コード例 #1
        public string Decrypt(IEncryptionParameters encParams)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter file location and name of text file containing encrypted text:");

            string cipherTextFileName = encParams.GetEncryptedFileName();      //to take in and store input for file name

            string cipherText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(cipherTextFileName);

            //Load the text contents to be decrypted

            Console.WriteLine("Enter key for decryption:");

            string key = encParams.GetEncryptionKey();

            int offsetFactor = CalculateOffsetFactor(key);
            //enter the key as 8 character string via user input and then calculate the offset value using it

            string text    = "";
            int    charNum = 0;     //to store the ascii values of each character
            char   charVal = ' ';   //to store each of the characters themselves constituting the actual string of deciphered text

            //initialize values

            for (int i = 0; i < cipherText.Length; i++)     //looping through each character in the text to be encrypted
                charNum = (int)cipherText[i];
                //store the ASCII value of the current character

                if (charNum != 32)      //check if it is a space character, which is to be ignored while encrypting
                    charNum -= offsetFactor;
                    //minus offset factor

                    if (charNum < 33)
                        charNum += 94;
                    }       //making sure the ASCII code does not go out of the given bounds for english characters

                charVal = (char)charNum;
                //convert the offset ASCII value to a character

                text += charVal;
                //append this character to a string containing the encrypted text

コード例 #2
        public void Encrypt(IEncryptionParameters encParams)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter file location and name for text to be encrypted:");

            string fileName = encParams.GetDecryptedFileName();       //to take in and store input for file name

            string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fileName);
            //load the text contents to be encrypted

            string key = GenerateKey();

            //generate an 8 character key



            int offsetFactor = CalculateOffsetFactor(key);
            //use the key generated earlier to get an offset factor

            string cipherText = "";
            int    charNum    = 0;   //to store the ascii values of each character
            char   charVal    = ' '; //to store each of the characters themselves constituting the actual string of ciphered text

            //initialize values to be used

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)       //looping through each character in the text to be encrypted
                charNum = (int)text[i];
                //store the ASCII value of the current character

                if (charNum != 32)      //check if it is a space character, which is to be ignored while encrypting
                    charNum += offsetFactor;
                    //add offset factor

                    if (charNum > 126)
                        charNum -= 94;
                    }       //making sure the ASCII code does not go out of the given bounds for english characters

                charVal = (char)charNum;
                //convert the offset ASCII value to a character

                cipherText += charVal;
                //append this character to a string containing the encypted text

            Console.WriteLine("Enter a file name and location for a new text file to store encrypted text:");

            string newFileName = encParams.GetEncryptedFileName();

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(newFileName, cipherText);
            //write the encrypted text to the given file location

            Console.WriteLine("File encrypted and stored.");