コード例 #1
        public IntegratedCircuit(int numPins)
            Id                = Guid.NewGuid();
            IcType            = ICType.unknown;
            ModelName         = "Unknown";
            OverwriteObjText  = true;
            WriteToNodes      = true;
            PinNames          = new string[] { };
            PinNamesDisplayed = false;
            isEditable        = false;

            Pins = numPins;
            Vdd  = numPins - 1;
            Gnd  = (numPins / 2) - 1;

            PinIndex     = Enumerable.Repeat(-1, Pins).ToArray();
            PinNodes     = Enumerable.Repeat("", Pins).ToArray();
            PinState     = Enumerable.Repeat(State.OFF, Pins).ToArray();
            PinModes     = Enumerable.Repeat(PinMode.Input, Pins).ToArray();
            DefaultState = Enumerable.Repeat(State.LOW, Pins).ToArray();

            if (Pins > 3)
                DefaultState[Vdd] = 0;
                DefaultState[Gnd] = 0;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete IC & IUS relation by IUS/Indicator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="icType"></param>
        /// <param name="ICNid"></param>
        /// <param name="IUSNid"></param>
        /// <param name="isIUS"></param>
        public void DeleteICIUSRelationUptoRootlevel(ICType icType, int ICNid, int IUSNid, bool isIUS)
            string    IUSNIds = string.Empty;
            DataTable Table   = null;

                if (!isIUS)
                    Table = this.DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(this.DBQueries.IUS.GetIUSByI_U_S(IUSNid.ToString(), string.Empty, string.Empty));
                    //IUSNIds = DIConnection.GetDelimitedValuesFromDataTable(Table, Indicator.IndicatorNId);
                    foreach (DataRow Row in Table.Rows)
                        this.DeleteICIUSRelationUptoRootlevel(icType, ICNid, Convert.ToInt32(Row[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId]));
                    this.DeleteICIUSRelationUptoRootlevel(icType, ICNid, IUSNid);
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get AreaBy ICNid or AreaNids
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedICType"></param>
        /// <param name="userSelections"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetAutoDistinctArea(ICType selectedICType, UserSelection.UserSelection userSelections)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            sbQuery.Append("SELECT  A." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + ", A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaGlobal + ", A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaName);
            sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.Area + " AS A ");
            sbQuery.Append(" WHERE  EXISTS ( Select * FROM " + this.TablesName.Data + " AS D ");

            if (userSelections.ICNIds.Length > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelections.IndicatorNIds))
                sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " AS IC");
                sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassificationsIUS + " AS ICIUS");

            sbQuery.Append(" WHERE D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " = A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId);

            if (userSelections.AreaNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " IN(" + userSelections.AreaNIds + ")");
            if (userSelections.TimePeriodNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + " IN(" + userSelections.TimePeriodNIds + ")");
            if (userSelections.SourceNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + " IN(" + userSelections.SourceNIds + ")");

            if (userSelections.ShowIUS & userSelections.IndicatorNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " IN(" + userSelections.IndicatorNIds + ")");
            else if (userSelections.IndicatorNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IndicatorNId + " IN(" + userSelections.IndicatorNIds + ")");

            if (userSelections.ICNIds.Length > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSelections.IndicatorNIds))

                sbQuery.Append(" AND ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICNId + " =IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId);
                sbQuery.Append(" AND ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId + " =D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId);

                if (userSelections.ICNIds != "-1")
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + " IN(" + userSelections.ICNIds + ")");

                sbQuery.Append(" AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + "=" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[selectedICType]);


            sbQuery.Append(") ORDER BY A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaName + " DESC ");

            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #4
        private string GetSqlQueryForIC(string searchString, ICType classificationType)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;

            RetVal = this.SourceDBQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.None, string.Empty, classificationType, FieldSelection.Heavy);

コード例 #5
 public IndicatorClassificationInfo(string name, ICType type, bool isGlobal, int parentNid)
     this._Parent     = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
     this._Name       = name;
     this._Type       = type;
     this._IsGlobal   = isGlobal;
     this._Parent.Nid = parentNid;
コード例 #6
 public IndicatorClassificationInfo(string name, ICType type, bool isGlobal, int parentNid)
     this._Parent = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
     this._Name = name;
     this._Type = type;
     this._IsGlobal = isGlobal;
     this._Parent.Nid = parentNid;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        public string GetAllIUSByIC(ICType ICType, string ICNId, FieldSelection fieldSelection)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            //  SELECT Clause
            sbQuery.Append("SELECT IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + ",IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + ",IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.UnitNId + ",IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.SubgroupValNId);
            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Light || fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append(",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGId + ",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGlobal);
                sbQuery.Append(",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitName + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitGId + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitGlobal);
                sbQuery.Append(",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + ",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId + ",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGlobal);
                sbQuery.Append(",ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + ", ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.RecommendedSource);
                sbQuery.Append(",ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICIUSOrder);
            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append(",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorInfo);

            //  FROM Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " AS IUS");
            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Light || fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.Indicator + " AS I");
                sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.Unit + " AS U");
                sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.SubgroupVals + " AS SGV");
            sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassificationsIUS + " AS ICIUS");
            sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " AS IC");

            //  WHERE Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" WHERE 1=1 ");
            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Light || fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " = I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId);
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.UnitNId + " = U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId);
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.SubgroupValNId + " = SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " = ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICNId + " = IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " = " + DIQueries.ICTypeText[ICType]);
            if (ICNId.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + " IN (" + ICNId + ")");

            //  ORDER BY Clause
            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Light || fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append(" ORDER BY I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName);

            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Rerturns sql query to get recommended sources for the given Nids.Any NIds can be empty.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IUSNIds"></param>
        /// <param name="areaNIds"></param>
        /// <param name="timeperiodNIds"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceNIds"></param>
        /// <param name="ICNIds"></param>
        /// <param name="selectedICType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetAllRecordsByIUSTimeperiodAreaNSource(string IUSNIds, string areaNIds, string timeperiodNIds, string sourceNIds,string ICNIds ,ICType selectedICType)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            sbQuery.Append("SELECT D." + DIColumns.Data.DataNId + ",D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + ",D." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + ",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGlobal + ",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ",D." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitGlobal + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitName + ",D." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId + ",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGlobal + ",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + ",D." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + ",A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaGlobal + ",A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaName + ",T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + ",T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriod + ",D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName + ",D." + DIColumns.Data.ICIUSOrder);


            if (ICNIds.Length > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(IUSNIds))
                sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " AS IC1 ");
                sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassificationsIUS + " AS ICIUS ");

            sbQuery.Append(" WHERE ");
            sbQuery.Append(" D." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " = I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.UnitNId + " = U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.SubgroupValNId + " = SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + " = T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " = A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + " = IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IUSNIds))
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " IN(" + IUSNIds + ")");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(areaNIds))
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " IN(" + areaNIds + ")");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeperiodNIds))
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + " IN(" + timeperiodNIds + ")");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceNIds))
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + " IN(" + sourceNIds + ")");

            if (ICNIds.Length > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(IUSNIds))
                sbQuery.Append(" AND ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + " =IC1." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId);
                sbQuery.Append(" AND ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId + " =D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId);

                if (ICNIds != "-1")
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IC1." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + " IN(" + ICNIds + ")");

                sbQuery.Append(" AND IC1." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + "=" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[selectedICType]);

            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #9
        private void Get_ICChain(string parentICGID, ICType icICType, SDMXObjectModel.Structure.CategoryType CatTypeCode)
            string Name         = string.Empty;
            string GID          = string.Empty;
            string LanguageCode = this._LanguageCode;
            int    NID          = 0;
            bool   ISGlobal     = false;

            // Read each child IC for current IC
            foreach (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.CategoryType SubCateType in CatTypeCode.Items)
                GID      = SubCateType.id;
                Name     = string.Empty;
                ISGlobal = false;

                foreach (TextType IndTextType in SubCateType.Name)
                    if (IndTextType.lang.Trim('_') == this._LanguageCode)
                        Name = IndTextType.Value;

                foreach (AnnotationType AnnType in SubCateType.Annotations)
                    if (AnnType.AnnotationTitle == SDMXConstants.Annotations.IsGlobal)
                        foreach (TextType AnnTextType in AnnType.AnnotationText)
                            ISGlobal = Convert.ToBoolean(AnnTextType.Value);

                if (!this.ICDetails.ContainsKey(GID))
                    IndicatorClassificationInfo TableInfoObj = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                    TableInfoObj.GID        = GID;
                    TableInfoObj.Name       = Name;
                    TableInfoObj.Type       = icICType;
                    TableInfoObj.Parent     = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                    TableInfoObj.Parent.GID = parentICGID;
                    this.ICDetails.Add(GID, TableInfoObj);

                this.Get_ICChain(GID, icICType, SubCateType);
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete IC and IUS relation upto root level.
        /// </summary>
        public void DeleteICIUSRelationUptoRootlevel(ICType icType, int ICNid, int IUSNid)
            string   SqlQuery    = string.Empty;
            DataView ICTable     = null;
            int      ICParentNid = ICNid;
            int      ChildICNId;
            DataView IUSTable = null;
            bool     IUSFound = false;

                if ((ICParentNid != -1))
                    // add ic and ius relationship
                    this.DeleteClassificationIUSRelation(ICNid.ToString(), IUSNid.ToString());

                    SqlQuery = this.DBQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.NId, ICParentNid.ToString(), FieldSelection.NId);
                    ICTable  = this.DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(SqlQuery).DefaultView;

                    if (ICTable.Count > 0)
                        ICParentNid = (int)ICTable[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId];
                        SqlQuery    = this.DBQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetICForParentNIdAndICType(icType, ICParentNid);
                        ICTable     = this.DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(SqlQuery).DefaultView;

