コード例 #1
ファイル: DebugObject.cs プロジェクト: ChrisLakeZA/duality
		public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
			// Perform Camera space transformation
			Vector3 posBefore = this.GameObj.Transform.Pos;
			Vector3 posTemp = posBefore;
			float scaleTemp = 1.0f;
			device.PreprocessCoords(this, ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);

			// Draw debug text
			VertexC1P3T2[] textVertices;
			textVertices = null;
				string.Format("Position (world): {0:0}, {1:0}, {2:0}", posBefore.X, posBefore.Y, posBefore.Z),
				ref textVertices, posTemp.X, posTemp.Y, posTemp.Z);
			device.AddVertices(Font.GenericMonospace10.Res.Material, BeginMode.Quads, textVertices);

			textVertices = null;
				string.Format("Position (cam): {0:0}, {1:0}, {2:0}", posTemp.X, posTemp.Y, posTemp.Z),
				ref textVertices, posTemp.X, posTemp.Y + 10, posTemp.Z);
			device.AddVertices(Font.GenericMonospace10.Res.Material, BeginMode.Quads, textVertices);

			textVertices = null;
				string.Format("Scale: {0:F}", scaleTemp),
				ref textVertices, posTemp.X, posTemp.Y + 20, posTemp.Z);
			device.AddVertices(Font.GenericMonospace10.Res.Material, BeginMode.Quads, textVertices);

			// Draw position indicator
			device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.Red.WithAlpha(0.25f)), BeginMode.Quads, new VertexP3[] {
				new VertexP3(posTemp.X - 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Y - 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Z),
				new VertexP3(posTemp.X + 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Y - 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Z),
				new VertexP3(posTemp.X + 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Y + 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Z),
				new VertexP3(posTemp.X - 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Y + 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Z) });
コード例 #2
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Texture mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();
            ColorRgba mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();
            DrawTechnique tech = this.RetrieveDrawTechnique();

            Rect uvRect;
            if (mainTex != null)
                if (this.rectMode == UVMode.WrapBoth)
                    uvRect = new Rect(mainTex.UVRatio.X * this.rect.W / mainTex.PixelWidth, mainTex.UVRatio.Y * this.rect.H / mainTex.PixelHeight);
                else if (this.rectMode == UVMode.WrapHorizontal)
                    uvRect = new Rect(mainTex.UVRatio.X * this.rect.W / mainTex.PixelWidth, mainTex.UVRatio.Y);
                else if (this.rectMode == UVMode.WrapVertical)
                    uvRect = new Rect(mainTex.UVRatio.X, mainTex.UVRatio.Y * this.rect.H / mainTex.PixelHeight);
                    uvRect = new Rect(mainTex.UVRatio.X, mainTex.UVRatio.Y);
                uvRect = new Rect(1.0f, 1.0f);

            this.PrepareVerticesLight(ref this.verticesLight, device, mainClr, uvRect, tech);

            if (this.customMat != null)	device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
            else						device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
コード例 #3
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Texture       mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();
            ColorRgba     mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();
            DrawTechnique tech    = this.RetrieveDrawTechnique();

            Rect uvRect;

            if (mainTex != null)
                uvRect = new Rect(mainTex.UVRatio.X, mainTex.UVRatio.Y);
                uvRect = new Rect(1.0f, 1.0f);

            this.PrepareVerticesLight(ref this.verticesLight, device, mainClr, uvRect, tech);

            if (this.customMat != null)
                device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
                device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ActorRenderer.cs プロジェクト: tufduck/dtj2016-08
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Texture   mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();
            ColorRgba mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();

            Rect uvRect;

            if (mainTex != null)
                if (this.spriteIndex < 0)
                    uvRect = new Rect(mainTex.UVRatio.X, mainTex.UVRatio.Y);
                    mainTex.LookupAtlas(this.spriteIndex, out uvRect);
                uvRect = new Rect(1.0f, 1.0f);

            this.PrepareVertices(ref this.vertices, device, mainClr, uvRect);
            if (this.customMat != null)
                device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
                device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
コード例 #5
ファイル: ProfileRenderer.cs プロジェクト: Andrea/duality
        private void DrawHorizontalGraph(Canvas canvas, float[] values, ColorRgba[] colors, ref VertexC1P3[] vertices, float x, float y, float w, float h)
            if (h > 0.0f)
            if (h < 0.0f)

            IDrawDevice device = canvas.DrawDevice;

            ColorRgba baseColor    = canvas.State.ColorTint * canvas.State.MaterialDirect.MainColor;
            float     sampleXRatio = w / (float)(values.Length - 1);

            if (vertices == null)
                vertices = new VertexC1P3[MathF.Max(values.Length, 16)];
            else if (vertices.Length < values.Length)
                vertices = new VertexC1P3[MathF.Max(vertices.Length * 2, values.Length, 16)];

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                vertices[i].Pos.X = x + 0.5f + i * sampleXRatio;
                vertices[i].Pos.Y = y + 0.5f + (1.0f - values[i]) * h;
                vertices[i].Pos.Z = 0.0f;
                vertices[i].Color = baseColor * colors[i];
            device.AddVertices(canvas.State.MaterialDirect, VertexMode.LineStrip, vertices, values.Length);
コード例 #6
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            var mainClr = RetrieveMainColor();

            PrepareVertices(device, mainClr);
            device.AddVertices(sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, _vertices);
コード例 #7
ファイル: MainMenu.Background.cs プロジェクト: iidioter/jazz2
        private void RenderTexturedBackground(IDrawDevice device)
            if (!cachedTexturedBackground.IsAvailable)

            float timeMult = Time.TimeMult;

            backgroundX     += timeMult * 1.2f;
            backgroundY     += timeMult * -0.2f + timeMult * MathF.Sin(backgroundPhase) * 0.6f;
            backgroundPhase += timeMult * 0.001f;

            Vector3 renderPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 600);

            // Fit the target rect to actual pixel coordinates to avoid unnecessary filtering offsets
            renderPos.X = MathF.Round(renderPos.X);
            renderPos.Y = MathF.Round(renderPos.Y);
            if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) / 2) * 2)
                renderPos.X += 0.5f;
            if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) / 2) * 2)
                // AMD Bugfix?
                renderPos.Y -= 0.004f;

            // Reserve the required space for vertex data in our locally cached buffer
            int neededVertices = 4;

            if (cachedVertices == null || cachedVertices.Length < neededVertices)
                cachedVertices = new VertexC1P3T2[neededVertices];

            // Render it as world-space fullscreen quad
            cachedVertices[0].Pos = new Vector3(renderPos.X, renderPos.Y, renderPos.Z);
            cachedVertices[1].Pos = new Vector3(renderPos.X + device.TargetSize.X, renderPos.Y, renderPos.Z);
            cachedVertices[2].Pos = new Vector3(renderPos.X + device.TargetSize.X, renderPos.Y + device.TargetSize.Y, renderPos.Z);
            cachedVertices[3].Pos = new Vector3(renderPos.X, renderPos.Y + device.TargetSize.Y, renderPos.Z);

            cachedVertices[0].TexCoord = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
            cachedVertices[1].TexCoord = new Vector2(1f, 0.0f);
            cachedVertices[2].TexCoord = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
            cachedVertices[3].TexCoord = new Vector2(0.0f, 1f);

            cachedVertices[0].Color = cachedVertices[1].Color = cachedVertices[2].Color = cachedVertices[3].Color = ColorRgba.White;

            // Setup custom pixel shader
            BatchInfo material = device.RentMaterial();

            material.Technique   = texturedBackgroundShader;
            material.MainTexture = cachedTexturedBackground;
            material.SetValue("horizonColor", horizonColor);
            material.SetValue("shift", new Vector2(backgroundX, backgroundY));
            material.SetValue("parallaxStarsEnabled", 0f);

            device.AddVertices(material, VertexMode.Quads, cachedVertices, 0, 4);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Player.Effects.cs プロジェクト: ozgun-kara/jazz2
            public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
                if (gameobj == null)

                float timeMult = Time.TimeMult;

                for (int j = 0; j < circleEffectData.Length; j++)
                    ref CircleEffect circle = ref circleEffectData[j];
                    if (circle.Alpha <= 0f)

                    int segmentNum = MathF.Clamp(MathF.RoundToInt(MathF.Pow(circle.Radius, 0.65f) * 2.5f), 4, 32);

                    float angle = 0.0f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < segmentNum; i++)
                        vertices[i].Pos.X = circle.Pos.X + (float)Math.Sin(angle) * circle.Radius;
                        vertices[i].Pos.Y = circle.Pos.Y - (float)Math.Cos(angle) * circle.Radius;
                        vertices[i].Pos.Z = circle.Pos.Z - 10f;
                        vertices[i].Color = new ColorRgba(1f, circle.Alpha);
                        angle            += (MathF.TwoPi / segmentNum);

                    device.AddVertices(material, VertexMode.LineLoop, vertices, 0, segmentNum);

                    circle.Radius -= timeMult * 0.8f;
                    circle.Alpha  -= timeMult * 0.03f;
コード例 #9
        private void RenderSinglePass(Rect viewportRect, Pass p)
            this.drawDevice.VisibilityMask = this.visibilityMask & p.VisibilityMask;
            this.drawDevice.RenderMode     = p.MatrixMode;
            this.drawDevice.Target         = p.Output;
            this.drawDevice.ViewportRect   = p.Output.IsAvailable ? new Rect(p.Output.Res.Width, p.Output.Res.Height) : viewportRect;

            if (p.Input == null)
                // Render Scene
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Core.WriteError("There was an error while {0} was collecting drawcalls: {1}", this.ToString(), Log.Exception(e));
                this.drawDevice.Render(p.ClearFlags, p.ClearColor, p.ClearDepth);

                Texture mainTex   = p.Input.MainTexture.Res;
                Vector2 uvRatio   = mainTex != null ? mainTex.UVRatio : Vector2.One;
                Vector2 inputSize = mainTex != null ? new Vector2(mainTex.PixelWidth, mainTex.PixelHeight) : Vector2.One;
                Rect    targetRect;
                if (DualityApp.ExecEnvironment == DualityApp.ExecutionEnvironment.Editor &&
                    targetRect = Rect.Align(Alignment.Center, this.drawDevice.TargetSize.X * 0.5f, this.drawDevice.TargetSize.Y * 0.5f, inputSize.X, inputSize.Y);
                    targetRect = new Rect(this.drawDevice.TargetSize);

