コード例 #1
 public static void Reset()
     ICPVersion                = ICP_VersionUsed.Scaling_Umeyama;
     SimulatedAnnealing        = false;
     NormalsCheck              = false;
     FixedTestPoints           = false;
     MaximumNumberOfIterations = 100;
     ResetVertexToOrigin       = true;
     IterativeClosestPointTransform.DistanceOptimization = false;
コード例 #2
        public static Matrix4d FindTransformationMatrix(List <Vector3d> pointsTarget, List <Vector3d> pointsSource, ICP_VersionUsed icpVersionUsed)
            //shift points to the center of mass (centroid)
            Vector3d        centroidReference = TransformPointsUtils.CalculateCentroid(pointsTarget);
            List <Vector3d> pointsTargetShift = TransformPointsUtils.CalculatePointsShiftedByCentroid(pointsTarget, centroidReference);

            Vector3d        centroidToBeMatched = TransformPointsUtils.CalculateCentroid(pointsSource);
            List <Vector3d> pointsSourceShift   = TransformPointsUtils.CalculatePointsShiftedByCentroid(pointsSource, centroidToBeMatched);

            //calculate correlation matrix
            Matrix3d H = TransformPointsUtils.CalculateCorrelationMatrix(pointsTargetShift, pointsSourceShift);

            //Matrix3d S;
            double[] eigenvalues = new double[3];

            Matrix3d R = CalculateRotationBySingularValueDecomposition(H, pointsSourceShift, icpVersionUsed);

            double c;

            if (icpVersionUsed == ICP_VersionUsed.Scaling_Zinsser)
                c = CalculateScale_Zinsser(pointsSourceShift, pointsTargetShift, ref R);
            if (icpVersionUsed == ICP_VersionUsed.Scaling_Du)
                Matrix3d C = CalculateScale_Du(pointsSourceShift, pointsTargetShift, R);
                R = Matrix3d.Mult(R, C);

            Vector3d T = SVD.CalculateTranslation(centroidReference, centroidToBeMatched, R);

            Matrix4d myMatrix = SVD.PutTheMatrix4together(T, R);

            //double d = myMatrix.Determinant;

コード例 #3
        //other methods for SVD, for possible later usage
        //MathUtils.SingularValueDecomposition3x3(Harray, Uarray, warray, VTarray);
        //MathNet.Numerics.Providers.LinearAlgebra.Mkl.MklLinearAlgebraProvider svd = new MathNet.Numerics.Providers.LinearAlgebra.Mkl.MklLinearAlgebraProvider();
        //double[] a = MatrixUtilsNumerics.doubleFromArrayDouble(Harray);
        //double[] u = MatrixUtilsNumerics.doubleFromArrayDouble(Uarray);
        //double[] vt = MatrixUtilsNumerics.doubleFromArrayDouble(Uarray);
        //double[] s = new double[3];
        //svd.SingularValueDecomposition(true, a, 3, 3, s, u, vt);
        private static Matrix3d CalculateRotationBySingularValueDecomposition(Matrix3d H, List <Vector3d> pointsSourceShift, ICP_VersionUsed icpVersionUsed)
            double[,] Harray  = TransformPointsUtils.DoubleArrayFromMatrix(H);
            double[,] Uarray  = new double[3, 3];
            double[,] VTarray = new double[3, 3];
            double[] eigenvalues = new double[3];

            //trial 3:
            alglib.svd.rmatrixsvd(Harray, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, ref eigenvalues, ref Uarray, ref VTarray);

            Matrix3d U  = MatrixUtilsOpenTK.DoubleArrayToMatrix3d(Uarray);
            Matrix3d VT = MatrixUtilsOpenTK.DoubleArrayToMatrix3d(VTarray);
            Matrix3d R  = Matrix3d.Mult(U, VT);

            Matrix3d UT    = Matrix3d.Transpose(U);
            Matrix3d V     = Matrix3d.Transpose(VT);
            Matrix3d Rtest = Matrix3d.Mult(UT, V);
            //R = Rtest;

            Matrix3d checkShouldGiveI = Matrix3d.Mult(UT, U);

            checkShouldGiveI = Matrix3d.Mult(VT, V);
            Matrix3d RT = Matrix3d.Transpose(R);

            checkShouldGiveI = Matrix3d.Mult(RT, R);
            //see article by Umeyama

            //if (H.Determinant < 0)
            //    R[2, 2] = -R[2, 2];
            //    //S[2, 2] = -1;

