コード例 #1
ファイル: DalManager.cs プロジェクト: Nerpson/throne_of_zz
 private DalManager()
     // _manager = new StubDalManager();
     //_manager = new SQLDalManager(@"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename="+ Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDi‌​rectory, "..\\")) + @"zzdb.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30");
     // elegant solution doesnt work when called from other place than root directory of project ( ex : unit tests)
     _manager = new SQLDalManager(@"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=H:\Travail\zz2\Service Web\throne_of_zz\zzdb.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30");
コード例 #2
        public static IDalManager GetDalManager(string type, params string[] parameters)
            IDalManager dalManager = null;

            switch (type)
            case "AzureStorage":
                if (parameters == null || parameters.Length != 2)
                    string errorMessage = "There must be two parameters for the \"AzureStorage\" DAL type";
                    LoggerFactory.Logger.Error("DalManagerFactory.GetDalManager", EventId.DALGetManager, errorMessage);

                    throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage, "parameters");

                string storageAccountConnectionString = parameters[0];
                string containerName = parameters[1];

                dalManager = new AzureDalManager(storageAccountConnectionString, containerName);

            case "FileSystem":
            case "UnitTest":
            case "DB":
                throw new NotImplementedException();

コード例 #3
        public BaseCommerceDal(IDalManager manager, CloudStorageAccount account, string tableName)
            this.manager = manager;

            tableClient = account.CreateCloudTableClient();
            this.tableContext = tableClient.GetDataServiceContext();
コード例 #4
        public IRepository <T> GetRepository <T>(IDalManager dalManager) where T : DomainObject
            if (Repositories.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out var repositoryType))
                return(Activator.CreateInstance(repositoryType, dalManager) as IRepository <T>);

            throw new ArgumentException("Не существует репозитория для заданного доменного объекта.");
コード例 #5
        public DalUsageEvent(IDalManager manager, CloudStorageAccount account)
            : base(manager, account, RawUsageTableName)
            this.aggregateTableServiceContext = tableClient.GetDataServiceContext();

            this.aggregatePerUserTableServiceContext = tableClient.GetDataServiceContext();
コード例 #6
        public static List <BizRuleCertMetadata> GetBizRulesList(IDalManager dalManager)
            if (GCValidatorHelper.AddDummyDataForCertValidation)
                List <BizRuleCertMetadata> bizRuleCerts = new List <BizRuleCertMetadata>();
                bizRuleCerts.Add(new BizRuleCertMetadata()
                    TradingPartnerName = "3M", RuleCertFileName = "3M - Biz Rule - X12 810-856-850.xlsx"
                bizRuleCerts.Add(new BizRuleCertMetadata()
                    TradingPartnerName = "Global", RuleCertFileName = "Global - Biz Rule - X12 810-856-850.xlsx"


コード例 #7
        private static DocumentPlugValidationInfo GetDocumentPlugValidationInfo(ZipFileEntry fileEntry, IDalManager dalManager)
            string specCertName = Path.ChangeExtension(fileEntry.FileName, "xlsx");

            DocumentPlugValidationInfo documentPlugValidationInfo = new DocumentPlugValidationInfo()
                SpecCertName = specCertName,
                FileContents = fileEntry.Content,
                FileName     = fileEntry.FileName,

            TradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata = new TradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata();
            List <string> errors = tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.Initialize(specCertName);

            if (errors == null || errors.Count == 0)
                    documentPlugValidationInfo.DocumentPlug = SchemaCache.GetDocumentPlug(tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata, dalManager);
                catch (Exception)
                    // Ignore error here as we want to add EdiValidationResult error during ValidateEdi call.

コード例 #8
        private static void AddUsageEvent(string userName, string homeOrg, BizRulesValidationResult bizRulesValidationResult, IDalManager dal)
            if (bizRulesValidationResult == null)

            if (bizRulesValidationResult.EdiValidationResults != null)
                string validationStatus = "Error";
                if (bizRulesValidationResult.BizRuleValidationResults != null)
                    validationStatus = bizRulesValidationResult.GetAggregatedResult().ToString();

                string bizRuleCertFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bizRulesValidationResult.BizRuleCertName);

                foreach (EDIValidationResult result in bizRulesValidationResult.EdiValidationResults)
                    string fileName    = result.FileName;
                    string partnerName = result.FileName.Substring(0, result.FileName.IndexOf(" - "));

                    GCValidatorHelper.AddUsageEvent(userName, homeOrg, partnerName, result.DisplayName, result, result.ExecutionTime,
                                                    fileName, "Biz Rule", dal);

                    // We add usage event for each ST-SE segment in above AddUsageEvent call
                    // however for bizRule validation we currently support only one ST-SE segment.

