コード例 #1
 public override bool IsIssueResolved(ICorrectRefactoringResult result)
     var refactoring = result.refactoring as IInlineMethodRefactoring;
     var singleDoc = result as ISingleDocumentResult;
     if(singleDoc != null && refactoring != null && IsIssuedToSameDocument(singleDoc))
         var methodNameComparer = new MethodNameComparer();
         return methodNameComparer.Compare(inlinedMethod, refactoring.InlinedMethod) == 0;
     return false;
コード例 #2
 public override bool IsIssueResolved(ICorrectRefactoringResult correctRefactoringResult)
     var single = correctRefactoringResult as ISingleDocumentResult;
     var refactoring = correctRefactoringResult.refactoring as IManualExtractMethodRefactoring;
     if(single != null && single.GetDocumentId() == GetDocumentId() && refactoring != null)
         if (correctRefactoringResult.RefactoringConditionType == RefactoringConditionType.
             return methodNameComparer.Compare(declaration, refactoring.
                 ExtractedMethodDeclaration) == 0;
     return false;
コード例 #3
                /// <summary>
                /// Given a refactoring good at the given condition, check whether this refactoring has 
                /// resolved this issue.
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns></returns>
                public override bool IsIssueResolved(ICorrectRefactoringResult result)
                    // Convert the refactoring of correct refactoring to the desired type.
                    var single = result as ISingleDocumentResult;
                    var refactoring = result.refactoring as IManualExtractMethodRefactoring;

                    if (single != null && refactoring != null)
                        if (result.RefactoringConditionType == RefactoringConditionType.
                            EXTRACT_METHOD_RETURN_VALUE && IsIssuedToSameDocument(single))
                            // If the method names are same and return value check is passed, we consider
                            // the missing return value issue has been resolved.
                            return methodNameComparer.Compare(refactoring.ExtractedMethodDeclaration,
                                declaration) == 0;
                    return false;
コード例 #4
 public override bool IsIssueResolved(ICorrectRefactoringResult correctRefactoringResult)
     throw new NotImplementedException();