                        foreach (DataRowView Row in ICTable)
                            ChildICNId         = Convert.ToInt32(Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICNId]);
                            SqlQuery           = this.DBQueries.IUS.GetIUSByIC(icType, ChildICNId, FieldSelection.NId);
                            IUSTable           = this.DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(SqlQuery).DefaultView;
                            IUSTable.RowFilter = Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + "=" + IUSNid;
                            //-- Delete Relation if IUS not associated with other siblings
                            if (IUSTable.Count > 0)
                                IUSFound = true;
                        if (!IUSFound)
                            this.DeleteICIUSRelationUptoRootlevel(icType, ICParentNid, IUSNid);
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Retruns nid only if GID exists in the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int GetNidByGID(string GID, ICType type)
            string SqlQuery = string.Empty;
            int    RetVal   = 0;

                SqlQuery = this.DBQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.GId, "'" + GID + "'", type, FieldSelection.NId);
                RetVal   = Convert.ToInt32(this.DBConnection.ExecuteScalarSqlQuery(SqlQuery));
            catch (Exception)
                RetVal = 0;
コード例 #12
        public DataTable GetDataTable(string searchString, ICType classificationType, bool isMetadataRequired, bool includeOnlyName)
            string SqlQuery = string.Empty;
            DataTable SourceTable = null;

                //Step1: Get sqlquery
                SqlQuery = this.GetSqlQueryForIC(searchString, classificationType);

                //Step2: Execute query and get datatable
                SourceTable = this.SourceDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(SqlQuery);

                this.ProcessDataTable(ref SourceTable, classificationType, isMetadataRequired, includeOnlyName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException(ex.ToString());

            return SourceTable;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get  NId, Name, GID, Global from Indicator table based on Indicator Classification Type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ICType">Indicator Classification Type with which associated indicator are to be retrieved</param>
        /// <param name="ICNId">ICNId which may be -1 if only ICType is to be considered</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">Use heavy for all fields or use light to exclude IndicatorInfo field</param>
        /// <returns>Sql query string</returns>
        public string GetAllIndicatorByIC(ICType ICType, string ICNId, FieldSelection fieldSelection)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            //   SELECT clause
            sbQuery.Append("SELECT I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId);    //FieldSelection.NId
            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Light || fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append(",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGId + ",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGlobal);
            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append(",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorInfo);

            //   FROM Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.Indicator + " AS I");
            sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " AS IUS");
            sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassificationsIUS + " AS ICIUS");
            sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " AS IC");

            //   WHERE Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" WHERE I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + " = IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " = ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICNId + " = IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " = " + DIQueries.ICTypeText[ICType]);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ICNId) && ICNId != "-1")
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + " IN (" + ICNId + ")");

            //   ORDER BY Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" ORDER BY " + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName);

            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Retruns nid only if name exists in the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="parentNid"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int GetNidByName(string name, int parentNid, ICType type)
            int       RetVal   = 0;
            string    SqlQuery = string.Empty;
            DataTable TempTable;

            DataRow[] Rows;
                SqlQuery  = this.DBQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.Name, "'" + name + "'", type, FieldSelection.NId);
                TempTable = this.DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(SqlQuery);
                if (TempTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Rows   = TempTable.Select(IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId + "=" + parentNid);
                    RetVal = Convert.ToInt32(Rows[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICNId]);
            catch (Exception)
                RetVal = 0;
コード例 #15
ファイル: BreadBoard.cs プロジェクト: polklabs/Project-Bit
 public bool NodeHasICType(string nodeId, ICType iCType)
     if (nodes.ContainsKey(nodeId))
         Node node = nodes[nodeId];
         foreach (Connection connection in node.connections.Values)
             if (!connection.IsNode)
                 Guid id = Guid.Parse(connection.ID);
                 if (!connection.IsNode && components.ContainsKey(id))
                     IntegratedCircuit c = components[id];
                     if (c.IcType == iCType)
コード例 #16
        public DataTable GetDataTable(string searchString, ICType classificationType, bool isMetadataRequired, bool includeOnlyName)
            string    SqlQuery    = string.Empty;
            DataTable SourceTable = null;

                //Step1: Get sqlquery
                SqlQuery = this.GetSqlQueryForIC(searchString, classificationType);

                //Step2: Execute query and get datatable
                SourceTable = this.SourceDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(SqlQuery);

                this.ProcessDataTable(ref SourceTable, classificationType, isMetadataRequired, includeOnlyName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException(ex.ToString());

コード例 #17
ファイル: Metadata.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Getting MetaData and writing them to Rtf file.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ExtractRtfMetadata(ICType ICType, int ICNId, DIConnection DIConnection, DIQueries DIQueries, String outputFolder, String outputFileName)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            string RtfFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputFolder, outputFileName + ".rtf");
            DataTable RtfDataTable = new DataTable();
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(RtfFilePath))
                // getting metadata informationn from Database into DataTable RtfDataTable
                string sSql = DIQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.NId, ICNId.ToString(), ICType, FieldSelection.Heavy);
                RtfDataTable = DIConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);
                if (RtfDataTable != null & RtfDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    RetVal = RtfDataTable.Rows[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICName].ToString();
                    if (!Convert.IsDBNull(RtfDataTable.Rows[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo]))
                        string RtfString = RtfDataTable.Rows[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo].ToString();

                        // Writng  metadata into  a rtf file in output directory
                        if (RtfString.Trim().Length > 0)
                            WriteToFile(RtfString, RtfFilePath);

            catch (Exception)
                //throw ex;

            return RetVal;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Metadata.cs プロジェクト: dovanduy/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Getting MetaData and writing them to Rtf file.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ExtractRtfMetadata(ICType ICType, int ICNId, DIConnection DIConnection, DIQueries DIQueries, String outputFolder, String outputFileName)
            string    RetVal       = string.Empty;
            string    RtfFilePath  = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputFolder, outputFileName + ".rtf");
            DataTable RtfDataTable = new DataTable();

                if (System.IO.File.Exists(RtfFilePath))
                // getting metadata informationn from Database into DataTable RtfDataTable
                string sSql = DIQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.NId, ICNId.ToString(), ICType, FieldSelection.Heavy);
                RtfDataTable = DIConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);
                if (RtfDataTable != null & RtfDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    RetVal = RtfDataTable.Rows[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICName].ToString();
                    if (!Convert.IsDBNull(RtfDataTable.Rows[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo]))
                        string RtfString = RtfDataTable.Rows[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo].ToString();

                        // Writng  metadata into  a rtf file in output directory
                        if (RtfString.Trim().Length > 0)
                            WriteToFile(RtfString, RtfFilePath);
            catch (Exception)
                //throw ex;

コード例 #19
        private DataTable AutoSelectIndicatorOrIUS(int icNId, ICType icType)
            DataTable RetVal = new DataTable();
            string Sql = string.Empty;
            DataTable IUSTable;
            string[] DistinctColumns = new string[1];
            StringBuilder StringBuilderIUSNIds = new StringBuilder();
            string IUSNIDs = string.Empty;
            string SelectedTimeperiodNIds = this.UserPrefences.UserSelection.TimePeriodNIds;
            string SelectedAreaNIds = this.UserPrefences.UserSelection.AreaNIds;
            string SelectedSourceNIds = this.UserPrefences.UserSelection.SourceNIds;
            IDataReader IUSDataReader;

            // -- Get All Comma seperated IUSNIDs for the selected IC Type from the Available list
            DataTable IUSFromICTypes;

                //'-- Get the IUS NIds on the basis of IC types
                if (icNId > -1)
                    // -- When IC Element is slected
                    Sql = this.SqlQueries.Indicators.GetIUSNIdFromICType(icType, icNId.ToString());
                    IUSFromICTypes = this._DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(Sql);
                // -- This will return Distinct IUS always under a given IC Element
                    // -- When IC Element is NOT slected (IUS on the basis of the ICType)
                    Sql = this.SqlQueries.Indicators.GetIUSNIdFromICType(icType, "");
                    IUSFromICTypes = this._DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(Sql);

                    // -- This will NOT return DISTINCT IUS under a given IC Type
                    // -- Get DISTINCT IUS
                    RetVal = IUSFromICTypes;
                    DistinctColumns[0] = IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId;

                    //-- Distinct IUS NIds
                    IUSFromICTypes = RetVal.DefaultView.ToTable(true, DistinctColumns);

                // -- Loop and get the comma seperated IUS NIDs
                foreach (DataRow IUSNId in IUSFromICTypes.Rows)
                    StringBuilderIUSNIds.Append("," + IUSNId[IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId]);
                // -- Remove extra Comma
                if (StringBuilderIUSNIds.Length > 0)
                    IUSNIDs = StringBuilderIUSNIds.ToString().Substring(1);

                // -- AUTO SELECT the DISTINCT IUSNIDs on the basis of the selected Time, Area and Available IUS/I in the Available list
                if (!this.UseArea)
                    SelectedAreaNIds = string.Empty;
                if (!this.UseTime)
                    SelectedTimeperiodNIds = string.Empty;
                if (!this.UseSource)
                    SelectedSourceNIds = string.Empty;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IUSNIDs))
                    IUSNIDs = "0";

                Sql = this.SqlQueries.Indicators.GetAutoSelectByTimePeriodAreaSource(SelectedTimeperiodNIds, SelectedAreaNIds, IUSNIDs.ToString(), SelectedSourceNIds);

                IUSDataReader = this._DBConnection.ExecuteReader(Sql);
                StringBuilderIUSNIds.Length = 0;
                while ((IUSDataReader.Read()))
                IUSNIDs = string.Empty;
                if (StringBuilderIUSNIds.Length > 0)
                    IUSNIDs = StringBuilderIUSNIds.ToString().Substring(1);

                if (this.UserPrefences.Indicator.ShowIUS)
                    Sql = this.SqlQueries.Indicators.GetIndicators(IUSNIDs.ToString(), this.UserPrefences.Indicator.ShowIUS);
                    Sql = this.SqlQueries.IUS.GetDistinctIndicatorUnit(IUSNIDs.ToString(), this.UserPrefences.Indicator.ShowIUS);