                IDrawDevice device = this.drawDevice;
                    VertexC1P3T2[] vertices = new VertexC1P3T2[4];
                    vertices[0].Pos      = new Vector3(targetRect.LeftX, targetRect.TopY, 0.0f);
                    vertices[1].Pos      = new Vector3(targetRect.RightX, targetRect.TopY, 0.0f);
                    vertices[2].Pos      = new Vector3(targetRect.RightX, targetRect.BottomY, 0.0f);
                    vertices[3].Pos      = new Vector3(targetRect.LeftX, targetRect.BottomY, 0.0f);
                    vertices[0].TexCoord = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
                    vertices[1].TexCoord = new Vector2(uvRatio.X, 0.0f);
                    vertices[2].TexCoord = new Vector2(uvRatio.X, uvRatio.Y);
                    vertices[3].TexCoord = new Vector2(0.0f, uvRatio.Y);
                    device.AddVertices(p.Input, VertexMode.Quads, vertices);

                this.drawDevice.Render(p.ClearFlags, p.ClearColor, p.ClearDepth);
コード例 #10
ファイル: IDrawDevice.cs プロジェクト: raycrasher/duality
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a parameterized set of vertices to the drawing devices rendering schedule.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The type of vertex data to add.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="device"></param>
 /// <param name="material">The <see cref="Duality.Resources.Material"/> to use for rendering the vertices.</param>
 /// <param name="vertexMode">The vertices drawing mode.</param>
 /// <param name="vertices">
 /// A vertex data buffer that stores the vertices to add. Ownership of the buffer
 /// remains at the callsite, while the <see cref="IDrawDevice"/> copies the required
 /// data into internal storage.
 /// </param>
 public static void AddVertices <T>(this IDrawDevice device, ContentRef <Material> material, VertexMode vertexMode, params T[] vertices) where T : struct, IVertexData
     device.AddVertices <T>(
         material.IsAvailable ? material.Res.Info : Material.Checkerboard.Res.Info,
コード例 #11
ファイル: IDrawDevice.cs プロジェクト: raycrasher/duality
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a parameterized set of vertices to the drawing devices rendering schedule.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The type of vertex data to add.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="device"></param>
 /// <param name="material">The <see cref="Duality.Resources.Material"/> to use for rendering the vertices.</param>
 /// <param name="vertexMode">The vertices drawing mode.</param>
 /// <param name="vertexBuffer">
 /// A vertex data buffer that stores the vertices to add. Ownership of the buffer
 /// remains at the callsite, while the <see cref="IDrawDevice"/> copies the required
 /// data into internal storage.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="vertexCount">The number of vertices to add, from the beginning of the buffer.</param>
 public static void AddVertices <T>(this IDrawDevice device, ContentRef <Material> material, VertexMode vertexMode, T[] vertexBuffer, int vertexCount) where T : struct, IVertexData
     device.AddVertices <T>(
         material.IsAvailable ? material.Res.Info : Material.Checkerboard.Res.Info,
コード例 #12
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Texture mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();

            Rect uvRect;

            this.GetUVRect(mainTex, this.spriteIndex, out uvRect);
            this.PrepareVertices(ref this.vertices, device, this.colorTint, uvRect);
            if (this.customMat != null)
                device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
                device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
コード例 #13
ファイル: IDrawDevice.cs プロジェクト: raycrasher/duality
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a parameterized set of vertices to the drawing devices rendering schedule.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The type of vertex data to add.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="device"></param>
 /// <param name="material">The <see cref="Duality.Drawing.BatchInfo"/> to use for rendering the vertices.</param>
 /// <param name="vertexMode">The vertices drawing mode.</param>
 /// <param name="vertices">
 /// A vertex data buffer that stores the vertices to add. Ownership of the buffer
 /// remains at the callsite, while the <see cref="IDrawDevice"/> copies the required
 /// data into internal storage.
 /// </param>
 public static void AddVertices <T>(this IDrawDevice device, BatchInfo material, VertexMode vertexMode, params T[] vertices) where T : struct, IVertexData
     device.AddVertices <T>(
コード例 #14
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Transform transform = this.GameObj.Transform;
            Vector3   posTemp   = transform.Pos;
            float     scaleTemp = 1.0f;

            device.PreprocessCoords(ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);

            Vector2 xDot, yDot;

            MathF.GetTransformDotVec(transform.Angle, scaleTemp * transform.Scale, out xDot, out yDot);

            //MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edge1, ref xDot, ref yDot);

            this.vertices.Count = this.circleStepCount * 2;
            VertexC1P3T2[] vertexData = this.vertices.Data;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.circleStepCount; i++)
                float   percentage  = (float)i / (float)(this.circleStepCount - 1);
                float   angle       = MathF.DegToRad(this.angleRangeDegree) * (percentage - 0.5f);
                Vector2 offsetOuter = Vector2.FromAngleLength(angle, this.outerRadius);
                Vector2 offsetInner = Vector2.FromAngleLength(angle, this.innerRadius);
                MathF.TransformDotVec(ref offsetOuter, ref xDot, ref yDot);
                MathF.TransformDotVec(ref offsetInner, ref xDot, ref yDot);

                float alpha = 1.0f;
                if (this.texHAlphaFade > 0.0f)
                    if (percentage < this.texHAlphaFade)
                        alpha = MathF.Clamp(percentage / this.texHAlphaFade, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                    else if (percentage > 1.0f - this.texHAlphaFade)
                        alpha = MathF.Clamp((1.0f - percentage) / this.texHAlphaFade, 0.0f, 1.0f);

                float horizontalOffsetAnim = ((float)Time.GameTimer.TotalSeconds * this.texHOffsetAnimSpeed) % 1.0f;

                vertexData[i * 2 + 0].Pos.X      = posTemp.X + offsetInner.X;
                vertexData[i * 2 + 0].Pos.Y      = posTemp.Y + offsetInner.Y;
                vertexData[i * 2 + 0].Pos.Z      = posTemp.Z;
                vertexData[i * 2 + 0].TexCoord.X = percentage + horizontalOffsetAnim;
                vertexData[i * 2 + 0].TexCoord.Y = 1.0f;
                vertexData[i * 2 + 0].Color      = ColorRgba.White.WithAlpha(alpha);

                vertexData[i * 2 + 1].Pos.X      = posTemp.X + offsetOuter.X;
                vertexData[i * 2 + 1].Pos.Y      = posTemp.Y + offsetOuter.Y;
                vertexData[i * 2 + 1].Pos.Z      = posTemp.Z;
                vertexData[i * 2 + 1].TexCoord.X = percentage + horizontalOffsetAnim;
                vertexData[i * 2 + 1].TexCoord.Y = 0.0f;
                vertexData[i * 2 + 1].Color      = ColorRgba.White.WithAlpha(alpha);

            device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.TriangleStrip, vertexData, this.vertices.Count);
コード例 #15
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Texture       mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();
            ColorRgba     mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();
            DrawTechnique tech    = this.RetrieveDrawTechnique();

            Rect uvRect;

            if (mainTex != null)
                if (this.rectMode == UVMode.WrapBoth)
                    uvRect = new Rect(mainTex.UVRatio.X * this.rect.W / mainTex.PixelWidth, mainTex.UVRatio.Y * this.rect.H / mainTex.PixelHeight);
                else if (this.rectMode == UVMode.WrapHorizontal)
                    uvRect = new Rect(mainTex.UVRatio.X * this.rect.W / mainTex.PixelWidth, mainTex.UVRatio.Y);
                else if (this.rectMode == UVMode.WrapVertical)
                    uvRect = new Rect(mainTex.UVRatio.X, mainTex.UVRatio.Y * this.rect.H / mainTex.PixelHeight);
                    uvRect = new Rect(mainTex.UVRatio.X, mainTex.UVRatio.Y);
                uvRect = new Rect(1.0f, 1.0f);

            this.PrepareVerticesLight(ref this.verticesLight, device, mainClr, uvRect, tech);

            if (this.customMat != null)
                device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
                device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
コード例 #16
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Texture   mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();
            ColorRgba mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();

            Rect uvRect;

            this.GetAnimData(mainTex, out uvRect);

            this.PrepareVertices(ref this.vertices, device, mainClr, uvRect);
            if (this.customMat != null)
                device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
                device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
コード例 #17
        public void RenderTexturedBackground(IDrawDevice device, ref TileMapLayer layer, int cacheIndex, float x, float y)
            if (!cachedTexturedBackground.IsAvailable || cachedTexturedBackgroundAnimated)
                RecreateTexturedBackground(ref layer);

            // Fit the input material rect to the output size according to rendering step config
            Vector3 renderPos = new Vector3(device.ViewerPos.X - device.TargetSize.X / 2, device.ViewerPos.Y - device.TargetSize.Y / 2, layer.Depth);

            // Fit the target rect to actual pixel coordinates to avoid unnecessary filtering offsets
            renderPos.X = MathF.Round(renderPos.X);
            renderPos.Y = MathF.Round(renderPos.Y);
            if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) / 2) * 2)
                renderPos.X += 0.5f;
            if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) / 2) * 2)
                // AMD Bugfix?
                renderPos.Y -= 0.004f;

            // Reserve the required space for vertex data in our locally cached buffer
            int neededVertices = 4;

            if (cachedVertices == null || cachedVertices.Length < neededVertices)
                cachedVertices = new VertexC1P3T2[neededVertices];

            // Render it as world-space fullscreen quad
            cachedVertices[0].Pos = new Vector3(renderPos.X, renderPos.Y, renderPos.Z);
            cachedVertices[1].Pos = new Vector3(renderPos.X + device.TargetSize.X, renderPos.Y, renderPos.Z);
            cachedVertices[2].Pos = new Vector3(renderPos.X + device.TargetSize.X, renderPos.Y + device.TargetSize.Y, renderPos.Z);
            cachedVertices[3].Pos = new Vector3(renderPos.X, renderPos.Y + device.TargetSize.Y, renderPos.Z);

            cachedVertices[0].TexCoord = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            cachedVertices[1].TexCoord = new Vector2(1f, 0f);
            cachedVertices[2].TexCoord = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
            cachedVertices[3].TexCoord = new Vector2(0f, 1f);

            cachedVertices[0].Color = cachedVertices[1].Color = cachedVertices[2].Color = cachedVertices[3].Color = ColorRgba.White;

