コード例 #1
    // should never try to run dialog when one is already in progress.
    // check DialogRunner.Active before trying to run dialog.
    // for now, also throw an error
    public static void Run(IDialogUI ui, string path)
        DialogRunner runner = GetInstance();

        if (runner.dialog != null)
            throw new DialogError("Another dialog session is already open.");
        runner.dialog = runner.StartCoroutine(runner.RunDialog(ui, path));
コード例 #2
    // dialog coroutine
    IEnumerator RunDialog(IDialogUI ui, string path)
        DialogFile f = new DialogFile(path, Flags);

        // wait a tick so that we update ourselves as active
        yield return(null);

        // run dialog
        foreach (object o in f)
            // check for events
            if (CheckStatement(o, "event"))
                DialogEvents events = DialogEvents.GetInstance();
                if (events == null)
                    throw new DialogError("DialogEvents GameObject does not exist or does not have 'DialogEvents' tag.");
            // output to DialogUI
            else if (o is string)
                ui.DisplayText(null, (string)o);
            else if (CheckStatement(o, "show"))
                Dictionary <string, object> args = GetStatementArgs(o, "show");
                if (args == null)
                    throw new DialogError($"Invalid 'show' statement. 'show' statement must contain a map.\nYAML: {Reserialize(o)}");
                if (!args.ContainsKey("id"))
                    throw new DialogError($"Invalid 'show' statement. 'show' statement must contain an 'id' field.\nYAML: {Reserialize(o)}");
                if (!args.ContainsKey("image"))
                    throw new DialogError($"Invalid 'show' statement. 'show' statement must contain an 'image' field.\nYAML: {Reserialize(o)}");
                ui.ShowCharacter((string)args["id"], (string)args["image"], new DialogImageOptions(o));
            else if (CheckStatement(o, "hide"))
                Dictionary <string, object> args = GetStatementArgs(o, "hide");
                if (args == null)
                    throw new DialogError($"Invalid 'hide' statement. 'hide' statement must contain a map.\nYAML: {Reserialize(o)}");
                if (!args.ContainsKey("id"))
                    throw new DialogError($"Invalid 'hide' statement. 'hide' statement must contain an 'id' field.\nYAML: {Reserialize(o)}");
            // 1 item in dictionary means it is dialog such as "E: Very good code."
            else if (o is Dictionary <object, object> && ((Dictionary <object, object>)o).Count == 1)
                Dictionary <string, object> args = CastArgs((Dictionary <object, object>)o);
                string chr = args.Keys.First();
                if (!f.Characters.ContainsKey(chr))
                    throw new DialogError($"Invalid dialog statement. Character ID '{chr}' is not defined.\nYAML: {Reserialize(o)}");
                object val = args[args.Keys.First()];
                // unknown statement type (error)
                if (!(val is string))
                    throw new DialogError($"Unknown statement type: {Reserialize(o)}");
                ui.DisplayText(f.Characters[chr].name, (string)val);
            // unknown statement type (error)
                throw new DialogError($"Unknown statement type: {Reserialize(o)}");
            // wait until RequestAdvance has been called
            while (!advance)
                yield return(null);
            advance = false;
        // at end of dialog, mark that dialog is finished
        dialog = null;