                    // Add another usage event for each edi file for biz rule validations
                    if (bizRulesValidationResult.BizRuleValidationResults != null)
                        fileName = string.Format("{0} + {1}", fileName, bizRulesValidationResult.BizRuleCertName);

                        GCValidatorHelper.AddUsageEvent(userName, homeOrg, partnerName, bizRuleCertFileName, validationStatus,
                                                        bizRulesValidationResult.BizRuleValidationExecutionTime, fileName, "Biz Rule", dal);
コード例 #9
 public ServiceRepository(IDalManager dalManager)
     this.dalManager = dalManager;
コード例 #10
 public DalBillingCycle(IDalManager manager, CloudStorageAccount account)
     : base(manager, account, BillingCycleTableName)
コード例 #11
 public OrderRepository(IDalManager dalManager)
     this.dalManager = dalManager;
コード例 #12
 public DalOffer(IDalManager manager, CloudStorageAccount account)
     : base(manager, account, OfferTableName)
コード例 #13
 public CompletedOrderRepository(IDalManager dalManager)
     this.dalManager = dalManager;
コード例 #14
 public CustomerRepository(IDalManager dalManager)
     this.dalManager = dalManager;
コード例 #15
        // Should we always overwrite the existing one?
        public static void UploadBizRuleCert(string certFileName, Stream certFileStream, string userName, IDalManager dalManager)
            if (GCValidatorHelper.AddDummyDataForCertValidation)

            BizRuleCertMetadata bizRuleCertMetadata = new BizRuleCertMetadata();

            // Purposely ignoring Initialize function return type (errors) since I don't expect errors here.
            bizRuleCertMetadata.Initialize(certFileName, userName, DateTime.UtcNow);

            dalManager.SaveBizRuleCert(certFileStream, bizRuleCertMetadata);


コード例 #16
        public static BizRuleCertValidationResult ValidateBizRuleCert(string certFileName, Stream certFileStream, IDalManager dalManager)
            if (GCValidatorHelper.AddDummyDataForCertValidation)
                BizRuleCertValidationResult bizRuleCertValidationResult = new BizRuleCertValidationResult();

                bizRuleCertValidationResult.RuleDefinitionValidationResults = new List <RuleDefinitionValidationResult>();
                bizRuleCertValidationResult.RuleDefinitionValidationResults.Add(new RuleDefinitionValidationResult()
                    Type        = ResultType.Warning,
                    ColumnIndex = "D",
                    RowIndex    = 1,
                    Description = "Invalid message domain id."
                bizRuleCertValidationResult.RuleDefinitionValidationResults.Add(new RuleDefinitionValidationResult()
                    Type        = ResultType.Error,
                    ColumnIndex = "B",
                    RowIndex    = 5,
                    Description = "Invalid value for \"Rule Matching Option\"."


            GCExcelToBizRuleSet gcExcelToBizRuleSet = new GCExcelToBizRuleSet();

                BizRuleCertMetadata bizRuleCertMetadata = new BizRuleCertMetadata();
                List <string>       errors = bizRuleCertMetadata.Initialize(certFileName);

                if (errors.Count == 0)
                    // Check if this cert file already exist
                    List <BizRuleCertMetadata> bizRuleCertMetadataList = dalManager.GetBizRuleCertFileList(bizRuleCertMetadata.TradingPartnerName);

                    if (bizRuleCertMetadataList.Any(t => t.TradingPartnerName == bizRuleCertMetadata.TradingPartnerName &&
                                                    t.RuleCertFileName == bizRuleCertMetadata.RuleCertFileName))
                        gcExcelToBizRuleSet.BizRuleCertValidationResult.RuleDefinitionValidationResults.Add(new RuleDefinitionValidationResult()
                            ColumnIndex = "N/A",
                            RowIndex    = -1,
                            Type        = ResultType.Warning,
                            Description = "Cert file already exist."