            // Setup custom pixel shader
            BatchInfo material = device.RentMaterial();

            material.Technique   = texturedBackgroundShader;
            material.MainTexture = cachedTexturedBackground;
            material.SetValue("horizonColor", layer.BackgroundColor);
            material.SetValue("shift", new Vector2(x, y));
            material.SetValue("parallaxStarsEnabled", layer.ParallaxStarsEnabled ? 1f : 0f);

            device.AddVertices(material, VertexMode.Quads, cachedVertices, 0, 4);
コード例 #18
        protected override void Draw(IDrawDevice inDevice)

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_fText.SourceText) && _batchInfo != null)
                _textVertices[0].TexCoord.X = 0;
                _textVertices[1].TexCoord.X = _visibleWidth;
                _textVertices[2].TexCoord.X = _visibleWidth;
                _textVertices[3].TexCoord.X = 0;

                //if (_scrollbar == null || !_scrollbar.Active)
                if (!_isScrollbarRequired)
                    _textVertices[0].TexCoord.Y = 0;
                    _textVertices[1].TexCoord.Y = 0;
                    _textVertices[2].TexCoord.Y = 1;
                    _textVertices[3].TexCoord.Y = 1;
                    _textVertices[0].TexCoord.Y = _scrollComponent.Value;
                    _textVertices[1].TexCoord.Y = _textVertices[0].TexCoord.Y;
                    _textVertices[2].TexCoord.Y = (_scrollComponent.Value + _visibleHeight);
                    _textVertices[3].TexCoord.Y = _textVertices[2].TexCoord.Y;

                Vector2 uvRatio = _batchInfo.MainTexture.Res.UVRatio;

                _textVertices[0].TexCoord *= uvRatio * _uvUnit;
                _textVertices[1].TexCoord *= uvRatio * _uvUnit;
                _textVertices[2].TexCoord *= uvRatio * _uvUnit;
                _textVertices[3].TexCoord *= uvRatio * _uvUnit;

                _textVertices[0].Color  = _textColor;
                _textVertices[0].Pos    = _points[5].SceneCoords;
                _textVertices[0].Pos.Z += DELTA_Z;

                _textVertices[1].Color  = _textColor;
                _textVertices[1].Pos    = _points[6].SceneCoords;
                _textVertices[1].Pos.Z += DELTA_Z;

                _textVertices[2].Color  = _textColor;
                _textVertices[2].Pos    = _points[10].SceneCoords;
                _textVertices[2].Pos.Z += DELTA_Z;

                _textVertices[3].Color  = _textColor;
                _textVertices[3].Pos    = _points[9].SceneCoords;
                _textVertices[3].Pos.Z += DELTA_Z;

                inDevice.AddVertices(_batchInfo, VertexMode.Quads, _textVertices);
コード例 #19
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Transform transform = this.GameObj.Transform;
            Vector3   posTemp   = transform.Pos;
            float     scaleTemp = 1.0f;

            device.PreprocessCoords(ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);

            Vector2 xDot, yDot;

            MathF.GetTransformDotVec(transform.Angle, scaleTemp * transform.Scale, out xDot, out yDot);

            float   angle      = endPos.Angle;
            Vector2 startLeft  = Vector2.FromAngleLength(angle - MathF.RadAngle90, this.startWidth * 0.5f);
            Vector2 startRight = Vector2.FromAngleLength(angle + MathF.RadAngle90, this.startWidth * 0.5f);
            Vector2 endLeft    = this.endPos + Vector2.FromAngleLength(angle - MathF.RadAngle90, this.endWidth * 0.5f);
            Vector2 endRight   = this.endPos + Vector2.FromAngleLength(angle + MathF.RadAngle90, this.endWidth * 0.5f);

            MathF.TransformDotVec(ref startLeft, ref xDot, ref yDot);
            MathF.TransformDotVec(ref startRight, ref xDot, ref yDot);
            MathF.TransformDotVec(ref endLeft, ref xDot, ref yDot);
            MathF.TransformDotVec(ref endRight, ref xDot, ref yDot);

            this.vertices[0].Pos.X      = posTemp.X + startLeft.X;
            this.vertices[0].Pos.Y      = posTemp.Y + startLeft.Y;
            this.vertices[0].Pos.Z      = posTemp.Z;
            this.vertices[0].TexCoord.X = 0.0f;
            this.vertices[0].TexCoord.Y = 0.0f;
            this.vertices[0].Color      = m_colorStart;

            this.vertices[1].Pos.X      = posTemp.X + startRight.X;
            this.vertices[1].Pos.Y      = posTemp.Y + startRight.Y;
            this.vertices[1].Pos.Z      = posTemp.Z;
            this.vertices[1].TexCoord.X = 0.0f;
            this.vertices[1].TexCoord.Y = 0.0f;
            this.vertices[1].Color      = m_colorStart;

            this.vertices[2].Pos.X      = posTemp.X + endRight.X;
            this.vertices[2].Pos.Y      = posTemp.Y + endRight.Y;
            this.vertices[2].Pos.Z      = posTemp.Z;
            this.vertices[2].TexCoord.X = 0.0f;
            this.vertices[2].TexCoord.Y = 0.0f;
            this.vertices[2].Color      = m_colorEnd;

            this.vertices[3].Pos.X      = posTemp.X + endLeft.X;
            this.vertices[3].Pos.Y      = posTemp.Y + endLeft.Y;
            this.vertices[3].Pos.Z      = posTemp.Z;
            this.vertices[3].TexCoord.X = 0.0f;
            this.vertices[3].TexCoord.Y = 0.0f;
            this.vertices[3].Color      = m_colorEnd;

            device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Add, ColorRgba.White), VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
コード例 #20
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            device.AddVertices(_material, VertexMode.Quads,
                               new VertexC1P3T2
                Pos      = Vector3.Zero,
                TexCoord = Vector2.Zero

            _canvas = _canvas ?? new Canvas(device);
            _canvas.DrawRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
コード例 #21
        private void RenderSinglePass(Pass p)
            this.drawDevice.VisibilityMask = this.visibilityMask & p.VisibilityMask;
            this.drawDevice.RenderMode     = p.MatrixMode;
            this.drawDevice.Target         = p.Output;

            if (p.Input == null)
                // Render Scene
                this.drawDevice.BeginRendering(p.ClearFlags, p.ClearColor, p.ClearDepth);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Core.WriteError("There was an error while {0} was collecting drawcalls: {1}", this.ToString(), Log.Exception(e));
                this.drawDevice.BeginRendering(p.ClearFlags, p.ClearColor, p.ClearDepth);

                Texture mainTex   = p.Input.MainTexture.Res;
                Vector2 uvRatio   = mainTex != null ? mainTex.UVRatio : Vector2.One;
                Vector2 inputSize = mainTex != null ? new Vector2(mainTex.PixelWidth, mainTex.PixelHeight) : Vector2.One;
                Rect    targetRect;
                if (DualityApp.ExecEnvironment == DualityApp.ExecutionEnvironment.Editor &&
                    targetRect = Rect.AlignCenter(this.drawDevice.TargetSize.X * 0.5f, this.drawDevice.TargetSize.Y * 0.5f, inputSize.X, inputSize.Y);
                    targetRect = new Rect(this.drawDevice.TargetSize);

                IDrawDevice device = this.DrawDevice;
                device.AddVertices(p.Input, VertexMode.Quads,
                                   new VertexC1P3T2(targetRect.MinX, targetRect.MinY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                                   new VertexC1P3T2(targetRect.MaxX, targetRect.MinY, 0.0f, uvRatio.X, 0.0f),
                                   new VertexC1P3T2(targetRect.MaxX, targetRect.MaxY, 0.0f, uvRatio.X, uvRatio.Y),
                                   new VertexC1P3T2(targetRect.MinX, targetRect.MaxY, 0.0f, 0.0f, uvRatio.Y));

コード例 #22
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            if (animHidden)

            Texture       mainTex = RetrieveMainTex();
            DrawTechnique tech    = RetrieveDrawTechnique();

            Rect uvRect, uvRectNext;
            bool smoothShaderInput = (tech != null && tech.PreferredVertexFormat == VertexC1P3T4A1.Declaration);

            GetAnimData(mainTex, smoothShaderInput, out uvRect, out uvRectNext);

            if (!smoothShaderInput)
                PrepareVertices(ref vertices, device, this.colorTint, uvRect);
                if (customMat != null)
                    device.AddVertices(customMat, VertexMode.Quads, vertices, 0, 4);
                    if (flipMode == 0)
                        device.AddVertices(sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, vertices, 0, 4);
                        BatchInfo material = device.RentMaterial(sharedMat.Res.Info);
                        material.SetValue("normalMultiplier", new Vector2((flipMode & FlipMode.Horizontal) == 0 ? 1 : -1f, (flipMode & FlipMode.Vertical) == 0 ? 1 : -1f));
                        device.AddVertices(material, VertexMode.Quads, vertices, 0, 4);
                PrepareVerticesSmooth(ref verticesSmooth, device, curAnimFrameFade, this.colorTint, uvRect, uvRectNext);
                if (customMat != null)
                    device.AddVertices(customMat, VertexMode.Quads, verticesSmooth, 0, 4);
                    if (flipMode == 0)
                        device.AddVertices(sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, verticesSmooth, 0, 4);
                        BatchInfo material = device.RentMaterial(sharedMat.Res.Info);
                        material.SetValue("normalMultiplier", new Vector2((flipMode & FlipMode.Horizontal) == 0 ? 1 : -1f, (flipMode & FlipMode.Vertical) == 0 ? 1 : -1f));
                        device.AddVertices(material, VertexMode.Quads, verticesSmooth, 0, 4);
コード例 #23
ファイル: LightingSpriteRenderer.cs プロジェクト: pyneer/case
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            // When rendering a sprite that uses dynamic lighting, make sure to update
            // the devices shared / global lighting variables this frame

            Texture       mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();
            DrawTechnique tech    = this.RetrieveDrawTechnique();

            Rect uvRect;

            this.GetUVRect(mainTex, this.spriteIndex, out uvRect);
            this.PrepareVerticesLight(ref this.verticesLight, device, this.colorTint, uvRect, tech);

            if (this.customMat != null)
                device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
                device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
コード例 #24
ファイル: AnimSpriteRenderer.cs プロジェクト: rolane/duality
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Texture       mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();
            ColorRgba     mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();
            DrawTechnique tech    = this.RetrieveDrawTechnique();

