コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnUpdate control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (updateRows.Count > 0)   // redundant check - should not be enabled if no update has occurred
                // validate Results.
                if (validateResults())
                    List <LocaltblIntermeditateICP> interICPList = new List <LocaltblIntermeditateICP>();
                    ICPClientDataContext            icpClientCtx = new ICPClientDataContext();
                    int row = 0;

                    while (tlpDetails.GetControlFromPosition(0, row) != null)
                        LocaltblIntermeditateICP newInterICP = null;

                        Label    lbI = tlpDetails.GetControlFromPosition(0, row) as Label;
                        Label    lbE = tlpDetails.GetControlFromPosition(1, row) as Label;
                        Label    lbW = tlpDetails.GetControlFromPosition(2, row) as Label;
                        TextBox  tb  = tlpDetails.GetControlFromPosition(3, row) as TextBox;
                        CheckBox cbF = tlpDetails.GetControlFromPosition(4, row) as CheckBox;
                        CheckBox cbC = tlpDetails.GetControlFromPosition(5, row) as CheckBox;
                        CheckBox cbD = tlpDetails.GetControlFromPosition(6, row) as CheckBox;

                        if (updateRows.Contains(row))
                            var existingInterICP = from exist in icpClientCtx.LocaltblIntermeditateICPs
                                                   where exist.BarCode == updateICP.barCode &&
                                                   exist.Element == lbE.Text &&
                                                   exist.IndexLine == (Convert.ToInt16(lbI.Text))
                                                   select exist;

                            if (existingInterICP.Count() > 0)
                                // update existing record
                                newInterICP = existingInterICP.FirstOrDefault();
                                newInterICP.AverageResult = Convert.ToDecimal(tb.Text);
                                newInterICP.CheckFlag     = (cbC.Checked) ? "F" : "     ";
                                newInterICP.FailFlags     = (cbF.Checked) ? "C" : "     ";
                                newInterICP.DeleteFlag    = cbD.Checked;
                                // insert record into database
                                newInterICP               = new LocaltblIntermeditateICP();
                                newInterICP.Anadate       = updateICP.anaDate;
                                newInterICP.AverageResult = Convert.ToDecimal(tb.Text);
                                newInterICP.BarCode       = updateICP.barCode;
                                newInterICP.CheckFlag     = (cbC.Checked) ? "F" : "    ";
                                newInterICP.Element       = lbE.Text;
                                newInterICP.Wavelength    = lbW.Text;
                                newInterICP.FailFlags     = (cbF.Checked) ? "C" : "     ";
                                newInterICP.Code          = updateICP.code;
                                newInterICP.Duplicate     = updateICP.duplicate;
                                newInterICP.IndexLine     = Convert.ToInt16(lbI.Text);
                                newInterICP.DeleteFlag    = cbD.Checked;


                            catch (Exception ex)
                                MessageBox.Show("Database Update Failed: " + newInterICP.Element + "\n\n\t" + ex.Message, "Database Error",
                                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                            newInterICP               = new LocaltblIntermeditateICP();
                            newInterICP.Anadate       = updateICP.anaDate;
                            newInterICP.AverageResult = Convert.ToDecimal(tb.Text);
                            newInterICP.BarCode       = updateICP.barCode;
                            newInterICP.CheckFlag     = (cbC.Checked) ? "F" : "   ";
                            newInterICP.Element       = lbE.Text;
                            newInterICP.Wavelength    = lbW.Text;
                            newInterICP.FailFlags     = (cbF.Checked) ? "C" : "     ";
                            newInterICP.Code          = updateICP.code;
                            newInterICP.Duplicate     = updateICP.duplicate;
                            newInterICP.IndexLine     = Convert.ToInt16(lbI.Text);
                            newInterICP.DeleteFlag    = cbD.Checked;


                    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                    this.Tag          = interICPList;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the detail table from the updateICP attribute.
        /// </summary>
        private void populateDetailTable()
            ICPClientDataContext icpClientCtx = new ICPClientDataContext();
            var intermediateICPList           = from interICP in icpClientCtx.LocaltblIntermeditateICPs
                                                where interICP.BarCode == updateICP.barCode
                                                select interICP;

            TevaICPDataContext tevaIcpCtx = new TevaICPDataContext();
            var elementList = from elem in tevaIcpCtx.ElementLines
                              where elem.Sample.Name.Equals(updateICP.barCode) &&
                              select elem;

            int col = 0;
            int row = 0;

            foreach (var element in elementList)
                decimal aveResult  = Convert.ToDecimal(element.AverageResult.Value);
                bool    failFlag   = element.FailFlags.Trim().Length > 0;
                bool    checkFlag  = element.CheckFlag.HasValue && element.CheckFlag.Value != ' ';
                bool    deleteFlag = false;

