//返回路径的几何体 public IPolyline PathPolyLine() { IEIDInfo ipEIDInfo; IGeometry ipGeometry; if (m_ipPolyline != null) { return(m_ipPolyline); } m_ipPolyline = new PolylineClass(); IGeometryCollection ipNewGeometryColl = m_ipPolyline as IGeometryCollection;//引用传递 ISpatialReference ipSpatialReference = m_ipMap.SpatialReference; IEIDHelper ipEIDHelper = new EIDHelperClass(); ipEIDHelper.GeometricNetwork = m_ipGeometricNetwork; ipEIDHelper.OutputSpatialReference = ipSpatialReference; ipEIDHelper.ReturnGeometries = true; IEnumEIDInfo ipEnumEIDInfo = ipEIDHelper.CreateEnumEIDInfo(m_ipEnumNetEID_Edges); int count = ipEnumEIDInfo.Count; ipEnumEIDInfo.Reset(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ipEIDInfo = ipEnumEIDInfo.Next(); ipGeometry = ipEIDInfo.Geometry; ipNewGeometryColl.AddGeometryCollection(ipGeometry as IGeometryCollection); } return(m_ipPolyline); }
private void method_6(IGeometricNetwork geometricNetwork) { INetwork network = geometricNetwork.Network; IUtilityNetwork utilityNetwork = (IUtilityNetwork)network; IEnumNetEID enumNetEID = network.CreateNetBrowser((esriElementType)2); IEIDHelper eIDHelperClass = new EIDHelper(); eIDHelperClass.GeometricNetwork = (geometricNetwork); eIDHelperClass.DisplayEnvelope = (null); eIDHelperClass.OutputSpatialReference = (null); eIDHelperClass.ReturnFeatures = (false); eIDHelperClass.ReturnGeometries = (true); eIDHelperClass.PartialComplexEdgeGeometry = (true); IEnumEIDInfo enumEIDInfo = eIDHelperClass.CreateEnumEIDInfo(enumNetEID); enumEIDInfo.Reset(); long num = (long)enumEIDInfo.Count; int num2 = 0; while ((long)num2 < num) { IEIDInfo iEIDInfo = enumEIDInfo.Next(); int eID = iEIDInfo.EID; IGeometry geometry = iEIDInfo.Geometry; esriFlowDirection esriFlowDirection = this.method_7(geometry); utilityNetwork.SetFlowDirection(eID, esriFlowDirection); num2++; } }
/// <summary> /// 最短路径分析 /// </summary> /// <param name="pMap"></param> /// <param name="pGeometricNet"></param> /// <param name="pCollection"></param> /// <param name="weightName"></param> /// <param name="pDisc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IPolyline DistanceFun(IMap pMap, IGeometricNetwork pGeometricNet, IPointCollection pCollection, string weightName, double pDisc) { //几何网络分析接口 ITraceFlowSolverGEN pTraceFlowGen = new TraceFlowSolverClass() as ITraceFlowSolverGEN; INetSolver pNetSolver = pTraceFlowGen as INetSolver; //获取网络 INetwork pNetwork = pGeometricNet.Network; //设置该网络为几何分析处理网络 pNetSolver.SourceNetwork = pNetwork; //网络元素 INetElements pNetElements = pNetwork as INetElements; //根据输入点建立旗帜数组 IJunctionFlag[] pJunctionFlags = GetJunctionFlags(pMap, pGeometricNet, pCollection, pDisc); //将旗帜数组添加到处理类中 pTraceFlowGen.PutJunctionOrigins(ref pJunctionFlags); //设置边线的权重 可以考虑使用点权重 SetWeight(weightName, pTraceFlowGen, pNetwork); //获取边线和交汇点的集合 IEnumNetEID junctionEIDs; IEnumNetEID netEIDS; object[] pRec = new object[pCollection.PointCount - 1]; pTraceFlowGen.FindPath(esriFlowMethod.esriFMConnected, esriShortestPathObjFn.esriSPObjFnMinSum, out junctionEIDs, out netEIDS, pCollection.PointCount - 1, ref pRec); //获取最短路径 IPolyline pPolyline = new PolylineClass(); IGeometryCollection pGeometryCollection = pPolyline as IGeometryCollection; ISpatialReference pSpatialReference = pMap.SpatialReference; IEIDHelper pEIDHelper = new EIDHelperClass(); pEIDHelper.GeometricNetwork = pGeometricNet; pEIDHelper.OutputSpatialReference = pSpatialReference; pEIDHelper.ReturnGeometries = true; IEnumEIDInfo pEnumEIDInfo = pEIDHelper.CreateEnumEIDInfo(netEIDS); int Count = pEnumEIDInfo.Count; pEnumEIDInfo.Reset(); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { IEIDInfo pEIDInfo = pEnumEIDInfo.Next(); IGeometry pGeometry = pEIDInfo.Geometry; pGeometryCollection.AddGeometryCollection(pGeometry as IGeometryCollection); } return(pPolyline); }