            Rect uvRect;
            Rect uvRectNext;
            bool smoothShaderInput = tech != null && tech.PreferredVertexFormat == VertexC1P3T4A1.Declaration;

            this.GetAnimData(mainTex, tech, smoothShaderInput, out uvRect, out uvRectNext);

            if (!smoothShaderInput)
                this.PrepareVertices(ref this.vertices, device, mainClr, uvRect);
                if (this.customMat != null)
                    device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
                    device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
                this.PrepareVerticesSmooth(ref this.verticesSmooth, device, this.curAnimFrameFade, mainClr, uvRect, uvRectNext);
                if (this.customMat != null)
                    device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesSmooth);
                    device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesSmooth);
コード例 #25
ファイル: DebugObject.cs プロジェクト: pyneer/case
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            // Perform Camera space transformation
            Vector3 posBefore = this.GameObj.Transform.Pos;
            Vector3 posTemp   = posBefore;
            float   scaleTemp = 1.0f;

            device.PreprocessCoords(this, ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);

            // Draw debug text
            VertexC1P3T2[] textVertices;
            textVertices = null;
                string.Format("Position (world): {0:0}, {1:0}, {2:0}", posBefore.X, posBefore.Y, posBefore.Z),
                ref textVertices, posTemp.X, posTemp.Y, posTemp.Z);
            device.AddVertices(Font.GenericMonospace10.Res.Material, BeginMode.Quads, textVertices);

            textVertices = null;
                string.Format("Position (cam): {0:0}, {1:0}, {2:0}", posTemp.X, posTemp.Y, posTemp.Z),
                ref textVertices, posTemp.X, posTemp.Y + 10, posTemp.Z);
            device.AddVertices(Font.GenericMonospace10.Res.Material, BeginMode.Quads, textVertices);

            textVertices = null;
                string.Format("Scale: {0:F}", scaleTemp),
                ref textVertices, posTemp.X, posTemp.Y + 20, posTemp.Z);
            device.AddVertices(Font.GenericMonospace10.Res.Material, BeginMode.Quads, textVertices);

            // Draw position indicator
            device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.Red.WithAlpha(0.25f)), BeginMode.Quads, new VertexP3[] {
                new VertexP3(posTemp.X - 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Y - 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Z),
                new VertexP3(posTemp.X + 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Y - 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Z),
                new VertexP3(posTemp.X + 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Y + 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Z),
                new VertexP3(posTemp.X - 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Y + 50.0f * scaleTemp, posTemp.Z)
コード例 #26
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Texture mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();
            ColorRgba mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();
            DrawTechnique tech = this.RetrieveDrawTechnique();

            Rect uvRect;
            Rect uvRectNext;
            bool smoothShaderInput = tech != null && tech.PreferredVertexFormat == VertexC1P3T4A4A1.Declaration;
            this.GetAnimData(mainTex, tech, smoothShaderInput, out uvRect, out uvRectNext);

            if (!smoothShaderInput)
                this.PrepareVerticesLight(ref this.verticesLight, device, mainClr, uvRect, tech);
                if (this.customMat != null)	device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
                else						device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
                this.PrepareVerticesLightSmooth(ref this.verticesLightSmooth, device, this.CurrentFrameProgress, mainClr, uvRect, uvRectNext, tech);
                if (this.customMat != null)	device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLightSmooth);
                else						device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLightSmooth);
コード例 #27
        protected override void Draw(IDrawDevice inDevice)
             * This is needed to allow to display the widget correctly in the editor
            if (FrozenUtilities.IsDualityEditor)

            if (_skin.Res != null)
                inDevice.AddVertices(_skin.Res.Material, VertexMode.Quads, _vertices);
コード例 #28
ファイル: Camera.cs プロジェクト: Andrea/duality
        private void RenderSinglePass(Rect viewportRect, Pass p)
            this.drawDevice.VisibilityMask = this.visibilityMask & p.VisibilityMask;
            this.drawDevice.RenderMode     = p.MatrixMode;
            this.drawDevice.Target         = p.Output;
            this.drawDevice.ViewportRect   = p.Output.IsAvailable ? new Rect(p.Output.Res.Width, p.Output.Res.Height) : viewportRect;

            if (p.Input == null)
                // Render Scene
                this.drawDevice.BeginRendering(p.ClearFlags, p.ClearColor, p.ClearDepth);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Core.WriteError("There was an error while {0} was collecting drawcalls: {1}", this.ToString(), Log.Exception(e));
                this.drawDevice.BeginRendering(p.ClearFlags, p.ClearColor, p.ClearDepth);

                Texture mainTex    = p.Input.MainTexture.Res;
                Vector2 uvRatio    = mainTex != null ? mainTex.UVRatio : Vector2.One;
                Rect    targetRect = new Rect(this.drawDevice.TargetSize);

                IDrawDevice device = this.drawDevice;
                device.AddVertices(p.Input, VertexMode.Quads,
                                   new VertexC1P3T2(targetRect.MinimumX, targetRect.MinimumY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                                   new VertexC1P3T2(targetRect.MaximumX, targetRect.MinimumY, 0.0f, uvRatio.X, 0.0f),
                                   new VertexC1P3T2(targetRect.MaximumX, targetRect.MaximumY, 0.0f, uvRatio.X, uvRatio.Y),
                                   new VertexC1P3T2(targetRect.MinimumX, targetRect.MaximumY, 0.0f, 0.0f, uvRatio.Y));

コード例 #29
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            ColorRgba      mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();
            List <Texture> texList = this.RetrieveMainTex();

            for (int i = 0; i < texList.Count; i++)
                Rect uvRect;
                if (texList[i] != null)
                    if (this.rectMode == UVMode.WrapBoth)
                        uvRect = new Rect(texList[i].UVRatio.X * this.rect.W / texList[i].PixelWidth, texList[i].UVRatio.Y * this.rect.H / texList[i].PixelHeight);
                    else if (this.rectMode == UVMode.WrapHorizontal)
                        uvRect = new Rect(texList[i].UVRatio.X * this.rect.W / texList[i].PixelWidth, texList[i].UVRatio.Y);
                    else if (this.rectMode == UVMode.WrapVertical)
                        uvRect = new Rect(texList[i].UVRatio.X, texList[i].UVRatio.Y * this.rect.H / texList[i].PixelHeight);
                        uvRect = new Rect(texList[i].UVRatio.X, texList[i].UVRatio.Y);
                    uvRect = new Rect(1.0f, 1.0f);

                this.PrepareVertices(ref this.vertices, device, mainClr, uvRect);

                foreach (var item in this.sharedMat)
                    device.AddVertices(item, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
コード例 #30
        void ICmpRenderer.Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            if (_inEditor)
                if (FXArea != null)
                    Canvas c = new Canvas(device);
                if (_particlesAlive > 0)
                    Vector3 posTemp   = FXArea.GameObj.Transform.Pos;
                    float   scaleTemp = 1f;
                    device.PreprocessCoords(ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);

                    int index = 0;

                    foreach (Particle p in _particles)
                        if (p.IsAlive)
                            bool toDraw = DrawParticlesOffScreen || device.IsCoordInView(p.Position);

                            if (toDraw)
                                p.UpdateVertices(device, posTemp, scaleTemp);
                                Array.Copy(p.Vertices, 0, _particleVertices, index * 4, 4);

                    device.AddVertices(_particleMaterial.Material, VertexMode.Quads, _particleVertices, index * 4);
コード例 #31
        private void RenderAttachment(IDrawDevice device, ContentRef <Material> material, float[] boneVertices, GameObject gameObject, ColorRgba color, float[] uvs, float depth)
            Vector3 position    = gameObject.Transform.Pos;
            float   actualScale = 1f * gameObject.Transform.Scale;

            device.PreprocessCoords(ref position, ref actualScale);

            var vertices = _vertexCache.Next();

            vertices[0].Pos.X = position.X + boneVertices[RegionAttachment.X1] * actualScale;
            vertices[0].Pos.Y = position.Y + boneVertices[RegionAttachment.Y1] * actualScale;
            vertices[1].Pos.X = position.X + boneVertices[RegionAttachment.X2] * actualScale;
            vertices[1].Pos.Y = position.Y + boneVertices[RegionAttachment.Y2] * actualScale;
            vertices[2].Pos.X = position.X + boneVertices[RegionAttachment.X3] * actualScale;
            vertices[2].Pos.Y = position.Y + boneVertices[RegionAttachment.Y3] * actualScale;
            vertices[3].Pos.X = position.X + boneVertices[RegionAttachment.X4] * actualScale;
            vertices[3].Pos.Y = position.Y + boneVertices[RegionAttachment.Y4] * actualScale;

            vertices[0].TexCoord.X = uvs[RegionAttachment.X1];
            vertices[0].TexCoord.Y = uvs[RegionAttachment.Y1];
            vertices[1].TexCoord.X = uvs[RegionAttachment.X2];
            vertices[1].TexCoord.Y = uvs[RegionAttachment.Y2];
            vertices[2].TexCoord.X = uvs[RegionAttachment.X3];
            vertices[2].TexCoord.Y = uvs[RegionAttachment.Y3];
            vertices[3].TexCoord.X = uvs[RegionAttachment.X4];
            vertices[3].TexCoord.Y = uvs[RegionAttachment.Y4];

            vertices[0].Pos.Z = position.Z + depth;
            vertices[1].Pos.Z = position.Z + depth;
            vertices[2].Pos.Z = position.Z + depth;
            vertices[3].Pos.Z = position.Z + depth;

            vertices[0].Color = material.Res.MainColor * color;
            vertices[1].Color = material.Res.MainColor * color;
            vertices[2].Color = material.Res.MainColor * color;
            vertices[3].Color = material.Res.MainColor * color;

            device.AddVertices(material, VertexMode.Quads, vertices);
コード例 #32
 public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
     this.PrepareVertices(ref this.vertices, device);
     device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, BeginMode.Quads, this.vertices);
コード例 #33
ファイル: TilemapRenderer.cs プロジェクト: SirePi/duality
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            // Determine basic working data
            Tilemap tilemap = this.ActiveTilemap;
            Tileset tileset = tilemap != null ? tilemap.Tileset.Res : null;
            Point2 tileCount = tilemap != null ? tilemap.Size : new Point2(1, 1);
            Vector2 tileSize = tileset != null ? tileset.TileSize : Tileset.DefaultTileSize;

            // Early-out, if insufficient
            if (tilemap == null) return;
            if (tileset == null) return;

            // Determine the total size and origin of the rendered Tilemap
            Vector2 renderTotalSize = tileCount * tileSize;
            Vector2 renderOrigin = Vector2.Zero;
            this.origin.ApplyTo(ref renderOrigin, ref renderTotalSize);
            MathF.TransformCoord(ref renderOrigin.X, ref renderOrigin.Y, this.GameObj.Transform.Angle, this.GameObj.Transform.Scale);

