コード例 #1
        private void ParseHeader(RawDGram p, int len)
            Console.WriteLine("Parsing Header");
            IPHeader header = new IPHeader(p.rawBytes, len);

            switch (header.ProtocolType)
            case Protocol.ICMP:
                ICMPHeader icmpHeader = new ICMPHeader(header.Data, header.MessageLength);
                //Console.WriteLine(String.Format("ICMP type: {0} code: {1}", icmpHeader.Type, icmpHeader.Code));
                if (icmpHeader.Type == ICMPHeader.ICMPTypes.DestinationUnreachable && icmpHeader.Code == 3)
                    //Binary search the MTU (this is used during the probe phase of some congestion control
                    //algorithms. Also, the initial congestion window should be calculated in terms of bytes i.e. (mtu/windowsize = packets)

            case Protocol.TCP:
                //Console.WriteLine("TCP packet received");

            case Protocol.UDP:
                UDPHeader udpHeader = new UDPHeader(header.Data, header.MessageLength);
                HandleUDP(header, udpHeader);

            case Protocol.Unknown:
                //Console.WriteLine("Unknown packet received");

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate { _running = false; };

            // open handle
            using (var handle = Diversion.WinDivertOpen("true", WinDivertLayer.Network, 100, 0))
                if (handle.IsInvalid)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to open handle. Error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());

                // prepare headers
                var ipHeader     = new IPHeader();
                var ipv6Header   = new IPv6Header();
                var icmpHeader   = new ICMPHeader();
                var icmpv6Header = new ICMPv6Header();
                var tcpHeader    = new TCPHeader();
                var udpHeader    = new UDPHeader();

                var    address = new Address();
                byte[] buffer  = new byte[65535];

                uint receiveLength = 0;
                uint sendLength    = 0;

                string processName;
                uint   pid = 0;

                // loop
                while (_running)
                    pid = 0;
                receiveLength = 0;
                sendLength    = 0;

                fixed(byte *data = buffer)
                    Diversion.WinDivertHelperParsePacket(data, receiveLength, ipHeader, ipv6Header, icmpHeader,
                                                         icmpv6Header, tcpHeader, udpHeader, null, null);
コード例 #3
        private void Init()
            data   = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
            host   = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Icmp);
            iep    = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(hostIP), 0);
            ep     = (EndPoint)iep;
            packet = new ICMPHeader();

            packet.Type     = 0x08;
            packet.Code     = 0x00;
            packet.Checksum = 0;
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes((short)1), 0, packet.Message, 0, 2);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes((short)1), 0, packet.Message, 2, 2);
            data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("a");
            Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, packet.Message, 4, data.Length);
            packet.Messagesize = data.Length + 4;
            packet.Checksum    = packet.getChecksum();

            host.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, 100);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: TechnikEmpire/Divert.Net
        static void Main(string[] args)

            // This is not really like the netdump example in the native WinDivert examples. Since we are 
            // pulling the names of processes behind packet flows, we need to fully intercept/divert packets,
            // make the process query, then reinject. If we just sniff, the process will either be closed or
            // no longer bound to the local port the packet is associated with, and the process query will
            // be hit or miss (probably fail). So, by fully diverting rather than sniffing, we force
            // the process to hang open waiting for the packet while we check the process identity, then
            // hand the packet over untouched.
            // Ideally you do not want to be querying the process on every single packet. Rather, you would
            // create a stucture that keeps track of a network flow, identify the process (protocol, whatever
            // else) one time, then only re-check when the flow has ended and a new flow has begun. This is
            // just for basic demonstration though, so we don't create and track any flows.
            // Note also that the process identification is still not 100%. Many system processes run under
            // PID 4. I'm not satisfied with just getting SYSTEM for these processes, and I'd like to
            // ideally be able to identify exactly which processes they are. Still working on that.

