コード例 #1
        public async Task RawJsonDecode()
            // #tag::raw-json-decode[]
            var result =
                await _collection.GetAsync("john-smith", options => options.Transcoder(new RawJsonTranscoder()));

            var returnedJson = result.ContentAs <byte[]>();
            var user         = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(returnedJson, typeof(User));
            // #end::raw-json-decode[]
コード例 #2
        private static async Task UpdateSamePersonUsingOptimisticLockingWithCasValue(ICouchbaseCollection collection, string documentId)
            var getResult = await collection.GetAsync(documentId);

            var person = getResult.ContentAs <Person>();

            var newPerson1     = person.WithSomeNumber(1);
            var replaceOptions = new ReplaceOptions().Cas(getResult.Cas);
            // csak akkor replace-el, ha a doksi CAS-ja egyezik a ReplaceOptions-ben megadottal
            // az UpsertAsync()-nek beadható UpsertOption()-nek nincs Cas() művelete, ezért használom Replace()-t
            var mutationResult1 = await collection.ReplaceAsync(documentId, newPerson1, replaceOptions);

                var newPerson2 = person.WithSomeNumber(2);
                // a doksi CAS-ja nem egyezik a korábban lekérttel, ezért dob
                var mutationResult2 = await collection.ReplaceAsync(documentId, newPerson2, replaceOptions);
            catch (Couchbase.Core.Exceptions.KeyValue.DocumentExistsException ex)
                // a hiba részeleteit tartalmazza; típusa: Couchbase.Core.Exceptions.KeyValue.KeyValueErrorContext: több minden van benne, mint IErrorContext-en
                var replaceContext = ex.Context;
コード例 #3
 private static async Task Get(ICouchbaseCollection collection, string key)
     using (var result = await collection.GetAsync(key))
         // Trigger deserialization
         result.ContentAs <dynamic>();
コード例 #4
        public static Task <IGetResult> GetAsync(this ICouchbaseCollection collection, string id, Action <GetOptions> configureOptions)
            var options = new GetOptions();


            return(collection.GetAsync(id, options));
コード例 #5
        private async Task <IGetResult> GetResultAsync(ICouchbaseCollection collection, string id)
                var getResult = await collection.GetAsync(id);

            catch (DocumentNotFoundException)
コード例 #6
        async Task CompleteErrorHandling()
            // #tag::full-error-handling[]
                var result = await _transactions.RunAsync(async (ctx) => {
                    // ... transactional code here ...

                // The transaction definitely reached the commit point. Unstaging
                // the individual documents may or may not have completed

                if (result.UnstagingComplete)
                    // Operations with non-transactional actors will want
                    // unstagingComplete() to be true.
                    await _cluster.QueryAsync <dynamic>(" ... N1QL ... ",
                                                        new QueryOptions()).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    var documentKey = "a document key involved in the transaction";
                    var getResult   = await _collection.GetAsync(documentKey).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // This step is completely application-dependent.  It may
                    // need to throw its own exception, if it is crucial that
                    // result.unstagingComplete() is true at this point.
                    // (Recall that the asynchronous cleanup process will
                    // complete the unstaging later on).
            catch (TransactionCommitAmbiguousException err)
                // The transaction may or may not have reached commit point
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Transaction returned TransactionCommitAmbiguous and" +
                                        " may have succeeded, logs:");

                // Of course, the application will want to use its own logging rather
                // than System.err
            catch (TransactionFailedException err)
                // The transaction definitely did not reach commit point
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Transaction failed with TransactionFailed, logs:");
            // #end::full-error-handling[]
コード例 #7
        public async Task ParallelOperations()
            async Task DoOneHundredGets()
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    using var result = await _collection.GetAsync(_key).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var parallelTasks = Enumerable.Range(1, 8)
                                .Select(_ => DoOneHundredGets())

            await Task.WhenAll(parallelTasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
コード例 #8
        public async Task Does_data_access_create_the_document()
            // arrange
            var widgetId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var widget   = new Widget {
                Name = "dota2attitude " + Guid.NewGuid()


            // act
            await _dal.CreateWidget(widgetId, widget);

            // assert
            var result = await _collection.GetAsync(widgetId);

            Assert.That(result.ContentAs <Widget>().Name, Is.EqualTo(widget.Name));
コード例 #9
        private async Task RunTest()
            var getResult = await collection.GetAsync("airline_5209").ConfigureAwait(false);

            var docContent = getResult.ContentAs <dynamic>();

