel(@startupPath + @"\PVD.xlsx"); //excelReader.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = true; excelReader.Read(); while (excelReader.Read()) { Price price = new Price(); price.ToVolume = excelReader.GetDouble(0); price.PriceCM3 = excelReader.GetDouble(1); Prices.Add(price); } excelReader.Close(); }
public static Parcel GetParcel(IExcelDataReader reader) { string getaddress() { return(reader.GetString((int)FarEast.Address)); } string getcategory() => reader.GetString((int)FarEast.Category); string GetTrackID() => reader.GetValue((int)FarEast.TrackID).ToString(); DateTime getRegistrationTime() => reader.GetDateTime((int)FarEast.RegistrationTime); int?getDestinationIndex() => Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetValue((int)FarEast.DestinationIndex)); string getType() => reader.GetString((int)FarEast.Type); int getIndex() => (int)reader.GetDouble((int)FarEast.Index); DateTime getPlannedDate() => Convert.ToDateTime(reader.GetValue((int)FarEast.PlannedDate)); int getUnsuccessfulDeliveryCount() => (int)reader.GetDouble((int)FarEast.UnsuccessfulDeliveryCount); string getName() => reader.GetValue((int)FarEast.Name) == null ? string.Empty : reader.GetValue((int)FarEast.Name).ToString(); string getTelephoneNumber() => reader.GetValue((int)FarEast.Telephone) == null ? string.Empty : reader.GetValue((int)FarEast.Telephone).ToString(); IsPayneedResult getIsPayNeed() { return((int)reader.GetDouble((int)FarEast.IsNeedPay) == 1 ? IsPayneedResult.Need: IsPayneedResult.NotNeed); } Parcel _p = new Parcel { Address = getaddress(), Category = getcategory(), TrackID = GetTrackID(), RegistrationTime = getRegistrationTime(), DestinationIndex = getDestinationIndex(), Type = getType(), Index = getIndex(), PlannedDate = getPlannedDate(), UnsuccessfulDeliveryCount = getUnsuccessfulDeliveryCount(), Name = getName(), TelephoneNumber = getTelephoneNumber(), IsPayNeed = getIsPayNeed() }; _p.LastOperation = (reader.GetString((int)FarEast.LastOperation)); _p.LastZone = (reader.GetString((int)FarEast.LastZone)); return(_p); }
public void ReadDryTreatments() { string startupPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; IExcelDataReader excelReader = ReadExcel(startupPath + @"\toerstraaling.xlsx"); excelReader.Read(); while (excelReader.Read()) { DryTreatment DT = new DryTreatment(); DT.ToVolume = excelReader.GetDouble(0); DT.QuantityLow = excelReader.GetDouble(1); DT.QuantityMid = excelReader.GetDouble(2); DT.QuantityHigh = excelReader.GetDouble(3); DryTreatments.Add(DT); } excelReader.Close(); }
private string ParseCell(IExcelDataReader reader, int columnToParse) { //GetFieldType() returns the type of a value in the current row.Always one of the types supported by Excel: //double, int, bool, DateTime, TimeSpan, string, or null if there is no value. var fieldType = reader.GetFieldType(columnToParse); if (fieldType == null) { return(null); } string result = null; if (fieldType == typeof(double)) { var value = reader.GetDouble(columnToParse); result = value.ToString(); } else if (fieldType == typeof(int)) { var value = reader.GetInt32(columnToParse); result = value.ToString(); } else if (fieldType == typeof(bool)) { var value = reader.GetBoolean(columnToParse); result = value.ToString(); } else if (fieldType == typeof(DateTime)) { var value = reader.GetDateTime(columnToParse); result = value.ToString(); } else if (fieldType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { Console.WriteLine("TimeSpan parsing is not implemented"); //var value = reader.GetTimeS(0); //data[key] = value; } else if (fieldType == typeof(string)) { var value = reader.GetString(columnToParse); result = value; } else { Console.WriteLine($"unknown type from Excel field: {0}", fieldType); } return(result); }
