public async Task <IUser> GetOwnerAsync(int segmentId) { var segment = await _botContext.Segments.Include(s => s.User).FirstAsync(s => s.SegmentId == segmentId).ConfigureAwait(false); var discordUserId = segment.User.DiscordUserId; return(await _client.GetUserAsync((ulong)discordUserId).ConfigureAwait(false)); }
/// <summary> /// If this poll is being retreived from the database, please make a call to LOAD it. /// This will populate the actual values for channel/message. /// </summary> /// <param name="Client"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task LoadEntity(IDiscordClient Client) { = await Client.GetChannelAsync(this.ChannelId, CacheMode.AllowDownload) as ITextChannel; this.message = await channel.GetMessageAsync(this.MessageId, CacheMode.AllowDownload) as IUserMessage; //Populate the users. foreach (var vote in Votes) { vote.User = await Client.GetUserAsync(vote.UserId); } }
public static async Task <bool> TryDMAsync(this ulong userId, IDiscordClient client, string description, string title = null, Color color = default(Color)) { var user = await client.GetUserAsync(userId); if (user == null) { return(false); } else { return(await user.TryDMAsync(description, title, color)); } }
public static async Task <InhouseQueue> GetQueueAsync(ulong channelId, string name, IDiscordClient channel, LiteCollection <InhouseQueue> collection) { var queue = collection.FindOne(g => g.ChannelId == channelId && g.Name == name); if (queue == null) { return(null); } foreach (var u in queue.Players.Values) { u.DiscordUser = await channel.GetUserAsync(u.Id); } return(queue); }
public static async Task <Game> GetGameAsync(ulong id, IDiscordClient channel, ILiteCollection <Game> collection) { var game = collection.FindOne(g => g.Id == id); if (game == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException(); } foreach (var u in game.Players.Values) { u.DiscordUser = await channel.GetUserAsync(u.Id); } return(game); }
public async Task <bool> LoadAdminsAsync() { if (!File.Exists(_FILE)) { Message = "No admin file found."; Console.WriteLine(Message); return(false); } Task <string[]> lines = File.ReadAllLinesAsync(_FILE); Regex regex = new Regex(_PATTERN, RegexOptions.Compiled); string username; string discriminator; var missingUsers = new List <User>(); foreach (string line in await lines) { if (!line.StartsWith(_COMMENT)) { var match = regex.Matches(line); if (match.Count == 1) { username = match[0].Groups[1].Value; discriminator = match[0].Groups[2].Value; var user = await _client.GetUserAsync(username, discriminator); if (user != null) { _admins.Add(new User(user)); } else { missingUsers.Add(new User(user)); } } } } Message = "Admin list loaded."; if (missingUsers.Count > 0) { string missingStr = String.Join(", ", missingUsers.Select(x => x.Username).ToArray()); Message += $" (Could not find {missingStr})"; } return(true); }
public async Task <IEntry <DiscordContact> > FetchAsync(ulong id) { var user = await _client.GetUserAsync(id); if (user is null) { throw new ContactNotFoundException <DiscordContact>(null); } return(_entryFactory.Create( new DiscordContact( user.Id, user.Username, user.Discriminator, null ) )); }
public async Task Handle(AnswerAddedToQuestionEvent notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var question = await _dbContext.Questions .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == notification.QuestionId, cancellationToken); if (question is null) { return; } var user = await _client.GetUserAsync(question.UserId); var dmChannel = await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); await dmChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed : new EmbedBuilder() .WithDescription($"Danke. Deine Antwort zu `{question}` wurde in die Wissensdatenbank aufgenommen.") .WithColor(Color.Green) .Build()); }
private async Task <string> CreateSystemNotFoundError(Context ctx) { var input = ctx.PopArgument(); if (input.TryParseMention(out var id)) { // Try to resolve the user ID to find the associated account, // so we can print their username. var user = await _client.GetUserAsync(id); // Print descriptive errors based on whether we found the user or not. if (user == null) { return($"Account with ID `{id}` not found."); } return($"Account **{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}** does not have a system registered."); } return($"System with ID `{input}` not found."); }
