コード例 #1
        public void SetChoiceMultiple( )
            var sch = new ScheduleDailyRepeat
                Name = "Test sch" + DateTime.Now

            sch.Save( );

            // _toDelete.Add(sch.Id);

            var setAction = new SetChoiceActivity( );

            setAction.Save( );

            var setChoiceAs = setAction.As <WfActivity>( );

            ActivityImplementationBase nextActivity = setChoiceAs.CreateWindowsActivity( );

            var dayOfWeekRef = ( EntityRef )"core:sdrDayOfWeek";

            var args = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    "Resource to Update", sch
                    "Field to Update", dayOfWeekRef.Entity
                    "New Value", new EntityRef("core:dowSunday").Entity

            RunActivity(nextActivity, args);

            sch = Entity.Get <ScheduleDailyRepeat>(sch.Id);

            IEntityRelationshipCollection <IEntity> dowRefs = sch.GetRelationships(dayOfWeekRef);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dowRefs.Count( ), "has been set");
            Assert.IsTrue(dowRefs.Any(w => w.Entity.Alias == "dowSunday"));

            args = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    "Resource to Update", sch
                    "Field to Update", dayOfWeekRef.Entity
                    "New Value", new EntityRef("core:dowMonday").Entity
                    "Replace Existing Values", false

            RunActivity(nextActivity, args);

            sch     = Entity.Get <ScheduleDailyRepeat>(sch.Id);
            dowRefs = sch.GetRelationships(dayOfWeekRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dowRefs.Count( ), "has been added");
            Assert.IsTrue(dowRefs.Any(w => w.Entity.Alias == "dowMonday"));

            args = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    "Resource to Update", sch
                    "Field to Update", dayOfWeekRef.Entity
                    "New Value", new EntityRef("core:dowTuesday").Entity
                    "Replace Existing Values", true

            RunActivity(nextActivity, args);

            sch     = Entity.Get <ScheduleDailyRepeat>(sch.Id);
            dowRefs = sch.GetRelationships(dayOfWeekRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dowRefs.Count( ), "has been reset");
            Assert.IsTrue(dowRefs.Any(w => w.Entity.Alias == "dowTuesday"));
コード例 #2
        public void SetRelationship( )
            var employeeType = Entity.Get <EntityType>("test:employee");
            var managerType  = Entity.Get <EntityType>("test:manager");
            var nameField    = Entity.Get <StringField>("core:name");

            IEntity emp = new Entity(employeeType);

            emp.SetField(nameField, "Test Employee");

            IEntity emp2 = new Entity(employeeType);

            emp.SetField(nameField, "Test Employee 2");

            IEntity mgr = (new Entity(employeeType));

            emp.SetField(nameField, "Test Manager");

            mgr.As <Resource>( ).IsOfType.Add(managerType);

            emp.Save( );
            emp2.Save( );
            mgr.Save( );


            var setRel = new SetRelationshipActivity( );

            setRel.Save( );

            var setRelAs = setRel.As <WfActivity>( );

            ActivityImplementationBase nextActivity = setRelAs.CreateWindowsActivity( );

            var args = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    "Origin", emp
                    "Relationship", new EntityRef("test:reportsTo").Entity
                    "Destination", mgr

            RunActivity(nextActivity, args);

            emp = Entity.Get(emp.Id);

            IEntityRelationshipCollection <IEntity> rels = emp.GetRelationships("test:reportsTo");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, rels.Count( ), "Ensure the manager has been set");
            Assert.AreEqual(rels.First( ).Entity.Id, mgr.Id, "Ensure the manager has been set to the correct value");

            // clear relationships
            args = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    "Origin", emp
                    "Relationship", new EntityRef("test:reportsTo").Entity
                    "Destination", null
                    "Replace Existing Destination", true

            RunActivity(nextActivity, args);

            emp = Entity.Get(emp.Id);

            rels = emp.GetRelationships("test:reportsTo");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, rels.Count( ), "Ensure the manager has been cleared");

            // set the reverse relationship
            args = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    "Origin", mgr
                    "Relationship", new EntityRef("test:directReports").Entity
                    "Destination", emp
                    "(Internal) Is this a reverse relationship", true

            RunActivity(nextActivity, args);

            mgr = Entity.Get(mgr.Id);

            rels = mgr.GetRelationships("test:directReports");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, rels.Count( ), "Ensure the employee has been set");
            Assert.AreEqual(rels.First( ).Entity.Id, emp.Id, "Ensure the employee has been set to the correct value");

            // add a second relationship, clearing the first
            args = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    "Origin", mgr
                    "Relationship", new EntityRef("test:directReports").Entity
                    "Destination", emp2
                    "(Internal) Is this a reverse relationship", true
                    "Replace Existing Destination", true

            RunActivity(nextActivity, args);

            mgr = Entity.Get(mgr.Id);

            rels = mgr.GetRelationships("test:directReports");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, rels.Count( ), "Ensure the new employee has been set and the old cleared");
            Assert.AreEqual(rels.First( ).Entity.Id, emp2.Id, "Ensure the manager has been set to the correct value");

            // add the first back in
            args = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    "Origin", mgr
                    "Relationship", new EntityRef("test:directReports").Entity
                    "Destination", emp
                    "(Internal) Is this a reverse relationship", true
                    "Replace Existing Destination", false

            RunActivity(nextActivity, args);

            mgr = Entity.Get(mgr.Id);

            rels = mgr.GetRelationships("test:directReports");

            Assert.AreEqual(2, rels.Count( ), "Add a second relationship");