public List <Threat> ParseExcelToThreatsList(string pathToFile) { var list = new List <Threat>(); FileStream stream = null; IExcelDataReader excelReader = null; try { stream = File.Open(pathToFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream); excelReader.Read(); //название таблицы excelReader.Read(); //заголовки while (excelReader.Read()) { var obj = new Threat() { Id = (int)excelReader.GetDouble(0), Name = excelReader.GetString(1), Description = excelReader.GetString(2), Source = excelReader.GetString(3), ImpactObject = excelReader.GetString(4), isBrokenConfidentiality = excelReader.GetDouble(5) == 1 ? true : false, isBrokenIntegrity = excelReader.GetDouble(6) == 1 ? true : false, isBrokenAvailobility = excelReader.GetDouble(7) == 1 ? true : false }; list.Add(obj); } excelReader.Close(); return(list); } catch (Exception ex) { excelReader.Close(); throw new Exception("Не удалось пропарсить эксель файл!"); } }
public void ReadToolTypes() { string startupPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; IExcelDataReader excelReader = ReadExcel(startupPath + @"\vaerktoejstyper.xlsx"); excelReader.Read(); while (excelReader.Read()) { ToolType TP = new ToolType(); TP.Name = excelReader.GetString(0); TP.AddFactor = excelReader.GetDouble(1); ToolTypes.Add(TP); } excelReader.Close(); }
public void ReadCoatings() { string startupPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; IExcelDataReader excelReader = ReadExcel(startupPath + @"\BelaegningsTyper.xlsx"); //excelReader.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = true; excelReader.Read(); while (excelReader.Read()) { Coating coating = new Coating(); = excelReader.GetString(0); coating.factor = excelReader.GetDouble(1); Coatings.Add(coating); } excelReader.Close(); }
public void Issue4031NullColumn() { using (IExcelDataReader excelReader = OpenReader("Test_Issue_4031_NullColumn")) { // DataSet dataSet = excelReader.AsDataSet(true); excelReader.Read(); Assert.IsNull(excelReader.GetValue(0)); Assert.AreEqual("a", excelReader.GetString(1)); Assert.AreEqual("b", excelReader.GetString(2)); Assert.IsNull(excelReader.GetValue(3)); Assert.AreEqual("d", excelReader.GetString(4)); excelReader.Read(); Assert.IsNull(excelReader.GetValue(0)); Assert.IsNull(excelReader.GetValue(1)); Assert.AreEqual("Test", excelReader.GetString(2)); Assert.IsNull(excelReader.GetValue(3)); Assert.AreEqual(1, excelReader.GetDouble(4)); } }
public void Issue_4031_NullColumn() { using (IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(Configuration.GetTestWorkbook("xTest_Issue_4031_NullColumn"))) { // DataSet dataSet = excelReader.AsDataSet(true); excelReader.Read(); Assert.IsNull(excelReader.GetValue(0)); Assert.AreEqual("a", excelReader.GetString(1)); Assert.AreEqual("b", excelReader.GetString(2)); Assert.IsNull(excelReader.GetValue(3)); Assert.AreEqual("d", excelReader.GetString(4)); excelReader.Read(); Assert.IsNull(excelReader.GetValue(0)); Assert.IsNull(excelReader.GetValue(1)); Assert.AreEqual("Test", excelReader.GetString(2)); Assert.IsNull(excelReader.GetValue(3)); Assert.AreEqual(1, excelReader.GetDouble(4)); } }
public void DataReader_Read_Test() { IExcelDataReader r = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(Helper.GetTestWorkbook("xTest_num_double_date_bool_string")); var table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("num_col", typeof(int))); table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("double_col", typeof(double))); table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("date_col", typeof(DateTime))); table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("boo_col", typeof(bool))); int fieldCount = -1; while (r.Read()) { fieldCount = r.FieldCount; table.Rows.Add(r.GetInt32(0), r.GetDouble(1), r.GetDateTime(2), r.IsDBNull(4)); } r.Close(); Assert.AreEqual(6, fieldCount); Assert.AreEqual(30, table.Rows.