private void loadInvoice() { //display the invoice int rowCount = 0; //get the details from the db try { //get booking deatils SP_GetCustomerBooking BookingDetails = handler.getCustomerPastBookingDetails(SaleID); SALE invoice = handler.getSale(SaleID); List <SP_getInvoiceDL> invoicDetailLines = handler.getInvoiceDL(SaleID); if (invoicDetailLines.Count != 0) { #region Company Details / Invoice Date //diaplay a heading TableRow newRow = new TableRow(); newRow.Height = 50; tblInvoice.Rows.Add(newRow); TableCell newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Font.Bold = true; newCell.Font.Bold = true; newCell.Text = "<a class='navbar-brand js-scroll-trigger' href='#' onClick='window.print()'>Cheveux </a>"; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); #region EmptyCells newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = ""; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = ""; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); #endregion newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Font.Bold = true; newCell.Text = "Invoice"; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); #region Break Line newRow = new TableRow(); newRow.Height = 50; tblInvoice.Rows.Add(newRow); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = "<br/>"; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = "<br/>"; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); //increment row count rowCount++; #endregion //from address BUSINESS bUSINESS = handler.getBusinessTable(); newRow = new TableRow(); newRow.Height = 50; tblInvoice.Rows.Add(newRow); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = bUSINESS.AddressLine1 + "<br/>" + bUSINESS.AddressLine2; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); #region EmptyCells newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = ""; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = ""; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); #endregion #region date newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = invoice.Date.ToString("HH:mm dd MMM yyyy"); tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); #endregion //increment row count rowCount++; #endregion #region Billed To //Billed to newRow = new TableRow(); newRow.Height = 50; tblInvoice.Rows.Add(newRow); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Font.Bold = true; newCell.Text = "Billed To:"; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = handler.GetUserDetails(invoice.CustID).FirstName.ToString() + " " + handler.GetUserDetails(invoice.CustID).LastName.ToString(); tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); //increment row count rowCount++; #endregion #region Stylist if (BookingDetails != null) { newRow = new TableRow(); newRow.Height = 50; tblInvoice.Rows.Add(newRow); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Font.Bold = true; newCell.Text = "Services Renderd By:"; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = BookingDetails.stylistFirstName; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); //increment row count rowCount++; } #endregion //calculate total price double total = 0.0; #region Items newRow = new TableRow(); newRow.Height = 50; tblInvoice.Rows.Add(newRow); #region header //fill in the item newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = "Item"; newCell.Font.Bold = true; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = "Qty"; newCell.Font.Bold = true; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = "Unit Price"; newCell.Font.Bold = true; newCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); //fill in the Qty, unit price & TotalPrice newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = "Total"; newCell.Font.Bold = true; newCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); //increment row count rowCount++; #endregion foreach (SP_getInvoiceDL item in invoicDetailLines) { newRow = new TableRow(); newRow.Height = 50; tblInvoice.Rows.Add(newRow); //fill in the item newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = item.itemName.ToString(); tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = item.Qty.ToString(); tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; newCell.Text = "R" + string.Format("{0:#.00}", item.price); tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); //fill in the Qty, unit price & TotalPrice newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; newCell.Text = "R" + string.Format("{0:#.00}", item.Qty * item.price); tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); //increment final price total += item.Qty * item.price; //increment row count rowCount++; } #endregion #region Excluding Vat Info // get vat info Tuple <double, double> vatInfo = function.getVat(total); //display total including and Excluding VAT newRow = new TableRow(); newRow.Height = 50; tblInvoice.Rows.Add(newRow); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = ""; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = ""; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; newCell.Text = "<br/> Excluding VAT: "; newCell.Font.Bold = true; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); //fill in total ExcludingVAT newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; newCell.Text = " <br/> R " + string.Format("{0:#.00}", vatInfo.Item1, 2); tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); //increment row count