            // Determine Tile visibility
            TilemapCulling.TileInput cullingIn = new TilemapCulling.TileInput
                // Remember: All these transform values are in world space
                TilemapPos = this.GameObj.Transform.Pos + new Vector3(renderOrigin),
                TilemapScale = this.GameObj.Transform.Scale,
                TilemapAngle = this.GameObj.Transform.Angle,
                TileCount = tileCount,
                TileSize = tileSize
            TilemapCulling.TileOutput cullingOut = TilemapCulling.GetVisibleTileRect(device, cullingIn);
            int renderedTileCount = cullingOut.VisibleTileCount.X * cullingOut.VisibleTileCount.Y;

            // Determine rendering parameters
            Material material = (tileset != null ? tileset.RenderMaterial : null) ?? Material.Checkerboard.Res;
            ColorRgba mainColor = material.MainColor * this.colorTint;

            // Reserve the required space for vertex data in our locally cached buffer
            if (this.vertices == null) this.vertices = new RawList<VertexC1P3T2>();
            this.vertices.Count = renderedTileCount * 4;
            VertexC1P3T2[] vertexData = this.vertices.Data;

            // Determine and adjust data for Z offset generation
            float depthPerTile = -cullingIn.TileSize.Y * cullingIn.TilemapScale * this.tileDepthScale;

            if (this.tileDepthMode == TileDepthOffsetMode.Flat)
                depthPerTile = 0.0f;

            float originDepthOffset = Rect.Align(this.origin, 0, 0, 0, tileCount.Y * depthPerTile).Y;

            if (this.tileDepthMode == TileDepthOffsetMode.World)
                originDepthOffset += (this.GameObj.Transform.Pos.Y / (float)tileSize.Y) * depthPerTile;

            cullingOut.RenderOriginView.Z += this.offset + this.tileDepthOffset * depthPerTile + originDepthOffset;

            // Prepare vertex generation data
            Vector2 tileXStep = cullingOut.XAxisView * cullingIn.TileSize.X;
            Vector2 tileYStep = cullingOut.YAxisView * cullingIn.TileSize.Y;
            Vector3 renderPos = cullingOut.RenderOriginView;
            Point2 tileGridPos = cullingOut.VisibleTileStart;

            // Prepare vertex data array for batch-submitting
            IReadOnlyGrid<Tile> tiles = tilemap.Tiles;
            TileInfo[] tileData = tileset.TileData.Data;
            int submittedTileCount = 0;
            int vertexBaseIndex = 0;
            for (int tileIndex = 0; tileIndex < renderedTileCount; tileIndex++)
                Tile tile = tiles[tileGridPos.X, tileGridPos.Y];
                if (tile.Index < tileData.Length)
                    Rect uvRect = tileData[tile.Index].TexCoord0;
                    bool visualEmpty = tileData[tile.Index].IsVisuallyEmpty;
                    int tileBaseOffset = tileData[tile.Index].DepthOffset;
                    float localDepthOffset = (tile.DepthOffset + tileBaseOffset) * depthPerTile;

                    if (!visualEmpty)
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].Pos.X = renderPos.X;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].Pos.Y = renderPos.Y;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].Pos.Z = renderPos.Z + localDepthOffset;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].TexCoord.X = uvRect.X;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.Y;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].Color = mainColor;

                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 1].Pos.X = renderPos.X + tileYStep.X;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 1].Pos.Y = renderPos.Y + tileYStep.Y;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 1].Pos.Z = renderPos.Z + localDepthOffset + depthPerTile;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 1].TexCoord.X = uvRect.X;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 1].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.Y + uvRect.H;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 1].Color = mainColor;

                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 2].Pos.X = renderPos.X + tileXStep.X + tileYStep.X;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 2].Pos.Y = renderPos.Y + tileXStep.Y + tileYStep.Y;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 2].Pos.Z = renderPos.Z + localDepthOffset + depthPerTile;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 2].TexCoord.X = uvRect.X + uvRect.W;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 2].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.Y + uvRect.H;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 2].Color = mainColor;

                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].Pos.X = renderPos.X + tileXStep.X;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].Pos.Y = renderPos.Y + tileXStep.Y;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].Pos.Z = renderPos.Z + localDepthOffset;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].TexCoord.X = uvRect.X + uvRect.W;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.Y;
                        vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].Color = mainColor;

                        bool vertical = tileData[tile.Index].IsVertical;
                        if (vertical)
                            vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].Pos.Z += depthPerTile;
                            vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].Pos.Z += depthPerTile;

                        vertexBaseIndex += 4;

                renderPos.X += tileXStep.X;
                renderPos.Y += tileXStep.Y;
                if ((tileGridPos.X - cullingOut.VisibleTileStart.X) >= cullingOut.VisibleTileCount.X)
                    tileGridPos.X = cullingOut.VisibleTileStart.X;
                    renderPos = cullingOut.RenderOriginView;
                    renderPos.X += tileYStep.X * (tileGridPos.Y - cullingOut.VisibleTileStart.Y);
                    renderPos.Y += tileYStep.Y * (tileGridPos.Y - cullingOut.VisibleTileStart.Y);
                    renderPos.Z += tileGridPos.Y * depthPerTile;

            // Submit all the vertices as one draw batch
                submittedTileCount * 4);

            Profile.AddToStat(@"Duality\Stats\Render\Tilemaps\NumTiles", renderedTileCount);
            Profile.AddToStat(@"Duality\Stats\Render\Tilemaps\NumVertices", submittedTileCount * 4);
コード例 #34
ファイル: TextRenderer.cs プロジェクト: gitMaxim/duality
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Vector3 posTemp = this.gameobj.Transform.Pos;
            float scaleTemp = 1.0f;
            device.PreprocessCoords(ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);

            Vector2 xDot, yDot;
            MathF.GetTransformDotVec(this.GameObj.Transform.Angle, this.gameobj.Transform.Scale * scaleTemp, out xDot, out yDot);

            // Apply block alignment
            Vector2 textOffset = Vector2.Zero;
            Vector2 textSize = this.text.Size;
            if (this.text.MaxWidth > 0) textSize.X = this.text.MaxWidth;
            this.blockAlign.ApplyTo(ref textOffset, textSize);
            MathF.TransformDotVec(ref textOffset, ref xDot, ref yDot);
            posTemp.X += textOffset.X;
            posTemp.Y += textOffset.Y;
            if (this.text.Fonts != null && this.text.Fonts.Any(r => r.IsAvailable && r.Res.IsPixelGridAligned))
                posTemp.X = MathF.Round(posTemp.X);
                posTemp.Y = MathF.Round(posTemp.Y);
                if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) / 2) * 2)
                    posTemp.X += 0.5f;
                if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) / 2) * 2)
                    posTemp.Y += 0.5f;

            ColorRgba matColor = this.customMat != null ? this.customMat.MainColor : ColorRgba.White;
            int[] vertLen = this.text.EmitVertices(ref this.vertFont, ref this.vertIcon, posTemp.X, posTemp.Y, posTemp.Z + this.VertexZOffset, this.colorTint * matColor, xDot, yDot);
            if (this.text.Fonts != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.text.Fonts.Length; i++)
                    if (this.text.Fonts[i] != null && this.text.Fonts[i].IsAvailable)
                        if (this.customMat == null)
                            device.AddVertices(this.text.Fonts[i].Res.Material, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertFont[i], vertLen[i + 1]);
                            BatchInfo cm = new BatchInfo(this.customMat);
                            cm.Textures = this.text.Fonts[i].Res.Material.Textures;
                            device.AddVertices(cm, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertFont[i], vertLen[i + 1]);
            if (this.text.Icons != null && this.iconMat.IsAvailable)
                device.AddVertices(this.iconMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertIcon, vertLen[0]);
コード例 #35
ファイル: ParticleEffect.cs プロジェクト: ChrisLakeZA/duality
		public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
			if (this.particles == null) return;
			Texture tex = this.RetrieveTexture();
			if (tex == null) return;

			Vector2 particleHalfSize = this.particleSize * 0.5f;
			float objAngle;
			float objScale;
			Vector3 objPos;
			if (this.worldSpace)
				objAngle = 0.0f;
				objScale = 1.0f;
				objPos = Vector3.Zero;
				objAngle = this.GameObj.Transform.Angle;
				objScale = this.GameObj.Transform.Scale;
				objPos = this.GameObj.Transform.Pos;
			Vector2 objXDot, objYDot;
			MathF.GetTransformDotVec(objAngle, objScale, out objXDot, out objYDot);

			if (this.vertexBuffer == null) this.vertexBuffer = new RawList<VertexC1P3T2>(this.particles.Count * 4);
			this.vertexBuffer.Count = this.vertexBuffer.Count = this.particles.Count * 4;
			VertexC1P3T2[] vertexData = this.vertexBuffer.Data;
			Particle[] particleData = this.particles.Data;
			int particleCount = this.particles.Count;
			for (int i = 0; i < particleCount; i++)
				ColorRgba color = particleData[i].Color;
				float alpha = (float)color.A / 255.0f;
				if (this.fadeOutAt < 1.0f) alpha *= MathF.Clamp((1.0f - particleData[i].AgeFactor) / this.fadeOutAt, 0.0f, 1.0f);
				if (this.fadeInAt > 0.0f) alpha *= MathF.Clamp(particleData[i].AgeFactor / this.fadeInAt, 0.0f, 1.0f);
				color.A = (byte)(alpha * 255.0f);

				Rect uvRect;
				tex.LookupAtlas(particleData[i].SpriteIndex, out uvRect);

				Vector3 particlePos = particleData[i].Position;
				MathF.TransformDotVec(ref particlePos, ref objXDot, ref objYDot);
				particlePos += objPos;

				float particleAngle = objAngle + particleData[i].Angle;
				float particleScale = objScale;

				device.PreprocessCoords(ref particlePos, ref particleScale);

				Vector2 xDot, yDot;
				MathF.GetTransformDotVec(particleAngle, particleScale, out xDot, out yDot);

				Vector2 edgeTopLeft		= new Vector2(-particleHalfSize.X, -particleHalfSize.Y);
				Vector2 edgeBottomLeft	= new Vector2(-particleHalfSize.X, particleHalfSize.Y);
				Vector2 edgeBottomRight = new Vector2(particleHalfSize.X, particleHalfSize.Y);
				Vector2 edgeTopRight	= new Vector2(particleHalfSize.X, -particleHalfSize.Y);

				MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edgeTopLeft,		ref xDot, ref yDot);
				MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edgeBottomLeft,	ref xDot, ref yDot);
				MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edgeBottomRight,	ref xDot, ref yDot);
				MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edgeTopRight,		ref xDot, ref yDot);
				int vertexBaseIndex = i * 4;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].Pos.X = particlePos.X + edgeTopLeft.X;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].Pos.Y = particlePos.Y + edgeTopLeft.Y;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].Pos.Z = particlePos.Z;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].TexCoord.X = uvRect.X;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.Y;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 0].Color = color;

				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 1].Pos.X = particlePos.X + edgeBottomLeft.X;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 1].Pos.Y = particlePos.Y + edgeBottomLeft.Y;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 1].Pos.Z = particlePos.Z;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 1].TexCoord.X = uvRect.X;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 1].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.BottomY;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 1].Color = color;

				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 2].Pos.X = particlePos.X + edgeBottomRight.X;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 2].Pos.Y = particlePos.Y + edgeBottomRight.Y;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 2].Pos.Z = particlePos.Z;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 2].TexCoord.X = uvRect.RightX;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 2].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.BottomY;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 2].Color = color;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].Pos.X = particlePos.X + edgeTopRight.X;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].Pos.Y = particlePos.Y + edgeTopRight.Y;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].Pos.Z = particlePos.Z;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].TexCoord.X = uvRect.RightX;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.Y;
				vertexData[vertexBaseIndex + 3].Color = color;

			device.AddVertices(this.material, VertexMode.Quads, vertexData, this.vertexBuffer.Count);
コード例 #36
ファイル: TextRenderer.cs プロジェクト: Andrea/duality
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Vector3 posTemp   = this.gameobj.Transform.Pos;
            float   scaleTemp = 1.0f;

            device.PreprocessCoords(ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);

            Vector2 xDot, yDot;

            MathF.GetTransformDotVec(this.GameObj.Transform.Angle, this.gameobj.Transform.Scale * scaleTemp, out xDot, out yDot);

            // Apply block alignment
            Vector2 textOffset = Vector2.Zero;
            Vector2 textSize   = this.text.Size;

            if (this.text.MaxWidth > 0)
                textSize.X = this.text.MaxWidth;
            this.blockAlign.ApplyTo(ref textOffset, textSize);
            MathF.TransformDotVec(ref textOffset, ref xDot, ref yDot);
            posTemp.X += textOffset.X;
            posTemp.Y += textOffset.Y;
            if (this.text.Fonts != null && this.text.Fonts.Any(r => r.IsAvailable && r.Res.IsPixelGridAligned))
                posTemp.X = MathF.Round(posTemp.X);
                posTemp.Y = MathF.Round(posTemp.Y);
                if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) / 2) * 2)
                    posTemp.X += 0.5f;
                if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) / 2) * 2)
                    posTemp.Y += 0.5f;

            // Draw design time metrics data
            if (DualityApp.ExecContext == DualityApp.ExecutionContext.Editor)
                bool    showLimits    = true;
                bool    showLines     = false;
                bool    showElements  = false;
                Vector3 metricsOffset = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.01f);
                Vector3 lineOffset    = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
                Vector3 tUnitX        = Vector3.UnitX;
                Vector3 tUnitY        = Vector3.UnitY;
                MathF.TransformDotVec(ref tUnitX, ref xDot, ref yDot);
                MathF.TransformDotVec(ref tUnitY, ref xDot, ref yDot);

                // Actual text size and maximum text size
                if (showLimits)
                    Vector3 textWidth     = tUnitX * this.text.Size.X;
                    Vector3 textHeight    = tUnitY * this.text.Size.Y;
                    Vector3 textMaxWidth  = tUnitX * this.text.MaxWidth;
                    Vector3 textMaxHeight = tUnitY * MathF.Max(this.text.MaxHeight, this.text.Size.Y);

                    ColorRgba clrSize    = ColorRgba.Green.WithAlpha(128);
                    ColorRgba clrMaxSize = ColorRgba.Red.WithAlpha(128);
                    device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.White), VertexMode.LineLoop,
                                       new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp, clrSize),
                                       new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + textWidth, clrSize),
                                       new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + textWidth + textHeight, clrSize),
                                       new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + textHeight, clrSize));
                    device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.White), VertexMode.LineLoop,
                                       new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp, clrMaxSize),
                                       new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + textMaxWidth, clrMaxSize),
                                       new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + textMaxWidth + textMaxHeight, clrMaxSize),
                                       new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + textMaxHeight, clrMaxSize));

                // Individual line sizes
                if (showLines)
                    ColorRgba clrLineBg = (ColorRgba.Blue + ColorRgba.Red).WithAlpha(64);
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.text.TextMetrics.LineBounds.Count; i++)
                        Rect lineRect = this.text.TextMetrics.LineBounds[i];
                        device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.White), VertexMode.Quads,
                                           new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + posTemp + lineRect.TopLeft.X * tUnitX + lineRect.TopLeft.Y * tUnitY, clrLineBg),
                                           new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + posTemp + lineRect.BottomLeft.X * tUnitX + lineRect.BottomLeft.Y * tUnitY, clrLineBg),
                                           new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + posTemp + lineRect.BottomRight.X * tUnitX + lineRect.BottomRight.Y * tUnitY, clrLineBg),
                                           new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + posTemp + lineRect.TopRight.X * tUnitX + lineRect.TopRight.Y * tUnitY, clrLineBg));

                // Individual line sizes
                if (showElements)
                    ColorRgba clrElementBg = (ColorRgba.Blue + ColorRgba.Green).WithAlpha(128);
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.text.TextMetrics.ElementBounds.Count; i++)
                        Rect elemRect = this.text.TextMetrics.ElementBounds[i];
                        device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.White), VertexMode.LineLoop,
                                           new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + elemRect.TopLeft.X * tUnitX + elemRect.TopLeft.Y * tUnitY, clrElementBg),
                                           new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + elemRect.BottomLeft.X * tUnitX + elemRect.BottomLeft.Y * tUnitY, clrElementBg),
                                           new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + elemRect.BottomRight.X * tUnitX + elemRect.BottomRight.Y * tUnitY, clrElementBg),
                                           new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + elemRect.TopRight.X * tUnitX + elemRect.TopRight.Y * tUnitY, clrElementBg));

            ColorRgba matColor = this.customMat != null ? this.customMat.MainColor : ColorRgba.White;

            int[] vertLen = this.text.EmitVertices(ref this.vertFont, ref this.vertIcon, posTemp.X, posTemp.Y, posTemp.Z, this.colorTint * matColor, xDot, yDot);
            if (this.text.Fonts != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.text.Fonts.Length; i++)
                    if (this.text.Fonts[i] != null && this.text.Fonts[i].IsAvailable)
                        if (this.customMat == null)
                            device.AddVertices(this.text.Fonts[i].Res.Material, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertFont[i], vertLen[i + 1]);
                            BatchInfo cm = new BatchInfo(this.customMat);
                            cm.Textures = this.text.Fonts[i].Res.Material.Textures;
                            device.AddVertices(cm, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertFont[i], vertLen[i + 1]);
            if (this.text.Icons != null && this.iconMat.IsAvailable)
                device.AddVertices(this.iconMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertIcon, vertLen[0]);
コード例 #37
ファイル: TextRenderer.cs プロジェクト: Banbury/duality
		public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
			Vector3 posTemp = this.gameobj.Transform.Pos;
			float scaleTemp = 1.0f;
			device.PreprocessCoords(ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);

			Vector2 xDot, yDot;
			MathF.GetTransformDotVec(this.GameObj.Transform.Angle, this.gameobj.Transform.Scale * scaleTemp, out xDot, out yDot);

			// Apply block alignment
			Vector2 textOffset = Vector2.Zero;
			Vector2 textSize = this.text.Size;
			if (this.text.MaxWidth > 0) textSize.X = this.text.MaxWidth;
			this.blockAlign.ApplyTo(ref textOffset, textSize);
			MathF.TransformDotVec(ref textOffset, ref xDot, ref yDot);
			posTemp.X += textOffset.X;
			posTemp.Y += textOffset.Y;
			if (this.text.Fonts != null && this.text.Fonts.Any(r => r.IsAvailable && r.Res.IsPixelGridAligned))
				posTemp.X = MathF.Round(posTemp.X);
				posTemp.Y = MathF.Round(posTemp.Y);
				if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) / 2) * 2)
					posTemp.X += 0.5f;
				if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) / 2) * 2)
					posTemp.Y += 0.5f;

			// Draw design time metrics data
			if (DualityApp.ExecContext == DualityApp.ExecutionContext.Editor)
				bool showLimits		= true;
				bool showLines		= false;
				bool showElements	= false;
				Vector3 metricsOffset = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.01f);
				Vector3 lineOffset = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
				Vector3 tUnitX = Vector3.UnitX;
				Vector3 tUnitY = Vector3.UnitY;
				MathF.TransformDotVec(ref tUnitX, ref xDot, ref yDot);
				MathF.TransformDotVec(ref tUnitY, ref xDot, ref yDot);

				// Actual text size and maximum text size
				if (showLimits)
					Vector3 textWidth = tUnitX * this.text.Size.X;
					Vector3 textHeight = tUnitY * this.text.Size.Y;
					Vector3 textMaxWidth = tUnitX * this.text.MaxWidth;
					Vector3 textMaxHeight = tUnitY * MathF.Max(this.text.MaxHeight, this.text.Size.Y);

					ColorRgba clrSize = ColorRgba.Green.WithAlpha(128);
					ColorRgba clrMaxSize = ColorRgba.Red.WithAlpha(128);
					device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.White), VertexMode.LineLoop,
						new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp, clrSize),
						new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + textWidth, clrSize),
						new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + textWidth + textHeight, clrSize),
						new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + textHeight, clrSize));
					device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.White), VertexMode.LineLoop,
						new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp, clrMaxSize),
						new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + textMaxWidth, clrMaxSize),
						new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + textMaxWidth + textMaxHeight, clrMaxSize),
						new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + textMaxHeight, clrMaxSize));