            //calculate the sign matrix for using the scale factor
            Matrix3d K2    = Matrix3d.Identity;
            double   check = U.Determinant * VT.Determinant;

            //if (check < 0 && Math.Abs(check) > 1E-3)
            //    K2[2, 2] = -1;

            RT = Matrix3d.Transpose(R);
            checkShouldGiveI = Matrix3d.Mult(RT, R);

            double scale = CalculateScale_Umeyama(pointsSourceShift, eigenvalues, K2);

            R = Matrix3d.Mult(R, K2);
            if (icpVersionUsed == ICP_VersionUsed.Scaling_Umeyama)
                //R = Matrix3d.Mult(R, K2);
                R = MatrixUtilsOpenTK.MultiplyScalar3D(R, scale);
            ////check eigenvectors
            //Matrix3d Snew = Matrix3d.Mult(U, MatrixUtilsOpenTK.Matrix3FromMatrix3d(H));
            //Snew = Matrix3d.Mult(Snew, VT);

            //Matrix3d si = S.Inverted();
            //Matrix3d Rnew = Matrix3d.Mult(VT, si);
            //Rnew = Matrix3d.Mult(Rnew, U);

            //Rnew = Matrix3d.Mult(VT, S);
            //Rnew = Matrix3d.Mult(Rnew, U);

コード例 #4
ファイル: SVD.cs プロジェクト: whigg/PointClouds
        public static Matrix4d FindTransformationMatrix_WithoutCentroids(PointCloud pointsSource, PointCloud pointsTarget, ICP_VersionUsed icpVersionUsed)
            Matrix3d R = FindRotationMatrix(pointsSource, pointsTarget, icpVersionUsed);

            //Vector3d T = new Vector3d();
            Matrix4d myMatrix = new Matrix4d();

            myMatrix = myMatrix.FromMatrix3d(R);

コード例 #5
ファイル: SVD.cs プロジェクト: whigg/PointClouds
        public static Matrix4d FindTransformationMatrix(PointCloud pointsSource, PointCloud pointsTarget, ICP_VersionUsed icpVersionUsed)
            //shift points to the center of mass (centroid)
            Vector3 centroidTarget = pointsTarget.CentroidVector;
            //Vector3d centroidTarget_Double = new Vector3d(pointsTarget.CentroidVector.X, pointsTarget.CentroidVector.Y, pointsTarget.CentroidVector.Z);

            PointCloud pointsTargetTranslated = pointsTarget.Clone();


            Vector3    centroidSource         = pointsSource.CentroidVector;
            PointCloud pointsSourceTranslated = pointsSource.Clone();


            Matrix3d R = FindRotationMatrix(pointsSourceTranslated, pointsTargetTranslated, icpVersionUsed);

            Vector3d T        = CalculateTranslation(centroidSource, centroidTarget, R);
            Matrix4d myMatrix = new Matrix4d();

            myMatrix = myMatrix.PutTheMatrix4dtogether(T, R);

コード例 #6
ファイル: SVD.cs プロジェクト: whigg/PointClouds
        public static Matrix4d FindTransformationMatrix_MinimumDistance(PointCloud pointsSource, PointCloud pointsTarget, ICP_VersionUsed icpVersionUsed, float minimumDistance)
            minimumDistance *= minimumDistance * 2;
            List <Vector3> sourceList = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> targetList = new List <Vector3>();

            int numberOfVectorsNotTaken = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < pointsSource.Vectors.Length; i++)
                float distance = pointsSource.Vectors[i].DistanceSquared(pointsTarget.Vectors[i]);
                if (distance < minimumDistance)

            if (numberOfVectorsNotTaken > 0)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Ignored vectors in SVD because too far: " + numberOfVectorsNotTaken.ToString() + " :  out of : " + pointsSource.Count.ToString());

            PointCloud pSourceNew = PointCloud.FromListVector3(sourceList);
            PointCloud pTargetNew = PointCloud.FromListVector3(targetList);

            if (pSourceNew == null || pTargetNew == null)

            return(FindTransformationMatrix(pSourceNew, pTargetNew, icpVersionUsed));
コード例 #7
ファイル: SVD.cs プロジェクト: whigg/PointClouds
        public static Matrix3d FindRotationMatrix(PointCloud pointsSourceTranslated, PointCloud pointsTargetTranslated, ICP_VersionUsed icpVersionUsed)
                Matrix3d H = PointCloud.CorrelationMatrix_Double(pointsSourceTranslated, pointsTargetTranslated);
                Matrix3d R = CalculateRotationBySingularValueDecomposition(H, pointsSourceTranslated, icpVersionUsed);

