public IActionResult Update(Guid id) { try { var user = _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).Result; if (!_companyManager.IsUserCompanyAdmin(user.Id, id)) { return(NotFound()); } var company = _companyManager.Get(id); if (company == null) { return(NotFound()); } var model = new OrganizationViewModel(company) { Countries = _countryManager.GetCountries() .Select(c => new SelectListItem { Text = c.Name, Value = c.IsoCountryCode }).ToList() }; return(View(nameof(Update), model)); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { _logger.LogError(e.Message, e); return(NotFound()); } }
public IActionResult BookingForm(int id, int?persons) { var formModel = new BookingFormViewModel(); Accommodation accommodation; try { accommodation = _accommodationManager.GetAccommodation(id); formModel.AccommodationId = accommodation.Id; formModel.AccommodationName = accommodation.Name; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { return(NotFound()); } formModel.Persons = new List <BookingPerson>(); //If an amount of persons was given, use it. //Otherwise, get the maximum persons from the Accommodation. int maxPersons; if (persons.HasValue && persons.Value <= accommodation.MaxPersons) { maxPersons = persons.Value; } else { maxPersons = accommodation.MaxPersons; } ViewBag.MaxPersons = maxPersons; //Initialize BookingPersons for the form for (int i = 0; i < accommodation.MaxPersons; i++) { formModel.Persons.Add(new BookingPerson()); } //Get countries from db var countries = _countryManager.GetCountries(); ViewBag.Countries = countries; //Get client API key ViewBag.MapApiKey = _mapService.GetApiKey(); return(View("BookingForm", formModel)); }
public EditWindow() { InitializeComponent(); policyManager = new PolicyManager(); quoteManager = new QuoteManager(); countryManager = new CountryManager(); countriesList = countryManager.GetCountries(); }
public NewQuote() { InitializeComponent(); quote = new Quote(); quoteManager = new QuoteManager(); countryManager = new CountryManager(); countriesList = countryManager.GetCountries(); DataContext = this; }
public NewPolicy() { InitializeComponent(); policy = new Policy(); policyManager = new PolicyManager(); countryManager = new CountryManager(); countriesList = countryManager.GetCountries(); DataContext = this; }
public IActionResult Get() { IEnumerable <Country> countries = countryManager.GetCountries(); //Generate a list of HALResponses var response = new List <HALResponse>(); foreach (Country country in countries) { response.Add( new HALResponse(country) .AddLinks(new Link[] { new Link(Link.RelForSelf, $"/api/v1/countries/{country.Id}"), new Link("updateCountry", $"/api/v1/countries/{country.Id}", "Update Country", "PUT"), new Link("deleteCountry", $"/api/v1/countries/{country.Id}", "Delete Country", "DELETE") }) ); } return(this.Ok(response)); }
public IHttpActionResult ImportCountries() { var countries = _countryManager.GetCountries <Country>(CountryApiConstants.AllCountries); IList <Db.Country> countriesToSave = Mapper.Map <IList <Country>, IList <Db.Country> >(countries); if (Repository.Countries.Any()) { Repository.Countries.AddRange(countriesToSave); Repository.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(Repository.Countries)); } return(Ok(countries)); }