				// Individual line sizes
				if (showLines)
					ColorRgba clrLineBg = (ColorRgba.Blue + ColorRgba.Red).WithAlpha(64);
					for (int i = 0; i < this.text.TextMetrics.LineBounds.Count; i++)
						Rect lineRect = this.text.TextMetrics.LineBounds[i];
						device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.White), VertexMode.Quads,
							new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + posTemp + lineRect.TopLeft.X * tUnitX + lineRect.TopLeft.Y * tUnitY, clrLineBg),
							new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + posTemp + lineRect.BottomLeft.X * tUnitX + lineRect.BottomLeft.Y * tUnitY, clrLineBg),
							new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + posTemp + lineRect.BottomRight.X * tUnitX + lineRect.BottomRight.Y * tUnitY, clrLineBg),
							new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + posTemp + lineRect.TopRight.X * tUnitX + lineRect.TopRight.Y * tUnitY, clrLineBg));

				// Individual line sizes
				if (showElements)
					ColorRgba clrElementBg = (ColorRgba.Blue + ColorRgba.Green).WithAlpha(128);
					for (int i = 0; i < this.text.TextMetrics.ElementBounds.Count; i++)
						Rect elemRect = this.text.TextMetrics.ElementBounds[i];
						device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.White), VertexMode.LineLoop,
							new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + elemRect.TopLeft.X * tUnitX + elemRect.TopLeft.Y * tUnitY, clrElementBg),
							new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + elemRect.BottomLeft.X * tUnitX + elemRect.BottomLeft.Y * tUnitY, clrElementBg),
							new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + elemRect.BottomRight.X * tUnitX + elemRect.BottomRight.Y * tUnitY, clrElementBg),
							new VertexC1P3(metricsOffset + lineOffset + posTemp + elemRect.TopRight.X * tUnitX + elemRect.TopRight.Y * tUnitY, clrElementBg));

			ColorRgba matColor = this.customMat != null ? this.customMat.MainColor : ColorRgba.White;
			int[] vertLen = this.text.EmitVertices(ref this.vertFont, ref this.vertIcon, posTemp.X, posTemp.Y, posTemp.Z, this.colorTint * matColor, xDot, yDot);
			if (this.text.Fonts != null)
				for (int i = 0; i < this.text.Fonts.Length; i++)
					if (this.text.Fonts[i] != null && this.text.Fonts[i].IsAvailable) 
						if (this.customMat == null)
							device.AddVertices(this.text.Fonts[i].Res.Material, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertFont[i], vertLen[i + 1]);
							BatchInfo cm = new BatchInfo(this.customMat);
							cm.Textures = this.text.Fonts[i].Res.Material.Textures;
							device.AddVertices(cm, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertFont[i], vertLen[i + 1]);
			if (this.text.Icons != null && this.iconMat.IsAvailable)
				device.AddVertices(this.iconMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertIcon, vertLen[0]);
コード例 #38
ファイル: TextRenderer.cs プロジェクト: ykafia/duality
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Vector3 posTemp   = this.gameobj.Transform.Pos;
            float   scaleTemp = 1.0f;

            device.PreprocessCoords(ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);

            Vector2 xDot, yDot;

            MathF.GetTransformDotVec(this.GameObj.Transform.Angle, this.gameobj.Transform.Scale * scaleTemp, out xDot, out yDot);

            // Apply block alignment
            Vector2 textOffset = Vector2.Zero;
            Vector2 textSize   = this.text.Size;

            if (this.text.MaxWidth > 0)
                textSize.X = this.text.MaxWidth;
            this.blockAlign.ApplyTo(ref textOffset, textSize);
            MathF.TransformDotVec(ref textOffset, ref xDot, ref yDot);
            posTemp.X += textOffset.X;
            posTemp.Y += textOffset.Y;
            if (this.text.Fonts != null && this.text.Fonts.Any(r => r.IsAvailable && r.Res.IsPixelGridAligned))
                posTemp.X = MathF.Round(posTemp.X);
                posTemp.Y = MathF.Round(posTemp.Y);
                if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) / 2) * 2)
                    posTemp.X += 0.5f;
                if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) / 2) * 2)
                    posTemp.Y += 0.5f;

            ColorRgba matColor = this.customMat != null ? this.customMat.MainColor : ColorRgba.White;

            int[] vertLen = this.text.EmitVertices(ref this.vertFont, ref this.vertIcon, posTemp.X, posTemp.Y, posTemp.Z + this.VertexZOffset, this.colorTint * matColor, xDot, yDot);
            if (this.text.Fonts != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.text.Fonts.Length; i++)
                    if (this.text.Fonts[i] != null && this.text.Fonts[i].IsAvailable)
                        if (this.customMat == null)
                            device.AddVertices(this.text.Fonts[i].Res.Material, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertFont[i], vertLen[i + 1]);
                            BatchInfo cm = new BatchInfo(this.customMat);
                            cm.Textures = this.text.Fonts[i].Res.Material.Textures;
                            device.AddVertices(cm, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertFont[i], vertLen[i + 1]);
            if (this.text.Icons != null && this.iconMat.IsAvailable)
                device.AddVertices(this.iconMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertIcon, vertLen[0]);
コード例 #39
ファイル: ActorRenderer.cs プロジェクト: SirePi/duality
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Texture mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();
            ColorRgba mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();

            Rect uvRect;
            if (mainTex != null)
                if (this.spriteIndex < 0)
                    uvRect = new Rect(mainTex.UVRatio.X, mainTex.UVRatio.Y);
                    mainTex.LookupAtlas(this.spriteIndex, out uvRect);
                uvRect = new Rect(1.0f, 1.0f);

            this.PrepareVertices(ref this.vertices, device, mainClr, uvRect);
            if (this.customMat != null)
                device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
                device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
コード例 #40
ファイル: GridCamViewLayer.cs プロジェクト: Banbury/duality
        protected internal override void OnCollectDrawcalls(Canvas canvas)
            IDrawDevice device = canvas.DrawDevice;

            float   scaleTemp = 1.0f;
            Vector3 posTemp   = Vector3.Zero;

            device.PreprocessCoords(ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);
            if (posTemp.Z <= canvas.DrawDevice.NearZ)

            float alphaTemp = 0.5f;

            alphaTemp *= (float)Math.Min(1.0d, ((posTemp.Z - device.NearZ) / (device.NearZ * 5.0f)));
            if (alphaTemp <= 0.005f)

            float stepTemp     = 4.0f * this.gridSize * MathF.Max(0.25f, MathF.Pow(2.0f, -MathF.Round(1.0f - MathF.Log(1.0f / scaleTemp, 2.0f))));
            float scaledStep   = stepTemp * scaleTemp;
            float viewBoundRad = device.TargetSize.Length * 0.5f;
            int   lineCount    = (2 + (int)MathF.Ceiling(viewBoundRad * 2 / scaledStep)) * 4;

            ColorRgba gridColor = this.FgColor.WithAlpha(alphaTemp);

            VertexC1P3[] vertices = new VertexC1P3[lineCount * 4];

            float beginPos;
            float pos;
            int   lineIndex;
            int   vertOff = 0;

            beginPos  = posTemp.X % scaledStep - (lineCount / 8) * scaledStep;
            pos       = beginPos;
            lineIndex = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < lineCount; x++)
                bool primaryLine   = lineIndex % 4 == 0;
                bool secondaryLine = lineIndex % 4 == 2;

                vertices[vertOff + x * 2 + 0].Color = primaryLine ? gridColor : gridColor.WithAlpha(alphaTemp * (secondaryLine ? 0.5f : 0.25f));

                vertices[vertOff + x * 2 + 0].Pos.X = pos;
                vertices[vertOff + x * 2 + 0].Pos.Y = -viewBoundRad;
                vertices[vertOff + x * 2 + 0].Pos.Z = posTemp.Z + 1;

                vertices[vertOff + x * 2 + 1]       = vertices[vertOff + x * 2 + 0];
                vertices[vertOff + x * 2 + 1].Pos.Y = viewBoundRad;

                pos += scaledStep / 4;
            vertOff += lineCount * 2;

            beginPos  = posTemp.Y % scaledStep - (lineCount / 8) * scaledStep;
            pos       = beginPos;
            lineIndex = 0;
            for (int y = 0; y < lineCount; y++)
                bool primaryLine   = lineIndex % 4 == 0;
                bool secondaryLine = lineIndex % 4 == 2;

                vertices[vertOff + y * 2 + 0].Color = primaryLine ? gridColor : gridColor.WithAlpha(alphaTemp * (secondaryLine ? 0.5f : 0.25f));

                vertices[vertOff + y * 2 + 0].Pos.X = -viewBoundRad;
                vertices[vertOff + y * 2 + 0].Pos.Y = pos;
                vertices[vertOff + y * 2 + 0].Pos.Z = posTemp.Z + 1;

                vertices[vertOff + y * 2 + 1]       = vertices[vertOff + y * 2 + 0];
                vertices[vertOff + y * 2 + 1].Pos.X = viewBoundRad;

                pos += scaledStep / 4;
            vertOff += lineCount * 2;

            device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.White), VertexMode.Lines, vertices);
コード例 #41
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            ColorRgba mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();
            List<Texture> texList = this.RetrieveMainTex();

            for (int i = 0; i < texList.Count; i++)
                Rect uvRect;
                if (texList[i] != null)
                    if (this.rectMode == UVMode.WrapBoth)
                        uvRect = new Rect(texList[i].UVRatio.X * this.rect.W / texList[i].PixelWidth, texList[i].UVRatio.Y * this.rect.H / texList[i].PixelHeight);
                    else if (this.rectMode == UVMode.WrapHorizontal)
                        uvRect = new Rect(texList[i].UVRatio.X * this.rect.W / texList[i].PixelWidth, texList[i].UVRatio.Y);
                    else if (this.rectMode == UVMode.WrapVertical)
                        uvRect = new Rect(texList[i].UVRatio.X, texList[i].UVRatio.Y * this.rect.H / texList[i].PixelHeight);
                        uvRect = new Rect(texList[i].UVRatio.X, texList[i].UVRatio.Y);
                    uvRect = new Rect(1.0f, 1.0f);

                this.PrepareVertices(ref this.vertices, device, mainClr, uvRect);

                foreach (var item in this.sharedMat)
                    device.AddVertices(item, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
コード例 #42
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            if (this.camComp.DrawDevice != device) return;

