public void Creates_listcommands_command_when_null_arguments_passed(ICommandFactory commandFactory, ICraneCommand craneCommand) { "Given I have a command factory" ._(() => commandFactory = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICommandFactory>()); "When I create a command with no arguments" ._(() => craneCommand = commandFactory.Create(null)); "Then the command returned should be the list commands command" ._(() => craneCommand.Should().BeOfType <ListCommands>()); }
public void Creates_command_when_arguments_passed_by_switches(ICommandFactory commandFactory, ICraneCommand craneCommand) { "Given I have a command factory" ._(() => commandFactory = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICommandFactory>()); "When I create a command with based on the arguments 'init testproject" ._(() => craneCommand = commandFactory.Create("init", "-projectName", "testproject")); "Then the command returned should be the init command" ._(() => craneCommand.Should().BeOfType <Init>()); "And the ProjectName should be testproject" ._(() => ((Init)craneCommand).ProjectName.Should().Be("testproject")); }