/// <summary> /// Generates client proxy source code using the specified <paramref name="codeGeneratorName"/> in the context /// of the specified <paramref name="host"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="host">The host for code generation.</param> /// <param name="options">The options to use for code generation.</param> /// <param name="catalog">The catalog containing the <see cref="OpenRiaServices.DomainServices.Server.DomainService"/> types.</param> /// <param name="compositionAssemblies">The optional set of assemblies to use to create the MEF composition container.</param> /// <param name="codeGeneratorName">Optional generator name. A <c>null</c> or empty value will select the default generator.</param> /// <returns>The generated source code or <c>null</c> if none was generated.</returns> private string GenerateCode(ICodeGenerationHost host, ClientCodeGenerationOptions options, DomainServiceCatalog catalog, IEnumerable <string> compositionAssemblies, string codeGeneratorName) { Debug.Assert(host != null, "host cannot be null"); Debug.Assert(options != null, "options cannot be null"); Debug.Assert(catalog != null, "catalog cannot be null"); IEnumerable <DomainServiceDescription> domainServiceDescriptions = catalog.DomainServiceDescriptions; IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator proxyGenerator = this.FindCodeGenerator(host, options, compositionAssemblies, codeGeneratorName); string generatedCode = null; if (proxyGenerator != null) { try { generatedCode = proxyGenerator.GenerateCode(host, domainServiceDescriptions, options); } catch (Exception ex) { // Fatal exceptions are never swallowed or processed if (ex.IsFatal()) { throw; } // Any exception from the code generator is caught and reported, otherwise it will // hit the MSBuild backstop and report failure of the custom build task. // It is acceptable to report this exception and "ignore" it because we // are running in a separate AppDomain which will be torn down immediately // after our return. host.LogError(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.CodeGenerator_Threw_Exception, string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeGeneratorName) ? proxyGenerator.GetType().FullName : codeGeneratorName, options.ClientProjectPath, ex.Message)); } } return(generatedCode); }
public string GenerateCode(ICodeGenerationHost host, IEnumerable <DomainServiceDescription> descriptions, ClientCodeGenerationOptions options) { Assert.IsNotNull(host, "host cannot be null when code generator is called"); Assert.IsNotNull(options, "options cannot be null when code generator is called"); Assert.IsNotNull(descriptions, "descriptions cannot be null when code generator is called"); // These 2 test helpers reset each time they are read bool logWarningsFull = MockCodeGenerator.LogWarningsFull; MockCodeGenerator.LogWarningsFull = false; bool logErrorsFull = MockCodeGenerator.LogErrorsFull; MockCodeGenerator.LogErrorsFull = false; bool throwException = MockCodeGenerator.ThrowException; MockCodeGenerator.ThrowException = false; if (throwException) { throw MockCodeGenerator.Exception; } if (logWarningsFull) { ConsoleLogger.LogPacket p = MockCodeGenerator.WarningPacket; host.LogWarning(p.Message, p.Subcategory, p.ErrorCode, p.HelpString, p.File, p.LineNumber, p.ColumnNumber, p.EndLineNumber, p.EndColumnNumber); } if (logErrorsFull) { ConsoleLogger.LogPacket p = MockCodeGenerator.ErrorPacket; host.LogError(p.Message, p.Subcategory, p.ErrorCode, p.HelpString, p.File, p.LineNumber, p.ColumnNumber, p.EndLineNumber, p.EndColumnNumber); } return(MockCodeGenerator.FakeGeneratedCode); }
/// <summary> /// Locates and returns the <see cref="IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator"/> to use to generate client proxies /// for the specified <paramref name="options"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="host">The host for code generation.</param> /// <param name="options">The options to use for code generation.</param> /// <param name="compositionAssemblies">The optional set of assemblies to use to create the MEF composition container.</param> /// <param name="codeGeneratorName">Optional generator name. A <c>null</c> or empty value will select the default generator.</param> /// <returns>The code generator to use, or <c>null</c> if a matching one could not be found.</returns> internal IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator FindCodeGenerator(ICodeGenerationHost host, ClientCodeGenerationOptions options, IEnumerable <string> compositionAssemblies, string codeGeneratorName) { Debug.Assert(host != null, "host cannot be null"); Debug.Assert(options != null, "options cannot be null"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Language)) { throw new ArgumentException(Resource.Null_Language_Property, nameof(options)); } IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator generator = null; // Try to load the code generator directly if given an assembly qualified name. // We insist on at least one comma in the name to know this is an assembly qualified name. // Otherwise, we might succeed in loading a dotted name that happens to be in our assembly, // such as the default CodeDom generator. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeGeneratorName) && codeGeneratorName.Contains(',')) { Type codeGeneratorType = Type.GetType(codeGeneratorName, /*throwOnError*/ false); if (codeGeneratorType != null) { if (!typeof(IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator).IsAssignableFrom(codeGeneratorType)) { // If generator is of the incorrect type, we will still allow the MEF approach below // to find a better one. This path could be exercised by inadvertantly using a name // that happened to load some random type that was not a code generator. host.LogWarning(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Code_Generator_Incorrect_Type, codeGeneratorName)); } else { try { generator = Activator.CreateInstance(codeGeneratorType) as IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator; } catch (Exception e) { // The open catch of Exception is acceptable because we unconditionally report // the error and are running in a separate AppDomain. if (e.IsFatal()) { throw; } host.LogError(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Code_Generator_Instantiation_Error, codeGeneratorName, e.Message)); } } } } if (generator == null) { // Create the MEF composition container (once only) from the assemblies we are analyzing this.CreateCompositionContainer(compositionAssemblies, host as ILogger); // The following property is filled by MEF by the line above. if (this.DomainServiceClientCodeGenerators != null && this.DomainServiceClientCodeGenerators.Any()) { // Select only those registered for the required language IEnumerable <Lazy <IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator, ICodeGeneratorMetadata> > allImportsForLanguage = this.DomainServiceClientCodeGenerators.Where(i => string.Equals(options.Language, i.Metadata.Language, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); Lazy <IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator, ICodeGeneratorMetadata> lazyImport = null; // If client specified a specific generator, use that one. // If it cannot be found, log an error to explain the problem. // If multiple with that name are found, log an error and explain the problem. // We consider this an error because the user has explicitly named a generator, // meaning they would not expect the default to be used. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeGeneratorName)) { IEnumerable <Lazy <IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator, ICodeGeneratorMetadata> > allImportsForLanguageAndName = allImportsForLanguage.Where(i => string.Equals(i.Metadata.GeneratorName, codeGeneratorName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); int numberOfMatchingGenerators = allImportsForLanguageAndName.Count(); // No generator with that name was found. Log an error and explain how to register one. if (numberOfMatchingGenerators == 0) { host.LogError(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Code_Generator_Not_Found, codeGeneratorName, options.Language, options.ServerProjectPath, options.ClientProjectPath, CodeDomClientCodeGenerator.GeneratorName)); } else if (numberOfMatchingGenerators == 1) { // Exactly one was found -- take it lazyImport = allImportsForLanguageAndName.First(); } else { // Multiple with that name were found. Explain how to remove some of them or // explicitly name one. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var import in allImportsForLanguageAndName.OrderBy(i => i.Value.GetType().FullName)) { sb.AppendLine(" " + import.Value.GetType().FullName); } host.LogError(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Multiple_Named_Code_Generators, codeGeneratorName, options.Language, sb.ToString(), options.ServerProjectPath, options.ClientProjectPath, allImportsForLanguageAndName.First().Value.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName)); } } else { // We are here if no generator name was specified. // If only one import matched the language, we have it. // This is the most common path to discovery of our own CodeDom generator // but will work equally well when it replaced. if (allImportsForLanguage.Count() == 1) { lazyImport = allImportsForLanguage.First(); } else { // Multiple custom generators exist, but a specific generator name was not provided. // Look for any custom generators other than our default CodeDom one. // If we find there is only one custom generator registered, we use that one rather than the default IEnumerable <Lazy <IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator, ICodeGeneratorMetadata> > customGeneratorImports = allImportsForLanguage.Where(i => !string.Equals(CodeDomClientCodeGenerator.GeneratorName, i.Metadata.GeneratorName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); int generatorCount = customGeneratorImports.Count(); // Exactly 1 custom generator that is not the default -- take it if (generatorCount == 1) { lazyImport = customGeneratorImports.First(); host.LogMessage(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Using_Custom_Code_Generator, lazyImport.Metadata.GeneratorName)); } else if (generatorCount != 0) { // Multiple generators are available but we have insufficient information // to choose one. Log an warning and use the default StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Sort for unit test predictability IEnumerable <Lazy <IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator, ICodeGeneratorMetadata> > orderedCustomGenerators = customGeneratorImports.OrderBy(i => i.Metadata.GeneratorName); foreach (var import in orderedCustomGenerators) { sb.AppendLine(" " + import.Metadata.GeneratorName); } host.LogWarning(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Multiple_Custom_Code_Generators_Using_Default, options.Language, sb.ToString(), options.ClientProjectPath, orderedCustomGenerators.First().Metadata.GeneratorName, CodeDomClientCodeGenerator.GeneratorName)); // Pick the default. There should be one, but if not, the calling methods will detect and report a problem. lazyImport = allImportsForLanguage.FirstOrDefault(i => string.Equals(CodeDomClientCodeGenerator.GeneratorName, i.Metadata.GeneratorName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } } } generator = lazyImport == null ? null : lazyImport.Value; } } return(generator); }