            Console.WindowWidth = Console.LargestWindowWidth;

            bool running = true;

            Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate {
                running = false;

            Diversion diversion;

            string filter = "true";

                diversion = Diversion.Open(filter, DivertLayer.Network, 100, 0);
            catch(Exception e)

                Console.WriteLine("Failed to open divert handle with error {0}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());

            IPHeader ipHeader = new IPHeader();
            IPv6Header ipv6Header = new IPv6Header();
            ICMPHeader icmpHeader = new ICMPHeader();
            ICMPv6Header icmpv6Header = new ICMPv6Header();
            TCPHeader tcpHeader = new TCPHeader();
            UDPHeader udpHeader = new UDPHeader();

            Address address = new Address();

            byte[] buffer = new byte[65535];

            uint receiveLength = 0;
            uint sendLength = 0;

            string processName;

            uint pid = 0;

            while (running)
                pid = 0;

                receiveLength = 0;
                sendLength = 0;

                if (!diversion.Receive(buffer, address, ref receiveLength))
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to receive packet with error {0}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());

                diversion.ParsePacket(buffer, receiveLength, ipHeader, ipv6Header, icmpHeader, icmpv6Header, tcpHeader, udpHeader);

                if (ipHeader.Valid && tcpHeader.Valid)
                    Diversion.GetPacketProcess(address, tcpHeader, ipHeader, ref pid, out processName);

                    if (processName.Equals("SYSTEM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Console.WriteLine("ERROR {0} and PID is {1}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), pid);

                        "{0} IPv4 TCP packet captured destined for {1}:{2} from {3}:{4} {5}.", 
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? "Inbound" : "Outbound", 
                        ipHeader.DestinationAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.DestinationPort.ToString(), 
                        ipHeader.SourceAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.SourcePort.ToString(),
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? string.Format("to process {0}", processName) : string.Format("from process {0}", processName)

                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ack: {0}, syn: {1}, len: {2}, seq: {3}", tcpHeader.Ack, tcpHeader.Syn, ipHeader.Length, tcpHeader.SequenceNumber));
                else if(ipHeader.Valid && udpHeader.Valid)
                    Diversion.GetPacketProcess(address, udpHeader, ipHeader, ref pid, out processName);

                    if (processName.Equals("SYSTEM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Console.WriteLine("ERROR {0} and PID is {1}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), pid);

                        "{0} IPv4 UDP packet captured destined for {1}:{2} from {3}:{4} {5}.",
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? "Inbound" : "Outbound",
                        ipHeader.DestinationAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.DestinationPort.ToString(),
                        ipHeader.SourceAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.SourcePort.ToString(),
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? string.Format("to process {0}", processName) : string.Format("from process {0}", processName)
                else if(ipv6Header.Valid && tcpHeader.Valid)
                    Diversion.GetPacketProcess(address, tcpHeader, ipv6Header, ref pid, out processName);

                    if (processName.Equals("SYSTEM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Console.WriteLine("ERROR {0} and PID is {1}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), pid);

                        "{0} IPv6 TCP packet captured destined for {1}:{2} from {3}:{4} {5}.",
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? "Inbound" : "Outbound",
                        ipHeader.DestinationAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.DestinationPort.ToString(),
                        ipHeader.SourceAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.SourcePort.ToString(),
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? string.Format("to process {0}", processName) : string.Format("from process {0}", processName)

                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ack: {0}, syn: {1}, len: {2}, seq: {3}", tcpHeader.Ack, tcpHeader.Syn, ipv6Header.Length, tcpHeader.SequenceNumber));
                else if (ipv6Header.Valid && udpHeader.Valid)
                    Diversion.GetPacketProcess(address, udpHeader, ipv6Header, ref pid, out processName);

                    if (processName.Equals("SYSTEM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Console.WriteLine("ERROR {0} and PID is {1}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), pid);

                        "{0} IPv6 UDP packet captured destined for {1}:{2} from {3}:{4} {5}.",
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? "Inbound" : "Outbound",
                        ipHeader.DestinationAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.DestinationPort.ToString(),
                        ipHeader.SourceAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.SourcePort.ToString(),
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? string.Format("to process {0}", processName) : string.Format("from process {0}", processName)

                if(address.Direction == DivertDirection.Outbound)
                    diversion.CalculateChecksums(buffer, receiveLength, 0);

                diversion.SendAsync(buffer, receiveLength, address, ref sendLength);