            Console.WriteLine($"The airline is {docContent.name}.");

                var queryResult = await cluster.QueryAsync <dynamic>("SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` LIMIT 10",
                                                                     parameter => { parameter.Parameter("type", "airline"); }).ConfigureAwait(false);

                await foreach (var o in queryResult.ConfigureAwait(false))
                    Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o, Formatting.None));
            catch (CouchbaseException ex)
コード例 #10
 private static async Task <Person> GetDocument(ICouchbaseCollection collection, string documentId)
     using (var result = await collection.GetAsync(documentId))
         // a korábban INSERT-ált doksinak olyan property-jei vannak, mint a Person osztálynak, ezért működik
         var person = result.ContentAs <Person>();
         // azért működik, mert a CB kliens Newtonsoft JSON sorosítót használ, és JObject a lekért doksi eredeti nyers formája
         var jObject = result.ContentAs <JObject>();
             // Az online tutorial-ban (https://docs.couchbase.com/dotnet-sdk/3.0/howtos/kv-operations.html) a result.ContentAs<string>() hívást mutatják, pedig nem jó...
             // Elszáll azzal a hibával, hogy nem tudja parse-olni azt, hogy "{.Path"; azért, mert a JObject példányt akarja parse-olni (aminek van Path prop-ja),
             // és megdöglik. A CB kliens itt is hülyén működik, mert a használt visszasorosítót hozzádrótozták az interface-hez. Legalább tettek volna
             // IGetResult-ra egy GetAsRawString() metódust, és akkor nem kéne nekünk foglalkozni azzal, hogy milyen library-t használnak belsőleg, ha
             // csak a doksi nyers string formátuma érdekel. Ehelyett a lenti módszerrel kell vacakolni: lekérni egy JObject-et, aztán azon hívni ToString()-et.
             string rawDocumentString = result.ContentAs <string>();
         catch (Exception ex)
         string documentRawString = jObject.ToString();
コード例 #11
        public async Task <Widget> GetWidget(string widgetId)
            var result = await _collection.GetAsync(widgetId);

            return(result.ContentAs <Widget>());
コード例 #12
 public static Task <IGetResult> GetAsync(this ICouchbaseCollection collection, string id)
     return(collection.GetAsync(id, GetOptions.Default));
コード例 #13
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public async Task Renew(TimeSpan expiration, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (expiration <= TimeSpan.Zero)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(expiration), "Value must be positive.");

            var key      = LockDocument.GetKey(Name);
            var document = new LockDocument
                Holder            = Holder,
                RequestedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow

            bool            lockAcquired = false;
            IMutationResult?result       = null;

                if (_cas == 0)
                    // We're creating a new lock
                    _logger.LogDebug("Requesting lock '{name}' for holder '{holder}' for {expiration}", Name, Holder,
                    result = await _collection.InsertAsync(key, document,
                                                           new InsertOptions().Expiry(expiration).CancellationToken(cancellationToken))
                    _logger.LogDebug("Renewing lock '{name}' for holder '{holder}' for {expiration}", Name, Holder,
                    result = await _collection.ReplaceAsync(key, document,
                                                            new ReplaceOptions().Expiry(expiration).CancellationToken(cancellationToken).Cas(_cas))

                lockAcquired = true;
            catch (CasMismatchException)
                // This is a valid case, trap the exception
                _logger.LogDebug("CAS mismatch updating lock '{name}'", Name);
            catch (DocumentExistsException)
                // This is a valid case, trap the exception
                _logger.LogDebug("Lock document already exists for lock '{name}'", Name);
            catch (DocumentNotFoundException)
                // This is a valid, but rare, case where the document being renewed expired before
                // the renewal. In this case, we'll let the logic move on, which will recreate the document.
                _logger.LogDebug("Lock document missing for lock '{name}'", Name);

            if (lockAcquired)
                _logger.LogDebug("Lock '{name}' issued to holder '{holder}'", Name, Holder);

                _expirationInterval = expiration;
                _cas = result !.Cas;


            if (!lockAcquired)
                _logger.LogDebug("Lock '{name}' unavailable, getting lock info", Name);

                IGetResult getResult;
                    getResult = await _collection.GetAsync(key).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (DocumentNotFoundException)
                        // Couldn't find the lock, must have expired between Insert and Get, try one more time
                        result = await _collection.InsertAsync(key, document,
                                                               new InsertOptions().Expiry(expiration).CancellationToken(cancellationToken))
                    catch (DocumentExistsException)
                        throw new CouchbaseLockUnavailableException(Name);

                    _logger.LogDebug("Lock '{name}' issued to holder '{holder}'", Name, Holder);

                    _expirationInterval = expiration;
                    _cas = result.Cas;

                _logger.LogDebug("Unable to acquire lock '{name}' for holder '{holder}'", Name, Holder);

                throw new CouchbaseLockUnavailableException(Name)
                          Holder = getResult.ContentAs <LockDocument>().Holder