コード例 #1
ファイル: UIGridEx.cs プロジェクト: chichikov/chichikov76
    public void Init( IDraggablePanelAdapter adapter, int nNumGridItem, int nRealGridItem )
        if( gridItemPrefab == null || adapter == null )
            Debug.LogError( "UIGridEx::Init() - Can't initialize UIGridEx because gridItemPrefab or panelAdapter is not set" );

        currentPos = prevPos = 0;

        numGridItem = nNumGridItem;
        realNumGridItem = nRealGridItem;
        panelAdapter = adapter;

        startSlotID = 0;
        endSlotID = realNumGridItem - 1;

        int nCurrNumChildItem = gridItemList.Count;
        int nNumWould = nRealGridItem - nCurrNumChildItem;
        // no create or delete
        if( nNumWould == 0 )
            // fill slot map
            int nCnt = 0;
            foreach( GameObject gridItemObj in gridItemList )
                gridItemSlotMap.Add( nCnt, gridItemObj );
                panelAdapter.OnNotifyFill( nCnt++, gridItemObj );


        // create
        else if( nNumWould > 0 )
            for( int i=0; i<nNumWould; i++ )
                GameObject obj = Instantiate( gridItemPrefab ) as GameObject;
                if( obj == null )
                    Debug.LogError( "UIGridEx::Init() - Can't initialize UIGridEx because gridItemPrefab is not instantiated" );

                obj.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
                obj.layer = gameObject.layer;

                obj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                obj.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
                obj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
                // 이름 초기화 이거 같은게 있으면 트랜스폼의 GetChild()가 안먹는다??? 확인!!!!
                obj.name = (nCurrNumChildItem + i).ToString( "0000" );

                gridItemList.Add( obj );

            // fill slot map
            int nCnt = 0;
            foreach( GameObject gridItemObj in gridItemList )
                gridItemSlotMap.Add( nCnt, gridItemObj );
                panelAdapter.OnNotifyFill( nCnt++, gridItemObj );
        // delete
            List<GameObject> removeObjList = new List<GameObject>();
            for( int i=0; i<-nNumWould; i++ )
                GameObject currentObj = gridItemList[ nCurrNumChildItem - 1 - i ];
                removeObjList.Add( currentObj );

            foreach( GameObject obj in removeObjList )
                gridItemList.Remove( obj );
                GameObject.Destroy( obj );

            // fill slot map
            int nCnt = 0;
            foreach( GameObject gridItemObj in gridItemList )
                gridItemSlotMap.Add( nCnt, gridItemObj );
                panelAdapter.OnNotifyFill( nCnt++, gridItemObj );


        isFilled = true;
コード例 #2
    // addition to ngui for uniform draggable scroll panel
    /// <summary>
    /// init cs draggable panel
    /// </summary>
    public void Init( IDraggablePanelAdapter adapter, int nNumScrollItem, int nRealNumScrollItem )
        if( adapter == null || mPanel == null || mGrid == null )
            Debug.LogError( "UIDraggablePanelEx::Init() - Invalid Parameter or not initialized" );

        //dragPanelAdapter = adapter;
        numScrollItem = nNumScrollItem;
        realNumScrollItem = nRealNumScrollItem;

        if( numScrollItem <= realNumScrollItem )
            realNumScrollItem = numScrollItem;
            bNeedRearrange = false;

        mGrid.Init( adapter, numScrollItem, realNumScrollItem );

        // scroll to origin

        // dummy calc
        float fDummy = bounds.min.x;
        horizontalMinX = mRealBounds.min.x;
        verticalMaxY = mRealBounds.max.y;