                // getting compiler errors here with existingElem.checkflag which is a string,
                // but is being treated here as object. I re-created this data base dbml to add log table
                // this may have caused a newer version of compiler to balk at the use of HasValue and Value
                // for a string
                //if (intermediateICPList.Count() > 0)
                //    foreach (var existingElem in intermediateICPList)
                //    {
                //        if (existingElem.Element == element.ElementSymbol &&
                //            existingElem.IndexLine.Value == element.LineIndex)
                //        {
                //            aveResult = existingElem.AverageResult.Value;
                //            failFlag = existingElem.FailFlags.Trim().Length > 0;
                //            checkFlag = existingElem.CheckFlag.HasValue &&
                //                    existingElem.CheckFlag.Value != " ";
                //            deleteFlag = (existingElem.DeleteFlag.HasValue) ?
                //                    existingElem.DeleteFlag.Value : false;
                //            break;
                //        }
                //    }
                // check if a manual override exists
                // changed the logic here for strings
                if (intermediateICPList.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var existingElem in intermediateICPList)
                        if (existingElem.Element == element.ElementSymbol &&
                            existingElem.IndexLine.Value == element.LineIndex)
                            aveResult = existingElem.AverageResult.Value;
                            failFlag  = existingElem.FailFlags.Trim().Length > 0;
                            checkFlag = (existingElem.CheckFlag.Length > 0) && // use length rather than hasValue
                                        existingElem.CheckFlag != " ";         // remove the .Value
                            deleteFlag = (existingElem.DeleteFlag.HasValue)?
                                         existingElem.DeleteFlag.Value : false;

                Label lblIndex = new Label();
                lblIndex.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                lblIndex.Anchor    = AnchorStyles.None;
                lblIndex.Text      = element.LineIndex.ToString();
                tlpDetails.Controls.Add(lblIndex, col, row);

                Label lblElement = new Label();
                lblElement.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                lblElement.Anchor    = AnchorStyles.None;
                lblElement.Text      = element.ElementSymbol;
                tlpDetails.Controls.Add(lblElement, col, row);

                Label lblWavelength = new Label();
                lblWavelength.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                lblWavelength.Anchor    = AnchorStyles.None;
                lblWavelength.Text      = element.Wavelength;
                tlpDetails.Controls.Add(lblWavelength, col, row);

                TextBox txtAveResult = new TextBox();
                txtAveResult.TextAlign    = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                txtAveResult.Anchor       = AnchorStyles.None;
                txtAveResult.Text         = aveResult.ToString();
                txtAveResult.TextChanged += new EventHandler(txtAveResult_TextChanged);
                tlpDetails.Controls.Add(txtAveResult, col, row);

                CheckBox cbFailFlag = new CheckBox();
                cbFailFlag.Anchor          = AnchorStyles.None;
                cbFailFlag.Text            = string.Empty;
                cbFailFlag.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(cbFlag_CheckedChanged);
                cbFailFlag.Checked         = failFlag;
                tlpDetails.Controls.Add(cbFailFlag, col, row);

                CheckBox cbCheckFlag = new CheckBox();
                cbCheckFlag.Anchor          = AnchorStyles.None;
                cbCheckFlag.Text            = string.Empty;
                cbCheckFlag.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(cbFlag_CheckedChanged);
                cbCheckFlag.Checked         = checkFlag;
                tlpDetails.Controls.Add(cbCheckFlag, col, row);

                CheckBox cbDeleteFlag = new CheckBox();
                cbDeleteFlag.Anchor          = AnchorStyles.None;
                cbDeleteFlag.Text            = string.Empty;
                cbDeleteFlag.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(cbFlag_CheckedChanged);
                cbDeleteFlag.Checked         = deleteFlag;
                tlpDetails.Controls.Add(cbDeleteFlag, col, row);

                col = 0;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the limit insert data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool validateLimitInsert(List <decimal> insertValues)
            decimal reportLimit = 0.00M;
            decimal mdl         = 0.00M;
            decimal diff        = 0.00M;

            bool          retVal = true;
            StringBuilder errMsg = new StringBuilder("The new record can not be inserted due to the following errors: \n\n");

            if (txtElement.Text.Length == 0 || txtElement.Text.Length > 2)
                retVal = false;
                errMsg.AppendLine("\tInvalid Element Value:  Must be less than or equal to 2 characters.");
                ICPClientDataContext ctx = new ICPClientDataContext();
                var existingLimits       = from lim in ctx.tblLimits
                                           where lim.Element == txtElement.Text
                                           select lim;

                if (existingLimits != null && existingLimits.Count() > 0)
                    retVal = false;
                    errMsg.AppendLine("\tInvalid Element Value:  Element already exists in database.");

            if (txtReportLimit.Text.Length == 0 || !Decimal.TryParse(txtReportLimit.Text, out reportLimit))
                retVal = false;
                errMsg.AppendLine("\tInvalid Reporting Limit Value:  Can not be blank and must be a decimal number.");

            if (txtMDL.Text.Length == 0 || !Decimal.TryParse(txtMDL.Text, out mdl))
                retVal = false;
                errMsg.AppendLine("\tInvalid MDL Value:  Can not be blank and must be a decimal number.");

            if (txtDvsTDiff.Text.Length == 0 || !Decimal.TryParse(txtDvsTDiff.Text, out diff))
                retVal = false;
                errMsg.AppendLine("\tInvalid Difference Value:  Can not be blank and must be a decimal number.");

            if (!retVal)
                MessageBox.Show(errMsg.ToString(), "Insert Errors", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                                MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