public static void DrawPolyline(IScreenDisplay pDisplay) { if (m_ipPolyline == null) { if ((m_ipEnumNetEID_Junctions != null) && (m_ipEnumNetEID_Junctions.Count == 1)) { IEIDHelper helper = new EIDHelperClass { GeometricNetwork = m_pAnalystGN, ReturnGeometries = true }; IEnumEIDInfo info = helper.CreateEnumEIDInfo(m_ipEnumNetEID_Junctions); info.Reset(); IGeometry point = info.Next().Geometry; ISimpleMarkerSymbol symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass { Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle, Size = 2.0, Color = ColorManage.Red }; pDisplay.StartDrawing(0, -1); pDisplay.SetSymbol(symbol as ISymbol); pDisplay.DrawPoint(point); pDisplay.FinishDrawing(); } } else { ISimpleLineSymbol symbol2 = new SimpleLineSymbolClass { Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid, Width = 2.0, Color = ColorManage.Red }; pDisplay.StartDrawing(0, -1); pDisplay.SetSymbol(symbol2 as ISymbol); pDisplay.DrawPolyline(m_ipPolyline); pDisplay.FinishDrawing(); } }
private void method_5(IGeometricNetwork geometricNetwork) { INetwork network = geometricNetwork.Network; IUtilityNetwork utilityNetwork = (IUtilityNetwork)network; IEnumNetEID enumNetEID = network.CreateNetBrowser((esriElementType)2); IEIDHelper eIDHelperClass = new EIDHelper(); eIDHelperClass.GeometricNetwork = (geometricNetwork); eIDHelperClass.DisplayEnvelope = (null); eIDHelperClass.OutputSpatialReference = (null); eIDHelperClass.ReturnFeatures = (true); eIDHelperClass.ReturnGeometries = (true); eIDHelperClass.PartialComplexEdgeGeometry = (true); IEnumEIDInfo enumEIDInfo = eIDHelperClass.CreateEnumEIDInfo(enumNetEID); enumEIDInfo.Reset(); long num = (long)enumEIDInfo.Count; int num2 = 0; while ((long)num2 < num) { IEIDInfo iEIDInfo = enumEIDInfo.Next(); int eID = iEIDInfo.EID; IFeature feature = iEIDInfo.Feature; int num3 = feature.Fields.FindField("流向"); if (num3 < 0) { utilityNetwork.SetFlowDirection(eID, (esriFlowDirection)1); } if (Convert.ToBoolean(feature.get_Value(num3))) { utilityNetwork.SetFlowDirection(eID, (esriFlowDirection)2); } else { utilityNetwork.SetFlowDirection(eID, (esriFlowDirection)1); } num2++; } }
private IPolyline PathToPolyLine() { IPolyline pPolyLine = new PolylineClass(); IGeometryCollection pNewGeometryCollection = pPolyLine as IGeometryCollection; if (mEnumNetEID_Edges == null) { return(null); } IEIDHelper pEIDHelper = new EIDHelperClass(); //获取几何网络 pEIDHelper.GeometricNetwork = mGeometricNetwork; //获取地图空间参考 ISpatialReference pSpatialReference = this.axMapControl1.Map.SpatialReference; pEIDHelper.OutputSpatialReference = pSpatialReference; pEIDHelper.ReturnGeometries = true; //根据边的ID获取边的信息 IEnumEIDInfo pEnumEIDInfo = pEIDHelper.CreateEnumEIDInfo(mEnumNetEID_Edges); int intCount = pEnumEIDInfo.Count; pEnumEIDInfo.Reset(); IEIDInfo pEIDInfo; IGeometry pGeometry; for (int i = 0; i < intCount; i++) { pEIDInfo = pEnumEIDInfo.Next(); //获取边的几何要素 pGeometry = pEIDInfo.Geometry; pNewGeometryCollection.AddGeometryCollection((IGeometryCollection)pGeometry); } return(pPolyLine); }