                    foreach (string error in errors)
                        gcExcelToBizRuleSet.BizRuleCertValidationResult.RuleDefinitionValidationResults.Add(new RuleDefinitionValidationResult()
                            ColumnIndex = "N/A",
                            RowIndex    = -1,
                            Type        = ResultType.Error,
                            Description = string.Format("Cert file name error: {0}", error)
            catch (Exception ex)
                gcExcelToBizRuleSet.BizRuleCertValidationResult.RuleDefinitionValidationResults.Add(new RuleDefinitionValidationResult()
                    ColumnIndex = "N/A",
                    RowIndex    = -1,
                    Type        = ResultType.Error,
                    Description = string.Format("Unknown error occured ({0}), please contact Maarg", ex.Message)

コード例 #17
 public DalTimeoffset(IDalManager manager, CloudStorageAccount account)
     : base(manager, account, TimeOffsetTableName)
コード例 #18
        public static void DeleteTradingPartnerSpecCertWithMetadata(BizRuleCertMetadata bizRuleCertMetadata, IDalManager dalManager)
            if (GCValidatorHelper.AddDummyDataForCertValidation)

            // TODO: Ideally we should keep audit trail of delete
            // Following function will remove the table entry altogether.


コード例 #19
        public static Stream DownloadTradingPartnerSpecCert(BizRuleCertMetadata bizRuleCertMetadata, IDalManager dalManager)
            if (GCValidatorHelper.AddDummyDataForCertValidation)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

コード例 #20
        public static IDocumentPlug GetDocumentPlug(TradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata, IDalManager dalManager)
            IDocumentPlug documentPlug = gcSpecCertCache.GetObject(tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.SchemaFileName) as IDocumentPlug;

            if (documentPlug == null)
                Stream schemaStream = dalManager.GetTradingPartnerSpecCert(tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata);

                if (schemaStream == null)
                    throw new GCEdiValidatorException(string.Format("{0} Schema not found.", tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.SchemaFileName));

                GCExcelToDocumentPlug gcExcelToDocumentPlug = GCExcelToDocumentPlug.CreateInstance((SpecCertFileType)tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.FileType);

                documentPlug = gcExcelToDocumentPlug.GenerateDocumentPlug(schemaStream, tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.TradingPartnerName,
                                                                          tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.DocumentType, tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.Direction, (SpecCertFileType)tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.FileType);

                gcSpecCertCache.AddObject(tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.SchemaFileName, documentPlug);

コード例 #21
        public static BizRuleSet GetBizRuleSet(BizRuleCertMetadata bizRuleCertMetadata, IDalManager dalManager)
            BizRuleSet bizRuleSet = gcSpecCertCache.GetObject(bizRuleCertMetadata.RuleCertFileName) as BizRuleSet;

            if (bizRuleSet == null)
                Stream bizRuleStream = dalManager.GetBizRuleCert(bizRuleCertMetadata);

                if (bizRuleStream == null)
                    throw new GCEdiValidatorException(string.Format("{0} BizRule not found.", bizRuleCertMetadata.RuleCertFileName));

                GCExcelToBizRuleSet gcExcelToBizRuleSet = new GCExcelToBizRuleSet();

                bizRuleSet = gcExcelToBizRuleSet.GenerateBizRuleSet(bizRuleStream);

                gcBizRuleCertCache.AddObject(bizRuleCertMetadata.RuleCertFileName, bizRuleSet);

コード例 #22
 public ChartManager(IDalManager dalManager)
     _dalManager = dalManager;
コード例 #23
        /// <summary> Wrapper over EDIReader for GC validation feature (Based on spec cert). </summary>
        /// <param name="ediData">EDI text data (edi file content)</param>
        /// <param name="ediFileName">This is for record keeping only, not used by EDIReader</param>
        /// <param name="certFileFullName">Spec cert file (relative path)</param>
        /// <param name="dalManager">To retrieve schema</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static EDIValidationResult ValidateEdi(string ediData, string ediFileName, string certFileFullName, IDalManager dalManager)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ediData))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ediData", "Edi file content cannot be empty");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(certFileFullName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("certFileFullName", "certFileFullName cannot be empty");

            if (dalManager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dalManager", "dalManager cannot be null");

            TradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata = new TradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata();

            // Purposely ignoring Initialize function return type (errors) since I don't expect errors here.
            // Spec cert is uploaded only after validation.
            tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.Initialize(certFileFullName, null, DateTime.MinValue);

            EDIValidationResult ediValidationResult = new EDIValidationResult()
                FileName   = ediFileName,
                SchemaName = tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.SchemaFileName,
                SegmentValidationResults = new List <SegmentValidationResult>(),
                TransactionNumbers       = new List <string>(),
                DisplayName = tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.GetCertFileDisplayName(),
                Type        = tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.Type,

                IDocumentPlug documentPlug = SchemaCache.GetDocumentPlug(tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata, dalManager);

                IFatpipeDocument fatpipeDocument;
                ediValidationResult = ValidateEdi(ediData, ediFileName, certFileFullName, documentPlug, out fatpipeDocument);
            catch (Exception ex)
                    new SegmentValidationResult()
                    Type           = ResultType.Error,
                    SequenceNumber = -1,
                    Name           = "N/A",
                    Description    = "Internal error occurred",     //ex.Message,
                    StartIndex     = -1,
                    EndIndex       = -1,

コード例 #24
 public LawyerRepository(IDalManager dalManager)
     this.dalManager = dalManager;
コード例 #25
        public static void AddUsageEvent(string userName, string homeOrgName, string partnerName, string certFile, EDIValidationResult result,
                                         TimeSpan executionTime, string testFileName, string service, IDalManager dal)
            string validationStatus = "Success";

            if (result != null)
                if (!result.IsValid)
                    validationStatus = "Error";
                if (result.SegmentValidationResults != null && result.SegmentValidationResults.Count > 0)
                    validationStatus = "Warning";

            List <string> transactionNumbers = result.TransactionNumbers;

            if (transactionNumbers == null)
                transactionNumbers = new List <string>();
            if (transactionNumbers.Count == 0)

            string instanceFileName;

            foreach (string transactionNumber in transactionNumbers)
                instanceFileName = testFileName;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(transactionNumber) == false)
                    instanceFileName += " - " + transactionNumber;

                AddUsageEvent(userName, homeOrgName, partnerName, certFile, validationStatus, executionTime, instanceFileName, service, dal);
コード例 #26
        // This function is invoked from Ux
        public static BizRulesValidationResult ValidateBizRules(string userName, string homeOrg, ZipArchive zipArchive,
                                                                BizRuleCertMetadata bizRuleCertMetadata, IDalManager dalManager)
            if (zipArchive == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("zipArchive", "zipFile cannot be empty");

            if (bizRuleCertMetadata == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("bizRuleCertMetadata", "bizRuleCertMetadata cannot be empty");

            if (dalManager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dalManager", "dalManager cannot be null");

            #region DummyCode
            if (GCValidatorHelper.AddDummyDataForInstanceValidation)
                List <BizRuleInfo> ruleInfo1 = new List <BizRuleInfo>();
                ruleInfo1.Add(new BizRuleInfo()
                    FileName = "Delphi Corp - Spec Cert - 810 - Send.dat", SegmentPath = "BIG->BIG03", Value = "1/2/2014"
                ruleInfo1.Add(new BizRuleInfo()
                    FileName = "Delphi Corporation - Spec Cert - 4010 - 856 - receive - Comments.dat", SegmentPath = "PRF->PRF04", Value = "1/3/2014"
                ruleInfo1.Add(new BizRuleInfo()
                    FileName = "Delphi Corporation - Spec Cert - 4010 - 850 - send - Comments.dat", SegmentPath = "BEG->BEG05", Value = "1/2/2014"