コード例 #5
ファイル: PacketParser.cs プロジェクト: gerzoid/NetworkShow
        public void ParseNetworkPacket(PacketRawInfo args)
            IPHeader           ipHeader          = null;
            IPv6Header         ipv6Header        = null;
            EthernetHeader     ethernetHeader    = null;
            EthernetPacketType ethernetPackeType = EthernetPacketType.IpV4;

            PacketInfo packetInfo = new PacketInfo();

            packetInfo.protocolE = PacketType.UNKNOWN;
            packetInfo.count     = 1;

            if (args.linkLayer == LinkLayers.Ethernet)
                ethernetHeader = new EthernetHeader(args.data, args.size);

                ethernetPackeType             = ethernetHeader.EtherType;
                packetInfo.hardwareSource     = ethernetHeader.SourceMac;
                packetInfo.harwareDestination = ethernetHeader.DestinationMac;
                packetInfo.protocol           = ((Protocol)ethernetHeader.EtherType).ToString();
                if (ethernetHeader.EtherType == EthernetPacketType.IpV4)
                    args.data = ethernetHeader.Payload;
                    args.size = ethernetHeader.Payload.Length;
                packetInfo.protocol = Protocol.Iplt.ToString();
            switch (ethernetPackeType)
            case EthernetPacketType.IpV4:
                ipHeader = new IPHeader(args.data, args.size);
                packetInfo.ipDestination = ipHeader.DestinationAddress.ToString();
                packetInfo.ipSource      = ipHeader.SourceAddress.ToString();
                packetInfo.size          = ipHeader.MessageLength;
                if (packetInfo.ipSource == incomingIP)
                    packetInfo.incoming = true;
                Statistics.AddToIPPacketsStats(packetInfo.size, packetInfo.incoming);

            case EthernetPacketType.IpV6:
                ipv6Header = new IPv6Header(args.data, args.size);
                packetInfo.ipDestination = ipv6Header.DestinationAddress.ToString();
                packetInfo.ipSource      = ipv6Header.SourceAddress.ToString();
                if (packetInfo.ipSource == incomingIP)
                    packetInfo.incoming = true;
                Statistics.AddToIPPacketsStats(packetInfo.size, packetInfo.incoming);

            case EthernetPacketType.Arp:
                ARPHeader arpHeader = new ARPHeader(ethernetHeader.Payload, ethernetHeader.Payload.Length);
                packetInfo.ipDestination = arpHeader.TPA;
                packetInfo.ipSource      = arpHeader.SPA;
                packetInfo.desription    = arpHeader.Description;
                if (packetInfo.ipSource == incomingIP)
                    packetInfo.incoming = true;
                packetInfo.size      = arpHeader.Size;
                packetInfo.protocol  = "ARP";
                packetInfo.protocolE = PacketType.ARP;
                Statistics.AddToARPPacketsStats(packetInfo.size, packetInfo.incoming);

            case EthernetPacketType.WakeOnLan:


                packetInfo.desription = "неизвестный Ethernet протокол";

            if (ipHeader != null)
                switch (ipHeader.ProtocolType)
                case Protocol.Udp:
                    NetworkShow.Network.Packets.UDPHeader udpheader = new UDPHeader(ipHeader.Data, ipHeader.Data.Length);
                    packetInfo.portDestination = udpheader.DestinationPort;
                    packetInfo.portSource      = udpheader.SourcePort;
                    packetInfo.size            = udpheader.Length;
                    packetInfo.protocol        = "UDP";
                    packetInfo.protocolE       = PacketType.UDP;
                    packetInfo.active          = "T";
                    Statistics.AddToUDPPacketsStats(packetInfo.size, packetInfo.incoming);