/// <summary> /// object polyline. Distance negative -> upstream /// </summary> /// <param name="geometricNetwork">object geometricNetwork</param> /// <param name="resultEdges">objects resultEdges</param> /// <param name="distance">value of distance</param> /// <param name="point">object point</param> /// <param name="offset">offset of polyline</param> /// <param name="messageInfo">info on result</param> /// <returns>object IGeometry (polyline or point)</returns> internal static IGeometry GetPolylinePosAlong(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IGeometricNetwork geometricNetwork, IEnumNetEID resultEdges, double distance, IPoint point, double?offset, ref string messageInfo) { IGeometry geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); geometryBag.SpatialReference = point.SpatialReference; IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = geometryBag as IGeometryCollection; IEIDHelper eidHelper = new EIDHelperClass(); eidHelper.GeometricNetwork = geometricNetwork; eidHelper.ReturnGeometries = true; eidHelper.ReturnFeatures = false; IEnumEIDInfo enumEIDinfo = eidHelper.CreateEnumEIDInfo(resultEdges); enumEIDinfo.Reset(); IEIDInfo eidInfo = enumEIDinfo.Next(); while (eidInfo != null) { IGeometry geometry = eidInfo.Geometry; geometryCollection.AddGeometry(geometry); eidInfo = enumEIDinfo.Next(); } ITopologicalOperator unionedPolyline = new PolylineClass(); unionedPolyline.ConstructUnion(geometryBag as IEnumGeometry); IPolyline pl = unionedPolyline as IPolyline; if (distance < 0) { pl.ReverseOrientation(); distance = Math.Abs(distance); } IMAware mAware = pl as IMAware; mAware.MAware = true; IMSegmentation3 mSegmentation = unionedPolyline as IMSegmentation3; mSegmentation.SetMsAsDistance(false); IPoint ptTmp = new PointClass(); double distanceAlong = 0; double distanceFromCurve = 0; bool rightSide = false; pl.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, point, false, ptTmp, ref distanceAlong, ref distanceFromCurve, ref rightSide); object mStartArray = mSegmentation.GetMsAtDistance(distanceAlong, false); double[] mStart = mStartArray as double[]; double distanceDownStream = distanceAlong + distance; IPolyline resultPolyline = mSegmentation.GetSubcurveBetweenMs(mStart[0], distanceDownStream) as IPolyline; if (resultPolyline.IsEmpty) { return(point); } if (mSegmentation.MMax < distanceDownStream) { messageInfo = "The set distance exceeds the length of network"; } return(Helper.ConstructOffset(resultPolyline, offset)); }
private void StartAnalysis(IFeature feature) { if (feature.FeatureType != esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { MessageService.Current.Warn("请选择管线点"); return; } if (!_pipelineConfig.IsPipelineLayer(feature.Class.AliasName, enumPipelineDataType.Point)) { MessageService.Current.Warn("请选择管线点"); return; } double snapDist = CommonUtils.ConvertPixelsToMapUnits(_context.ActiveView, _context.Config.SnapTolerance); IBasicLayerInfo lineConfig = _plugin.PipeConfig.GetBasicLayerInfo(feature.Class as IFeatureClass) as IBasicLayerInfo; if (this._startPoint == null && _startEid == 0) { //开始记录起始点 IPipelineLayer oldLayer = _pipelineConfig.GetPipelineLayer(feature.Class.AliasName, enumPipelineDataType.Point); if (oldLayer == null) { MessageService.Current.Warn("你选择的图层不是合法的管线图层!"); return; } List <IBasicLayerInfo> basicInfos = oldLayer.GetLayers(enumPipelineDataType.Junction); IFeatureClass featureClass = basicInfos.Count > 0 ? basicInfos[0].FeatureClass : null; if (featureClass == null) { MessageService.Current.Warn("管线图层没有构建网络图层!"); return; } INetworkClass networkClass = featureClass as INetworkClass; _geometricNetwork = networkClass.GeometricNetwork; IPointToEID pnToEid = new PointToEIDClass(); pnToEid.GeometricNetwork = _geometricNetwork; pnToEid.SnapTolerance = snapDist; pnToEid.SourceMap = _context.FocusMap; pnToEid.GetNearestJunction(feature.Shape as IPoint, out _startEid, out _startPoint); return; } IPipelineLayer newLayer = _pipelineConfig.GetPipelineLayer(feature.Class.AliasName, enumPipelineDataType.Point); if (newLayer == null) { MessageService.Current.Warn("你选择的图层不是合法的管线图层!"); return; } List <IBasicLayerInfo> basicInfos1 = newLayer.GetLayers(enumPipelineDataType.Junction); IFeatureClass featureClass2 = basicInfos1.Count > 0 ? basicInfos1[0].FeatureClass : null; if (featureClass2 == null) { MessageService.Current.Warn("第二个管线图层没有构建网络图层!"); return; } INetworkClass networkClass2 = featureClass2 as INetworkClass; if (networkClass2.GeometricNetwork != _geometricNetwork) { if (MessageService.Current.Ask("两个点位属于不同的网络图层,使用第二个网络图层作为分析图层吗?") == false) { return; } _geometricNetwork = networkClass2.GeometricNetwork; IPointToEID pnToEid = new PointToEIDClass(); pnToEid.GeometricNetwork = _geometricNetwork; pnToEid.SnapTolerance = snapDist; pnToEid.SourceMap = _context.FocusMap; pnToEid.GetNearestJunction(feature.Shape as IPoint, out _startEid, out _startPoint); return; } try { IPointToEID pntEid = new PointToEIDClass(); pntEid.GeometricNetwork = _geometricNetwork; pntEid.SourceMap = _context.FocusMap; pntEid.SnapTolerance = snapDist; pntEid.GetNearestJunction(feature.Shape as IPoint, out _endEid, out _endPoint); if (_endEid < 1) { MessageService.Current.Warn("未能找到第二个分析点!"); return; } if (_startEid == _endEid) { MessageService.Current.Warn("起点终点为同一个点!"); return; } INetElements netElements = _geometricNetwork.Network as INetElements; INetworkClass networkClass = feature.Class as INetworkClass; IJunctionFlag[] array = new JunctionFlag[2]; INetFlag netFlag = new JunctionFlag() as INetFlag; int userClassID; int userID; int userSubID; netElements.QueryIDs(_endEid, esriElementType.esriETJunction, out userClassID, out userID, out userSubID); netFlag.UserClassID = (userClassID); netFlag.UserID = (userID); netFlag.UserSubID = (userSubID); IJunctionFlag value = netFlag as IJunctionFlag; array.SetValue(value, 0); INetFlag netFlag2 = new JunctionFlag() as INetFlag; netElements.QueryIDs(_startEid, esriElementType.esriETJunction, out userClassID, out userID, out userSubID); netFlag2.UserClassID = (userClassID); netFlag2.UserID = (userID); netFlag2.UserSubID = (userSubID); value = (netFlag2 as IJunctionFlag); array.SetValue(value, 1); ITraceFlowSolverGEN traceFlowSolverGEN = new TraceFlowSolver() as ITraceFlowSolverGEN; INetSolver netSolver = traceFlowSolverGEN as INetSolver; netSolver.SourceNetwork = _geometricNetwork.Network; traceFlowSolverGEN.PutJunctionOrigins(ref array); object[] array2 = new object[1]; IEnumNetEID enumNetEID; IEnumNetEID enumNetEID2; traceFlowSolverGEN.FindPath((esriFlowMethod)2, (esriShortestPathObjFn)1, out enumNetEID, out enumNetEID2, 1, ref array2); if (this.ipolyline_0 == null) { this.ipolyline_0 = new Polyline() as IPolyline; } IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = this.ipolyline_0 as IGeometryCollection; geometryCollection.RemoveGeometries(0, geometryCollection.GeometryCount); if (enumNetEID2.Count <= 0) { this.ifeature_0 = null; MessageBox.Show("两点之间不存在路径可以连通!"); } else { ShowShortObjectForm showShortObjectForm = new ShowShortObjectForm(_context); showShortObjectForm.pApp = _context; ISpatialReference spatialReference = _context.FocusMap.SpatialReference; IEIDHelper eIDHelperClass = new EIDHelper(); eIDHelperClass.GeometricNetwork = (networkClass.GeometricNetwork); eIDHelperClass.OutputSpatialReference = (spatialReference); eIDHelperClass.ReturnGeometries = (true); eIDHelperClass.ReturnFeatures = (true); IEnumEIDInfo enumEIDInfo = eIDHelperClass.CreateEnumEIDInfo(enumNetEID2); int count = enumEIDInfo.Count; enumEIDInfo.Reset(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { IEIDInfo iEIDInfo = enumEIDInfo.Next(); IGeometry geometry = iEIDInfo.Geometry; if (i == 