コード例 #1
 public TransferPackageCommand(ILog log, IDeploymentJournalWriter deploymentJournalWriter, IVariables variables, ICalamariFileSystem fileSystem)
     this.log = log;
     this.deploymentJournalWriter = deploymentJournalWriter;
     this.variables  = variables;
     this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
コード例 #2
 public TransferPackageCommand(IDeploymentJournalWriter deploymentJournalWriter)
     this.deploymentJournalWriter = deploymentJournalWriter;
     Options.Add("variables=", "Path to a JSON file containing variables.", v => variablesFile = Path.GetFullPath(v));
     Options.Add("sensitiveVariables=", "Password protected JSON file containing sensitive-variables.", v => sensitiveVariableFiles.Add(v));
     Options.Add("sensitiveVariablesPassword="******"Password used to decrypt sensitive-variables.", v => sensitiveVariablesPassword = v);
コード例 #3
ファイル: HelmUpgradeCommand.cs プロジェクト: yamina/Calamari
 public HelmUpgradeCommand(CombinedScriptEngine scriptEngine, IDeploymentJournalWriter deploymentJournalWriter)
     Options.Add("package=", "Path to the NuGet package to install.", v => packageFile         = Path.GetFullPath(v));
     Options.Add("variables=", "Path to a JSON file containing variables.", v => variablesFile = Path.GetFullPath(v));
     Options.Add("sensitiveVariables=", "Password protected JSON file containing sensitive-variables.", v => sensitiveVariableFiles.Add(v));
     Options.Add("sensitiveVariablesPassword="******"Password used to decrypt sensitive-variables.", v => sensitiveVariablesPassword = v);
     this.scriptEngine            = scriptEngine;
     this.deploymentJournalWriter = deploymentJournalWriter;
コード例 #4
 public RunScriptCommand(
     IDeploymentJournalWriter deploymentJournalWriter,
     CalamariVariableDictionary variables,
     CombinedScriptEngine scriptEngine)
     Options.Add("package=", "Path to the package to extract that contains the script.", v => packageFile = Path.GetFullPath(v));
     Options.Add("script=", $"Path to the script to execute. If --package is used, it can be a script inside the package.", v => scriptFileArg = v);
     Options.Add("scriptParameters=", $"Parameters to pass to the script.", v => scriptParametersArg = v);
     this.deploymentJournalWriter = deploymentJournalWriter;
     this.variables    = variables;
     this.scriptEngine = scriptEngine;
コード例 #5
 public RunScriptCommand(
     ILog log,
     IDeploymentJournalWriter deploymentJournalWriter,
     IVariables variables,
     IScriptEngine scriptEngine,
     ICalamariFileSystem fileSystem,
     ICommandLineRunner commandLineRunner,
     ISubstituteInFiles substituteInFiles
     Options.Add("package=", "Path to the package to extract that contains the script.", v => packageFile = Path.GetFullPath(v));
     Options.Add("script=", $"Path to the script to execute. If --package is used, it can be a script inside the package.", v => scriptFileArg = v);
     Options.Add("scriptParameters=", $"Parameters to pass to the script.", v => scriptParametersArg = v);
     this.log = log;
     this.deploymentJournalWriter = deploymentJournalWriter;
     this.variables         = variables;
     this.scriptEngine      = scriptEngine;
     this.fileSystem        = fileSystem;
     this.commandLineRunner = commandLineRunner;
     this.substituteInFiles = substituteInFiles;
コード例 #6
 public HelmUpgradeCommand(
     ILog log,
     IScriptEngine scriptEngine,
     IDeploymentJournalWriter deploymentJournalWriter,
     IVariables variables,
     ICommandLineRunner commandLineRunner,
     ICalamariFileSystem fileSystem,
     ISubstituteInFiles substituteInFiles,
     IExtractPackage extractPackage
     Options.Add("package=", "Path to the NuGet package to install.", v => pathToPackage = new PathToPackage(Path.GetFullPath(v)));
     this.log                     = log;
     this.scriptEngine            = scriptEngine;
     this.deploymentJournalWriter = deploymentJournalWriter;
     this.variables               = variables;
     this.fileSystem              = fileSystem;
     this.substituteInFiles       = substituteInFiles;
     this.extractPackage          = extractPackage;
     this.commandLineRunner       = commandLineRunner;