コード例 #1
     * Finalize spawning of objects at the end of a drag and drop.
     * @param locationValid bool True if the cursor is over a valid location to place the object
     * @param hitInfo RaycastHit Result of the raycast done to test location validity
    private void FinalizeDrag(bool locationValid, RaycastHit primaryHitInfo, List <RaycastHit> secondaryHitInfo)
        // hide any visualizations that may have existed for the object
        PlacementVisualizationManager.Instance.DisplayVisualization(spawnedObjectDragAndDrop.GetType(), false);

        // if we are in a valid place, spawn the object
        if (locationValid)
            // place the spawned object
            spawnedObjectDragAndDrop.Place(primaryHitInfo, secondaryHitInfo);

            // make it visible and turn it on

            // set the layer back to whatever it was before
            Layers.MoveAllToLayer(spawnedObject, spawnedObjectLayer);
        // if not in a valid place, destroy the spawned object
            // destroy object

            // clear old references, reset values to default
            spawnedObject                  = null;
            spawnedObjectDragAndDrop       = null;
            spawnedObjectOffsetTopLeft     = Vector3.zero;
            spawnedObjectOffsetTopRight    = Vector3.zero;
            spawnedObjectOffsetBottomLeft  = Vector3.zero;
            spawnedObjectOffsetBottomRight = Vector3.zero;
コード例 #2
     * Handle beginning of a drag action on this object
     * @param eventData The PointerEventData for the drag which allows us to reference the pointer position for UpdateDrag
    public void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
        if (!gameManager.PlaceState)
        if (towerUI.CanAfford)
            // Spawn the object
            // Keep it invisible and don't set position yet because we haven't actually figured out where it's going to go yet,
            // but we need to instantiate it so we can figure out whether
            spawnedObject = Instantiate(objectToSpawn);

            // Set the spawned object to be on the unplaced object layer, keeping its old layer for future use
            spawnedObjectLayer = spawnedObject.layer;
            Layers.MoveAllToLayer(spawnedObject, LayerMask.NameToLayer(Layers.IGNORE_RAYCAST_LAYER_NAME));

            // Get the IDragAndDrop interface for the spawned object
            spawnedObjectDragAndDrop = spawnedObject.GetComponentInChildren <IDragAndDropObject>();
            if (spawnedObjectDragAndDrop == null)
                Debug.LogError("Trying to drag and drop an object with no IDragAndDrop interface implemented!");

            // Show any visualizations that may exist for the object
            PlacementVisualizationManager.Instance.DisplayVisualization(spawnedObjectDragAndDrop.GetType(), true);

            // Calculate the offsets needed to get the points at the corners of the spawned object's renderer's bounding box
            // NOTE: These are * 0.25f to allow for Anglers and Rangers to be placed closer to the shore of the river
            if (spawnedObjectDragAndDrop is MonoBehaviour mb && mb.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().bounds is Bounds bounds)
                spawnedObjectOffsetTopLeft     = new Vector3(-1 * bounds.extents.x * 0.25f, 0, bounds.extents.z * 0.25f);
                spawnedObjectOffsetTopRight    = new Vector3(bounds.extents.x * 0.25f, 0, bounds.extents.z * 0.25f);
                spawnedObjectOffsetBottomLeft  = new Vector3(-1 * bounds.extents.x * 0.25f, 0, -1 * bounds.extents.z * 0.25f);
                spawnedObjectOffsetBottomRight = new Vector3(bounds.extents.x * 0.25f, 0, -1 * bounds.extents.z * 0.25f);
                Debug.LogError("Attempting to spawn object from drag and drop that has no MeshRenderer!");

            // Start moving the icon
コード例 #3
     * Handle beginning of a drag action on this object
    public void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
        // spawn the object
        // keep it invisible and don't set position yet because we haven't actually figured out where it's going to go yet
        // but, we need to instantiate it so we can figure out whether
        spawnedObject = Instantiate(objectToSpawn);

        // set the spawned object to be on the unplaced object layer, keeping its old layer for future use
        spawnedObjectLayer = spawnedObject.layer;
        Layers.MoveAllToLayer(spawnedObject, LayerMask.NameToLayer(Layers.IGNORE_RAYCAST_LAYER_NAME));

        // get the IDragAndDrop interface for the spawned object
        spawnedObjectDragAndDrop = spawnedObject.GetComponentInChildren <IDragAndDropObject>();
        if (spawnedObjectDragAndDrop == null)
            Debug.LogError("Trying to drag and drop an object with no IDragAndDrop interface implemented!");
            // show any visualizations that may exist for the object
            PlacementVisualizationManager.Instance.DisplayVisualization(spawnedObjectDragAndDrop.GetType(), true);

        // calculate the offsets needed to get the points at the corners of the spawned object's renderer's bounding box
        MeshRenderer mr = (spawnedObjectDragAndDrop as MonoBehaviour).GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        if (!mr)
            Debug.LogError("Attempting to spawn object from drag and drop that has no MeshRenderer!");
            spawnedObjectOffsetTopLeft     = new Vector3(-1 * mr.bounds.extents.x, mr.bounds.extents.y);
            spawnedObjectOffsetTopRight    = new Vector3(mr.bounds.extents.x, mr.bounds.extents.y);
            spawnedObjectOffsetBottomLeft  = new Vector3(-1 * mr.bounds.extents.x, -1 * mr.bounds.extents.y);
            spawnedObjectOffsetBottomRight = new Vector3(mr.bounds.extents.x, -1 * mr.bounds.extents.y);
        // start moving the icon