0) { showShortObjectForm.AddPipeName(this.string_0); } showShortObjectForm.AddFeature(iEIDInfo.Feature); geometryCollection.AddGeometryCollection(geometry as IGeometryCollection); } showShortObjectForm.AddShortPath(this.ipolyline_0); showShortObjectForm.AddLenght(this.ipolyline_0.Length); this.ifeature_2 = feature; EsriUtils.ZoomToGeometry(this.ipolyline_0, _context.MapControl.Map, 1.3); FlashUtility.FlashGeometry(this.ipolyline_0, _context.MapControl); this.ifeature_0 = null; _startEid = 0; _startPoint = null; _geometricNetwork = null; showShortObjectForm.Show(); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.ifeature_0 = null; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public void GetFlow(IMap pMap) { int num4; this.m_pPointcol = new MultipointClass(); this.m_eFlowDirection.Clear(); this.m_angle.Clear(); INetwork network = NetworkAnalyst.m_pAnalystGN.Network; IUtilityNetwork network2 = network as IUtilityNetwork; IEnumNetEID netEIDs = network.CreateNetBrowser(esriElementType.esriETEdge); IEnumNetEID teid2 = network.CreateNetBrowser(esriElementType.esriETJunction); netEIDs.Reset(); int count = netEIDs.Count; int num2 = teid2.Count; IEIDHelper helper = new EIDHelperClass { GeometricNetwork = NetworkAnalyst.m_pAnalystGN, OutputSpatialReference = pMap.SpatialReference, ReturnGeometries = true, ReturnFeatures = true }; IEnumEIDInfo info = helper.CreateEnumEIDInfo(teid2); int num3 = info.Count; teid2.Reset(); info.Reset(); IPointCollection points = new MultipointClass(); object before = Missing.Value; for (num4 = 0; num4 < num2; num4++) { IPoint inPoint = info.Next().Geometry as IPoint; points.AddPoint(inPoint, ref before, ref before); } info = null; info = helper.CreateEnumEIDInfo(netEIDs); num3 = info.Count; netEIDs.Reset(); info.Reset(); IList list = new ArrayList(); ILine line = new LineClass(); IList list2 = new ArrayList(); int num5 = 0; for (num4 = 0; num4 < count; num4++) { int edgeEID = netEIDs.Next(); this.m_eFlowDirection.Add(network2.GetFlowDirection(edgeEID)); IEIDInfo info2 = info.Next(); IGeometry geometry = info2.Geometry; IEdgeFeature feature = info2.Feature as IEdgeFeature; IPointCollection points2 = geometry as IPointCollection; int pointCount = points2.PointCount; IPoint other = new PointClass(); IPoint[] pointArray = new IPoint[pointCount]; IRelationalOperator @operator = points as IRelationalOperator; IPointCollection points3 = new MultipointClass(); int num8 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) { other = points2.get_Point(i); if (@operator.Contains(other)) { IPoint point3 = points2.get_Point(i); points3.AddPoint(point3, ref before, ref before); pointArray[i] = point3; } else { pointArray[i] = null; } } IPoint[] pointArray2 = new IPoint[pointCount]; num8 = points3.PointCount; int index = -1; if (num5 < (points3.PointCount - 1)) { for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; j++) { if (pointArray[j] != null) { index++; } if (index == num5) { index = j; break; } } IPoint point4 = new PointClass(); pointArray2[index] = pointArray[index]; pointArray2[index + 1] = points2.get_Point(index + 1); point4.X = (pointArray2[index].X + pointArray2[index + 1].X) / 2.0; point4.Y = (pointArray2[index].Y + pointArray2[index + 1].Y) / 2.0; this.m_pPointcol.AddPoint(point4, ref before, ref before); line.FromPoint = pointArray2[index]; line.ToPoint = pointArray2[index + 1]; this.m_angle.Add(line.Angle); num5++; if (num5 == (num8 - 1)) { num5 = 0; } } } this.ShowFlow(pMap as IActiveView); }