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, int.Parse(table.Rows[0][0].ToString())); Assert.AreEqual(1346269, int.Parse(table.Rows[29][0].ToString())); //double + Formula Assert.AreEqual(1.02, double.Parse(table.Rows[0][1].ToString())); Assert.AreEqual(4.08, double.Parse(table.Rows[2][1].ToString())); Assert.AreEqual(547608330.24, double.Parse(table.Rows[29][1].ToString())); //Date + Formula Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2009, 5, 11).ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Parse(table.Rows[0][2].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2009, 11, 30).ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Parse(table.Rows[29][2].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); }
private static string CreateInsertQueryFromRow(IExcelDataReader reader, List <string> ListOfHeaders) { var values = ""; //reads through each columns for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { string value = ""; if (ListOfHeaders.ElementAt(i).Contains(STRING_IDENTIFIER)) { value = reader.GetString(i); value = value.Replace("'", "\""); value = "'" + value + "'"; } else if (ListOfHeaders.ElementAt(i).Contains(BOOL_IDENTIFIER)) { value = reader.GetBoolean(i).ToString(); } else if (ListOfHeaders.ElementAt(i).Contains(INT_IDENTIFIER)) { value = reader.GetDouble(i).ToString(); if (value.Equals("-1") || LIST_OF_DIRECTION_COLUMNS.Contains(ListOfHeaders.ElementAt(i))) { value = "null"; } } values += value + ","; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(values)) { values = values.Substring(0, values.Length - 1); string SqlInsert = SQL_INSERT_BEFORE + reader.Name + SQL_INSERT_MIDDLE + values + SQL_INSERT_END; return(SqlInsert); } return(""); }
private void FillPropertyFromParsedField(IExcelDataReader reader, object newObject, int col, PropertyInfo targetProperty) { var fieldType = reader.GetFieldType(col); if (fieldType == typeof(string)) { ParseString(reader.GetString(col), newObject, targetProperty); } else if (fieldType == typeof(double)) { ParseDouble(reader.GetDouble(col), newObject, targetProperty); } else if (fieldType == typeof(int)) { ParseInt(reader.GetInt32(col), newObject, targetProperty); } else if (fieldType == typeof(bool)) { ParseBool(reader.GetBoolean(col), newObject, targetProperty); } // Only other possibility is that type is null. Do nothing in this case. }
public IEnumerable <Order> Map(IExcelDataReader dataReader, string delimiter) { _logger.LogInformation($"Map using OrderMapper."); var quantity = dataReader.GetValue(70) == null ? 1 : (int)dataReader.GetDouble(70); _logger.LogInformation("Order, quantity: {0}", quantity); if (quantity > 1) { var productNameColumnContent = dataReader.GetString(57); var hasDelimiters = productNameColumnContent.IndexOf(delimiter) > 0; _logger.LogInformation("Split productname: {0}", hasDelimiters); if (hasDelimiters) { var productNames = productNameColumnContent.Split(delimiter); var prices = (dataReader.GetFieldType(62) == typeof(string) ? dataReader.GetString(62) : dataReader.GetDouble(62).ToString()).Split(delimiter); for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { var result = Read(dataReader); result.ProductName = productNames[i]; result.ProductSalesPrice = prices[i]; yield return(result); } } else { yield return(Read(dataReader)); } } else { yield return(Read(dataReader)); } }
public IEnumerable <EnterpriseIndex> GetEnterpriseIndices(IExcelDataReader reader) { reader.Read(); while (reader.Read()) { var enterprise = new Enterprise { Id = reader.GetString(7), Name = reader.GetString(8) }; yield return (new EnterpriseIndex { Y = reader.GetDouble(0), X1 = reader.GetDouble(1), X2 = reader.GetDouble(2), X3 = reader.GetDouble(3), X4 = reader.GetDouble(4), X5 = reader.GetDouble(5), X6 = reader.GetDouble(6), Enterprise = _context.Enterprises.Find(enterprise.Id) ?? enterprise }); } }