static void Main(string[] args) { string[] commands; var list = File.ReadAllText("CreateDocumentScript.txt"); commands = list.Split('#'); foreach (var command in commands) { var strippedCommand = Regex.Replace(command, @"\t|\n|\r", ""); var commandList = strippedCommand.Split(':'); switch (commandList[0]) { case "Document": CreateDocument(commandList[1].Split(';')); break; case "Element": _document.AddElement(_factory.CreateElement(commandList[1], commandList[2])); break; case "Run": RunDocument(); break; default: break; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string[] commands; var list = File.ReadAllText("CreateDocumentScript.txt"); commands = list.Split('#'); IDocumentFactory currentFactory = null; IDocument currentDocument = null; IElement currentElement = null; foreach (var command in commands) { var strippedCommand = Regex.Replace(command, @"\t|\n|\r", ""); var commandList = strippedCommand.Split(':'); switch (commandList[0]) { case "Document": { var temp = commandList[1].Split(';'); switch (temp[0]) { case "Html": currentFactory = HTMLFactory.GetInstance(); currentDocument = currentFactory.CreateDocument(temp[1]); break; case "Markdown": currentFactory = MDFactory.GetInstance(); currentDocument = currentFactory.CreateDocument(temp[1]); break; default: break; } } // Your document creation code goes here break; case "Element": { currentElement = currentFactory.CreateElement(commandList[1], commandList[2]); currentDocument.AddElement(currentElement); } // Your element creation code goes here break; case "Run": currentDocument.RunDocument(); break; default: break; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string[] commands; var list = File.ReadAllText("CreateDocumentScript.txt"); commands = list.Split('#'); foreach (var command in commands) { var strippedCommand = Regex.Replace(command, @"\t|\n|\r", ""); var commandList = strippedCommand.Split(':'); switch (commandList[0]) { case "Document": // Your document creation code goes here string[] fileName = commandList[1].Split(';'); if (fileName[0] == "Markdown") { //fileNameArray[1] == fileName factory = MarkdownFactory.CreateInstance(); document = factory.CreateDocument(fileName[1]); Console.WriteLine(fileName[1]); } else if (fileName[0] == "Html") { factory = HTMLFactory.CreateInstance(); document = factory.CreateDocument(fileName[1]); Console.WriteLine(fileName[1]); } break; case "Element": // Your element creation code goes here document.AddElement(factory.CreateElement(commandList[1], commandList[2])); break; case "Run": // Your document running code goes here document.RunDocument(); Console.WriteLine("Running Document"); break; default: break; } } Console.WriteLine("Thanks for using...done"); System.Environment.Exit(0); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string[] commands; string list = ""; try { list = File.ReadAllText("CreateDocumentScript.txt"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("Input file not found (be sure CreateDocumentScript.txt is in the right directory: \"" + e.FileName + "\")."); System.Environment.Exit(1); } commands = list.Split('#'); // to be assigned below //string factoryType; // 'html' or 'markdown' foreach (var command in commands) { string strippedCommand = Regex.Replace(command, @"\t|\n|\r", ""); // this cleans up the text a bit string[] commandList = strippedCommand.Split(':'); switch (commandList[0]) { //[0] - Either Document or Element //[1] - Either filename if Document or ElementType if Element //[2]- props case "Document": // Your document creation code goes here // maybe create a concrete document and set the value of the `document` variable? // commandList might look like: ["Document", "Markdown;"] // string[] fileNameArray = commandList[1].Split(';'); if (fileNameArray[0] == "Markdown") { //fileNameArray[1] == fileName factory = MarkdownFactory.Get(); document = factory.CreateDocument(fileNameArray[1]); Console.WriteLine(fileNameArray[1]); } else if (fileNameArray[0] == "Html") { factory = HTMLFactory.Get(); document = factory.CreateDocument(fileNameArray[1]); Console.WriteLine(fileNameArray[1]); } break; case "Element": //[0] Element/Document //[1] ElementType //[2] props // Your element creation code goes here // maybe have the factory append a new element to the document? // commandList might look like: ["Element", "Header", "1;The Header"] // take a look at CreateDocumentScript.txt for all of them // Console.Write(commandList[1] + " "); // Console.WriteLine(commandList[2]); document.AddElement(factory.CreateElement(commandList[1], commandList[2])); break; case "Run": string name = document.GetFilename(); using (File.Create(name)){}; using (var writer = new StreamWriter(name, true)){ writer.WriteLine(document.Run()); }; //File.Create(RelativeToAbsolutePath(document.GetFilename())); Console.WriteLine(document.Run()); // File.WriteAllText(RelativeToAbsolutePath(document.GetFilename()), document.Run()); // Console.WriteLine(); break; default: break; } } }