private void SetButton_Click(object obj, EventArgs eventArgs) { int count = this.listJunctionFlag.Count; int count2 = this.listEdgeFlag.Count; int count3 = this.listJunctionBarrier.Count; int count4 = this.listEdgeBarrier.Count; if (count < 1 && count2 < 1) { MessageBox.Show("请用户选择要分析的点或线!"); } else { IEdgeFlag[] array = new EdgeFlag[count2]; IJunctionFlag[] array2 = new JunctionFlag[count]; INetwork network = null; INetworkClass networkClass = null; if (count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { IFeature feature = this.listJunctionFlag[i]; networkClass = (feature.Class as INetworkClass); network = networkClass.GeometricNetwork.Network; INetElements netElements = network as INetElements; INetFlag netFlag = new JunctionFlag() as INetFlag; ISimpleJunctionFeature simpleJunctionFeature = feature as ISimpleJunctionFeature; int userClassID; int userID; int userSubID; netElements.QueryIDs(simpleJunctionFeature.EID, (esriElementType)1, out userClassID, out userID, out userSubID); netFlag.UserClassID = (userClassID); netFlag.UserID = (userID); netFlag.UserSubID = (userSubID); IJunctionFlag junctionFlag = netFlag as IJunctionFlag; array2[i] = junctionFlag; } } if (count2 > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < count2; j++) { IFeature feature2 = this.listEdgeFlag[j]; networkClass = (feature2.Class as INetworkClass); network = networkClass.GeometricNetwork.Network; INetElements netElements2 = network as INetElements; INetFlag netFlag2 = new EdgeFlag() as INetFlag; ISimpleEdgeFeature simpleEdgeFeature = feature2 as ISimpleEdgeFeature; int userClassID2; int userID2; int userSubID2; netElements2.QueryIDs(simpleEdgeFeature.EID, (esriElementType)2, out userClassID2, out userID2, out userSubID2); netFlag2.UserClassID = (userClassID2); netFlag2.UserID = (userID2); netFlag2.UserSubID = (userSubID2); IEdgeFlag edgeFlag = netFlag2 as IEdgeFlag; array[j] = edgeFlag; } } ITraceFlowSolverGEN traceFlowSolverGEN = new TraceFlowSolver() as ITraceFlowSolverGEN; INetSolver netSolver = traceFlowSolverGEN as INetSolver; INetElementBarriersGEN netElementBarriersGEN = new NetElementBarriers(); netElementBarriersGEN.Network = (network); netElementBarriersGEN.ElementType = (esriElementType)(1); int[] array3 = new int[count3]; int num = 0; if (count3 > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < count3; k++) { IFeature feature3 = this.listJunctionBarrier[k]; networkClass = (feature3.Class as INetworkClass); network = networkClass.GeometricNetwork.Network; INetElements netElements3 = network as INetElements; new EdgeFlag(); ISimpleJunctionFeature simpleJunctionFeature2 = feature3 as ISimpleJunctionFeature; int num2; int num3; netElements3.QueryIDs(simpleJunctionFeature2.EID, (esriElementType)1, out num, out num2, out num3); array3[k] = num2; } netElementBarriersGEN.SetBarriers(num, ref array3); netSolver.set_ElementBarriers((esriElementType)1, (INetElementBarriers)netElementBarriersGEN); } INetElementBarriersGEN netElementBarriersGEN2 = new NetElementBarriers(); netElementBarriersGEN2.Network = (network); netElementBarriersGEN2.ElementType = (esriElementType)(2); int[] array4 = new int[count4]; if (count4 > 0) { for (int l = 0; l < count4; l++) { IFeature feature4 = this.listEdgeBarrier[l]; networkClass = (feature4.Class as INetworkClass); network = networkClass.GeometricNetwork.Network; INetElements netElements4 = network as INetElements; new EdgeFlag(); ISimpleEdgeFeature simpleEdgeFeature2 = feature4 as ISimpleEdgeFeature; int num4; int num5; netElements4.QueryIDs(simpleEdgeFeature2.EID, (esriElementType)2, out num, out num4, out num5); array4[l] = num4; } netElementBarriersGEN2.SetBarriers(num, ref array4); netSolver.set_ElementBarriers((esriElementType)2, (INetElementBarriers)netElementBarriersGEN2); } netSolver.SourceNetwork = (network); if (count > 0) { traceFlowSolverGEN.PutJunctionOrigins(ref