コード例 #1
        public void Run()
            _logger.Info("Starting the Application.");

            if (_videoIndexerService.IsDownloadInsightsEnabled())
                // List the videos from Video Library and extract the insights file
                // The new file is add to a location known by the reader service
                _logger.Info("Reading videos from Video Indexer library.");
                var done = false;
                var skip = 0;
                while (!done)
                    var mediaAssets = _videoIndexerService.ListVideosAsync(skip).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    if (mediaAssets != null)
                        if (mediaAssets.Results != null)
                            foreach (var media in mediaAssets.Results)
                                _logger.Debug($"Reading and saving insights from the Video: { media.Name } with the Id: { media.Id }.");
                                // Add a new file to a location know by the reader service
                                _videoIndexerService.AddNewInsightsFileToReaderAsync(_insightsReaderService, media);
                            done = mediaAssets.NextPage.Done;
                            skip = mediaAssets.NextPage.Skip;
                            done = true;
                        done = true;

            // Create Scence Index in the Azure Cognitive Search
            _logger.Info("Creating the Scene Index.");

            // Create Thumbnail Index in the Azure Cognitive Search
            _logger.Info("Creating the Thumbnail Index.");

            // Parse all insights files
            foreach (var parsedDocument in _insightsReaderService.ReadInsightsFiles())
                if (parsedDocument != null)
                    if (parsedDocument.Scenes != null)
                        // Scenes
                        _documentWriterService.WriteScenesDocument(parsedDocument.FileName, parsedDocument.ParsedScenesJson);
                        _logger.Info($"Uploading scenes from the file { parsedDocument.FileName } to Azure Cognitive Search.");
                        _logger.Debug($"The scenes from the file { parsedDocument.FileName } have been parsed and uploaded.");
                    if (parsedDocument.Thumbnails != null)
                        // Thumbnails
                        _documentWriterService.WriteThumbnailsDocument(parsedDocument.FileName, parsedDocument.ParsedThumbnailsJson);
                        _logger.Info($"Uploading thumbnails from the file { parsedDocument.FileName } to Azure Cognitive Search.");
                        _logger.Debug($"The thumbnails from the file { parsedDocument.FileName } have been parsed and uploaded.");

                        if (_videoIndexerService.IsDownloadThumbnailsEnabled())
                            foreach (var thumbnail in parsedDocument.Thumbnails)
                                                                            $"thumbnail_{ Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(parsedDocument.FileName) }_{ thumbnail.Id }.jpeg",
            _logger.Info("Finishing the Application.");