コード例 #1
            // The HandleChangeAsync method is called for every observed Realm file
            // whenever it has changes. It is called with a change event which contains
            // a version of the Realm from before and after the change, as well as
            // collections of all objects which were added, deleted, or modified in this change
            public override async Task HandleChangeAsync(IChangeDetails details)
                Console.WriteLine("I'm listening!!!!!!!");

                //TODO: add this code
                //if (details.TryGetValue("Coupon", out var changeSetDetails) &&
                //    changeSetDetails.Insertions.Length > 0)
                //    // Extract the user ID from the virtual path, assuming that we're using
                //    // a filter which only subscribes us to updates of user-scoped Realms.
                //    var userId = details.RealmPath.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];

                //    using (var realm = details.GetRealmForWriting())
                //    {
                //        foreach (var coupon in changeSetDetails.Insertions.Select(c => c.CurrentObject))
                //        {
                //            var isValid = await CouponVerifier.VerifyAsync(coupon, userId);

                //            // Create a ThreadSafeReference of the coupon. While both
                //            // details.CurrentRealm and details.GetRealmForWriting() are open
                //            // on the same thread, they are at different versions, so you need
                //            // to pass the Coupon between them either via ThreadSafeReference
                //            // or by its PrimaryKey.
                //            var writeableCoupon = realm.ResolveReference(ThreadSafeReference.Create(coupon));

                //            // It may be null if the coupon was deleted by the time we get here
                //            if (writeableCoupon != null)
                //            {
                //                realm.Write(() => writeableCoupon.IsValid = isValid);
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }
コード例 #2
        public override Task HandleChangeAsync(IChangeDetails details)
                if (details.Changes.TryGetValue("Task", out var changeSetDetails))
                    //if (changeSetDetails.Insertions.Any())
                    //    var newTasks = (from m in changeSetDetails.Insertions
                    //        let obj = m.CurrentObject
                    //        let text = (string)obj.Title
                    //        select new TaskItem {
                    //            Id = (string)obj.Id,
                    //            Reference = ThreadSafeReference.Create(obj),
                    //            Text = text,
                    //            Realm = details.GetRealmForWriting()
                    //        })
                    //        .ToList();

                    //    newTasks.ForEach(t => newTaskSubject.OnNext(t));

                    if (changeSetDetails.Modifications.Any())
                        var modifiedTasks = (from m in changeSetDetails.Modifications
                                             //where m.CurrentObject != null && m.PreviousObject != null
                                             //group m by m.CurrentObject.Id into g
                                             //let obj = g.Last().CurrentObject
                                             //let text = (string)obj.Title
                                             let obj = m.CurrentObject
                                                       let text = (string)obj.Title
                                                                  select new TaskItem
                            Id = (string)obj.Id,
                            Reference = ThreadSafeReference.Create(obj),
                            Text = text,
                            Realm = details.GetRealmForWriting()

                        modifiedTasks.ForEach(t => modifiedTaskSubject.OnNext(t));
            catch (Exception ex)

コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// A method invoked by the <see cref="INotifier"/> when a Realm has changed and
 /// <see cref="ShouldHandle"/> has returned <c>true</c>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="details">
 /// An instance of <see cref="IChangeDetails"/>, containing detailed information
 /// about the changes that have occurred in the Realm.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// An awaitable task that, upon completion, signifies that the changes have been processed.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Handlers will be invoked sequentially in the order in which they have been supplied
 /// in the <see cref="NotifierConfiguration.Handlers"/>.
 /// <para/>
 /// This method will be invoked sequentially for Realms with the same path and in parallel
 /// for different Realms. This means that if the processing takes a lot of time, it will
 /// build up a queue of changes for that Realm path but will not affect notifications from
 /// other Realms.
 /// </remarks>
 public abstract Task HandleChangeAsync(IChangeDetails details);
コード例 #4
        public override async Task HandleChangeAsync(IChangeDetails details)
            if (details.Changes.TryGetValue("Ticket", out var changeSetDetails) &&
                changeSetDetails.Insertions.Length > 0)
                // A new thread has been started - run sentiment analysis.

                    var tickets = changeSetDetails.Insertions
                                  .Select(i => i.CurrentObject)
                                  .Select(o => (string)(o.Title + Environment.NewLine + o.Description))

                    if (tickets.Length == 0)

                    Console.WriteLine($"Requesting sentiment score for {tickets.Length} objects...");

                    var sentimentRequest = tickets.Select((text, index) => new SentimentDocument
                        Id       = index.ToString(),
                        Text     = text,
                        Language = "en"
                                           .Cast <IDocument>()

                    var sentimentResponse = await _sentimentClient.GetSentimentAsync(new SentimentRequest
                        Documents = sentimentRequest

                    foreach (var error in sentimentResponse.Errors)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error from sentiment API: " + error.Message);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Requesting key phrases for {tickets.Length} objects...");

                    var keyPhraseRequest = tickets.Select((text, index) => new KeyPhraseDocument
                        Id       = index.ToString(),
                        Text     = text,
                        Language = "en"
                                           .Cast <IDocument>()

                    var keyPhraseResponse = await _keyPhraseClient.GetKeyPhrasesAsync(new KeyPhraseRequest
                        Documents = keyPhraseRequest

                    foreach (var error in keyPhraseResponse.Errors)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error from KeyPhrase API: " + error.Message);

                    var keyPhraseDictionary = keyPhraseResponse.Documents.ToDictionary(d => d.Id, d => d.KeyPhrases);

                    var toUpdate = sentimentResponse.Documents
                                   .Select(doc =>
                        var obj = changeSetDetails.Insertions[int.Parse(doc.Id)].CurrentObject;

                        if (!keyPhraseDictionary.TryGetValue(doc.Id, out var keyPhrases) ||
                            keyPhrases == null)
                            keyPhrases = new List <string> {

                        Console.WriteLine($"Analyzed: {obj.Title}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Score: {doc.Score}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"KeyPhrases: {string.Join(", ", keyPhrases)}");

                            Score = doc.Score,
                            Reference = ThreadSafeReference.Create(obj),
                            KeyPhrases = keyPhrases

                    using (var realm = details.GetRealmForWriting())
                        var resolved = toUpdate.Select(t => new
                            Score      = t.Score,
                            Object     = realm.ResolveReference(t.Reference),
                            KeyPhrases = t.KeyPhrases

                        realm.Write(() =>
                            foreach (var item in resolved)
                                item.Object.Score = item.Score;
                                item.Object.Tags  = string.Join(" ", item.KeyPhrases);
                catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #5
 public Task HandleChangeAsync(IChangeDetails details) => Task.CompletedTask;
コード例 #6
 public Task HandleChangeAsync(IChangeDetails details) => _handleChanges(details);