                //Sql = this.SqlQueries.Indicators.GetIndicators(sIUSNIDs.ToString(), this.UserPrefences.Indicator.ShowIUS);
                RetVal = this._DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(Sql);
            catch (Exception)
                RetVal = null;

            return RetVal;
コード例 #20
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get ICs on the basis of parent NId and Ic Type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="icType"> Indicator Classifcation type </param>
        /// <param name="parentNId"> Parent Nid </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetICForParentNIdAndICType(ICType icType, int parentNId)
            StringBuilder RetVal = new StringBuilder();
                RetVal.Append("SELECT IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + " ,IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName + " ,IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICGId);
                RetVal.Append(" ,IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal + " ,IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " ,IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId);
                RetVal.Append(" ,IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICOrder);

                RetVal.Append(" FROM " + TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " IC");

                RetVal.Append(" WHERE IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " = " + DIQueries.ICTypeText[icType]);
                RetVal.Append(" AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId + " = " + parentNId);

                RetVal.Append(" ORDER BY IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                RetVal.Length = 0;
            return RetVal.ToString();
コード例 #21
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Indicator Classification records for a given IC Type and IndicatorNids
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classificationType">ICType enum value</param>
        /// <param name="IndicatorNIds">Comma delimited Indicator NIds</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">LIGHT: Returns - ICNId, ICParent_NId, ICName, ICGId, ICGlobal,IndicatorNId
        /// <para>HEAVY: Returns - NId, PArentNId, Name, GID, Global, Info</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        public string GetICForIndicators(ICType classificationType, string IndicatorNIds, FieldSelection fieldSelection)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            // SELECT Clause
            sbQuery.Append("SELECT DISTINCT IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICGId + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal);
            sbQuery.Append(",IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICOrder);
            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append("," + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo);

            // FROM Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " AS IC," + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassificationsIUS + " AS ICIUS," + this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " AS IUS");

            // WHERE Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" WHERE ");
            sbQuery.Append(" IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + "= ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICNId + " AND ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId + "= IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + "=" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[classificationType]);
            if (IndicatorNIds.Trim().Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " IN (" + IndicatorNIds + ")");
            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #22
ファイル: DIExport.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// It exports the Indicator Classifications of specified ICType, present in Database. <para>Exported ICs will be in format: ICLevel 1, ICLevel 2, ...ICLevel n , Indicator, Unit, Subgroup. </para>  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ICElementType">ICType enum value</param>
        /// <param name="dBConnection">DIConnection object of source Database,</param>
        /// <param name="dBQueries">DIQueries object of source Database.</param>
        /// <param name="exportOutputType">Output format type.</param>
        /// <param name="outputFileNameWPath">Output fileName With path.</param>
        /// <param name="languageFileNameWPath">language xml file name path.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool ExportIC(ICType ICElementType, DIConnection dBConnection, DIQueries dBQueries, DIExportOutputType exportOutputType, string outputFileNameWPath, string languageFileNameWPath)
            bool RetVal = false;
            DataView ICDataView = null;

                // Get Distinct IndicatorClassification labels for N levels and Indicator, Unit, Subgroup in a DataView.
                ICDataView = DIExport.GetDataViewForICExport(ICElementType, dBConnection, dBQueries).DefaultView;

                // Export Indicator Entry Spreadsheet using DataView.
                RetVal = DIExport.ExportIC(ICElementType, ICDataView, exportOutputType, outputFileNameWPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
            return RetVal;
コード例 #23
ファイル: DIExport.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// It generates DataTable for specified ICType. DataTable will have all n-levels of IC in one row for each IUS.
        /// <para>Eg: there are 3 levels of Goals in UT_IndicatorClassification_en, then fields will be : Goal Label 1, Goal Label 2, Goal Label 3, Indicator_Name, Unit_Name, Subgroup_Name</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iCType">IC type</param>
        /// <param name="dbConnection">source Database DIconnection object</param>
        /// <param name="dbQueries">source database DIQueries object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static DataTable GetDataViewForICExport(ICType iCType, DIConnection dbConnection, DIQueries dbQueries)
            DataTable RetVal = new DataTable(); // Final DataTable contaning data for IC spreadsheet
            DataRow ICRow = null;
            DataTable TempTable = null;
            DataView DataViewIUS = null;

            DataRow[] objRow;
            DataRow NewRow;
            int MaxLevel = 0;   // Max levels present in database for specified ICType.
            string[] _Temp;
            int cc = 0;
            int TotalCols = 0;

                DataTable ICTable = new DataTable();
                DataColumn[] _PK = new DataColumn[1];
                    _PK[0] = ICTable.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
                    _PK[0].Unique = true;
                    ICTable.PrimaryKey = _PK;
                    ICTable.Columns.Add("Parent_ID", typeof(int));
                    ICTable.Columns.Add("LABEL", typeof(string));
                    ICTable.Columns.Add("ACT_LABEL", typeof(string));

                // Get IC info (IC_Nid, IC_Name, IC_Parent_Nid) from Database, filtering ICType.
                TempTable = dbConnection.ExecuteDataTable(dbQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.None, "", iCType, FieldSelection.Light));
                TempTable.DefaultView.Sort = IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId + " ASC";
                TempTable = TempTable.DefaultView.ToTable();
                foreach (DataRow Dr in TempTable.Rows)
                    NewRow = ICTable.NewRow();
                    objRow = ICTable.Select("ID=" + Dr["IC_Parent_NID"].ToString());
                    NewRow["ID"] = Dr["IC_Nid"];
                    NewRow["Parent_ID"] = Dr["IC_Parent_NID"];
                    NewRow["ACT_LABEL"] = Dr["IC_Name"].ToString();
                    if (objRow.Length > 0)
                        _Temp = Strings.Split(objRow[0]["LABEL"].ToString(), "{[~-~]}", -1, CompareMethod.Text);
                        if (MaxLevel < _Temp.Length)
                            MaxLevel = _Temp.Length;
                        NewRow["LABEL"] = objRow[0]["LABEL"].ToString() + "{[~-~]}" + Dr["IC_Name"].ToString();
                        NewRow["LABEL"] = Dr["IC_Name"].ToString();


                // Calculating total required columns in DataTable.
                TotalCols = MaxLevel + 1 + 3;

                // -- Fill IUS

                int jj;

                object[] ArrTemp = new object[TotalCols];

                // Adding Columns for IC levels
                string sHeadVal = string.Empty;
                switch (iCType)
                    case ICType.Sector:
                        sHeadVal = "SECTOR";
                    case ICType.Goal:
                        sHeadVal = "GOAL";
                    case ICType.CF:
                        sHeadVal = "CF";
                    case ICType.Institution:
                        sHeadVal = "INSTITUTION";
                    case ICType.Theme:
                        sHeadVal = "THEME";
                    case ICType.Convention:
                        sHeadVal = "CONVENTION";
                    case ICType.Source:
                        sHeadVal = "SOURCE";
                // -- Columns headings
                for (jj = 0; jj <= MaxLevel; jj++)
                    int t = jj + 1;
                    RetVal.Columns.Add(sHeadVal + " Label " + t);
                // GetLngStringValue(oXmlLngFile, "INDICATOR")
                // GetLngStringValue(oXmlLngFile, "UNIT")

                for (cc = 0; cc <= ICTable.Rows.Count - 1; cc++)
                    // -- if the Number of Elements in the DataRow is same as MaxLevel then get the IUS combination for this level
                    _Temp = Strings.Split(ICTable.Rows[cc]["LABEL"].ToString(), "{[~-~]}", -1, CompareMethod.Text);
                    if ((_Temp.Length - 1) == MaxLevel)
                        // -- get the IUS for this DataRow

                            //string sqlString = "SELECT UT_Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId, UT_Indicator_en.Indicator_Name, UT_Unit_en.Unit_Name, UT_Subgroup_Vals_en.Subgroup_Val " +
                            //    " FROM UT_Subgroup_Vals_en INNER JOIN (UT_Unit_en INNER JOIN ((UT_Indicator_en INNER JOIN UT_Indicator_Unit_Subgroup ON UT_Indicator_en.Indicator_NId = UT_Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.Indicator_NId) INNER JOIN UT_Indicator_Classifications_IUS ON UT_Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId = UT_Indicator_Classifications_IUS.IUSNId) ON UT_Unit_en.Unit_NId = UT_Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.Unit_NId) ON UT_Subgroup_Vals_en.Subgroup_Val_NId = UT_Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.Subgroup_Val_NId " +
                            //    " WHERE UT_Indicator_Classifications_IUS.IC_NId = " + ICTable.Rows[cc]["ID"].ToString();
                            //DataViewIUS = dbConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sqlString).DefaultView;
                            DataViewIUS = dbConnection.ExecuteDataTable(dbQueries.IUS.GetIUSByIC(iCType, ICTable.Rows[cc]["ID"].ToString(), FieldSelection.Light)).DefaultView;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                        if (DataViewIUS.Count > 0)
                            foreach (DataRowView DVRow in DataViewIUS)
                                ICRow = RetVal.NewRow();

                                for (jj = 0; jj <= _Temp.Length - 1; jj++)
                                    //ArrTemp(jj) = _Temp(jj);
                                    ICRow[jj] = _Temp[jj];
                                ICRow[jj] = DVRow[Indicator.IndicatorName].ToString();
                                ICRow[jj + 1] = DVRow[Unit.UnitName].ToString();
                                ICRow[jj + 2] = DVRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal].ToString();
                            ICRow = RetVal.NewRow();
                            for (jj = 0; jj <= _Temp.Length - 1; jj++)
                                ICRow[jj] = _Temp[jj];
                            ICRow[jj] = "";
                            ICRow[jj + 1] = "";
                            ICRow[jj + 2] = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
            return RetVal;
コード例 #24
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
 /// <summary>
 /// Get distinct NId, Name, GID, Global from IUS - Indicator - Unit - SubgroupVal table based on Indicator Classification Type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ICType">Indicator Classification Type</param>
 /// <param name="ICNId">ICNId which may be blank if only ICType is to be considered</param>
 /// <param name="fieldSelection">Use Light for NId + Name + GId + Global fields use heavy to include IndicatorInfo field</param>
 /// <returns>Sql query string</returns>
 public string GetDistinctIUSByIC(ICType ICType, string ICNId, FieldSelection fieldSelection)
     string sortOrderString = "I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ", U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitName + ", SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal;
     return this.GetDistinctIUSByIC(ICType, ICNId, fieldSelection, sortOrderString);
コード例 #25
 public BType(ICType dummyReference)
     DummyReference = dummyReference;
コード例 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// To Import indicator classification into database or template
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ICInfo">Instance of IndicatorClassificationInfo</param>
        /// <param name="NidInSourceDB"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceQurey"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceDBConnection"></param>
        /// <returns>new indicator classification nid</returns>
        public int ImportIndicatorClassification(ICType icType, string icName, string icGId, string parentICGId, bool isGlobal)
            int       RetVal        = -1;
            bool      ISTrgICGlobal = false;
            DataTable TempTable;
            IndicatorClassificationInfo ICInfo = new IndicatorClassificationInfo(icName, icType, isGlobal, 0);