async Task <TypeReaderResult> FindSystemByAccountHelper(ulong id, IDiscordClient client, SystemStore systems) { var foundByAccountId = await systems.GetByAccount(id); if (foundByAccountId != null) { return(TypeReaderResult.FromSuccess(foundByAccountId)); } // We didn't find any, so we try to resolve the user ID to find the associated account, // so we can print their username. var user = await client.GetUserAsync(id); // Return descriptive errors based on whether we found the user or not. if (user == null) { return(TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ObjectNotFound, $"System or account with ID `{id}` not found.")); } return(TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ObjectNotFound, $"Account **{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}** not found.")); }
public async Task <Embed> CreateSystemEmbed(PKSystem system) { var accounts = await _data.GetSystemAccounts(system); // Fetch/render info for all accounts simultaneously var users = await Task.WhenAll(accounts.Select(async uid => (await _client.GetUserAsync(uid))?.NameAndMention() ?? $"(deleted account {uid})")); var memberCount = await _data.GetSystemMemberCount(system); var eb = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(Color.Blue) .WithTitle(system.Name ?? null) .WithThumbnailUrl(system.AvatarUrl ?? null) .WithFooter($"System ID: {system.Hid} | Created on {Formats.ZonedDateTimeFormat.Format(system.Created.InZone(system.Zone))}"); var latestSwitch = await _data.GetLatestSwitch(system); if (latestSwitch != null) { var switchMembers = (await _data.GetSwitchMembers(latestSwitch)).ToList(); if (switchMembers.Count > 0) { eb.AddField("Fronter".ToQuantity(switchMembers.Count(), ShowQuantityAs.None), string.Join(", ", switchMembers.Select(m => m.Name))); } } if (system.Tag != null) { eb.AddField("Tag", system.Tag); } eb.AddField("Linked accounts", string.Join(", ", users).Truncate(1000), true); eb.AddField($"Members ({memberCount})", $"(see `pk;system {system.Hid} list` or `pk;system {system.Hid} list full`)", true); if (system.Description != null) { eb.AddField("Description", system.Description.Truncate(1024), false); } return(eb.Build()); }
async Task SendAsync(IDiscordClient client, DbNotification notification) { var recipient = await client.GetUserAsync(notification.User.DiscordUserId ?? 0); if (recipient == null) { _logger.LogWarning($"No recipient user {notification.User.DiscordUserId?.ToString() ?? "<null>"} found."); return; } string fixUrl(string url) => Uri.TryCreate(_defaultBaseUri, url, out var uri) ? uri.AbsoluteUri : null; await recipient.SendMessageAsync("", embed : new EmbedBuilder { ThumbnailUrl = fixUrl(notification.Icon), Title = notification.Title, Description = notification.Description, Url = fixUrl(notification.Url), Color = uint.TryParse(notification.Color?.TrimStart('#'), NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out var c) ? new Color(c) : null as Color? }.Build());
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken) { while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested) { try { using var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope(); await using var dbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <FaqDbContext>(); var questions = await GetDanglingQuestionsAsync(dbContext, stoppingToken); foreach (var question in questions) { try { var user = await _client.GetUserAsync(question.UserId); if (user is null) { continue; } await SendReminderDirectMessageAsync(user, question); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Couldn't send reminder DM to user {UserId}", question.UserId); } } await _mediator.Publish(new ReminderSentEvent(questions.Select(x => x.Id)), stoppingToken); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Couldn't send pending reminders. Trying again later..."); } await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromHours(1), stoppingToken); } }
private async Task HandleAdventureResultAsync(Cat cat, AdventureEntry adventureEntry) { var adventure = _adventureRepository.FindByAdventureRef(adventureEntry.AdventureRef); var owner = await _ownerRepository.FindAsync(cat.OwnerId); var reward = adventure.GetReward(); var item = await _itemRepository.FindByItemRefAsync(reward.ItemRef); cat.ApplyStatModifiers(adventure.StatGain); owner.GiveItem(reward.ItemRef, reward.Quantity); var user = await _discordClient.GetUserAsync(Convert.ToUInt64(owner.AuthorId)); var guild = ((DiscordSocketClient)_discordClient).Guilds.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Users.Any(j => j.Id == user.Id)); // TODO: For now we select the default channel. Replace with configurable channel var channel = guild.GetTextChannel(guild.DefaultChannel.Id); var embed = CatSheet.GetRewardSheet(owner, cat, adventure, item, reward); await channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, embed : embed); ////await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{cat.Name} got {reward.Quantity} {item.Name}!"); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public async ValueTask <IDiscordUser> GetUserAsync() { return(await client.GetUserAsync(packet.UserId)); }