コード例 #1
ファイル: Mp3Info.cs プロジェクト: khellang/bluecone
        public static void SaveInfo()
            string filename = "fileinfo.txt";

            Debug.Print("Writing ID3 info to " + filename);

            if (File.Exists(@"\SD\" + filename))
                File.Delete(@"\SD\" + filename);

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"\SD\" + filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))
                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
                foreach (string track in DirectoryEx.GetFiles(@"\USB\"))
                    if (track.Length > 4 && track.Substring(track.Length - 3).ToLower() == "mp3")
                        ID3Tag temp = ID3TagReader.ReadFile(track);
                        sw.WriteLine(temp.Path + "|" + temp.Artist + "|" + temp.Album + "|" + temp.Title);


            LED.State = LEDState.Ready;
            Debug.Print("Finished writing to file");
コード例 #2
        // Create an ID3Tag
        void CreateTag()
            PrivateObject accessor = new PrivateObject(typeof(ID3Tag));

            accessor.SetFieldOrProperty("Artist", "Artist");
            accessor.SetFieldOrProperty("Album", "Album");
            accessor.SetFieldOrProperty("Title", "Title");
            accessor.SetFieldOrProperty("Comment", "Comment");
            accessor.SetFieldOrProperty("Year", "Year");
            accessor.SetFieldOrProperty("Genre", "Genre");
            tag = (ID3Tag)accessor.Target;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Item.cs プロジェクト: felixwatts/PodPuppy
        private void SetTagContent(ID3Tag tag, bool overwriteExistingTags)
            if (!tag.HasTitle || overwriteExistingTags)
                tag.Title = TrackTitleTag;

            if (!tag.HasAlbum || overwriteExistingTags)
                tag.Album = AlbumTag;

            if (!tag.HasArtist || overwriteExistingTags)
                tag.Artist = ArtistTag;

            if (!tag.HasGenre || overwriteExistingTags)
                tag.Genre = GenreTag;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Item.cs プロジェクト: felixwatts/PodPuppy
        private void ReadTagsFromFile()
            if (Status != ItemStatus.Complete)

            if (!CompleteDestination.EndsWith(".mp3", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

                ID3Tag tag = ID3v2Tag.ReadTag(CompleteDestination);

                if (tag == null)
                    tag = ID3v1Tag.ReadTag(CompleteDestination);
                    if (tag == null)
                        tag = new ID3v2Tag();

                TrackTitleTag = tag.Title;
                AlbumTag      = tag.Album;
                ArtistTag     = tag.Artist;
                GenreTag      = tag.Genre;

                _tagsSet = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.TraceError("Error: unable to read ID3 Tag for file: " + CompleteDestination + ". " + ex.Message);
コード例 #5
        public Mp3Decoder(string mp3File)
            // encoder modules
            lame  = new Lame();
            gaud  = new GetAudio();
            ga    = new GainAnalysis();
            bs    = new BitStream();
            p     = new Presets();
            qupvt = new QuantizePVT();
            qu    = new Quantize();
            vbr   = new VBRTag();
            ver   = new Mp3Version();
            id3   = new ID3Tag();
            rv    = new Reservoir();
            tak   = new Takehiro();
            parse = new Parse();

            mpg    = new MPGLib();
            intf   = new Interface();
            common = new Mpg.Common();

            lame.setModules(ga, bs, p, qupvt, qu, vbr, ver, id3, mpg);
            bs.setModules(ga, mpg, ver, vbr);
            id3.setModules(bs, ver);
            p.Modules = lame;
            qu.setModules(bs, rv, qupvt, tak);
            qupvt.setModules(tak, rv, lame.enc.psy);
            rv.Modules  = bs;
            tak.Modules = qupvt;
            vbr.setModules(lame, bs, ver);
            gaud.setModules(parse, mpg);
            parse.setModules(ver, id3, p);

            // decoder modules
            mpg.setModules(intf, common);
            intf.setModules(vbr, common);

            gfp = lame.lame_init();

             * turn off automatic writing of ID3 tag data into mp3 stream we have to
             * call it before 'lame_init_params', because that function would spit
             * out ID3v2 tag data.
            gfp.write_id3tag_automatic = false;

             * Now that all the options are set, lame needs to analyze them and set
             * some more internal options and check for problems

            parse.input_format = GetAudio.sound_file_format.sf_mp3;

            var inPath = new StringBuilder(mp3File);
            var enc    = new Enc();

            gaud.init_infile(gfp, inPath.ToString(), enc);

            var skip_start = 0;
            var skip_end   = 0;

            if (parse.silent < 10)
                    "\rinput:  {0}{1}({2:g} kHz, {3:D} channel{4}, ",
                    inPath.Length > 26 ? "\n\t" : "  ",
                    gfp.in_samplerate / 1000,
                    gfp.num_channels != 1 ? "s" : "");

            if (enc.enc_delay > -1 || enc.enc_padding > -1)
                if (enc.enc_delay > -1)
                    skip_start = enc.enc_delay + 528 + 1;

                if (enc.enc_padding > -1)
                    skip_end = enc.enc_padding - (528 + 1);
                skip_start = gfp.encoder_delay + 528 + 1;

