コード例 #1
ファイル: CDKToBeam.cs プロジェクト: roddickchen/NCDK
        /// <summary>
        /// Add double-bond stereo configuration to the Beam GraphBuilder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbs">stereo element specifying double-bond configuration</param>
        /// <param name="gb">the current graph builder</param>
        /// <param name="indices">atom indices</param>
        private static void AddGeometricConfiguration(IDoubleBondStereochemistry dbs, SmiFlavors flavour, GraphBuilder gb, Dictionary <IAtom, int> indices)
            var db = dbs.StereoBond;
            var bs = dbs.Bonds;

            // don't try to set a configuration on aromatic bonds
            if (SmiFlavorTool.IsSet(flavour, SmiFlavors.UseAromaticSymbols) && db.IsAromatic)

            var u = indices[db.Begin];
            var v = indices[db.End];

            // is bs[0] always connected to db.Atom(0)?
            var x = indices[bs[0].GetOther(db.Begin)];
            var y = indices[bs[1].GetOther(db.End)];

            if (dbs.Stereo == DoubleBondConformation.Together)
                gb.Geometric(u, v).Together(x, y);
                gb.Geometric(u, v).Opposite(x, y);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjust the configuration of the <paramref name="dbs"/> element (if required).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbs">double-bond stereochemistry element</param>
        private void Adjust(IDoubleBondStereochemistry dbs)
            var db    = dbs.StereoBond;
            var bonds = dbs.Bonds;

            var left  = db.Begin;
            var right = db.End;

            var p = Parity(dbs.Configure);
            var q = Parity(GetAtoms(left, bonds[0].GetOther(left), right))
                    * Parity(GetAtoms(right, bonds[1].GetOther(right), left));

            // configuration is unspecified? then we add an unspecified bond.
            // note: IDoubleBondStereochemistry doesn't indicate this yet
            if (p == 0)
                foreach (var bond in container.GetConnectedBonds(left))
                    bond.Stereo = BondStereo.None;
                foreach (var bond in container.GetConnectedBonds(right))
                    bond.Stereo = BondStereo.None;
                bonds[0].Stereo = BondStereo.UpOrDown;

            // configuration is already correct
            if (p == q)

            Arrays.Fill(visited, false);
            visited[atomToIndex[left]] = true;

            if (ringSearch.Cyclic(atomToIndex[left], atomToIndex[right]))
                db.Stereo = BondStereo.EOrZ;

            foreach (var w in graph[atomToIndex[right]])
                if (!visited[w])
                    Reflect(w, db);
コード例 #3
ファイル: BeamToCDKTest.cs プロジェクト: roddickchen/NCDK
        public void Z_1_2_difluroethene()
            IAtomContainer ac = Convert("F/C=C\\F");

            var se = ac.StereoElements.First();

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(se, typeof(IDoubleBondStereochemistry));

            IDoubleBondStereochemistry dbs = (IDoubleBondStereochemistry)se;

            Assert.AreEqual(ac.GetBond(ac.Atoms[1], ac.Atoms[2]), dbs.StereoBond);
            Assert.IsTrue(Compares.AreDeepEqual(new IBond[] { ac.GetBond(ac.Atoms[0], ac.Atoms[1]), ac.GetBond(ac.Atoms[2], ac.Atoms[3]) }, dbs.Bonds));
            Assert.AreEqual(DoubleBondConformation.Together, dbs.Stereo);
コード例 #4
ファイル: BeamToCDKTest.cs プロジェクト: roddickchen/NCDK
        public void Z_1_2_difluroethene_explicit()
            IAtomContainer ac = Convert("FC(\\[H])=C([H])/F");

            var se = ac.StereoElements.First();

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(se, typeof(IDoubleBondStereochemistry));

            IDoubleBondStereochemistry dbs = (IDoubleBondStereochemistry)se;

            Assert.AreEqual(ac.GetBond(ac.Atoms[1], ac.Atoms[3]), dbs.StereoBond);
            Assert.IsTrue(Compares.AreDeepEqual(new IBond[] { ac.GetBond(ac.Atoms[1], ac.Atoms[2]), ac.GetBond(ac.Atoms[3], ac.Atoms[5]) }, dbs.Bonds));
            // the two 'F' are together but we use a H so they are 'opposite'
            Assert.AreEqual(DoubleBondConformation.Opposite, dbs.Stereo);
コード例 #5
        public void TestMap_Map_Map_EmptyMapping()
            IChemObjectBuilder builder = ChemObjectBuilder.Instance;

            IAtom c1 = builder.NewAtom("C");
            IAtom c2 = builder.NewAtom("C");
            IAtom o3 = builder.NewAtom("O");
            IAtom o4 = builder.NewAtom("O");