rowCount++; #endregion #region VAT RAte //get the vat rate double VATRate = -1; try { VATRate = handler.GetVATRate().VATRate; } catch (Exception Err) { function.logAnError(Err.ToString()); } newRow = new TableRow(); newRow.Height = 50; tblInvoice.Rows.Add(newRow); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = ""; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = ""; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); //fill in total VAT due newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; newCell.Text = "VAT @" + VATRate + "% "; newCell.Font.Bold = true; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; newCell.Text = "R " + string.Format("{0:#.00}", vatInfo.Item2, 2).ToString(); tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); //increment row count rowCount++; #endregion #region Total //display the total due newRow = new TableRow(); newRow.Height = 50; tblInvoice.Rows.Add(newRow); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = ""; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.Text = ""; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); //fill in total newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; newCell.Text = "<br/> Total Due: "; newCell.Font.Bold = true; tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); newCell = new TableCell(); newCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; newCell.Text = "<br/> R " + string.Format("{0:#.00}", total).ToString(); tblInvoice.Rows[rowCount].Cells.Add(newCell); #endregion } else { function.logAnError("Error Loading Print Invoice "); Response.Redirect("Error.aspx?Error='An Error Occured Communicating With The Data Base, Try Again Later'"); } } catch (Exception Err) { function.logAnError("Error Loading Print Invoice | Error: " + Err.ToString()); Response.Redirect("Error.aspx?Error='An Error Occured Communicating With The Data Base, Try Again Later'"); } }
private void loadHomePage() { #region Redirect //rediret to product page or stylist profile with product id //check if a redirect has been requested String goTo = Request.QueryString["Goto"]; if (goTo != null) { features = null; try { //get the home page featurs features = handler.GetHomePageFeatures(); } catch (Exception err) { function.logAnError("unable to load featurd items from the DB on default.aspx for redirect: " + err); } if (goTo == "Prod1") { if (features == null) { Response.Redirect("/Cheveux/Products.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("/Cheveux/Products.aspx?ProductID=" + features[0].ItemID.ToString()); } } else if (goTo == "Prod2") { if (features == null) { Response.Redirect("/Cheveux/Products.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("/Cheveux/Products.aspx?ProductID=" + features[1].ItemID.ToString()); } } else if (goTo == "Prod3") { if (features == null) { Response.Redirect("/Cheveux/Products.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("/Cheveux/Products.aspx?ProductID=" + features[2].ItemID.ToString()); } } else if (goTo == "Sty1") { if (features == null) { Response.Redirect("/Cheveux/Stylists.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("Profile.aspx?Action=View&empID=" + features[7].ItemID.ToString()); } } else if (goTo == "Sty2") { if (features == null) { Response.Redirect("/Cheveux/Stylists.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("Profile.aspx?Action=View&empID=" + features[8].ItemID.ToString()); } } else if (goTo == "Sty3") { if (features == null) { Response.Redirect("/Cheveux/Stylists.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("Profile.aspx?Action=View&empID=" + features[9].ItemID.ToString()); } } else if (goTo == "Phone") { if (features == null) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "OpenWindow", "'Error.aspx','_newtab');", true); Response.Redirect("Error.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("tel:" + features[10].contactNo.ToString()); } } else if (goTo == "Email") { if (features == null) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "OpenWindow", "'Error.aspx','_newtab');", true); Response.Redirect("Error.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("mailto:" + features[11].email.ToString()); } } } #endregion #region access control HttpCookie UserID = Request.Cookies["CheveuxUserID"]; //send the user to the correct page based on their usertype if (UserID != null) { string userType = UserID["UT"].ToString(); if ("R" == userType) { //Receptionist Response.Redirect("/Receptionist/Receptionist.aspx"); } else if (userType == "M") { //Manager Response.Redirect("/Manager/Dashboard.aspx"); } else if (userType == "S") { //stylist Response.Redirect("/Stylist/Stylist.aspx"); } else if (userType == "C") { //customer //allowed access to this page //Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { function.logAnError("Unknown user type found during Loading of default.aspx: " + UserID["UT"].ToString()); } } #endregion #region Home Page Info //load home page info #region Welcom Back //welcome back existing users string name = Request.QueryString["WB"]; if (name != null) { Welcome.Text = "Welcome Back To Cheveux " + name; } else { //welcome new customers name = Request.QueryString["NU"]; if (name != null) { Welcome.Text = "Congratulations " + name + " You Are Now Registered With Cheveux"; } } #endregion #region booking Confirimation //confirm booking string stylistID = Request.QueryString["Sty"]; string