public string GenerateCode(ICodeGenerationHost host, IEnumerable<DomainServiceDescription> descriptions, ClientCodeGenerationOptions options) { Assert.IsNotNull(host, "host cannot be null when code generator is called"); Assert.IsNotNull(options, "options cannot be null when code generator is called"); Assert.IsNotNull(descriptions, "descriptions cannot be null when code generator is called"); // These 2 test helpers reset each time they are read bool logWarningsFull = MockCodeGenerator.LogWarningsFull; MockCodeGenerator.LogWarningsFull = false; bool logErrorsFull = MockCodeGenerator.LogErrorsFull; MockCodeGenerator.LogErrorsFull = false; bool throwException = MockCodeGenerator.ThrowException; MockCodeGenerator.ThrowException = false; if (throwException) { throw MockCodeGenerator.Exception; } if (logWarningsFull) { ConsoleLogger.LogPacket p = MockCodeGenerator.WarningPacket; host.LogWarning(p.Message, p.Subcategory, p.ErrorCode, p.HelpString, p.File, p.LineNumber, p.ColumnNumber, p.EndLineNumber, p.EndColumnNumber); } if (logErrorsFull) { ConsoleLogger.LogPacket p = MockCodeGenerator.ErrorPacket; host.LogError(p.Message, p.Subcategory, p.ErrorCode, p.HelpString, p.File, p.LineNumber, p.ColumnNumber, p.EndLineNumber, p.EndColumnNumber); } return MockCodeGenerator.FakeGeneratedCode; }
/// <summary> /// Locates and returns the <see cref="IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator"/> to use to generate client proxies /// for the specified <paramref name="options"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="host">The host for code generation.</param> /// <param name="options">The options to use for code generation.</param> /// <param name="compositionAssemblies">The optional set of assemblies to use to create the MEF composition container.</param> /// <param name="codeGeneratorName">Optional generator name. A <c>null</c> or empty value will select the default generator.</param> /// <returns>The code generator to use, or <c>null</c> if a matching one could not be found.</returns> internal IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator FindCodeGenerator(ICodeGenerationHost host, ClientCodeGenerationOptions options, IEnumerable<string> compositionAssemblies, string codeGeneratorName) { Debug.Assert(host != null, "host cannot be null"); Debug.Assert(options != null, "options cannot be null"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Language)) { throw new ArgumentException(Resource.Null_Language_Property, "options"); } IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator generator = null; // Try to load the code generator directly if given an assembly qualified name. // We insist on at least one comma in the name to know this is an assembly qualified name. // Otherwise, we might succeed in loading a dotted name that happens to be in our assembly, // such as the default CodeDom generator. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeGeneratorName) && codeGeneratorName.Contains(',')) { Type codeGeneratorType = Type.GetType(codeGeneratorName, /*throwOnError*/ false); if (codeGeneratorType != null) { if (!typeof(IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator).IsAssignableFrom(codeGeneratorType)) { // If generator is of the incorrect type, we will still allow the MEF approach below // to find a better one. This path could be exercised by inadvertantly using a name // that happened to load some random type that was not a code generator. host.LogWarning(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Code_Generator_Incorrect_Type, codeGeneratorName)); } else { try { generator = Activator.CreateInstance(codeGeneratorType) as IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator; } catch (Exception e) { // The open catch of Exception is acceptable because we unconditionally report // the error and are running in a separate AppDomain. if (e.IsFatal()) { throw; } host.LogError(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Code_Generator_Instantiation_Error, codeGeneratorName, e.Message)); } } } } if (generator == null) { // Create the MEF composition container (once only) from the assemblies we are analyzing this.CreateCompositionContainer(compositionAssemblies, host as ILogger); // The following property is filled by MEF by the line above. if (this.DomainServiceClientCodeGenerators != null && this.DomainServiceClientCodeGenerators.Any()) { // Select only those registered for the required language IEnumerable<Lazy<IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator, ICodeGeneratorMetadata>> allImportsForLanguage = this.DomainServiceClientCodeGenerators.Where(i => string.Equals(options.Language, i.Metadata.Language, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); Lazy<IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator, ICodeGeneratorMetadata> lazyImport = null; // If client specified a specific generator, use that one. // If it cannot be found, log an error to explain the problem. // If multiple with that name are found, log an error and explain the problem. // We consider this an error because the user has explicitly named a generator, // meaning they would not expect the default to be used. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeGeneratorName)) { IEnumerable<Lazy<IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator, ICodeGeneratorMetadata>> allImportsForLanguageAndName = allImportsForLanguage.Where(i => string.Equals(i.Metadata.GeneratorName, codeGeneratorName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); int numberOfMatchingGenerators = allImportsForLanguageAndName.Count(); // No generator with that name was found. Log an error and explain how to register one. if (numberOfMatchingGenerators == 0) { host.LogError(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Code_Generator_Not_Found, codeGeneratorName, options.Language, options.ServerProjectPath, options.ClientProjectPath, CodeDomClientCodeGenerator.GeneratorName)); } else if (numberOfMatchingGenerators == 1) { // Exactly one was found -- take it lazyImport = allImportsForLanguageAndName.First(); } else { // Multiple with that name were found. Explain how to remove some of them or // explicitly name one. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var import in allImportsForLanguageAndName.OrderBy(i => i.Value.GetType().FullName)) { sb.AppendLine(" " + import.Value.GetType().FullName); } host.LogError(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Multiple_Named_Code_Generators, codeGeneratorName, options.Language, sb.ToString(), options.ServerProjectPath, options.ClientProjectPath, allImportsForLanguageAndName.First().Value.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName)); } } else { // We are here if no generator name was specified. // If only one import matched the language, we have it. // This is the most common path to discovery of our own CodeDom generator // but will work equally well when it replaced. if (allImportsForLanguage.Count() == 1) { lazyImport = allImportsForLanguage.First(); } else { // Multiple custom generators exist, but a specific generator name was not provided. // Look for any custom generators other than our default CodeDom one. // If we find there is only one custom generator registered, we use that one rather than the default IEnumerable<Lazy<IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator, ICodeGeneratorMetadata>> customGeneratorImports = allImportsForLanguage.Where(i => !string.Equals(CodeDomClientCodeGenerator.GeneratorName, i.Metadata.GeneratorName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); int generatorCount = customGeneratorImports.Count(); // Exactly 1 custom generator that is not the default -- take it if (generatorCount == 1) { lazyImport = customGeneratorImports.First(); host.LogMessage(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Using_Custom_Code_Generator, lazyImport.Metadata.GeneratorName)); } else if (generatorCount != 0) { // Multiple generators are available but we have insufficient information // to choose one. Log an warning and use the default StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Sort for unit test predictability IEnumerable<Lazy<IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator, ICodeGeneratorMetadata>> orderedCustomGenerators = customGeneratorImports.OrderBy(i => i.Metadata.GeneratorName); foreach (var import in orderedCustomGenerators) { sb.AppendLine(" " + import.Metadata.GeneratorName); } host.LogWarning(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.Multiple_Custom_Code_Generators_Using_Default, options.Language, sb.ToString(), options.ClientProjectPath, orderedCustomGenerators.First().Metadata.GeneratorName, CodeDomClientCodeGenerator.GeneratorName)); // Pick the default. There should be one, but if not, the calling methods will detect and report a problem. lazyImport = allImportsForLanguage.FirstOrDefault(i => string.Equals(CodeDomClientCodeGenerator.GeneratorName, i.Metadata.GeneratorName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } } } generator = lazyImport == null ? null : lazyImport.Value; } } return generator; }
/// <summary> /// Generates client proxy source code using the specified <paramref name="codeGeneratorName"/> in the context /// of the specified <paramref name="host"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="host">The host for code generation.</param> /// <param name="options">The options to use for code generation.</param> /// <param name="catalog">The catalog containing the <see cref="OpenRiaServices.DomainServices.Server.DomainService"/> types.</param> /// <param name="compositionAssemblies">The optional set of assemblies to use to create the MEF composition container.</param> /// <param name="codeGeneratorName">Optional generator name. A <c>null</c> or empty value will select the default generator.</param> /// <returns>The generated source code or <c>null</c> if none was generated.</returns> private string GenerateCode(ICodeGenerationHost host, ClientCodeGenerationOptions options, DomainServiceCatalog catalog, IEnumerable<string> compositionAssemblies, string codeGeneratorName) { Debug.Assert(host != null, "host cannot be null"); Debug.Assert(options != null, "options cannot be null"); Debug.Assert(catalog != null, "catalog cannot be null"); IEnumerable<DomainServiceDescription> domainServiceDescriptions = catalog.DomainServiceDescriptions; IDomainServiceClientCodeGenerator proxyGenerator = this.FindCodeGenerator(host, options, compositionAssemblies, codeGeneratorName); string generatedCode = null; if (proxyGenerator != null) { try { generatedCode = proxyGenerator.GenerateCode(host, domainServiceDescriptions, options); } catch (Exception ex) { // Fatal exceptions are never swallowed or processed if (ex.IsFatal()) { throw; } // Any exception from the code generator is caught and reported, otherwise it will // hit the MSBuild backstop and report failure of the custom build task. // It is acceptable to report this exception and "ignore" it because we // are running in a separate AppDomain which will be torn down immediately // after our return. host.LogError(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.CodeGenerator_Threw_Exception, string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeGeneratorName) ? proxyGenerator.GetType().FullName : codeGeneratorName, options.ClientProjectPath, ex.Message)); } } return generatedCode; }