            IBond c1c2 = builder.NewBond(c1, c2, BondOrder.Double);
            IBond c1o3 = builder.NewBond(c1, o3, BondOrder.Single);
            IBond c2o4 = builder.NewBond(c2, o4, BondOrder.Single);

            // new stereo element
            IDoubleBondStereochemistry original = new DoubleBondStereochemistry(c1c2, new IBond[] { c1o3, c2o4 },

            // map the existing element a new element - should through an ArgumentException
            IDoubleBondStereochemistry mapped = (IDoubleBondStereochemistry)original.Clone(new CDKObjectMap());

            Assert.AreSame(original, mapped);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an encoder for the <see cref="IDoubleBondStereochemistry"/> element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbs">stereo element from an atom container</param>
        /// <param name="atomToIndex">map of atoms to indices</param>
        /// <param name="graph">adjacency list of connected vertices</param>
        /// <returns>a new geometry encoder</returns>
        private static GeometryEncoder GetEncoder(IDoubleBondStereochemistry dbs, IDictionary <IAtom, int> atomToIndex, int[][] graph)
            var db = dbs.StereoBond;
            var u  = atomToIndex[db.Begin];
            var v  = atomToIndex[db.End];

            // we now need to expand our view of the environment - the vertex arrays
            // 'us' and <paramref name="vs"/> hold the neighbors of each end point of the double bond
            // (<paramref name="u"/> or 'v'). The first neighbor is always the one stored in the
            // stereo element. The second is the other non-double bonded vertex
            // which we must find from the neighbors list (findOther). If there is
            // no additional atom attached (or perhaps it is an implicit Hydrogen)
            // we use either double bond end point.
            var bs = dbs.Bonds;
            var us = new int[2];
            var vs = new int[2];

            us[0] = atomToIndex[bs[0].GetOther(db.Begin)];
            us[1] = graph[u].Length == 2 ? u : FindOther(graph[u], v, us[0]);

            vs[0] = atomToIndex[bs[1].GetOther(db.End)];
            vs[1] = graph[v].Length == 2 ? v : FindOther(graph[v], u, vs[0]);

            var parity = dbs.Stereo == DoubleBondConformation.Opposite ? +1 : -1;

            var geomParity = GeometricParity.ValueOf(parity);

            // the permutation parity is combined - but note we only use this if we
            // haven't used <paramref name="u"/> or 'v' as place holders (i.e. implicit hydrogens)
            // otherwise there is only '1' and the parity is just '1' (identity)
            PermutationParity permParity = new CombinedPermutationParity(us[1] ==
                                                                         u ? BasicPermutationParity.Identity
                  : new BasicPermutationParity(us), vs[1] == v
                  ? BasicPermutationParity.Identity
                  : new BasicPermutationParity(vs));

            return(new GeometryEncoder(new int[] { u, v }, permParity, geomParity));
コード例 #7
ファイル: SmartsStereoMatch.cs プロジェクト: ch-hristov/NCDK
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an index of an atom in the query get the index of the other atom in
        /// the double bond.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i">query atom index</param>
        /// <returns>the other atom index involved in a double bond</returns>
        private int OtherIndex(int i)
            IDoubleBondStereochemistry element = (IDoubleBondStereochemistry)queryElements[i];

コード例 #8
ファイル: SmartsStereoMatch.cs プロジェクト: ch-hristov/NCDK
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify the geometric stereochemistry (cis/trans) of the double bond
        /// <c><paramref name="u1"/>=<paramref name="u2"/></c> is preserved in the target when the <paramref name="mapping"/> is
        /// used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="u1">one index of the double bond</param>
        /// <param name="u2">other index of the double bond</param>
        /// <param name="mapping">mapping of vertices</param>
        /// <returns>the geometric configuration is preserved</returns>
        private bool CheckGeometric(int u1, int u2, int[] mapping)
            int v1 = mapping[u1];
            int v2 = mapping[u2];

            if (targetTypes[v1] != StereoType.Unset && targetTypes[v1] != StereoType.Geometric)
            if (targetTypes[v2] != StereoType.Unset && targetTypes[v2] != StereoType.Geometric)

            IDoubleBondStereochemistry queryElement = (IDoubleBondStereochemistry)queryElements[u1];
            var queryBonds = queryElement.Bonds;

            bool unspecified = ((StereoBond)queryBonds[0]).IsUnspecified || ((StereoBond)queryBonds[1]).IsUnspecified;

            if (unspecified && (targetTypes[v1] == StereoType.Unset || targetTypes[v2] == StereoType.Unset))

            // no configuration in target
            if (targetTypes[v1] != StereoType.Geometric || targetTypes[v2] != StereoType.Geometric)

            IDoubleBondStereochemistry targetElement = (IDoubleBondStereochemistry)targetElements[v1];