            ICInfo.GID = icGId;
            string LangCode = this.DBQueries.LanguageCode;

                ICInfo.Parent = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                if (parentICGId == "-1")
                    ICInfo.Parent.Nid = -1;
                    ICInfo.Parent.GID = parentICGId;
                    ICInfo.Parent.Nid = this.GetNidByGID(parentICGId, icType);
                //check item is already exist in database or not
                RetVal = this.GetIndicatorClassificationNid(ICInfo.GID, ICInfo.Name, ICInfo.Parent.Nid, ICInfo.Type);

                if (RetVal > 0)
                    if (!this.DBQueries.LanguageCode.StartsWith("_"))
                        LangCode = "_" + LangCode;

                    // check target ic is global
                    TempTable = this.DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(this.DBQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.NId, RetVal.ToString(), FieldSelection.Light));
                    if (TempTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        ISTrgICGlobal = Convert.ToBoolean(TempTable.Rows[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal]);

                    // if target item is  not global
                    if (!ISTrgICGlobal)
                        //update the gid,name and global on the basis of nid
                        this.DBConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(DALQueries.IndicatorClassification.Update.UpdateIC(this.DBQueries.DataPrefix, LangCode,
                                                                                                             ICInfo.Name, ICInfo.GID, ICInfo.IsGlobal, ICInfo.Parent.Nid, ICInfo.ClassificationInfo, ICInfo.Type, RetVal));
                    if (this.InsertIntoDatabase(ICInfo))
                        //get nid
                        RetVal = Convert.ToInt32(this.DBConnection.ExecuteScalarSqlQuery("SELECT @@IDENTITY"));

                // update UT_CF_FLOWCHART table
                if (ICInfo.Type == ICType.CF)
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message);

コード例 #27
        private void Get_Source()
            //'Dictionary<string, int> RetVal = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            SourceBuilder SrcBuilderObj = null;
            string        Name          = string.Empty;
            string        GID           = string.Empty;
            string        LanguageCode  = this._LanguageCode;
            int           NID           = 0;
            string        ParentID      = string.Empty;
            ICType        icICType      = ICType.Sector;

            this.SourceDetails = new Dictionary <string, CommonInfo>();
            //SrcBuilderObj = new SourceBuilder(this.DBConnection, this.DBQueries);

            foreach (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.CategorySchemeType CodeListObj in this._DSDStructure.Structures.CategorySchemes)
                icICType = (ICType)DIQueries.ICTypeText.Values.IndexOf("'" + CodeListObj.id.Substring(3) + "'");

                if (icICType == ICType.Source)
                    foreach (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.CategoryType CatTypeCode in CodeListObj.Items)
                        GID = CatTypeCode.id;
                        string ParentName = string.Empty;

                        foreach (TextType IndTextType in CatTypeCode.Name)
                            if (IndTextType.lang.Trim('_') == this._LanguageCode)
                                ParentName = IndTextType.Value;

                        foreach (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.CategoryType SubCatTypeCode in CatTypeCode.Items)
                            GID  = CatTypeCode.id;
                            Name = string.Empty;

                            foreach (TextType IndTextType in SubCatTypeCode.Name)
                                if (IndTextType.lang.Trim('_') == this._LanguageCode)
                                    Name = IndTextType.Value;
                        ParentID = "-1";

                        //NID = SrcBuilderObj.CheckNCreateSource(Name);

                        //if (!RetVal.ContainsKey(GID) && NID > 0)
                        //    RetVal.Add(GID, NID);

                        if (!this.SourceDetails.ContainsKey(Name))
                            CommonInfo TableInfoObj = new CommonInfo();
                            TableInfoObj.GID  = GID;
                            TableInfoObj.Name = Name;
                            this.SourceDetails.Add(Name, TableInfoObj);
コード例 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Get_IC_Collection method..
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="this._DSDStructure"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void Get_IC()
            //'Dictionary<string, int> RetVal = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            // IndicatorClassificationBuilder BuilderObj = new IndicatorClassificationBuilder(this.DBConnection, this.DBQueries);
            //SourceBuilder SrcBuilderObj = new SourceBuilder(this.DBConnection, this.DBQueries);
            string Name         = string.Empty;
            string GID          = string.Empty;
            string LanguageCode = this._LanguageCode;
            int    NID          = 0;
            string ParentID     = string.Empty;
            ICType icICType     = ICType.Sector;
            //Dictionary<string, string> CParent = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            bool ISGlobal = false;

            this.ICDetails = new Dictionary <string, IndicatorClassificationInfo>();

            foreach (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.CategorySchemeType CodeListObj in this._DSDStructure.Structures.CategorySchemes)
                icICType = (ICType)DIQueries.ICTypeText.Values.IndexOf("'" + CodeListObj.id.Substring(3) + "'");

                if (icICType != ICType.Source)
                    foreach (SDMXObjectModel.Structure.CategoryType CatTypeCode in CodeListObj.Items)
                        GID      = CatTypeCode.id;
                        Name     = string.Empty;
                        ISGlobal = false;

                        foreach (TextType IndTextType in CatTypeCode.Name)
                            if (IndTextType.lang.Trim('_') == this._LanguageCode)
                                Name = IndTextType.Value;

                        foreach (AnnotationType AnnType in CatTypeCode.Annotations)
                            if (AnnType.AnnotationTitle == SDMXConstants.Annotations.IsGlobal)
                                foreach (TextType AnnTextType in AnnType.AnnotationText)
                                    ISGlobal = Convert.ToBoolean(AnnTextType.Value);

                        ParentID = "-1";

                        if (!this.ICDetails.ContainsKey(GID))
                            IndicatorClassificationInfo TableInfoObj = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                            TableInfoObj.GID        = GID;
                            TableInfoObj.Name       = Name;
                            TableInfoObj.Type       = icICType;
                            TableInfoObj.Parent     = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                            TableInfoObj.Parent.GID = ParentID;
                            this.ICDetails.Add(GID, TableInfoObj);
                        // Read each child IC for current IC
                        this.Get_ICChain(GID, icICType, CatTypeCode);
コード例 #29
        internal int CreateClassificationChainFromExtDB(int srcICNId, int srcParentNId, string srcICGid, string srcICName, ICType srcICType, string srcICInfo, bool isGlobal, DIQueries srcQueries, DIConnection srcDBConnection, DIQueries targetDBQueries, DIConnection targetDBConnection)
            int RetVal;
            //int TrgParentNId;
            //string TrgParentName;
            int       NewParentNId;
            DataTable TempTable;
            IndicatorClassificationInfo    ICInfo;
            IndicatorClassificationBuilder ClassificationBuilder = new IndicatorClassificationBuilder(targetDBConnection, targetDBQueries);

            // -- STEP 1: If the Parent NID is -1 then create the Classification at the root
            if (srcParentNId == -1)
                // -- Create the Classification

                // --------------------------------------------------------------
                // While importing the Classifications, if the NId of the Source Classification is _
                // the same as that of the one created, then the Duplicate check fails and a duplicate
                // classification getscreated. PASS -99 as the first parameter to the calling function
                // --------------------------------------------------------------
                ICInfo                    = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                ICInfo.Parent             = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                ICInfo.Parent.Nid         = srcParentNId;
                ICInfo.Nid                = srcICNId;
                ICInfo.Name               = srcICName;
                ICInfo.ClassificationInfo = srcICInfo;
                ICInfo.GID                = srcICGid;
                ICInfo.IsGlobal           = isGlobal;
                ICInfo.Type               = srcICType;

                RetVal = ClassificationBuilder.ImportIndicatorClassification(ICInfo, srcICNId, srcQueries, srcDBConnection);

                // -- STEP 2: If the Parent is not -1 then check for the existence of the Parent and then create the Classification
                // Classification can only be created if the parent exists
                // -- STEP 2.1: If the Parent Exists then create the Classification under that parent
                // -- STEP 2.2: If the Parent does not Exist then create the Parent first and then the Classification under that parent

                // -- STEP 2: Check the existence of the Parent in the Target Database
                // -- get the parent from the source database

                TempTable = srcDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(srcQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.NId, srcParentNId.ToString(), srcICType, FieldSelection.Heavy));
                    // --------------------------------------------------------------
                    // While importing the Classifications, if the NId of the Source Classification is _
                    // the same as that of the one created, then the Duplicate check fails and a duplicate
                    // classification getscreated. PASS -99 as the first parameter to the calling function
                    // --------------------------------------------------------------
                    DataRow Row;
                    string  ClassificationInfo = string.Empty;
                    Row = TempTable.Rows[0];
                    ClassificationInfo = Convert.ToString(Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo]);

                    NewParentNId = CreateClassificationChainFromExtDB(
                        ClassificationInfo, Convert.ToBoolean(Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal]), srcQueries, srcDBConnection, targetDBQueries, targetDBConnection);;

