コード例 #1
        public async Task <List <DailyStatisticDto> > GetDailyStatisticsAsync(DateTime date)
            using (var connection = await _connectionProvider.GetDbConnectionAsync())
                var dtos = await connection.QueryAsync <DailyStatisticDto>("select Id,CreationTime,Date,Platform,Description from DailyStatistics where Date=@Date", new { Date = date });

コード例 #2
ファイル: ResumeQuerier.cs プロジェクト: dmpx/TalentPool
        public async Task <PaginationOutput <ResumeDto> > GetListAsync(QueryResumeInput input)
            using (var connection = await _provider.GetDbConnectionAsync())
                string columnSql = "a.Id,a.Name,a.JobId,c.Title,a.PhoneNumber," +
                                   "a.CreationTime,a.CreatorUserId,CONCAT(d.Surname,d.Name) CreatorUserName ,a.OwnerUserId,CONCAT(e.Surname,e.Name) OwnerUserName," +
                                   "b.Id as InvestigationId,a.AuditStatus,a.PlatformName,a.PlatformId," +

                var fromSql = new StringBuilder();
                fromSql.Append("from resumes a ");
                fromSql.Append("left join investigations b on a.Id = b.ResumeId ");
                fromSql.Append("inner join jobs c on a.JobId = c.Id ");
                fromSql.Append("inner join users d on a.CreatorUserId = d.Id ");
                fromSql.Append("inner join users e on a.OwnerUserId = e.id ");
                fromSql.Append(" where 1 = 1");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Keyword))
                    fromSql.Append(" and (a.Name like '%@Keyword%' or a.PhoneNumber like '%@Keyword%' or a.PlatformId like '%@Keyword%') ");
                if (input.JobId.HasValue)
                    fromSql.Append(" and a.JobId = @JobId ");
                if (input.CreatorUserId.HasValue)
                    fromSql.Append(" and a.CreatorUserId = @CreatorUserId ");
                if (input.OwnerUserId.HasValue && input.OwnerUserId != Guid.Empty)
                    fromSql.Append(" and a.OwnerUserId = @OwnerUserId ");
                if (input.StartTime.HasValue && input.EndTime.HasValue)
                    fromSql.Append(" and a.CreationTime >= @StartTime and a.CreationTime<= @EndTime ");
                if (input.AuditStatus.HasValue)
                    fromSql.Append(" and a.AuditStatus = @AuditStatus ");

                return(await connection.GetPaginationAsync <ResumeDto>(columnSql, fromSql.ToString(), input, input.PageSize, input.PageIndex));