            // although the atoms were mapped and 'v1' and 'v2' are bond in double-bond
            // elements they are not in the same element
            if (!targetElement.StereoBond.Contains(target.Atoms[v1]) ||

            // bond is undirected so we need to ensure v1 is the first atom in the bond
            // we also need to to swap the substituents later
            bool swap = false;

            if (targetElement.StereoBond.Begin != target.Atoms[v1])
                int tmp = v1;
                v1   = v2;
                v2   = tmp;
                swap = true;

            var targetBonds = targetElement.Bonds;

            int p = Parity(queryElement.Stereo);
            int q = Parity(targetElement.Stereo);

            int uLeft  = queryMap[queryBonds[0].GetOther(query.Atoms[u1])];
            int uRight = queryMap[queryBonds[1].GetOther(query.Atoms[u2])];

            int vLeft  = targetMap[targetBonds[0].GetOther(target.Atoms[v1])];
            int vRight = targetMap[targetBonds[1].GetOther(target.Atoms[v2])];

            if (swap)
                int tmp = vLeft;
                vLeft  = vRight;
                vRight = tmp;
            if (mapping[uLeft] != vLeft)
                p *= -1;
            if (mapping[uRight] != vRight)
                p *= -1;

            return(p == q);
コード例 #9
        public static CIPChirality GetCIPChirality(IAtomContainer container, IDoubleBondStereochemistry stereoCenter)
            IBond stereoBond = stereoCenter.StereoBond;
            IBond leftBond   = stereoCenter.Bonds[0];
            IBond rightBond  = stereoCenter.Bonds[1];

            // the following variables are usd to label the atoms - makes things
            // a little more concise
            // x       y       x
            //  \     /         \
            //   u = v    or     u = v
            //                        \
            //                         y
            var u = stereoBond.Begin;
            var v = stereoBond.End;
            var x = leftBond.GetOther(u);
            var y = rightBond.GetOther(v);

            var conformation = stereoCenter.Stereo;

            var leftLigands  = GetLigands(u, container, v).ToList();
            var rightLigands = GetLigands(v, container, u).ToList();

            if (leftLigands.Count > 2 || rightLigands.Count > 2)

            // invert if x/y aren't in the first position
            if (leftLigands[0].LigandAtom != x)
                conformation = conformation.Invert();
            if (rightLigands[0].LigandAtom != y)
                conformation = conformation.Invert();

            int p = PermParity(leftLigands) * PermParity(rightLigands);

            if (p == 0)
            else if (p < 0)
                conformation = conformation.Invert();

            switch (conformation)
            case DoubleBondConformation.Together:

            case DoubleBondConformation.Opposite:

コード例 #10
        void Main()
            IAtomContainer       someMolecule = null;
            StereoElementFactory someFactory  = null;
                IAtomContainer       container = someMolecule;
                StereoElementFactory stereo    = StereoElementFactory.Using2DCoordinates(container).InterpretProjections(Projection.Haworth);

                // set the elements replacing any existing elements

                // adding elements individually is also possible but existing elements are
                // are not removed
                foreach (var element in stereo.CreateAll())
                #region CreateTetrahedral_int
                StereoElementFactory factory   = someFactory;  // 2D/3D
                IAtomContainer       container = someMolecule; // container

                for (int v = 0; v < container.Atoms.Count; v++)
                    // ... verify v is a stereo atom ...
                    ITetrahedralChirality element = factory.CreateTetrahedral(v, null);
                    if (element != null)
                #region CreateTetrahedral_IAtom
                StereoElementFactory factory   = someFactory;  // 2D/3D
                IAtomContainer       container = someMolecule; // container

                foreach (var atom in container.Atoms)
                    // ... verify atom is a stereo atom ...
                    ITetrahedralChirality element = factory.CreateTetrahedral(atom, null);
                    if (element != null)
                #region CreateGeometric_IBond
                StereoElementFactory factory   = someFactory;  // 2D/3D
                IAtomContainer       container = someMolecule; // container

                foreach (var bond in container.Bonds)
                    if (bond.Order != BondOrder.Double)
                    // ... verify bond is a stereo bond...
                    IDoubleBondStereochemistry element = factory.CreateGeometric(bond, null);
                    if (element != null)
                #region CreateExtendedTetrahedral
                StereoElementFactory factory   = someFactory;  // 2D/3D
                IAtomContainer       container = someMolecule; // container

                for (int v = 0; v < container.Atoms.Count; v++)
                    // ... verify v is a stereo atom ...
                    ExtendedTetrahedral element = factory.CreateExtendedTetrahedral(v, null);
                    if (element != null)
                IAtomContainer container = someMolecule; // container
                #region InterpretProjections
                StereoElementFactory factory =
                    .InterpretProjections(Projection.Fischer, Projection.Haworth);