コード例 #1
ファイル: CoinModule.cs プロジェクト: zumpanik/SoraBot-v2
        public async Task GetCoinAmount([Summary("The @user you want to check. Leave blank to get your own balance")]
                                        DiscordGuildUser userT = null)
            var user = userT?.GuildUser ?? (IGuildUser)Context.User;
            // We dont care if the user exists. So we take the easy way out
            var amount = _coinRepo.GetCoins(user.Id);

            await ReplyAsync("", embed :
                                         $"💰 {(user.Id == Context.User.Id ? "You have" : $"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(user)} has")} {amount.ToString()} Sora Coins.")
コード例 #2
        public async Task RollDice(int bet, int side)
            if (side < 1 || side > 6)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("Please choose a side between 1-6");


            if (bet <= 0)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("Please specify a bet larger than 0.");


            var availableCoins = _coinRepository.GetCoins(Context.User.Id);

            if (bet > availableCoins)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed(
                    $"Please specify a bet smaller or equal to your total Sora coin amount ({availableCoins.ToString()} SC).");


            int  roll = _rand.GetRandomNext(1, 7);
            bool won  = roll == side;

            if (won)
                await _coinRepository.GiveAmount(Context.User.Id, (uint)(bet * 5));  // *5 since we never take away the initial bet
            else if (!await _coinRepository.TryTakeAmount(Context.User.Id, (uint)bet))
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("You didn't have enough Sora coins for the transfer. Try again");


            if (won)
                await ReplyMoneyEmbed($"Congratulations! You won {(bet * 6).ToString()} Sora Coins!");
                await ReplyMoneyLostEmbed($"You lost :( The dice was {roll.ToString()}. Better luck next time!");
コード例 #3
        public async Task OpenSpecialWaifuBox()
            if (!_config.SpecialWaifuActive)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("There are no special waifus active right now :/");

            // Check user cash
            var sc = _coinRepo.GetCoins(Context.User.Id);

            if (sc < _WAIFU_BOX_SPECIAL_COST)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed($"You don't have enough Sora Coins! You need {_WAIFU_BOX_SPECIAL_COST.ToString()} SC.");


            var special = await _waifuService.GetRandomSpecialWaifu(Context.User.Id, _config.SpecialWaifuType).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (special == null)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("You already have all the special waifus. Pls try again another time.");

            List <Waifu> waifusUnboxed = new List <Waifu>();

            int additional = _WAIFU_AMOUNT_IN_BOX - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < additional; i++)
                waifusUnboxed.Add(await _waifuService.GetRandomWaifu().ConfigureAwait(false));
            if (waifusUnboxed.Count != _WAIFU_AMOUNT_IN_BOX)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("There don't seem to be Waifus to unbox at the moment. Sorry :/");


            // Now lets try to give everything to the user before we continue doing anything else
            if (!await _waifuService.TryGiveWaifusToUser(Context.User.Id, waifusUnboxed, _WAIFU_BOX_SPECIAL_COST).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("Failed to give Waifus :( Please try again");

            // We gave him the waifus. Now we just have to tell him :)
            waifusUnboxed.Sort((x, y) => - x.Rarity.CompareTo(y.Rarity));

            var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                Title       = "Congrats! You've got some nice waifus",
                Description = $"You opened a {WaifuFormatter.GetRarityString(_config.SpecialWaifuType)} WaifuBox for {_WAIFU_BOX_SPECIAL_COST.ToString()} SC.",
                Footer      = RequestedByFooter(Context.User),
                Color       = Purple,
                ImageUrl    = waifusUnboxed[0].ImageUrl

            foreach (var waifu in waifusUnboxed)
                eb.AddField(x =>
                    x.IsInline = true;
                    x.Name     = waifu.Name;
                    x.Value    = $"Rarity: {WaifuFormatter.GetRarityString(waifu.Rarity)}\n" +
                                 $"[Image Url]({waifu.ImageUrl})\n" +
                                 $"*ID: {waifu.Id}*";

            await ReplyAsync("", embed : eb.Build());