                // -- Create the Child Now
                ICInfo                    = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                ICInfo.Parent             = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                ICInfo.Parent.Nid         = NewParentNId; // set new parent nid
                ICInfo.Nid                = srcICNId;
                ICInfo.Name               = srcICName;
                ICInfo.ClassificationInfo = srcICInfo;
                ICInfo.GID                = srcICGid;
                ICInfo.IsGlobal           = isGlobal;
                ICInfo.Type               = srcICType;

                RetVal = ClassificationBuilder.ImportIndicatorClassification(ICInfo, srcICNId, srcQueries, srcDBConnection);

            //import ic and ius relationship into indicator_classification_IUS table
            ClassificationBuilder.ImportICAndIUSRelations(srcICNId, RetVal, ICInfo.Type, srcQueries, srcDBConnection);

コード例 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns indicator classification nid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Gid">Indicator classification GID </param>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the Indicator classification</param>
        /// <param name="parentNid"></param>
        /// <param name="classificationType">Indicator classification type</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int GetIndicatorClassificationNid(string Gid, string name, int parentNid, ICType classificationType)
            int    RetVal   = 0;
            string SqlQuery = string.Empty;

            //--step1:Get Nid by GID if GID is not empty
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Gid))
                RetVal = this.GetNidByGID(Gid, classificationType);

            //--step2:Get Nid by Name if name is not empty
            if (RetVal <= 0)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    RetVal = this.GetNidByName(name, parentNid, classificationType);

コード例 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// To import IC and IUS realtionship into Indicator_Classification_IUS table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NidInSourceDB"></param>
        /// <param name="NidinTargetDB"></param>
        /// <param name="classificationType"></param>
        /// <param name="srcQueries"></param>
        /// <param name="srcDBConnection"></param>
        public void ImportICAndIUSRelations(int NidInSourceDB, int NidinTargetDB, ICType classificationType, DIQueries srcQueries, DIConnection srcDBConnection)
            // -- Create the IUS Links
            // -- STEP 1: Get the Indicator, Unit and Subgroup Names from the Source Database
            // -- STEP 2: Get IUSNIds from the Target Database against the I-U-S from the Source Database
            int       TempIUSNId;
            int       ClassificationNId;
            string    IndicatorName;
            string    UnitName;
            string    SGVal;
            string    IndicatorGID;
            string    UnitGID;
            string    SGValGID;
            bool      RecommendedSource;
            DataTable TempTable = null;
            DataTable Table     = null;

            // -- STEP 1: Get the Indicator, Unit and Subgroup Names from the Source Database
            TempTable = srcDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(srcQueries.IUS.GetIUSByIC(classificationType, NidInSourceDB, FieldSelection.Light));

            for (int Index = 0; Index <= TempTable.Rows.Count - 1; Index++)
                    // -- STEP 2: Get IUSNIds from the Target Database against the I-U-S from the Source Database
                    IndicatorName     = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(TempTable.Rows[Index][Indicator.IndicatorName].ToString());
                    UnitName          = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(TempTable.Rows[Index][Unit.UnitName].ToString());
                    SGVal             = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(TempTable.Rows[Index][SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal].ToString());
                    RecommendedSource = Convert.ToBoolean(TempTable.Rows[Index][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.RecommendedSource]);

                    IndicatorGID = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(TempTable.Rows[Index][Indicator.IndicatorGId].ToString());
                    UnitGID      = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(TempTable.Rows[Index][Unit.UnitGId].ToString());
                    SGValGID     = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(TempTable.Rows[Index][SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId].ToString());

                    // get records it by GID
                        Table = this.DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(this.DBQueries.IUS.GetIUSNIdsByGID(
                                                                       IndicatorGID, UnitGID, SGValGID));
                    catch (Exception)
                    { }

                    // if records not found then get it by Name
                    if (Table == null || Table.Rows.Count == 0)
                        Table = this.DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(this.DBQueries.IUS.GetIUSByI_U_S_Name(IndicatorName, UnitName, SGVal, FieldSelection.Light));

                    if (Table.Rows.Count > 0)
                        TempIUSNId = Convert.ToInt32(Table.Rows[0][Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId]);

                        //create relationship for parent_IC_NID also
                            ClassificationNId = NidinTargetDB;
                            while (true)
                                // -- Create IUS Relationship
                                this.AddNUpdateICIUSRelation(ClassificationNId, TempIUSNId, RecommendedSource);

                                //-- find parent IC_NId
                                DataTable ICTable;
                                    ICTable = this.DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(this.DBQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.NId, ClassificationNId.ToString(), classificationType, FieldSelection.Light));
                                    if (ICTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        ClassificationNId = Convert.ToInt32(ICTable.Rows[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId]);
                                        ClassificationNId = -1;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    throw new ApplicationException(ex.ToString());
                                    if ((Table != null))

                                    Table = null;
                                if (ClassificationNId == -1)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new ApplicationException(ex.ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ApplicationException(ex.ToString());
コード例 #32
 public ICLookInSource(ICType indicatorClassificationType)
     this._IndicatorClassificationType = indicatorClassificationType;
コード例 #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor to Initialize Sheet Variables
 /// </summary>
 internal ICSheetSource(ICType icType, string sheetName)
     this.EICType = icType;
     this.SheetName = sheetName;
コード例 #34
 public MetaDataICLookInSource(ICType indicatorClassificationType)
     this._IndicatorClassificationType = indicatorClassificationType;
     this.ShowDESButton = true;
コード例 #35
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
 /// <summary>
 /// Get distinct NId, Name, GID, Global from IUS - Indicator - Unit - SubgroupVal table based on Indicator Classification Type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ICType">Indicator Classification Type</param>
 /// <param name="ICNId">ICNId which may be -1 if only ICType is to be considered</param>
 /// <param name="fieldSelection">Use Light for NId + Name + GId + Global fields use heavy to include IndicatorInfo field</param>
 /// <returns>Sql query string</returns>
 public string GetDistinctIUSByIC(ICType ICType, int ICNId, FieldSelection fieldSelection)
     if (ICNId == -1)
         return GetDistinctIUSByIC(ICType, string.Empty, fieldSelection);
         return GetDistinctIUSByIC(ICType, ICNId.ToString(), fieldSelection);
コード例 #36
        private void ProcessIC(ICType icType, DataTable ICTable)
            ElementImportType ICElementType = ElementImportType.Sector;
            string ICNIds = string.Empty;

            switch (icType)
                case ICType.Goal:
                    ICElementType = ElementImportType.Goal;
                    ICTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " IN (" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[icType] + ")";
                case ICType.Sector:
                    ICElementType = ElementImportType.Sector;
                    ICTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " IN (" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[icType] + ")";
                case ICType.CF:
                    ICTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " IN (" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[icType] + ")";
                    ICElementType = ElementImportType.Framework;
                case ICType.Theme:
                    ICElementType = ElementImportType.Theme;
                    ICTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " IN (" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[icType] + ")";
                case ICType.Source:
                    ICElementType = ElementImportType.Source;
                    ICTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " IN (" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[icType] + ") AND " + IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId + " NOT IN (-1)";
                case ICType.Institution:
                    ICElementType = ElementImportType.Institution;
                    ICTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " IN (" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[icType] + ")";
                case ICType.Convention:
                    ICElementType = ElementImportType.Convention;
                    ICTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " IN (" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[icType] + ")";

            // Get  ICNId on the basis of ICType
            ICNIds = DIConnection.GetDelimitedValuesFromDataView(ICTable.DefaultView, IndicatorClassifications.ICNId);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ICNIds) == false)
                //- Initialize LookInImport object (used to export ICs into another database)
                this.LookInSource = this.GetLookInImporterObject(ICElementType);

                //- Export ICs associated with IUSNId.
                List<string> IC_List = new List<string>(ICNIds.Split(','));
                this.LookInSource.ImportValues(IC_List, false);
コード例 #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="indicatorClassificationType"></param>
 /// <param name="displayString"></param>
 /// <param name="databaseString"></param>
 public IndicatorClassificationInfo(ICType indicatorClassificationType, string displayString, string databaseString)
     this._IndicatorClassificationType = indicatorClassificationType;
        this._DatabaseString = databaseString;
        this._DisplayString = displayString;
コード例 #38
        private void ProcessDataTable(ref System.Data.DataTable table, ICType classificationType, bool isMetadataRequired, bool includeOnlyName)
            string    SqlQuery = string.Empty;
            DataTable NewTable;
            DataTable TempTable;
            DataTable SectorTable;
            DataRow   NewRow;

            int Level = 0;

            //Step 1: Get IC table with levels
            SectorTable = this.GetICTableWLevel(ref table);

            //Step 2: Create New Data Table to fill the list view
            NewTable = new DataTable();

            //insert columns for IC level information.
            for (Level = 1; Level <= this.MaxLevel; Level++)
                NewTable.Columns.Add(LanguageKeys.Level + " " + Level);

            NewTable.Columns.Add(IndicatorClassifications.ICNId, System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
            NewTable.Columns.Add(IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId, System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
            NewTable.Columns.Add(IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal, System.Type.GetType("System.Boolean"));
            NewTable.Columns.Add(Indicator.IndicatorNId, System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));

            if (isMetadataRequired)

            NewTable.Columns.Add(LanguageKeys.Level, System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));

            //add unit and subgroup columns only if show IUS is true.
            if (this._ShowIUS)
                NewTable.Columns.Add(Unit.UnitNId, System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));

                NewTable.Columns.Add(SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId, System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));

                NewTable.Columns.Add(Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId, System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));

            //insert rows into new table
            foreach (DataRow Row in SectorTable.Rows)//.Select( LanguageKeys.Level + "=" + this.MaxLevel))
                //get Indicator or IUS on the basis of IC_ICNid
                if (this._ShowIUS)
                    SqlQuery = this.SourceDBQueries.IUS.GetAllIUSByIC(classificationType, Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICNId].ToString(), FieldSelection.Heavy);
                    SqlQuery = this.SourceDBQueries.Indicators.GetAllIndicatorByIC(classificationType, Convert.ToString(Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICNId]), FieldSelection.Heavy);