Date = Request.QueryString["D"]; string slotNo = Request.QueryString["T"]; DateTime Time = Convert.ToDateTime("2001/01/01"); try { if (stylistID != null && Date != null && slotNo != null) { List <SP_GetSlotTimes> TSL = handler.BLL_GetAllTimeSlots(); foreach (SP_GetSlotTimes TS in TSL) { if (TS.SlotNo.Replace(" ", string.Empty) == slotNo.Replace(" ", string.Empty)) { Time = TS.Time; } } Welcome.Text = "You are now booked to see " + handler.viewEmployee(stylistID.Replace(" ", string.Empty)).firstName + " at " + Time.ToString("HH:mm") + " on the " + Convert.ToDateTime(Date).ToString("dd MMM yyyy"); } } catch (Exception err) { function.logAnError("unable to load booking confirmaton on default.aspx." + "stylist ID : " + stylistID + " | Date : " + Date + " | Slot No. : " + slotNo + " | Time : " + Time + " | CustID : " + UserID["ID"].ToString() + " | Error : " + err); } #endregion #region Home Page Features features = null; try { //get the home page featurs features = handler.GetHomePageFeatures(); } catch (Exception err) { function.logAnError("unable to load featurd items from the DB on default.aspx: " + err); } #region Featured hairstyles try { LService1Header.Text = "<a class='btn btn-light' href='cheveux/services.aspx?ProductID=" + features[3].ItemID.ToString() + "'>" + features[3].Name.ToString() + "</a></font>"; LService1Description.Text = features[3].description.ToString() + " from R" + features[3].price.ToString(); LService2Header.Text = "<a class='btn btn-light' href='cheveux/services.aspx?ProductID=" + features[4].ItemID.ToString() + "'>" + features[4].Name.ToString() + "</a></font>"; LService2Description.Text = features[4].description.ToString() + " from R" + features[4].price.ToString(); LService3Header.Text = "<a class='btn btn-light' href='cheveux/services.aspx?ProductID=" + features[5].ItemID.ToString() + "'>" + features[5].Name.ToString() + "</a></font>"; LService3Description.Text = features[5].description.ToString() + " from R" + features[5].price.ToString(); LService4Header.Text = "<a class='btn btn-light' href='cheveux/services.aspx?ProductID=" + features[6].ItemID.ToString() + "'>" + features[6].Name.ToString() + "</a>"; LService4Description.Text = features[6].description.ToString() + " from R" + features[6].price.ToString(); } catch (Exception err) { function.logAnError("unable to display featured hairstyls on default.aspx: " + err); } #endregion #region Featured Products //Load Products try { phProductImage1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl ("<img width='650' height='650' src='" + features[0].ItemID + ".jpg'/>")); lProductHeader1.Text = features[0].Name.ToString(); LProductDescription1.Text = features[0].description.ToString() + " from R" + features[0].price.ToString(); phProductImage2.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl ("<img width='650' height='650' src='" + features[1].ItemID + ".jpg'/>")); lProductHeader2.Text = features[1].Name.ToString(); LProductDescription2.Text = features[1].description.ToString() + " from R" + features[1].price.ToString(); phProductImage3.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl ("<img width='650' height='650' src='" + features[2].ItemID + ".jpg'/>")); lProductHeader3.Text = features[2].Name.ToString(); LProductDescription3.Text = features[2].description.ToString() + " from R" + features[2].price.ToString(); } catch (Exception err) { function.logAnError("unable to display featured products on default.aspx: " + err); } #endregion #region Featured Stylists //Load Products try { phStylistImage1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl ("<img width='650' height='650' src='" + features[4].ItemID + ".jpg'/>")); lStylistHeader1.Text = features[7].firstName.ToString(); lStylistDescription1.Text = "Specializes in " + handler.viewStylistSpecialisationAndBio(features[7].ItemID.ToString()).serviceName; phStylistImage2.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl ("<img width='650' height='650' src='" + features[8].ItemID + ".jpg'/>")); lStylistHeader2.Text = features[8].firstName.ToString(); lStylistDescription2.Text = "Specializes in " + handler.viewStylistSpecialisationAndBio(features[8].ItemID.ToString()).serviceName; phStylistImage3.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl ("<img width='650' height='650' src='" + features[9].ItemID + ".jpg'/>")); lStylistHeader3.Text = features[9].firstName.ToString(); lStylistDescription3.Text = "Specializes in " + handler.viewStylistSpecialisationAndBio(features[9].ItemID.ToString()).serviceName; } catch (Exception err) { function.logAnError("unable to display featured stylist on default.aspx: " + err); } #endregion #region Operating Hours try { //get the operating hourse from the db BUSINESS operatingHours = handler.getBusinessTable(); //display the opperating hours //add hours - weekday lWeekdaye.Text = operatingHours.WeekdayStart.ToString("HH:mm") + " - " + operatingHours.WeekdayEnd.ToString("HH:mm"); //add hours - weekend lWeekend.Text = operatingHours.WeekendStart.ToString("HH:mm") + " - " + operatingHours.WeekendEnd.ToString("HH:mm"); //add hours - public holiday lPublicHol.Text = operatingHours.PublicHolStart.ToString("HH:mm") + " - " + operatingHours.PublicHolEnd.ToString("HH:mm"); } catch (Exception err) { function.logAnError("unable to load operating hours on default.aspx: " + err); } #endregion #endregion #endregion }