                case Protocol.Tcp:
                    NetworkShow.Network.Packets.TCPHeader tcpheader = new TCPHeader(ipHeader.Data, ipHeader.Data.Length);
                    packetInfo.portDestination = tcpheader.DestinationPort;
                    packetInfo.portSource      = tcpheader.SourcePort;
                    packetInfo.size            = tcpheader.MessageLength + tcpheader.HeaderLength;
                    packetInfo.active          = "T";
                    packetInfo.protocol        = "TCP";
                    packetInfo.protocolE       = PacketType.TCP;
                    Statistics.AddToTCPPacketsStats(packetInfo.size, packetInfo.incoming);

                case Protocol.InternetControlMessageProtocol:
                    NetworkShow.Network.Packets.ICMPHeader icmpheader = new ICMPHeader(ipHeader.Data, ipHeader.Data.Length);
                    packetInfo.desription = icmpheader.Type.ToString();
                    packetInfo.size       = icmpheader.Size;
                    packetInfo.protocol   = "ICMP";
                    packetInfo.protocolE  = PacketType.ICMP;
                    Statistics.AddToICMPPacketsStats(packetInfo.size, packetInfo.incoming);

                case Protocol.InternetGroupManagementProtocol:
                    NetworkShow.Network.Packets.IGMPHeader igmpheader = new IGMPHeader(ipHeader.Data, ipHeader.Data.Length);
                    packetInfo.desription = igmpheader.GroupAddress + " " + igmpheader.Type + " " + igmpheader.Version;
                    packetInfo.size       = igmpheader.Size;
                    packetInfo.protocol   = "IGMP";
                    packetInfo.protocolE  = PacketType.IGMP;
                    Statistics.AddToIGMPPacketsStats(packetInfo.size, packetInfo.incoming);

                    packetInfo.desription = "неизвестный IP протокол";
                    packetInfo.protocol   = ipHeader.ProtocolType.ToString();
                    packetInfo.protocolE  = PacketType.UNKNOWN;
                    packetInfo.size       = ipHeader.MessageLength;
            int pos = -1;

            if ((packetInfo.protocol == "TCP") || (packetInfo.protocol == "UDP"))
                //pos = FindConnection(packetInfo);
                pos = FindConnection(packetInfo);
                if (pos >= 0)
                    packetInfo = UpdateConnection(pos, packetInfo);
                    db.UpdateConnection(packetInfo.pos, packetInfo);
                    packetInfo.pos = db.SaveNewPacket(packetInfo);
                    ChangeRowsCountEvent(packetInfo.protocolE, packetInfo.pos, packetInfo.portSource, packetInfo.portSource);
                int position = db.SaveNewPacket(packetInfo);
                ChangeRowsCountEvent(packetInfo.protocolE, position, packetInfo.portSource, packetInfo.portSource);
コード例 #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // This is not really like the netdump example in the native WinDivert examples. Since we are
            // pulling the names of processes behind packet flows, we need to fully intercept/divert packets,
            // make the process query, then reinject. If we just sniff, the process will either be closed or
            // no longer bound to the local port the packet is associated with, and the process query will
            // be hit or miss (probably fail). So, by fully diverting rather than sniffing, we force
            // the process to hang open waiting for the packet while we check the process identity, then
            // hand the packet over untouched.
            // Ideally you do not want to be querying the process on every single packet. Rather, you would
            // create a stucture that keeps track of a network flow, identify the process (protocol, whatever
            // else) one time, then only re-check when the flow has ended and a new flow has begun. This is
            // just for basic demonstration though, so we don't create and track any flows.
            // Note also that the process identification is still not 100%. Many system processes run under
            // PID 4. I'm not satisfied with just getting SYSTEM for these processes, and I'd like to
            // ideally be able to identify exactly which processes they are. Still working on that.