                TempTable = this.SourceDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(SqlQuery);

                string[] ColArr = new string[TempTable.Columns.Count];
                int      Index  = 0;
                foreach (DataColumn Col in TempTable.Columns)
                    ColArr[Index++] = Col.ColumnName;

                TempTable = TempTable.DefaultView.ToTable(true, ColArr);

                foreach (DataRow IndicatorRow in TempTable.Rows)
                    NewRow = NewTable.NewRow();
                    NewRow[IndicatorClassifications.ICNId]        = Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICNId];
                    NewRow[IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId] = Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId];
                    NewRow[IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal]     = Convert.ToBoolean(Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal]);
                    NewRow[IndicatorClassifications.ICGId]        = Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICGId];

                    if (isMetadataRequired)
                        NewRow[IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo] = Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo];

                    NewRow[IndicatorClassifications.ICName] = Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICName].ToString();
                    NewRow[LanguageKeys.Level] = Row[LanguageKeys.Level];

                    for (Level = 1; Level < Convert.ToInt32(Row[LanguageKeys.Level]); Level++)
                        NewRow[LanguageKeys.Level + " " + Level] = Row[LanguageKeys.Level + " " + Level].ToString();

                    NewRow[LanguageKeys.Level + " " + Level] = Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICName].ToString();

                    //add indicator, unit and subgroup
                    NewRow[Indicator.IndicatorName]   = IndicatorRow[Indicator.IndicatorName];
                    NewRow[Indicator.IndicatorNId]    = IndicatorRow[Indicator.IndicatorNId];
                    NewRow[Indicator.IndicatorGId]    = IndicatorRow[Indicator.IndicatorGId];
                    NewRow[Indicator.IndicatorGlobal] = IndicatorRow[Indicator.IndicatorGlobal];

                    //get indicatorinfo from indicator table
                    if (isMetadataRequired)
                        DataRow IndicatorInfoRow = this.SourceDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(this.SourceDBQueries.Indicators.GetIndicator(FilterFieldType.NId, IndicatorRow[Indicator.IndicatorNId].ToString(), FieldSelection.Heavy)).Rows[0];

                        NewRow[Indicator.IndicatorInfo] = IndicatorInfoRow[Indicator.IndicatorInfo];

                    if (this._ShowIUS)
                        NewRow[Unit.UnitName]            = IndicatorRow[Unit.UnitName];
                        NewRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal] = IndicatorRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal];

                        NewRow[Unit.UnitNId]    = IndicatorRow[Unit.UnitNId];
                        NewRow[Unit.UnitGId]    = IndicatorRow[Unit.UnitGId];
                        NewRow[Unit.UnitGlobal] = IndicatorRow[Unit.UnitGlobal];

                        NewRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId]    = IndicatorRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId];
                        NewRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId]    = IndicatorRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId];
                        NewRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGlobal] = IndicatorRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGlobal];
                        NewRow[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId] = IndicatorRow[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId];


            //remove extra rows from table
            NewTable = this.DeleteExtraRows(NewTable);

            ////////Step 4: If search string is not empty then filter data table
            //////if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SearchString))
            //////    NewTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = Indicator.IndicatorName + " LIKE '%" + this.SearchString + "%'";

            //////    NewTable = NewTable.DefaultView.ToTable();


            //Step 5: set sorting
            NewTable.DefaultView.Sort = this.GetSortingString();

            //Step 6: Replace the referenced table with the new data table
            table = NewTable.DefaultView.ToTable();

            if (includeOnlyName)
                if (this._ShowIUS)
コード例 #39
ファイル: DIExport.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// It exports the Indicator Classifications of specified ICType, present in DataView. <para>Exported ICs will be in format: ICLevel 1, ICLevel 2, ...ICLevel n , Indicator, Unit, Subgroup. </para>  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ICElementType">ICType enum value </param>
        /// <param name="ICDataView">DataView having IC Data in format: ICLevel 1, ICLevel 2, ...ICLevel n , Indicator, Unit, Subgroup. </param>
        /// <param name="outputType">Output format type.</param>
        /// <param name="outputFileNameWPath">Output fileName With path.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool ExportIC(ICType ICElementType, DataView ICDataView, DIExportOutputType outputType, string outputFileNameWPath)
            bool RetVal = false;

                switch (outputType)
                    case DIExportOutputType.DES:
                    case DIExportOutputType.Spreadsheet:
                        RetVal = ExportDES.ExportICFromDataView(ICDataView, ICElementType, outputFileNameWPath);
                    case DIExportOutputType.PDF:
                        RetVal = ExportPDF.ExportICFromDataView(ICDataView, ICElementType, outputFileNameWPath);
                    case DIExportOutputType.HTML:
                        RetVal = ExportHTML.ExportICFromDataView(ICDataView, ICElementType, outputFileNameWPath);
            catch (Exception ex)

            return RetVal;
コード例 #40
    public bool CanPlace(ICType iCType, int pins, string nodeId, int index)
        bool rotated = Helper.CircuitHelper.IsNodeRotated(nodeId);

        switch (iCType)
        case ICType.solo:
            return(CanPlaceSinglePin(nodeId, index));

        case ICType.dual:
            return(CanPlaceSinglePin(nodeId, index));

        case ICType.wire:
            return(CanPlaceSinglePin(nodeId, index));

        case ICType.ic4:

            if (index != 4)

            string[] id = nodeId.Split('x');
            int      a  = int.Parse(id[0]);
            int      b  = int.Parse(id[1]);
            int      c  = int.Parse(id[2]);
            int      d  = int.Parse(id[3]);

            if (a != 1)

            if (d > 64 - (pins / 2))

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                int indexT = i == 0 ? 4 : 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < pins / 2; j++)
                    string nodeIdT;
                    if (rotated)
                        nodeIdT = $"{a + i}x{b + (i * 7)}x{c}x{d + j}x{id[4]}";
                        nodeIdT = $"{a + i}x{b}x{c + (i * 7)}x{d + j}x{id[4]}";

                    if (!CanPlaceSinglePin(nodeIdT, indexT))

                    if (breadBoard.NodeHasICType(nodeIdT, ICType.ic6))

        case ICType.ic6:

            if (index == 0)

            id = nodeId.Split('x');
            a  = int.Parse(id[0]);
            b  = int.Parse(id[1]);
            c  = int.Parse(id[2]);
            d  = int.Parse(id[3]);

            if (a != 1)

            if (d > 64 - (pins / 2))

            for (int k = 0; k < pins / 2; k++)
                string nodeIdT = $"1x{id[1]}x{id[2]}x{d + k}x{id[4]}";
                for (int i = index; i < 5; i++)
                    if (!CanPlaceSinglePin(nodeIdT, i))

            for (int k = 0; k < pins / 2; k++)
                string nodeIdT = $"2x{(rotated ? (b + 7).ToString() : id[1])}x{(rotated ? id[2] : (c + 7).ToString())}x{d + k}x{id[4]}";
                for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
                    if (!CanPlaceSinglePin(nodeIdT, i))


コード例 #41
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get IC Records for a given IC Type and Filter Criteria
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterFieldType">
        /// <para>Applicable for NId, GId, Name, Search, ParentNId, NIdNotIn, NameNotIn, Type</para>        
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="filterText">
        /// <para>For FilterFieldType "Search" include wild characters. e.g. '%UNSD%' or '%UNSD'</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="classificationType"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">LIGHT: Returns - NId, PArentNId, Name, GID, Global
        /// <para>HEAVY: Returns - NId, PArentNId, Name, GID, Global, Info</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        public string GetIC(FilterFieldType filterFieldType, string filterText, ICType classificationType, FieldSelection fieldSelection, bool includeISBNNature)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();
            string WhereClause = string.Empty;

            sbQuery.Append(this.GetICSelectFromClause(fieldSelection, includeISBNNature));

            sbQuery.Append(" WHERE ");
            sbQuery.Append("IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + "=" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[classificationType]);

            WhereClause = this.GetICWhereClause(filterFieldType, filterText);
            if (WhereClause.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND " + WhereClause);

            if (classificationType == ICType.Source)
                sbQuery.Append(" ORDER BY IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName);
                sbQuery.Append(" ORDER BY IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICOrder);
            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #42
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
 /// <summary>
 /// Get  NId, Name, GID, Global from IUS - Indicator - Unit - SubgroupVal table based on Indicator Classification Type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ICType"></param>
 /// <param name="ICNId"></param>
 /// <param name="fieldSelection"></param>
 /// <param name="includeDI7Columns"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string GetIUSByIC(ICType ICType, int ICNId, FieldSelection fieldSelection, bool includeDI7Columns)
     if (ICNId == -1)
         return GetIUSByIC(ICType, string.Empty, fieldSelection, includeDI7Columns);
         return GetIUSByIC(ICType, ICNId.ToString(), fieldSelection, includeDI7Columns);
コード例 #43
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Indicator Classification records for a given IC Type and IUSNId
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterFieldType">Applicable for NId, GId, Name, Search, ParentNId, NIdNotIn, NameNotIn, Type</param>
        /// <param name="filterText">
        /// <para>For FilterFieldType "Search" include wild characters. e.g. '%UNSD%' or '%UNSD'</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="IUSNIds">Comma delimited IUSNIds </param>
        /// <param name="classificationType">ICType enum value</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">LIGHT: Returns - ICNId, ICParent_NId, ICName, ICGId, ICGlobal, ICType, IUSNId
        /// <para>HEAVY: Returns - ICNId, ICParent_NId, ICName, ICGId, ICGlobal, ICType, ICInfo, IUSNId</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        public string GetICForIUSNId(FilterFieldType filterFieldType, string filterText, string IUSNIds, ICType classificationType, FieldSelection fieldSelection)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();


            // WHERE Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" WHERE ");
            sbQuery.Append(" IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + " = ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICNId);
            sbQuery.Append(" AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + "=" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[classificationType]);
            if (IUSNIds.Trim().Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId + " IN (" + IUSNIds + ")");

            string WhereClause = this.GetICWhereClause(filterFieldType, filterText);
            if (WhereClause.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND " + WhereClause);