                //now scaling factor:
                double c;
                if (icpVersionUsed == ICP_VersionUsed.Zinsser)
                    c = CalculateScale_Zinsser(pointsSourceTranslated, pointsTargetTranslated, ref R);
                if (icpVersionUsed == ICP_VersionUsed.Du)
                    Matrix3d C = CalculateScale_Du(pointsSourceTranslated, pointsTargetTranslated, R);
                    R = Matrix3d.Mult(R, C);

            catch (Exception err)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error in finding rotation matrix: " + err.Message);
コード例 #8
ファイル: SVD.cs プロジェクト: whigg/PointClouds
        //other methods for SVD, for possible later usage
        //MathUtils.SingularValueDecomposition3x3(Harray, Uarray, warray, VTarray);
        //MathNet.Numerics.Providers.LinearAlgebra.Mkl.MklLinearAlgebraProvider svd = new MathNet.Numerics.Providers.LinearAlgebra.Mkl.MklLinearAlgebraProvider();
        //double[] a = MatrixUtilsNumerics.doubleFromArraydouble(Harray);
        //double[] u = MatrixUtilsNumerics.doubleFromArraydouble(Uarray);
        //double[] vt = MatrixUtilsNumerics.doubleFromArraydouble(Uarray);
        //double[] s = new double[3];
        //svd.SingularValueDecomposition(true, a, 3, 3, s, u, vt);
        private static Matrix3d CalculateRotationBySingularValueDecomposition(Matrix3d H, PointCloud pointsSourceTranslated, ICP_VersionUsed icpVersionUsed)
            //gives R, the rotation matrix, U - the left eigenvectors, VT - right transposed eigenvectors, EV  - the eigenvalues

            //see article by Umeyama

            //if (H.Determinant < 0)
            //    R[2, 2] = -R[2, 2];
            //    //S[2, 2] = -1;

            //calculate the sign matrix for using the scale factor
            Matrix3d K2 = Matrix3d.Identity;

            //double check = U.Determinant * VT.Determinant;
            //if (check < 0 && Math.Abs(check) > 1E-3)
            //    K2[2, 2] = -1;

            double scale = CalculateScale_Umeyama(pointsSourceTranslated, EV, K2);

            R = Matrix3d.Mult(R, K2);
            if (icpVersionUsed == ICP_VersionUsed.Umeyama)
                //R = Matrix3d.Mult(R, K2);
                R = R.MultiplyScalar(scale);

コード例 #9
ファイル: SVD_Float.cs プロジェクト: whigg/PointClouds
        public static Matrix4 FindTransformationMatrix(PointCloud pointsSource, PointCloud pointsTarget, ICP_VersionUsed icpVersionUsed)
            //shift points to the center of mass (centroid)
            Vector3    centroidTarget         = pointsTarget.CentroidVector;
            PointCloud pointsTargetTranslated = pointsTarget.Clone();


            Vector3    centroidSource         = pointsSource.CentroidVector;
            PointCloud pointsSourceTranslated = pointsSource.Clone();


            Matrix3 R = FindRotationMatrix(pointsSourceTranslated, pointsTargetTranslated, icpVersionUsed);

            Vector3 T        = SVD_Float.CalculateTranslation(centroidSource, centroidTarget, R);
            Matrix4 myMatrix = new Matrix4();

            myMatrix = myMatrix.PutTheMatrix4together(T, R);

コード例 #10
        public static Matrix4d FindTransformationMatrix(List <Vector3d> pointsSource, List <Vector3d> pointsTarget, ICP_VersionUsed icpVersionUsed)
            //shift points to the center of mass (centroid)
            Vector3d        centroidTarget         = pointsTarget.CalculateCentroid();
            List <Vector3d> pointsTargetTranslated = pointsTarget.Clone();


            Vector3d        centroidSource         = pointsSource.CalculateCentroid();
            List <Vector3d> pointsSourceTranslated = pointsSource.Clone();


            Matrix3d R = FindRotationMatrix(pointsSourceTranslated, pointsTargetTranslated, icpVersionUsed);

            Vector3d T        = SVD.CalculateTranslation(centroidSource, centroidTarget, R);
            Matrix4d myMatrix = new Matrix4d();

            myMatrix = myMatrix.PutTheMatrix4dtogether(T, R);