            List<VertexC1P3> vertices = new List<VertexC1P3>((2 * this.layerCount * this.starsPerLayer) * 2);
            float screenBoundRad = this.camComp.ViewBoundingRadius;
            float minZDist = this.camComp.NearZ + this.camComp.ParallaxRefDist / 50.0f;

            float stepTemp = this.TileSize;
            Vector2 minPos = new Vector2(-screenBoundRad, -screenBoundRad);
            Vector2 maxPos = new Vector2(screenBoundRad, screenBoundRad);

            // Iterate over star layers
            for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < this.layerCount; layerIndex++)
                StarLayer layer = this.starLayers[layerIndex];

                // Determine the layers Z value & perform layer culling if too near
                float layerZ = this.layerDepth * ((float)layerIndex / (float)this.layerCount) - this.GameObj.Transform.Pos.Z;
                if (layerZ < 0.0f) layerZ += this.layerDepth * (float)(1 + (int)(-layerZ / this.layerDepth));
                layerZ = layerZ % this.layerDepth;
                if (layerZ <= this.GameObj.Transform.Pos.Z + minZDist) continue;

                // Calculate transform data
                Vector3 posTemp = this.GameObj.Transform.Pos + Vector3.UnitZ * layerZ;
                Vector3 posTempTrail = this.GameObj.Transform.Pos + Vector3.UnitZ * (layerZ + this.GameObj.Transform.Vel.Z * this.trailLength);
                float scaleTemp = 1.0f;
                float scaleTempTrail = 1.0f;
                device.PreprocessCoords(this, ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);
                device.PreprocessCoords(this, ref posTempTrail, ref scaleTempTrail);
                posTempTrail += new Vector3(this.GameObj.Transform.Vel.Xy * this.trailLength);

                // Prepare this layers transformation to calculate a stars trail position.
                Vector2 starPosTempTrailDotX;
                Vector2 starPosTempTrailDotY;
                MathF.GetTransformDotVec(this.GameObj.Transform.AngleVel * this.trailLength, scaleTempTrail, out starPosTempTrailDotX, out starPosTempTrailDotY);

                // Iterate over stars
                for (int starIndex = 0; starIndex < layer.stars.Length; starIndex++)
                    // Since it's an endless starfield, each star may show up on multiple positions at once. It's tiled.
                    StarInfo star = layer.stars[starIndex];
                    Vector2 starPosBase = star.pos - this.GameObj.Transform.Pos.Xy;

                    // Move the topleft tiling corner to somewhere near the screens top left
                    if (starPosBase.X > minPos.X)					starPosBase.X -= stepTemp * MathF.Ceiling((starPosBase.X - minPos.X) / stepTemp);
                    else if (starPosBase.X < minPos.X - stepTemp)	starPosBase.X -= stepTemp * MathF.Ceiling((starPosBase.X - minPos.X) / stepTemp);
                    if (starPosBase.Y > minPos.Y)					starPosBase.Y -= stepTemp * MathF.Ceiling((starPosBase.Y - minPos.Y) / stepTemp);
                    else if (starPosBase.Y < minPos.Y - stepTemp)	starPosBase.Y -= stepTemp * MathF.Ceiling((starPosBase.Y - minPos.Y) / stepTemp);

                    // Tiling!
                    Vector2 startPos = starPosBase;
                    while (starPosBase.X <= maxPos.X && starPosBase.Y <= maxPos.Y)
                        // Determine star pos and perform culling
                        Vector3 starPosTemp = posTemp + new Vector3(starPosBase) * scaleTemp;
                        if (starPosTemp.X > -screenBoundRad && starPosTemp.Y > -screenBoundRad &&
                            starPosTemp.X < screenBoundRad && starPosTemp.Y < screenBoundRad)
                            // Determine trail pos
                            Vector3 starPosTempTrail = posTempTrail + new Vector3(starPosBase);
                            MathF.TransformDotVec(ref starPosTempTrail, ref starPosTempTrailDotX, ref starPosTempTrailDotY);

                            // Calculate length factor for the star's alpha value. Reduce alpha if too small or too big
                            float lenTemp = (starPosTemp - starPosTempTrail).Length;
                            if (lenTemp < 1.0f)
                                lenTemp = MathF.Max(0.25f, MathF.Sqrt(lenTemp));
                            else if (lenTemp > 1.0f)
                                lenTemp = 1.0f / MathF.Pow(lenTemp, 0.25f);

                            // Determine the star's alpha value and generate its vertices (star and trail)
                            float alpha = star.brightness * this.brightness * lenTemp * (1.0f - ((layerZ - minZDist) / (this.layerDepth - minZDist)));
                            vertices.Add(new VertexC1P3(starPosTemp, ColorRgba.White.WithAlpha(alpha)));
                            vertices.Add(new VertexC1P3(starPosTempTrail, ColorRgba.White.WithAlpha(alpha * 0.5f)));

                        // Advance X / Y grid
                        starPosBase.X += stepTemp;
                        if (starPosBase.X > maxPos.X)
                            starPosBase.X = startPos.X;
                            starPosBase.Y += stepTemp;

            // Draw the stars all at once. Since they're not on the same Z layer, this may lead to wronz Z sorting
            // when interacting with a complex environment that needs Z-Sorting itsself. For this application, it should be sufficient.
            device.AddVertices(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Add, ColorRgba.White), BeginMode.Lines, vertices.ToArray());
            // (Can be fixed by drawing each layer in its own batch because they can be properly Z-sorted by Duality)
コード例 #43
ファイル: AnimSpriteRenderer.cs プロジェクト: ruzli/duality
        public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
            Texture mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();
            ColorRgba mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();
            DrawTechnique tech = this.RetrieveDrawTechnique();

            Rect uvRect;
            Rect uvRectNext;
            bool smoothShaderInput = tech != null && tech.PreferredVertexFormat == DrawTechnique.VertexType_C1P3T4A1;
            this.GetAnimData(mainTex, tech, smoothShaderInput, out uvRect, out uvRectNext);

            if (!smoothShaderInput)
                this.PrepareVertices(ref this.vertices, device, mainClr, uvRect);
                if (this.customMat != null)	device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
                else						device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.vertices);
                this.PrepareVerticesSmooth(ref this.verticesSmooth, device, this.curAnimFrameFade, mainClr, uvRect, uvRectNext);
                if (this.customMat != null)	device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesSmooth);
                else						device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesSmooth);
コード例 #44
        public void Draw( IDrawDevice device )
            if( GameObj == null || !_loaded || Layers == null || Layers.Count == 0 )

            Vector3 tempPos = GameObj.Transform.Pos;
            float tempScale = 1f;
            device.PreprocessCoords( ref tempPos, ref tempScale );

            int halfMapW = W / 2;
            int halfMapH = H / 2;

            for (var i = Layers.Values.GetEnumerator(); i.MoveNext();) {

                var layer = i.Current;

                if (!layer.Visible)

                for (int y = 0; y < H; y++) {

                    for (int x = 0; x < W; x++) {

                        // Is renderable tile available?
                        int gid = layer.GetTile(x, y);
                        if (gid <= 0)

                        // Get the correct tileset for this GID
                        var tileset = FindTilesetByGID(gid);
                        if (tileset == null)

                        // Remove tileset's FirstGID from the tile ID
                        // so we get the correct position in the image.
                        int tileX = (gid - tileset.FirstGID) % tileset.W;
                        int tileY = (gid - tileset.FirstGID) / tileset.W;

                        // Let 'em float...
                        float tx = (float)tileX;
                        float ty = (float)tileY;
                        float tw = (float)TileW;
                        float th = (float)TileH;
                        float twp = (float)tileset.WPixel;
                        float thp = (float)tileset.HPixel;

                        var vertices = new VertexC1P3T2[4];

                        // Get tileset main color and set layer's opacity on it
                        var color = tileset.Image.Res.MainColor.WithAlpha( layer.Opacity );

                        var uvRatio = tileset.Image.Res.MainTexture.Res.UVRatio;

                        // Texture coordinates
                        var uvRect = new Rect(
                            uvRatio.X * (tx * tw) / twp,
                            uvRatio.Y * (ty * th) / thp,
                            uvRatio.X * tw / twp,
                            uvRatio.Y * th / thp

                        // Position
                        float posX = tempPos.X + ((float)x - (float)halfMapW) * (float)TileW;
                        float posY = tempPos.Y + ((float)y - (float)halfMapH) * (float)TileH;

                        // Bottom-left
                        vertices[0] = new VertexC1P3T2();
                        vertices[0].Pos.X = (posX - tw / 2) * tempScale;
                        vertices[0].Pos.Y = (posY + th / 2) * tempScale;
                        vertices[0].Pos.Z = tempPos.Z;
                        vertices[0].TexCoord.X = uvRect.LeftX;
                        vertices[0].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.BottomY;
                        vertices[0].Color = color;

                        // Top-left
                        vertices[1] = new VertexC1P3T2();
                        vertices[1].Pos.X = (posX - tw / 2) * tempScale;
                        vertices[1].Pos.Y = (posY - th / 2) * tempScale;
                        vertices[1].Pos.Z = tempPos.Z;
                        vertices[1].TexCoord.X = uvRect.LeftX;
                        vertices[1].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.TopY;
                        vertices[1].Color = color;

                        // Top-right
                        vertices[2] = new VertexC1P3T2();
                        vertices[2].Pos.X = (posX + tw / 2) * tempScale;
                        vertices[2].Pos.Y = (posY - th / 2) * tempScale;
                        vertices[2].Pos.Z = tempPos.Z;
                        vertices[2].TexCoord.X = uvRect.RightX;
                        vertices[2].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.TopY;
                        vertices[2].Color = color;

                        // Bottom-right
                        vertices[3] = new VertexC1P3T2();
                        vertices[3].Pos.X = (posX + tw / 2) * tempScale;
                        vertices[3].Pos.Y = (posY + th / 2) * tempScale;
                        vertices[3].Pos.Z = tempPos.Z;
                        vertices[3].TexCoord.X = uvRect.RightX;
                        vertices[3].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.BottomY;
                        vertices[3].Color = color;

                        device.AddVertices(tileset.Image, VertexMode.Quads, vertices);
コード例 #45
		public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
			Texture mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();
			ColorRgba mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();
			DrawTechnique tech = this.RetrieveDrawTechnique();

			Rect uvRect;
			if (mainTex != null)	uvRect = new Rect(mainTex.UVRatio.X, mainTex.UVRatio.Y);
			else					uvRect = new Rect(1.0f, 1.0f);

			this.PrepareVerticesLight(ref this.verticesLight, device, mainClr, uvRect, tech);

			if (this.customMat != null)	device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
			else						device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);