            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #44
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get  NId, Name, GID, Global from IUS - Indicator - Unit - SubgroupVal table for a given  Filter Criteria
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterFieldType">Applicable for NId</param>
        /// <param name="filterText"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">Use Light for NId + Name + GId + Global fields use heavy to include IndicatorInfo field</param>
        /// <returns>Sql query string</returns>
        public string GetIUSByParentOrder(FilterFieldType filterFieldType, string filterText, ICType ICType, FieldSelection fieldSelection, string icNIds)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            //  SELECT Clause
            sbQuery.Append("SELECT DISTINCT IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + ",IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + ",IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.UnitNId + ",IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.SubgroupValNId);
            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Light || fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append(",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGId + ",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGlobal);
                sbQuery.Append(",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitName + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitGId + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitGlobal);
                sbQuery.Append(",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + ",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId + ",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGlobal);
                sbQuery.Append(",IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.MinValue + ",IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.MaxValue);
                sbQuery.Append(",ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICIUSOrder);

            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append(",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorInfo);

            //  FROM Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " AS IUS");
            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Light || fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.Indicator + " AS I");
                sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.Unit + " AS U");
                sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.SubgroupVals + " AS SGV");
                sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " AS IC");
                sbQuery.Append("," + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassificationsIUS + " AS ICIUS");

            //  WHERE Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" WHERE 1=1 ");
            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Light || fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " = I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId);
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.UnitNId + " = U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId);
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.SubgroupValNId + " = SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId);
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " = ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId);
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + " = ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICNId);
                sbQuery.Append(" AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " = " + DIQueries.ICTypeText[ICType]);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(icNIds))
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId + " IN (" + icNIds + ")");

            if (filterFieldType != FilterFieldType.None && filterText.Length > 0)

                switch (filterFieldType)
                    case FilterFieldType.None:
                    case FilterFieldType.NId:
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " IN (" + filterText + ")");
                    case FilterFieldType.ParentNId:
                    case FilterFieldType.ID:
                    case FilterFieldType.GId:
                    case FilterFieldType.Name:
                    case FilterFieldType.Search:
                    case FilterFieldType.Global:
                    case FilterFieldType.NIdNotIn:
                    case FilterFieldType.NameNotIn:

            //  ORDER BY Clause
            if (fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Light || fieldSelection == FieldSelection.Heavy)
                sbQuery.Append(" ORDER BY ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICIUSOrder);

            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #45
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Get IC Records for root parents (-1) for a given IC Type and Filter Criteria
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterFieldType">None = get all top level Classifications with ParentNId=-1.
        /// <para>Applicable for NId, Search, NameNotIn</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="filterText"><para>blank will Filter only for ICParentNId=-1</para>
        /// <para>For FilterFieldType "Search" include wild characters. e.g. '%UNSD%' or '%UNSD'</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="classificationType"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <para>NId, Name, GID, Global</para>
        /// </returns>
        public string GetICTopParents(FilterFieldType filterFieldType, string filterText, ICType classificationType)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            // SELECT Clause
            sbQuery.Append("SELECT " + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + "," + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName + "," + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICGId + "," + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal);

            // FROM Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications);

            // WHERE Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" WHERE " + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId + " = -1 ");
            sbQuery.Append(" AND " + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + "=" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[classificationType]);

            if (filterText.Length > 0)
                switch (filterFieldType)
                    case FilterFieldType.NId:
                        // Filter on NID
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND " + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + " IN(" + filterText + ")");
                    case FilterFieldType.GId:
                    case FilterFieldType.Name:
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND " + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName + " IN (" + filterText + ")");
                    case FilterFieldType.Search:
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND " + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName + " LIKE " + filterText);
                    case FilterFieldType.Global:
                    case FilterFieldType.NIdNotIn:
                    case FilterFieldType.NameNotIn:
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND " + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName + " NOT IN (" + filterText + ")");

            // ORDER BY Clause
            sbQuery.Append(" ORDER BY " + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName);

            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
コード例 #46
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// AutoSelect IUS based on TimePeriod and Area selection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timePeriodNIds">commma delimited Timeperiod NIds which may be blank</param>
        /// <param name="areaNIds">commma delimited Area NIds which may be blank</param>
        /// <param name="ICType">Indicator Classification Type</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">NId or Light</param>
        /// <returns>Sql query string</returns>
        public string GetAutoSelectByTimePeriodArea(string timePeriodNIds, string areaNIds, ICType ICType, FieldSelection fieldSelection)
            string RetVal = String.Empty;
            // Get basic Sql clause from overloaded function
            RetVal = GetAutoSelectByTimePeriodArea(timePeriodNIds, areaNIds, -1, fieldSelection);

            // Append additional clause for ICType
            RetVal += " AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " = " + DIQueries.ICTypeText[ICType];

            return RetVal;
コード例 #47
        private DataTable AutoSelectIndicatorOrIUS(bool isForTree, ICType icType)
            DataTable RetVal = new DataTable();
            string Sql = string.Empty;
            string SelectedAreaNIds = this.UserPrefences.UserSelection.AreaNIds;
            string SelectedTimeperiodNIds = this.UserPrefences.UserSelection.TimePeriodNIds;
            string SelectedSourceNIds = this.UserPrefences.UserSelection.SourceNIds;

                // -- AUTO SELECT the source nids on the basis of the selected Time,Area & Source
                if (!this._UseArea)
                    SelectedAreaNIds = string.Empty;
                if (!this._UseTime)
                    SelectedTimeperiodNIds = string.Empty;
                if (!this._UseSource)
                    SelectedSourceNIds = string.Empty;

                if (isForTree)

                    if (this._UserPrefences.Indicator.ShowIUS)

                        Sql = this.SqlQueries.IUS.GetAutoSelectIUS(SelectedTimeperiodNIds, SelectedAreaNIds, SelectedSourceNIds, 0, icType);
                        Sql = this.SqlQueries.Indicators.GetAutoSelectIndicator(SelectedTimeperiodNIds, SelectedAreaNIds, SelectedSourceNIds, 0, icType);
                    if (this._UserPrefences.Indicator.ShowIUS)
                        Sql = this.SqlQueries.IUS.GetAutoSelectIUS(SelectedTimeperiodNIds, SelectedAreaNIds, SelectedSourceNIds, this._SelectedNid, icType);
                        Sql = this.SqlQueries.Indicators.GetAutoSelectIndicator(SelectedTimeperiodNIds, SelectedAreaNIds, SelectedSourceNIds, this._SelectedNid, icType);

                RetVal = this._DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(Sql);
            catch (Exception)
                RetVal = null;

            return RetVal;
コード例 #48
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// AutoSelect Indiactor,Unit & SubgroupVal based on TimePeriod, Area  and source selection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timePeriodNIds">commma delimited Timeperiod NIds which may be blank</param>
        /// <param name="areaNIds">commma delimited Area NIds which may be blank</param>
        /// <param name="sourceNids">Source Nids which may be blank </param>
        /// <param name="ICParentNId">Set IC_Parent_NID to get records against the given NID otherwise set 0 to get all auto select records</param>
        /// <param name="ICType"></param>
        /// <returns>Sql query string</returns>
        public string GetAutoSelectIUS(string timePeriodNIds, string areaNIds, string sourceNids, int ICParentNId, ICType ICType)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;

            RetVal = "SELECT I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGId + ", I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorGlobal
                + ", U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId + ", U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitName + ", U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitGId + ", U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitGlobal
                + ", SG." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId + ", SG." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + ", SG." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId + ", SG." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGlobal
               + ", IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId
                + " FROM " + this.TablesName.Indicator
                + " AS I  ," + this.TablesName.Unit + " AS U ," + this.TablesName.SubgroupVals + " AS SG,  " + this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup
                + " AS IUS WHERE I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + "= IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId
                + " AND U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId + "=IUS." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId
                + " AND SG." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId + "=IUS." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId
                + " AND EXISTS (  SELECT *  FROM " + this.TablesName.Data + " as D WHERE  IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + "= D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timePeriodNIds))
                RetVal += " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + " IN( " + timePeriodNIds + " ) ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(areaNIds))
                RetVal += " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " IN( " + areaNIds + " ) ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceNids))
                RetVal += " AND D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + " IN( " + sourceNids + " ) ";
            RetVal += " )";

            RetVal += " AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM " + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassificationsIUS + " ICIUS WHERE IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " = ICIUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " AND  EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM " + this.TablesName.IndicatorClassifications + " IC  WHERE ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + " =IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId;

            if (ICParentNId > 0)
                RetVal += " AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId + " =" + ICParentNId + " ";

            RetVal += " AND IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + "=" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[ICType] + " )) ";

            RetVal += " ORDER BY I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + "";

            return RetVal;
コード例 #49
ファイル: ICSource.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        internal int CreateClassificationChainFromExtDB(int srcICNId, int srcParentNId, string srcICGid, string srcICName, ICType srcICType, string srcICInfo, bool isGlobal, DIQueries srcQueries, DIConnection srcDBConnection, DIQueries targetDBQueries, DIConnection targetDBConnection)
            int RetVal;
            //int TrgParentNId;
            //string TrgParentName;
            int NewParentNId;
            DataTable TempTable;
            IndicatorClassificationInfo ICInfo;
            IndicatorClassificationBuilder ClassificationBuilder = new IndicatorClassificationBuilder(targetDBConnection, targetDBQueries);

            // -- STEP 1: If the Parent NID is -1 then create the Classification at the root
            if (srcParentNId == -1)
                // -- Create the Classification

                // --------------------------------------------------------------
                // While importing the Classifications, if the NId of the Source Classification is _
                // the same as that of the one created, then the Duplicate check fails and a duplicate
                // classification getscreated. PASS -99 as the first parameter to the calling function
                // --------------------------------------------------------------
                ICInfo = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                ICInfo.Parent = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                ICInfo.Parent.Nid = srcParentNId;
                ICInfo.Nid = srcICNId;
                ICInfo.Name = srcICName;
                ICInfo.ClassificationInfo = srcICInfo;
                ICInfo.GID = srcICGid;
                ICInfo.IsGlobal = isGlobal;
                ICInfo.Type = srcICType;