                List <BizRuleInfo> ruleInfo2 = new List <BizRuleInfo>();
                ruleInfo2.Add(new BizRuleInfo()
                    FileName = "Delphi Corp - Spec Cert - 810 - Send", SegmentPath = "BIG->BIG04", Value = "122014"
                ruleInfo2.Add(new BizRuleInfo()
                    FileName = "Delphi Corporation - Spec Cert - 4010 - 856 - receive - Comments.dat", SegmentPath = "PRF->PRF01", Value = "122014"
                ruleInfo2.Add(new BizRuleInfo()
                    FileName = "Delphi Corporation - Spec Cert - 4010 - 850 - send - Comments.dat", SegmentPath = "BEG->BEG03", Value = "122014"

                List <BizRuleInfo> ruleInfo3 = new List <BizRuleInfo>();
                ruleInfo3.Add(new BizRuleInfo()
                    FileName = "Delphi Corp - Spec Cert - 810 - Send.dat", SegmentPath = "IT1->IT101", Value = "123"
                ruleInfo3.Add(new BizRuleInfo()
                    FileName = "Delphi Corporation - Spec Cert - 4010 - 856 - receive - Comments.dat", SegmentPath = "LIN->LIN01", Value = "234"
                ruleInfo3.Add(new BizRuleInfo()
                    FileName = "Delphi Corporation - Spec Cert - 4010 - 850 - send - Comments.dat", SegmentPath = "PO1->PO1O1", Value = "345"

                BizRulesValidationResult bizRulesValidationResultDummy = new BizRulesValidationResult()
                    BizRuleCertName = "3M - Biz Rule - X12 810-856-850"
                bizRulesValidationResultDummy.BizRuleValidationResults = new List <BizRuleValidationResult>();
                bizRulesValidationResultDummy.BizRuleValidationResults.Add(new BizRuleValidationResult()
                    RuleName = "Purchase Order Date",
                    Type     = ResultType.Error,
                    RuleInfo = ruleInfo1
                bizRulesValidationResultDummy.BizRuleValidationResults.Add(new BizRuleValidationResult()
                    RuleName = "Purchase Order Number",
                    Type     = ResultType.Success,
                    RuleInfo = ruleInfo2
                bizRulesValidationResultDummy.BizRuleValidationResults.Add(new BizRuleValidationResult()
                    RuleName = "Assigned Identification",
                    Type     = ResultType.Warning,
                    RuleInfo = ruleInfo3

                bizRulesValidationResultDummy.EdiValidationResults = new List <EDIValidationResult>();
                List <SegmentValidationResult> segmentValidationResult = new List <SegmentValidationResult>();
                segmentValidationResult.Add(new SegmentValidationResult()
                    Description    = "Invalid Segment XYZ",
                    Name           = "XYZ",
                    SequenceNumber = 5,
                    Type           = ResultType.Error,
                    StartIndex     = 300,
                    EndIndex       = 305,

                bizRulesValidationResultDummy.EdiValidationResults.Add(new EDIValidationResult()
                    BeautifiedOriginalPayload = "EDI File Contents",
                    FileName   = "Delphi Corp - Spec Cert - 810 - Send.dat",
                    SchemaName = "Delphi Corp - Spec Cert - 810 - Send",
                    SegmentValidationResults = new List <SegmentValidationResult>(),    // No validation failures
                    TransactionNumbers       = new List <string> {
                    DisplayName = "Delphi Corp - 810 - Send",
                    Type        = "X12_810"
                bizRulesValidationResultDummy.EdiValidationResults.Add(new EDIValidationResult()
                    BeautifiedOriginalPayload = "EDI File Contents",
                    FileName   = "Delphi Corporation - Spec Cert - 4010 - 850 - send - Comments.dat",
                    SchemaName = "Delphi Corporation - Spec Cert - 4010 - 850 - send",
                    SegmentValidationResults = segmentValidationResult,
                    TransactionNumbers       = new List <string> {
                    DisplayName = "Delphi Corporation - 850 - send",
                    Type        = "X12_850"
                bizRulesValidationResultDummy.EdiValidationResults.Add(new EDIValidationResult()
                    BeautifiedOriginalPayload = "EDI File Contents",
                    FileName   = "Delphi Corporation - Spec Cert - 4010 - 856 - receive - Comments.dat",
                    SchemaName = "Delphi Corporation - Spec Cert - 4010 - 856 - receive",
                    SegmentValidationResults = new List <SegmentValidationResult>(),    // No validation failures
                    TransactionNumbers       = new List <string> {
                    DisplayName = "Delphi Corporation - 856 - receive",
                    Type        = "X12_856"


