コード例 #1
        public override void Process(IMetaData metaData, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, IConfiguration config)
            TypeData typeData = metaData as TypeData;
            if (typeData == null)

            JsonExCollectionAttribute attr = ReflectionUtils.GetAttribute<JsonExCollectionAttribute>(attributeProvider, true);
            if (attr == null)

            if (!attr.IsValid())
                throw new Exception("Invalid JsonExCollectionAttribute specified for " + attributeProvider + ", either CollectionHandlerType or ItemType or both must be specified");


            Type collHandlerType = attr.GetCollectionHandlerType();
            Type itemType = attr.GetItemType();

            // Try exact type match first
            CollectionHandler handler = null;

            if (collHandlerType == null)
                handler = typeData.FindCollectionHandler();
                handler = new CollectionHandlerWrapper(handler, typeData.ForType, itemType);

            bool registerHandler = false;
            if (handler == null)
                handler = ConstructOrFindHandler(config, collHandlerType, ref registerHandler);

            typeData.CollectionHandler = handler;
            // install the handler
            if (registerHandler)