コード例 #1
        private void PrepLayer(List <PrototypeComponents.IP_RenderComponent> bucket, ref bool dflag)
            if (dflag)
                dflag = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < bucket.Count; i++)
                if (!bucket[i].Visable)

                // imagine four pixels on the edge of a cliff. rendering works the same way.

                //V = Viewscreen, aka the console proper.
                int startX = _ViewOffsetX + bucket[i].RelXCoords;                 //startfoo is xy of topleft of rendered object,
                //relative to the viewscreen's topleft spot.
                int startY = _ViewOffsetY + bucket[i].RelYCoords;                 //viewoffset is a transform. RelY is modified by object's parent's offset
                if (startX > _ViewSizeX || (startX + bucket[i].SizeX) < 0)
                    continue;                     //sanity check. if object is left of V's right boundry, or too far to the left to appear, its gone.
                if (startY > _ViewSizeY || (startY + bucket[i].SizeY) < 0)
                    continue;                    //similar to above
                int vindexX = 0;                 //start point for rendering onto the console
                int vindexY = 0;                 //xy coords
                int vLimitX = _ViewSizeX;        //point where rendering really ought to stop
                int vLimitY = _ViewSizeY;        //otherwise it starts looping text into dumb places
                if (startY > 0)
                    vindexY = startY;
                }                                                //if the object is to be drawn lower on the screen, then start lower
                if (startX > 0)
                    vindexX = startX;
                }                                  //if the object is drawn rightmore on the view, start more right
                int bucketgiX = 0;                 //bucket Graphic Index
                int bucketgiY = 0;
                if (startX < 0)
                    bucketgiX = startX * -1;
                if (startY < 0)
                    bucketgiY = startY * -1;
                if (vLimitX > bucket[i].SizeX + startX)
                    vLimitX = bucket[i].SizeX + startX;
                }                                                                                     //if the viewscreen is wider than the object, stop sooner
                if (vLimitY > bucket[i].SizeY + startY)
                    vLimitY = bucket[i].SizeY + startY;
                }                                                                                     //could be done differently but eh

                for (int y = vindexY; y < vLimitY; y++)
                    int bucketgi = bucketgiX + bucketgiY * bucket[i].SizeX;
                    _MyBuffer.bufferwrite = y * _ViewSizeX + vindexX;
                    // buffer is stored as a single value, index derived from X+Y*Width.
                    for (int x = vindexX; x < vLimitX; x++)
                        if (bucket[i].Graphic[bucketgi] == P_Const.NULL_CHAR)
                            _MyBuffer.BufferWrite(' ', P_Const.DefaultBColor, P_Const.DefaultFColor);
                                                       bucket[i].BackgroundColor, bucket[i].ForegroundColor);