            BizRulesValidationResult bizRulesValidationResult = null;
            string errorMessage = null;

                BizRuleSet bizRuleSet = SchemaCache.GetBizRuleSet(bizRuleCertMetadata, dalManager);

                List <ZipFileEntry> fileEntries = ZipFileUtil.GetFileEntries(zipArchive);
                List <DocumentPlugValidationInfo> documentPlugValidationInfoList = new List <DocumentPlugValidationInfo>();
                foreach (ZipFileEntry fileEntry in fileEntries)
                    documentPlugValidationInfoList.Add(GetDocumentPlugValidationInfo(fileEntry, dalManager));

                bizRulesValidationResult = ValidateBizRules(userName, homeOrg, bizRuleCertMetadata.RuleCertFileName,
                                                            bizRuleSet, documentPlugValidationInfoList, dalManager);
            catch (GCEdiValidatorException gcException)
                errorMessage = gcException.Message;
            catch (Exception)
                errorMessage = "Internal error occurred, please contact Maarg";

            if (errorMessage != null)
                // TODO: Add generic error

コード例 #27
ファイル: UnitTest2.cs プロジェクト: cyrius/PokemonTournament
 public UnitTest2()
     manager = new DalManagerSQL();
コード例 #28
        // This function does not need DalManager and extracted from above method for unit testing purpose.
        public static BizRulesValidationResult ValidateBizRules(string userName, string homeOrg, string ruleCertFileName, BizRuleSet bizRuleSet,
                                                                List <DocumentPlugValidationInfo> documentPlugValidationInfoList, IDalManager dal)
            BizRulesValidationResult bizRulesValidationResult = new BizRulesValidationResult();

            bizRulesValidationResult.BizRuleCertName = ruleCertFileName;

            // Validate All Edi if DocumentPlug is not null, if it is null then add error
            bizRulesValidationResult.EdiValidationResults = ValidateEdi(documentPlugValidationInfoList);

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            bizRulesValidationResult.BizRuleValidationResults = ValidateBizRules(bizRuleSet, documentPlugValidationInfoList);

            bizRulesValidationResult.BizRuleValidationExecutionTime = sw.Elapsed;

            AddUsageEvent(userName, homeOrg, bizRulesValidationResult, dal);

コード例 #29
        // Should we always overwrite the existing one?
        public static void UploadSpecCert(string certFileName, Stream certFileStream, string userName, IDalManager dalManager)
            TradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata = new TradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata();

            // Purposely ignoring Initialize function return type (errors) since I don't expect errors here.
            tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata.Initialize(certFileName, userName, DateTime.UtcNow);

            dalManager.SaveTradingPartnerSpecCert(certFileStream, tradingPartnerSpecCertMetadata);


コード例 #30
        public static void AddUsageEvent(string userName, string homeOrgName, string partnerName, string certFile, string validationStatus,
                                         TimeSpan executionTime, string testFileName, string service, IDalManager dal)
            // Hardcoded order since we don't create order during sign up yet.
            Order order = new Order()
                Id        = Guid.Parse("75654e42-c3fe-482b-b52a-024d073e1ea7"),
                OfferId   = Guid.Parse("5ddd32f3-1783-4bbe-854f-4c5d5955df7f"),
                SeatCount = 1,
                TenantId  = "GCom",
                UserId    = userName,

            UsageEvent usageEvent = new UsageEvent()
                Id             = Guid.NewGuid(),
                OrderId        = order.Id,
                ResourceId     = "EdiValidation",
                TenantId       = order.TenantId,
                Timestamp      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                WhenConsumed   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                UserId         = order.UserId,
                AmountConsumed = 1.0d,

                HomeOrgName          = homeOrgName,
                PartnerName          = partnerName,
                SpecCertName         = certFile,
                InstanceFileName     = testFileName,
                ValidationStatus     = validationStatus,
                TimeOfValidationInMs = (int)executionTime.TotalMilliseconds,

                Service = service,

            // For unit tests dal will be null
            if (dal != null)