array2); } if (count2 > 0) { traceFlowSolverGEN.PutEdgeOrigins(ref array); } IEnumNetEID enumNetEID = null; IEnumNetEID enumNetEID2 = null; object[] array5 = new object[1]; if (this.WayCom.SelectedIndex == 0) { traceFlowSolverGEN.FindSource(0, (esriShortestPathObjFn)1, out enumNetEID, out enumNetEID2, count + count2, ref array5); } if (this.WayCom.SelectedIndex == 1) { traceFlowSolverGEN.FindSource((esriFlowMethod)1, (esriShortestPathObjFn)1, out enumNetEID, out enumNetEID2, count + count2, ref array5); } IPolyline polyline = new Polyline() as IPolyline; IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = polyline as IGeometryCollection; ISpatialReference spatialReference = this.m_iApp.FocusMap.SpatialReference; IEIDHelper iEIDHelper = new EIDHelper(); iEIDHelper.GeometricNetwork = (networkClass.GeometricNetwork); iEIDHelper.OutputSpatialReference = (spatialReference); iEIDHelper.ReturnGeometries = (true); iEIDHelper.ReturnFeatures = (true); int selectedIndex = this.LayerCom.SelectedIndex; if (selectedIndex >= 0 && this.MapControl != null) { this.LayerCom.SelectedItem.ToString(); IFeatureLayer ifeatureLayer_ = ((TrackingAnalyForm.LayerInfo) this.LayerCom.SelectedItem)._layer; if (ifeatureLayer_ != null) { IFeatureSelection featureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)ifeatureLayer_; featureSelection.Clear(); if (enumNetEID2 != null) { IEnumEIDInfo enumEIDInfo = iEIDHelper.CreateEnumEIDInfo(enumNetEID2); int count5 = enumEIDInfo.Count; enumEIDInfo.Reset(); for (int m = 0; m < count5; m++) { IEIDInfo iEIDInfo = enumEIDInfo.Next(); featureSelection.Add(iEIDInfo.Feature); IGeometry geometry = iEIDInfo.Geometry; geometryCollection.AddGeometryCollection(geometry as IGeometryCollection); } } featureSelection.SelectionSet.Refresh(); IActiveView activeView = this.m_iApp.ActiveView; activeView.Refresh(); CMapOperator.ShowFeatureWithWink(this.m_iApp.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay, polyline); } } } }
public static List <int> StreamTrace(IGeometricNetwork geometricNetwork, StartFlagEdge edge, List <int> disabledFeatureClassIds, StopperJunctions stoppers, bool isUpStream, int maxFeatureCount, ServerLogger logger) { esriFlowMethod direction = isUpStream ? esriFlowMethod.esriFMUpstream : esriFlowMethod.esriFMDownstream; if (null == geometricNetwork || null == edge || maxFeatureCount <= 0) { return(null); } ITraceFlowSolverGEN traceFlowSolver = new TraceFlowSolverClass() as ITraceFlowSolverGEN; INetSolver netSolver = traceFlowSolver as INetSolver; netSolver.SourceNetwork = geometricNetwork.Network; INetFlag netFlag = new EdgeFlagClass(); netFlag.UserClassID = edge.FeatureClassID; netFlag.UserID = edge.FeatureID; //no idea when to assign -1, when to do 0 netFlag.UserSubID = -1; traceFlowSolver.PutEdgeOrigins(new IEdgeFlag[1] { netFlag as IEdgeFlag }); if (null != disabledFeatureClassIds) { foreach (int il in disabledFeatureClassIds) { if (il > 0) { netSolver.DisableElementClass(il); } } } if (null != stoppers && null != stoppers.Stoppers && stoppers.Stoppers.Length > 0) { INetElementBarriersGEN netBarriersGEN = null; netBarriersGEN = new NetElementBarriersClass() as INetElementBarriersGEN; netBarriersGEN.ElementType = esriElementType.esriETJunction; netBarriersGEN.Network = geometricNetwork.Network; netBarriersGEN.SetBarriers(stoppers.FeatureClassID, stoppers.Stoppers); netSolver.set_ElementBarriers(esriElementType.esriETJunction, netBarriersGEN as INetElementBarriers); } IEnumNetEID junctionEIDs = null; IEnumNetEID edgeEIDs = null; traceFlowSolver.TraceIndeterminateFlow = false; try { traceFlowSolver.FindFlowElements(direction, esriFlowElements.esriFEEdges, out