            Console.Write("MPEG-{0:D}{1} Layer {2}", 2 - gfp.version, gfp.out_samplerate < 16000 ? ".5" : "", "III");

            Console.Write(")\noutput: (16 bit, Microsoft WAVE)\n");

            if (skip_start > 0)
                Console.Write("skipping initial {0:D} samples (encoder+decoder delay)\n", skip_start);

            if (skip_end > 0)
                Console.Write("skipping final {0:D} samples (encoder padding-decoder delay)\n", skip_end);

            wavsize = -(skip_start + skip_end);
            parse.mp3input_data.totalframes = parse.mp3input_data.nsamp / parse.mp3input_data.framesize;

            Debug.Assert(gfp.num_channels >= 1 && gfp.num_channels <= 2);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Item.cs プロジェクト: felixwatts/PodPuppy
        public bool WriteTagsToFile(bool overwriteExistingTags)
            if (Status != ItemStatus.Complete)

            if (!CompleteDestination.EndsWith(".mp3", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

                ID3Tag tag = null;

                switch (ID3v2Tag.LookForTag(CompleteDestination))
                case ID3Versions.None:
                case ID3Versions.Unknown:

                    tag = new ID3v2Tag();
                    SetTagContent(tag, overwriteExistingTags);
                    tag.WriteTag(CompleteDestination, ID3Versions.V2_4);


                case ID3Versions.V1:
                case ID3Versions.V1_0:
                case ID3Versions.V1_1:

                    tag = ID3v1Tag.ReadTag(CompleteDestination);
                    SetTagContent(tag, overwriteExistingTags);
                    tag.WriteTag(CompleteDestination, ID3Versions.V1_1);


                case ID3Versions.V2:
                case ID3Versions.V2_2:
                case ID3Versions.V2_3:

                    tag = ID3v2Tag.ReadTag(CompleteDestination);
                    SetTagContent(tag, overwriteExistingTags);
                    tag.WriteTag(CompleteDestination, ID3Versions.V2_3);


                case ID3Versions.V2_4:

                    tag = ID3v2Tag.ReadTag(CompleteDestination);
                    SetTagContent(tag, overwriteExistingTags);
                    tag.WriteTag(CompleteDestination, ID3Versions.V2_4);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.TraceError("Error writing tags to: " + CompleteDestination + ". " + ex.Message);


コード例 #7
        public Mp3Decoder(Stream mp3Stream)
            // encoder modules
            lame  = new Lame();
            gaud  = new GetAudio();
            ga    = new GainAnalysis();
            bs    = new BitStream();
            p     = new Presets();
            qupvt = new QuantizePVT();
            qu    = new Quantize();
            vbr   = new VBRTag();
            ver   = new Mp3Version();
            id3   = new ID3Tag();
            rv    = new Reservoir();
            tak   = new Takehiro();
            parse = new Parse();

            mpg    = new MPGLib();
            intf   = new Interface();
            common = new Mpg.Common();

            lame.setModules(ga, bs, p, qupvt, qu, vbr, ver, id3, mpg);
            bs.setModules(ga, mpg, ver, vbr);
            id3.setModules(bs, ver);
            p.Modules = lame;
            qu.setModules(bs, rv, qupvt, tak);
            qupvt.setModules(tak, rv, lame.enc.psy);
            rv.Modules  = bs;
            tak.Modules = qupvt;
            vbr.setModules(lame, bs, ver);
            gaud.setModules(parse, mpg);
            parse.setModules(ver, id3, p);

            // decoder modules
            mpg.setModules(intf, common);
            intf.setModules(vbr, common);

            gfp = lame.lame_init();

             * turn off automatic writing of ID3 tag data into mp3 stream we have to
             * call it before 'lame_init_params', because that function would spit
             * out ID3v2 tag data.
            gfp.write_id3tag_automatic = false;

             * Now that all the options are set, lame needs to analyze them and set
             * some more internal options and check for problems

            parse.input_format = GetAudio.sound_file_format.sf_mp3;

            var enc = new Enc();

            gaud.init_infile(gfp, mp3Stream, enc);

            SkipStart = 0;
            SkipEnd   = 0;

            if (enc.enc_delay > -1 || enc.enc_padding > -1)
                if (enc.enc_delay > -1)
                    SkipStart = enc.enc_delay + 528 + 1;

                if (enc.enc_padding > -1)
                    SkipEnd = enc.enc_padding - (528 + 1);
                SkipStart = gfp.encoder_delay + 528 + 1;

            WavSize = -(SkipStart + SkipEnd);
            parse.mp3input_data.totalframes = parse.mp3input_data.nsamp / parse.mp3input_data.framesize;

            Framesize  = parse.mp3input_data.framesize;
            SampleRate = parse.mp3input_data.samplerate;
            Length     = parse.mp3input_data.nsamp;
            Channels   = gfp.num_channels;

            Debug.Assert(gfp.num_channels >= 1 && gfp.num_channels <= 2);
コード例 #8
 public Song(string path)
     Path   = path;
     Id3Tag = new ID3Tag(Path);