コード例 #1
        public Task <PagedListDTO <OrderDTO> > GetOrders(BaseCriteriaDTO criteria)
            int pageSize = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSize"].ToString());

            //filter (expression in DB)
            Expression <Func <Order, bool> > filterExpression = x => x.Id != "0";

            //Azure cosmos db not support method toString, and we use the next Workarround
            int filterAmount = 0;

            int.TryParse(criteria.Filter, out filterAmount);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(criteria.Filter))
                filterExpression = filterExpression.Join(
                    x =>
                    (x.OrderCustomer != null && x.OrderCustomer.ContactName.ToUpper().Contains(criteria.Filter.ToUpper())) ||
                    x.ShipAdress.ToUpper().Contains(criteria.Filter.ToUpper()) ||
                    x.ShipCity.ToUpper().Contains(criteria.Filter.ToUpper()) ||
                    x.ShipCountry.ToUpper().Contains(criteria.Filter.ToUpper()) ||
                    x.ShipPostalCode.ToUpper().Contains(criteria.Filter.ToUpper()) ||
                    x.TotalAmount == filterAmount

            //order by
            Expression <Func <Order, object> >[] orderByExpressions = this.GetOrderByExpressions_Orders(criteria.OrderBy);

            Tuple <List <Order>, int> q = repositoryOrders.GetAllAsync(criteria.PageNumber,
                                                                       pageSize, filterExpression, criteria.OrderAsc, orderByExpressions);

            //get total entities
            int totalItems = q.Item2;

            //parse to DTO
            List <OrderDTO> items = q.Item1.ToList().Select(m => new OrderDTO
                Id         = Convert.ToInt32(m.Id),
                Created_At = m.Created_At,
                //OrderCustomer = m.OrderCustomer,
                Details = m.OrdersDetails.Where(x => x != null).Select(a => new OrderDetailDTO
                    Id = Convert.ToInt32(a.OrderDetailId), OrderId = Convert.ToInt32(m.Id), Discount = a.Discount, ProductId = a.ProductId, ProductName = (a.ProductSold != null ? a.ProductSold.Name : ""), Quantity = a.Quantity
                shipAdress     = m.ShipAdress,
                shipCity       = m.ShipCity,
                shipCountry    = m.ShipCountry,
                shipPostalCode = m.ShipPostalCode,
                TotalAmount    = m.TotalAmount

            var res = new PagedListDTO <OrderDTO>(totalItems, pageSize, items, criteria.PageNumber);