junctionEIDs, out edgeEIDs); if (null != edgeEIDs) { if (edgeEIDs.Count <= maxFeatureCount) { IEIDHelper eidHelper = new EIDHelperClass(); eidHelper.GeometricNetwork = geometricNetwork; eidHelper.ReturnGeometries = false; eidHelper.ReturnFeatures = true; //eidHelper.AddField("FType"); IEnumEIDInfo eidInfos = eidHelper.CreateEnumEIDInfo(edgeEIDs); eidInfos.Reset(); IEIDInfo eidInfo = null; List <int> ftrs = new List <int>(); //IFeature cadFtr = null; //int ftype; while ((eidInfo = eidInfos.Next()) != null) { ftrs.Add(eidInfo.Feature.OID); /*cadFtr = eidInfo.Feature; * if (null != cadFtr.get_Value(edgeTypeId) && int.TryParse(cadFtr.get_Value(edgeTypeId).ToString(), out ftype)) * { * if(460 == ftype || 558 == ftype) * ftrs.Add(cadFtr); * }*/ } return(ftrs); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (null != logger) { logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.error, typeof(AOUtilities).Name + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ErrorCode, e.Message); } } finally { ReleaseCOMObj(traceFlowSolver); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// return a featureSet from EIDs /// </summary> /// <param name="eids">object EIDs</param> /// <param name="featureSets">array JsonObject featureSet</param> protected void GetTrace(IEnumNetEID eids, out JsonObject[] featureSets) { IEIDHelper eidHelper = new EIDHelperClass(); eidHelper.GeometricNetwork = this.geometricNetwork; eidHelper.ReturnGeometries = true; eidHelper.ReturnFeatures = true; Dictionary <int, IPair <List <int>, IFeatureClass> > dictionary = new Dictionary <int, IPair <List <int>, IFeatureClass> >(); IEnumEIDInfo enumEIDinfo = eidHelper.CreateEnumEIDInfo(eids); enumEIDinfo.Reset(); IEIDInfo eidInfo = enumEIDinfo.Next(); while (eidInfo != null) { IFeatureClass featureClass = eidInfo.Feature.Class as IFeatureClass; IFeature feature = eidInfo.Feature; int featureClassID = featureClass.FeatureClassID; if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(featureClassID)) { IPair <List <int>, IFeatureClass> pair = new Pair <List <int>, IFeatureClass>(new List <int>(), featureClass); dictionary.Add(featureClassID, pair); } dictionary[featureClassID].First.Add(feature.OID); eidInfo = enumEIDinfo.Next(); } List <JsonObject> jsonObjects = new List <JsonObject>(); foreach (int i in dictionary.Keys) { IPair <List <int>, IFeatureClass> pair = dictionary[i]; List <int> listOIDs = pair.First; IFeatureClass featureClass = pair.Second; IQueryFilter2 queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); if (this.OutFields[0] != "*") { List <string> listFields = new List <string>(); Array.ForEach( this.OutFields, s => { if (featureClass.Fields.FindField(s) != -1) { listFields.Add(s); } }); if (listFields.Count == 0) { queryFilter.SubFields = featureClass.OIDFieldName; } else { listFields.Each((s, index) => { if (index == 0) { queryFilter.SubFields = s; } else { queryFilter.AddField(s); } }); if (!Array.Exists(this.OutFields, s => s == featureClass.OIDFieldName)) { queryFilter.AddField(featureClass.OIDFieldName); } if (!Array.Exists(this.OutFields, s => s == featureClass.ShapeFieldName)) { queryFilter.AddField(featureClass.ShapeFieldName); } } } queryFilter.WhereClause = featureClass.OIDFieldName + " IN (" + string.Join(",", Array.ConvertAll <int, string>(listOIDs.ToArray(), s => s.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))) + ")"; IRecordSet recordset = Helper.ConvertToRecordset(featureClass, queryFilter); jsonObjects.Add(new JsonObject(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Conversion.ToJson(recordset)))); } featureSets = jsonObjects.ToArray(); }