コード例 #1
        private void CreatePoint(IPoint point)
            //create point for the current template
            IFeature feature = m_featureClass.CreateFeature();

            feature.Shape = point;

            //Invalidate the area around the new feature
            m_editor.Display.Invalidate(feature.Extent, true, (short)esriScreenCache.esriAllScreenCaches);
コード例 #2
        protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs arg)
            // Did they click the left mouse button?
            if (arg.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
                // Get some application environment variables set
                IMxApplication mxApp = (IMxApplication)ArcMap.Application;

                // Get the clicked location in map units
                IPoint clickedPoint = mxApp.Display.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(arg.Location.X, arg.Location.Y);

                // If this is the first click on the map...
                switch (numberOfClicks)
                case 0:
                    // This is the first click, giving the location of the measurement.
                    measurementLocationX = clickedPoint.X;
                    measurementLocationY = clickedPoint.Y;

                    // Increment the click counter
                    numberOfClicks = 1;

                    // Change the cursor
                    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor firstCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.firstPointCursor.cur");
                    Cursor = firstCursor;


                case 1:
                    // This is the second click, giving the first end of the strike line, according to right-hand rule.
                    firstEndX = clickedPoint.X;
                    firstEndY = clickedPoint.Y;

                    // Increment the click counter
                    numberOfClicks = 2;

                    // Change the cursor
                    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor secondCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.SecondPointCursor.cur");
                    Cursor = secondCursor;


                case 2:
                    // This is the third click, giving the second end of the strike line, according to right-hand rule.
                    secondEndX = clickedPoint.X;
                    secondEndY = clickedPoint.Y;

                    // Increment the click counter
                    numberOfClicks = 3;

                    // Change the cursor
                    //base.m_cursor = Properties.Resources.GetDipCursor;

                    // Calculate the Strike from the two collected points
                    int theStrike = GetStrike(firstEndX, firstEndY, secondEndX, secondEndY);

                    // Get the dip input
                    int    theDip;
                    string inputValue = "";

                    if (genericForms.InputBox("Digitize Structure Points", "Please enter the dip value", ref inputValue) == DialogResult.OK)
                        // Make sure they entered a valid dip value
                        int  dipValue;
                        bool result = int.TryParse(inputValue, out dipValue);

                        if (result == true)
                            // inputValue is an integer
                            if (dipValue >= -90)
                                if (dipValue <= 90)
                                    // inputValue is in the appropriate range
                                    theDip = int.Parse(inputValue);
                                    goto getDipValue;
                                goto getDipValue;
                            goto getDipValue;
                        // In this case, the action was canceled during the dip input. Reset the counter, cursor, and exit the routine.
                        numberOfClicks = 0;
                        //base.m_cursor = Properties.Resources.firstPointCursor;

                    // Now we need to create the feature. First we'll find the current FeatureTemplate
                    IEditor3      templateEditor     = (IEditor3)ArcMap.Editor;
                    IEditTemplate theCurrentTemplate = templateEditor.CurrentTemplate;

                    // If they didn't select a template, they'll need to
                    if (theCurrentTemplate == null)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please select a feature template for the type of measurement that you're digitizing", "NCGMP Tools");
                        numberOfClicks = 0;
                        System.Windows.Forms.Cursor locCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.StationLocCursor.cur");
                        Cursor = locCursor;

                    // Make sure that the template puts features into the OrientationPoints FeatureClass
                    IFeatureClass templateFC = ((IFeatureLayer)theCurrentTemplate.Layer).FeatureClass;
                    if (templateFC.Equals(commonFunctions.OpenFeatureClass(ArcMap.Editor.EditWorkspace, "OrientationPoints")))
                            // Create a dummy feature and read in values from the feature template
                            IFeature tempFeature = templateFC.CreateFeature();

                            // Grab values from the dummy feature - the code is actually cleaner than grabbing the values from the FeatureTemplate
                            string StationID = "";
                            string Type      = tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("Type")).ToString();
                            string IDConf    = tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("IdentityConfidence")).ToString();
                            string Label     = tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("Label")).ToString();
                            string Notes     = tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("Notes")).ToString();

                            int  Plot;
                            bool result = int.TryParse(tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("PlotAtScale")).ToString(), out Plot);

                            double OrientConf;
                            result = double.TryParse(tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("OrientationConfidenceDegrees")).ToString(), out OrientConf);

                            int RuleID;
                            result = int.TryParse(tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("RuleID")).ToString(), out RuleID);

                            string DataSourceID = commonFunctions.GetCurrentDataSourceID();

                            int SymbolRot = 360 - theStrike;

                            IPoint Shape = new PointClass();
                            Shape.X = measurementLocationX;
                            Shape.Y = measurementLocationY;

                            // Remove the temporary Feature

                            // Create the new feature
                            OrientationPointsAccess OdpAccess = new OrientationPointsAccess(ArcMap.Editor.EditWorkspace);
                            OdpAccess.NewOrientationPoint(StationID, Type, IDConf, Label, Plot, (double)theStrike, (double)theDip, OrientConf, Notes, DataSourceID, SymbolRot, RuleID, Shape);

                            // Refresh the Active View
                            ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, theCurrentTemplate.Layer, null);
                            MessageBox.Show("Create feature didn't work.", "NCGMP Tools");
                            numberOfClicks = 0;
                            System.Windows.Forms.Cursor locCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.StationLocCursor.cur");
                            Cursor = locCursor;
                        // User needs to select a relevant feature template
                        MessageBox.Show("Please select a valid feature template to digitize structural measurements.", "NCGMP Tools");

                    // Finished successfully, reset the counter and cursor
                    numberOfClicks = 0;
                    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor theLocCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.StationLocCursor.cur");
                    Cursor = theLocCursor;

                    // Don't do anything here, preventing any more input before the dip is entered and the counter resets