            Console.WindowWidth = Console.LargestWindowWidth;

            bool running = true;

            Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate {
                running = false;

            Diversion diversion;

            string filter = "true";

                diversion = Diversion.Open(filter, DivertLayer.Network, 100, 0);
            catch (Exception e)

            if (!diversion.Handle.Valid)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to open divert handle with error {0}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());

            IPHeader     ipHeader     = new IPHeader();
            IPv6Header   ipv6Header   = new IPv6Header();
            ICMPHeader   icmpHeader   = new ICMPHeader();
            ICMPv6Header icmpv6Header = new ICMPv6Header();
            TCPHeader    tcpHeader    = new TCPHeader();
            UDPHeader    udpHeader    = new UDPHeader();

            Address address = new Address();

            byte[] buffer = new byte[65535];

            uint receiveLength = 0;
            uint sendLength    = 0;

            string processName;

            uint pid = 0;

            while (running)
                pid = 0;

                receiveLength = 0;
                sendLength    = 0;

                if (!diversion.Receive(buffer, address, ref receiveLength))
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to receive packet with error {0}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());

                diversion.ParsePacket(buffer, receiveLength, ipHeader, ipv6Header, icmpHeader, icmpv6Header, tcpHeader, udpHeader);

                if (ipHeader.Valid && tcpHeader.Valid)
                    Diversion.GetPacketProcess(address, tcpHeader, ipHeader, ref pid, out processName);

                    if (processName.Equals("SYSTEM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Console.WriteLine("ERROR {0} and PID is {1}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), pid);

                        "{0} IPv4 TCP packet captured destined for {1}:{2} from {3}:{4} {5}.",
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? "Inbound" : "Outbound",
                        ipHeader.DestinationAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.DestinationPort.ToString(),
                        ipHeader.SourceAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.SourcePort.ToString(),
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? string.Format("to process {0}", processName) : string.Format("from process {0}", processName)

                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ack: {0}, syn: {1}, len: {2}, seq: {3}", tcpHeader.Ack, tcpHeader.Syn, ipHeader.Length, tcpHeader.SequenceNumber));
                else if (ipHeader.Valid && udpHeader.Valid)
                    Diversion.GetPacketProcess(address, udpHeader, ipHeader, ref pid, out processName);

                    if (processName.Equals("SYSTEM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Console.WriteLine("ERROR {0} and PID is {1}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), pid);

                        "{0} IPv4 UDP packet captured destined for {1}:{2} from {3}:{4} {5}.",
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? "Inbound" : "Outbound",
                        ipHeader.DestinationAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.DestinationPort.ToString(),
                        ipHeader.SourceAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.SourcePort.ToString(),
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? string.Format("to process {0}", processName) : string.Format("from process {0}", processName)
                else if (ipv6Header.Valid && tcpHeader.Valid)
                    Diversion.GetPacketProcess(address, tcpHeader, ipv6Header, ref pid, out processName);

                    if (processName.Equals("SYSTEM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Console.WriteLine("ERROR {0} and PID is {1}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), pid);

                        "{0} IPv6 TCP packet captured destined for {1}:{2} from {3}:{4} {5}.",
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? "Inbound" : "Outbound",
                        ipHeader.DestinationAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.DestinationPort.ToString(),
                        ipHeader.SourceAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.SourcePort.ToString(),
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? string.Format("to process {0}", processName) : string.Format("from process {0}", processName)

                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ack: {0}, syn: {1}, len: {2}, seq: {3}", tcpHeader.Ack, tcpHeader.Syn, ipv6Header.Length, tcpHeader.SequenceNumber));
                else if (ipv6Header.Valid && udpHeader.Valid)
                    Diversion.GetPacketProcess(address, udpHeader, ipv6Header, ref pid, out processName);

                    if (processName.Equals("SYSTEM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Console.WriteLine("ERROR {0} and PID is {1}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), pid);

                        "{0} IPv6 UDP packet captured destined for {1}:{2} from {3}:{4} {5}.",
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? "Inbound" : "Outbound",
                        ipHeader.DestinationAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.DestinationPort.ToString(),
                        ipHeader.SourceAddress.ToString(), tcpHeader.SourcePort.ToString(),
                        address.Direction == DivertDirection.Inbound ? string.Format("to process {0}", processName) : string.Format("from process {0}", processName)

                if (address.Direction == DivertDirection.Outbound)
                    diversion.CalculateChecksums(buffer, receiveLength, 0);

                diversion.SendAsync(buffer, receiveLength, address, ref sendLength);