public EditWindow(string type, object context) { InitializeComponent(); policyManager = new PolicyManager(); quoteManager = new QuoteManager(); countryManager = new CountryManager(); countriesList = countryManager.GetCountries(); cb_Country.ItemsSource = countriesList; _viewType = type; try { if (_viewType == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VIEW_TYPE_POLICY"]) { int _policyId = (int)context; _policy = policyManager.GetPolicy(_policyId); txtb_header.Text = "Editing Policy : " + _policy.Id.ToString(); txt_Firstname.Text = _policy.InsurerFirstName; txt_Lastname.Text = _policy.InsurerLastName; //txt_Middlename.Text = _policy.InsurerMiddleName; txt_Email.Text = _policy.Email; txt_PhoneNumber.Text = _policy.Phone; txt_TotalAmount.Text = _policy.Amount.ToString(); txt_Address.Text = _policy.Address; txt_State.Text = _policy.State; txt_Pincode.Text = _policy.Pin.ToString(); //txt_AccountNumber.Text = _policy.BankAccountNumber; txt_AgentName.Text = _policy.AgentName; txt_Nominee.Text = _policy.Nominee; txt_Relation.Text = _policy.Relation; date_StartDate.SelectedDate = _policy.StartDate; date_EndDate.SelectedDate = _policy.EndDate; if (_policy.Gender == "MALE") { rbm.IsChecked = true; } else if (_policy.Gender == "FEMALE") { rbf.IsChecked = true; } else { rbo.IsChecked = true; } } else if (_viewType == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VIEW_TYPE_QUOTE"]) { int _quoteId = (int)context; _quote = quoteManager.GetQuote(_quoteId); btn_UploadFile.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txtb_header.Text = "Editing Quote : " + _quote.Id.ToString(); txt_Firstname.Text = _quote.InsurerFirstName; txt_Lastname.Text = _quote.InsurerLastName; //txt_Middlename.Text = _quote.InsurerMiddleName; txt_Email.Text = _quote.Email; txt_PhoneNumber.Text = _quote.Phone; txt_TotalAmount.Text = _quote.Amount.ToString(); txt_Address.Text = _quote.Address; txt_State.Text = _quote.State; txt_Pincode.Text = _quote.Pin.ToString(); //txt_AccountNumber.Text = _quote.BankAccountNumber; txt_AgentName.Text = _quote.AgentName; txt_Nominee.Text = _quote.Nominee; txt_Relation.Text = _quote.Relation; date_StartDate.SelectedDate = _quote.StartDate; date_EndDate.SelectedDate = _quote.EndDate; if (_quote.Gender == "MALE") { rbm.IsChecked = true; } else if (_quote.Gender == "FEMALE") { rbf.IsChecked = true; } else { rbo.IsChecked = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public ViewWindow(string type, object context) { InitializeComponent(); countryManager = new CountryManager(); policyManager = new PolicyManager(); quoteManager = new QuoteManager(); _viewType = type; try { if (_viewType == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VIEW_TYPE_POLICY"]) { int policyId = (int)context; _policy = policyManager.GetPolicy(policyId); _policy.Country = countryManager.GetCountries().Find(x => x.Code == _policy.Country).Description; _policy.Type = GetPolicyOrQuoteTypes(_policy.Type); _policy.AddressProofType = _policy.AddressProofType == "PASS" ? "Passport" : "Voter id"; this.txtb_header.Text = "Policy ID :" + _policy.Id.ToString(); if (_policy.Gender == "MALE") { txt_Gender.Text = "MALE"; } else if (_policy.Gender == "FEMALE") { txt_Gender.Text = "FEMALE"; } else { txt_Gender.Text = "OTHERS"; } this.DataContext = _policy; } else if (_viewType == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VIEW_TYPE_QUOTE"]) { int quoteId = (int)context; _quote = quoteManager.GetQuote(quoteId); _quote.Country = countryManager.GetCountries().Find(x => x.Code == _quote.Country).Description; _quote.Type = GetPolicyOrQuoteTypes(_quote.Type); _quote.AddressProofType = _quote.AddressProofType == "PASS" ? "Passport" : "Voter id"; this.txtb_header.Text = "Quote ID :" + _quote.Id.ToString(); this.btn_DownloadDocument.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (_quote.Gender == "MALE") { txt_Gender.Text = "MALE"; } else if (_quote.Gender == "FEMALE") { txt_Gender.Text = "FEMALE"; } else { txt_Gender.Text = "OTHERS"; } this.DataContext = _quote; } else { } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Get() { return(await Task.Run <IActionResult>(() => new OkObjectResult(new GenericResponseMessage <IEnumerable <CountryBo> >(_countryManager.GetCountries() .OrderByDescending(c => c.IsoCountryCode == "US") .ThenBy(c => c.Name))))); }