                RetVal = ClassificationBuilder.ImportIndicatorClassification(ICInfo, srcICNId, srcQueries, srcDBConnection);


                // -- STEP 2: If the Parent is not -1 then check for the existence of the Parent and then create the Classification
                // Classification can only be created if the parent exists
                // -- STEP 2.1: If the Parent Exists then create the Classification under that parent
                // -- STEP 2.2: If the Parent does not Exist then create the Parent first and then the Classification under that parent

                // -- STEP 2: Check the existence of the Parent in the Target Database
                // -- get the parent from the source database

                TempTable = srcDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(srcQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.NId, srcParentNId.ToString(), srcICType, FieldSelection.Heavy));

                    // --------------------------------------------------------------
                    // While importing the Classifications, if the NId of the Source Classification is _
                    // the same as that of the one created, then the Duplicate check fails and a duplicate
                    // classification getscreated. PASS -99 as the first parameter to the calling function
                    // --------------------------------------------------------------
                    DataRow Row;
                    string ClassificationInfo = string.Empty;
                    Row = TempTable.Rows[0];
                    ClassificationInfo = Convert.ToString(Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo]);

                    NewParentNId = CreateClassificationChainFromExtDB(
                        ClassificationInfo, Convert.ToBoolean(Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal]), srcQueries, srcDBConnection, targetDBQueries, targetDBConnection); ;

                // -- Create the Child Now
                ICInfo = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                ICInfo.Parent = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                ICInfo.Parent.Nid = NewParentNId;       // set new parent nid
                ICInfo.Nid = srcICNId;
                ICInfo.Name = srcICName;
                ICInfo.ClassificationInfo = srcICInfo;
                ICInfo.GID = srcICGid;
                ICInfo.IsGlobal = isGlobal;
                ICInfo.Type = srcICType;

                RetVal = ClassificationBuilder.ImportIndicatorClassification(ICInfo, srcICNId, srcQueries, srcDBConnection);


            //import ic and ius relationship into indicator_classification_IUS table
            ClassificationBuilder.ImportICAndIUSRelations(srcICNId, RetVal, ICInfo.Type, srcQueries, srcDBConnection);

            return RetVal;
コード例 #50
        /// <summary>
        /// To Import metadata information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataPrefix"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceDBConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceDBQueries"></param>
        /// <param name="selectedNIDs"></param>
        /// <param name="selectionCount"></param>
        /// <param name="metadataType"> </param>
        public void ImportICMetadata(string dataPrefix, DIConnection sourceDBConnection, DIQueries sourceDBQueries, string selectedNIDs, int selectionCount, MetaDataType metadataType, ICType classificationType)
            string    MetadataInfo = string.Empty;
            DataTable TempDataTable;
            DataTable TempTargetIdTable = new DataTable();
            IndicatorClassificationBuilder ICBuilder;
            int TargetICNid = 0;

            int CurrentRecordIndex = 0;


                ICBuilder = new IndicatorClassificationBuilder(this.DBConnection, this.DBQueries);

                if (selectionCount == -1)
                    // -- GET ALL
                    TempDataTable = sourceDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sourceDBQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.None, string.Empty, classificationType, FieldSelection.Heavy));
                    // -- GET SELECTED
                    TempDataTable = sourceDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sourceDBQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.NId, selectedNIDs, classificationType, FieldSelection.Heavy));

                // -- Initialize Progress Bar
                CurrentRecordIndex = 0;

                for (int Index = 0; Index <= TempDataTable.Rows.Count - 1; Index++)

                    if (!Information.IsDBNull(TempDataTable.Rows[Index][IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo]))
                        if (!(TempDataTable.Rows[Index][IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo].ToString().Length == 0))
                            //-- Retrieve Metadata Information
                            MetadataInfo = TempDataTable.Rows[Index][IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo].ToString();

                            // Get Target IC NID by Source IC GID
                            TargetICNid = ICBuilder.GetNidByGID(Convert.ToString(TempDataTable.Rows[Index][IndicatorClassifications.ICGId]), classificationType);

                            if (TargetICNid > 0)
                                //-- Update Metadata
                                ICBuilder.UpdateICInfo(TargetICNid, MetadataInfo);

                    // -- Increemnt the Progress Bar Value

                // -- Dispose the Data Table object
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException(ex.ToString());
コード例 #51
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
 /// <summary>
 /// Get distinct NId, Name, GID, Global from IUS - Indicator - Unit - SubgroupVal table based on Indicator Classification Type and order on the basis of ICIUS order
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ICType">Indicator Classification Type</param>
 /// <param name="ICNId">ICNId which may be blank if only ICType is to be considered</param>
 /// <param name="fieldSelection">Use Light for NId + Name + GId + Global fields use heavy to include IndicatorInfo field</param>
 /// <returns>Sql query string</returns>
 public string GetDistinctOrderedIUSByIC(ICType ICType, string ICNId, FieldSelection fieldSelection)
     string sortOrderString = "ICIUS." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICIUSOrder;
     return this.GetDistinctIUSByIC(ICType, ICNId, fieldSelection, sortOrderString);
コード例 #52
        private DataTable AutoSelectIndicatorOrIUS(int icNId, ICType icType)
            DataTable RetVal = new DataTable();

                string        Sql = string.Empty;
                DataTable     IUSDt;
                string[]      DistinctColumns        = new string[1];
                StringBuilder sbIUSNIds              = new StringBuilder();
                string        sIUSNIDs               = string.Empty;
                string        SelectedTimeperiodNIds = this.UserPrefences.UserSelection.TimePeriodNIds;
                string        SelectedAreaNIds       = this.UserPrefences.UserSelection.AreaNIds;
                string        SelectedSourceNIds     = this.UserPrefences.UserSelection.SourceNIds;

                // -- Get All Comma seperated IUSNIDs for the selected IC Type from the Available list
                DataTable IUSFromICTypes;
                //'-- Get the IUS NIds on the basis of IC types
                if (icNId > -1)
                    // -- When IC Element is slected
                    Sql            = this.SqlQueries.Indicators.GetIUSNIdFromICType(icType, icNId.ToString());
                    IUSFromICTypes = this._DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(Sql);
                // -- This will return Distinct IUS always under a given IC Element
                    // -- When IC Element is NOT slected (IUS on the basis of the ICType)
                    Sql            = this.SqlQueries.Indicators.GetIUSNIdFromICType(icType, "");
                    IUSFromICTypes = this._DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(Sql);

                    // -- This will NOT return DISTINCT IUS under a given IC Type
                    // -- Get DISTINCT IUS
                    RetVal             = IUSFromICTypes;
                    DistinctColumns[0] = IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId;

                    //-- Distinct IUS NIds
                    IUSFromICTypes = RetVal.DefaultView.ToTable(true, DistinctColumns);

                // -- Loop and get the comma seperated IUS NIDs
                foreach (DataRow IUSNId in IUSFromICTypes.Rows)
                    sbIUSNIds.Append("," + IUSNId[IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId]);
                // -- Remove extra Comma
                if (sbIUSNIds.Length > 0)
                    sIUSNIDs = sbIUSNIds.ToString().Substring(1);

                // -- AUTO SELECT the DISTINCT IUSNIDs on the basis of the selected Time, Area and Available IUS/I in the Available list
                if (!this.UseArea)
                    SelectedAreaNIds = string.Empty;
                if (!this.UseTime)
                    SelectedTimeperiodNIds = string.Empty;
                if (!this.UseSource)
                    SelectedSourceNIds = string.Empty;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sIUSNIDs))
                    sIUSNIDs = "0";

                Sql = this.SqlQueries.Indicators.GetAutoSelectByTimePeriodAreaSource(SelectedTimeperiodNIds, SelectedAreaNIds, sIUSNIDs.ToString(), SelectedSourceNIds);

                IDataReader rdIUS;
                rdIUS            = this._DBConnection.ExecuteReader(Sql);
                sbIUSNIds.Length = 0;
                while ((rdIUS.Read()))
                sIUSNIDs = string.Empty;
                if (sbIUSNIds.Length > 0)
                    sIUSNIDs = sbIUSNIds.ToString().Substring(1);

                if (this.UserPrefences.Indicator.ShowIUS)
                    Sql = this.SqlQueries.Indicators.GetIndicators(sIUSNIDs.ToString(), this.UserPrefences.Indicator.ShowIUS);
                    Sql = this.SqlQueries.IUS.GetDistinctIndicatorUnit(sIUSNIDs.ToString(), this.UserPrefences.Indicator.ShowIUS);

                //Sql = this.SqlQueries.Indicators.GetIndicators(sIUSNIDs.ToString(), this.UserPrefences.Indicator.ShowIUS);
                RetVal = this._DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(Sql);
            catch (Exception)
                RetVal = null;

コード例 #53
ファイル: Update.cs プロジェクト: SDRC-India/sdrcdevinfo
        /// <summary>
        /// Update indicator classification information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataPrefix"></param>
        /// <param name="languageCode"></param>
        /// <param name="name">Name which may be empty</param>
        /// <param name="GId">GID which may be empty</param>
        /// <param name="isGlobal"></param>
        /// <param name="parentNid"></param>
        /// <param name="ICInfo">ICInfo which may be empty</param>
        /// <param name="classificationType"></param>
        /// <param name="ICNid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string UpdateICInfo(string dataPrefix, string languageCode, string ICInfo, ICType classificationType, int ICNid)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;

            RetVal = RetVal = "UPDATE " + dataPrefix + Update.TableName + languageCode + " SET ";

            RetVal += DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo + "='" + ICInfo + "'";

            RetVal += "," + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICType + "=" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[classificationType]

            + " WHERE " + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + "=" + ICNid;

            return RetVal;
コード例 #54
 public ICLookInSource(ICType indicatorClassificationType)
     this._IndicatorClassificationType = indicatorClassificationType;