コード例 #1
        private void Calc1MioMeters(List <IErg> recordErgs, IErg playerErg)
            DateTime earliestWorkout = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (var erg in recordErgs)
                if (erg.WorkoutDate != null)
                    if (erg.WorkoutDate < earliestWorkout)
                        earliestWorkout = erg.WorkoutDate;

            TimeSpan overallWorkoutTimeSpan = DateTime.Now - earliestWorkout;
            var      totalDist = recordedTotalDistance;

            if (playerErg != null)
                totalDist += playerErg.Distance;
            var progressFactor = 1000000.0 / totalDist;

            overallWorkoutTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(overallWorkoutTimeSpan.Ticks * progressFactor));
            DateTime finishDate = DateTime.Now + overallWorkoutTimeSpan;

            FinishStr = finishDate.ToString("yy-MM-dd HH:mm");
コード例 #2
        private void UpdateRanking(List <IErg> givenErgs, double baseDistance)
            List <IErg> tempSortableList = new List <IErg>();

            tempSortableList.Sort((x, y) => y.Distance.CompareTo(x.Distance));

            //NOTE: Instead of updating the actual values we're clearing and repopulating the whole list each frame.
            //      This is very performance heavy and not the best design. See LaneDisplay for the kind of workaround this causes.
            RankItem player = null;

            for (int index = 0; index < tempSortableList.Count; index++) //we need the index, so use a for-loop instead of foreach
                IErg erg = tempSortableList[index];

                var newRankItem = new RankItem()
                    Erg          = erg,
                    Position     = index + 1,
                    BaseDistance = baseDistance,
                    TotalRange   = 0.0

                if (erg.IsPlayer)
                    player = newRankItem;

            //get the player and trim the list around him
            int playerIndex = RankedErgList.IndexOf(player);

            if (playerIndex < 0)
                playerIndex = 0;
            RankedErgList = TrimListAroundIndex(RankedErgList, playerIndex, maxErgsInList, false, false);

            //get the range where we want to display the boats in
            //we do this after trimming around the index, else we'd care for boats that aren't visible anyways.
            var totalRange = Math.Abs(RankedErgList.Last().Distance - RankedErgList.First().Distance);

            if (totalRange > MaxTotalRange)
                totalRange = MaxTotalRange;
            if (totalRange < MinTotalRange)
                totalRange = MinTotalRange;
            foreach (var erg in RankedErgList)
                erg.TotalRange = totalRange;
コード例 #3
        public void PerformUpdate(IErg playerErg, List <IErg> recordedErgs)
            var concatenatedErgs = new List <IErg>();

            UpdateRanking(concatenatedErgs, playerErg.Distance);

            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => RankedErgList);
コード例 #4
        private void UpdatePosition(IErg playerErg, List <IErg> recordedErgs)
            int numOfBetterErgs = 1; //start at 1, we need to put ourself in the ranking too ;)

            foreach (IErg erg in recordedErgs)
                if (playerErg.Distance < erg.Distance)
            PositionStr = numOfBetterErgs + "/" + (recordedErgs.Count + 1);
コード例 #5
ファイル: ErgHub.cs プロジェクト: addixon/ErgCompetePM
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to initiate an send to the hub
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="performanceMonitor">The performance monitor</param>
        public async Task BroadcastWorkoutData(IErg performanceMonitor)
            if (performanceMonitor == null)
                _logger.LogWarning("When requested to send statistics to hub, the performance monitor was null. Returning without sending.");

            // Send the data
            await Clients.All.BroadcastWorkoutStatistics(performanceMonitor).ConfigureAwait(false);

コード例 #6
        internal void PerformUpdate(IErg playerErg, List <IErg> recordedErgs)
            UpdatePosition(playerErg, recordedErgs);

            double totalDistanceDouble = recordedTotalDistance + playerErg.Distance;
            double totalExTimeDouble   = recordedTotalExTime + playerErg.ExerciseTime;
            double avgPaceDouble       = 500.0 / (totalDistanceDouble / totalExTimeDouble);

            TotalDistanceStr = totalDistanceDouble.ToString("#.") + " m";
            TotalExTimeStr   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(totalExTimeDouble).ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss");
            TotalAvgPaceStr  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(avgPaceDouble).ToString(@"mm\:ss\.fff");

            Calc1MioMeters(recordedErgs, playerErg);

            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => PositionStr);
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => TotalDistanceStr);
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => TotalExTimeStr);
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => TotalAvgPaceStr);
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => FinishStr);
コード例 #7
        public ShellViewModel()
            DisplayName = "MeVersusMany";


            //init the EventAggregator
            eventAggregator = new EventAggregator();

            //get a connection to the C2 ergometer
            if (dryRun)
                c2erg          = new SqliteErg("recordings/session_21-1-19_11-52-27.Kickstarter.db"); //NOTE: use a ghost as primary erg for testing purposes
                c2erg.IsPlayer = true;
                c2erg          = new C2Erg();
                c2erg.IsPlayer = true;
            storage = new SqliteWriter(dryRun);

            //get all recorded sessions
            string[] databaseFiles = Directory.GetFiles(".", "recordings/*.db");
            foreach (var file in databaseFiles)
                var sqliteErg = new SqliteErg(file);

            //init the UI components
            playerStats  = new PlayerStatsViewModel();
            overallStats = new OverallStatsViewModel(recordedErgs);
            ranking      = new RankingViewModel(recordedErgs);

            //subscribe to the WPF Rendering event to get some sort of GameLoop
            CompositionTarget.Rendering += PerformUpdate;