private void JQDLGeditRoleOwner (System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection pars, HttpResponse httpResponse) { IBusRoleOwner engine = new IBusRoleOwner(CONNdedicated); int idBusRoleBeingEdited = int.Parse(pars["JQDLGbp_id"]); string EID = pars["eid"].Trim(); string strIdCurEdit = pars["idcuredit"]; int idCurEdit; if (strIdCurEdit == "ADD") { idCurEdit = engine.NewBusRoleOwner (EID, pars["geo"], pars["rank"], idBusRoleBeingEdited); } else { idCurEdit = int.Parse(strIdCurEdit); } if (pars["deleteme"] == "true") { // DELETION OF THIS ROW IS REQUESTED. engine.DeleteBusRoleOwner(idCurEdit); } else { engine.SetBusRoleOwner (idCurEdit, EID, pars["geo"], pars["rank"], idBusRoleBeingEdited); } CreateOrUpdateUserName(EID, pars["NAMEsur"], pars["NAMEfirst"], true); }
ONCLICK_BulkUploadNewBusRoles(object sender, EventArgs e) { IBusRoleOwner ENGINEbrown = new IBusRoleOwner(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); IBusRole ENGINEbr = new IBusRole(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); if (this.FileUpload_AddRoles.HasFile) { string pathTempFolder = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(); string pathTempFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); FileUpload_AddRoles.SaveAs(pathTempFile); DataTable dt = HELPERS.LoadCsv(pathTempFolder, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(pathTempFile)); if (dt != null) { if (dt.Columns.Count < 2) { throw new Exception("The uploaded CSV file must have at least the name and description columns. (It can optionally also have the two approver/owner columns.)"); } Queue RETmsgs = new Queue(); IEnumerator <System.Data.DataRow> x = (IEnumerator <System.Data.DataRow>)dt.Rows.GetEnumerator(); int recordseq = 0; int okCount = 0; while (x.MoveNext()) { recordseq++; string rolename = x.Current[0].ToString().Trim(); string description = x.Current[1].ToString().Trim(); string roletype = x.Current[2].ToString().Trim(); string primaryApprover = x.Current[3].ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); string primaryOwner = x.Current[4].ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); int IDrole = -1; try { IDrole = HELPERS.FindBusRoleByName(rolename); } catch (Exception) { /* The exception is what we WANT! If this does not throw an exception, this row must be ignored! */ } bool doRoleCreation = true; if (IDrole >= 0) { // This role name is already in use somewhere in the system (not nec this subpr). RETmsgs.Enqueue("REC#" + recordseq.ToString() + ": Role already exists, so the only action will be updating of owner/approver info. Role name: " + rolename); doRoleCreation = false; } int newID = (doRoleCreation ? -1 : IDrole); if (doRoleCreation) { switch (roletype) { case "A": break; case "F": break; case "E": break; default: RETmsgs.Enqueue("REC#" + recordseq.ToString() + ": line ignored due to unknown role-type code: " + roletype); continue; } try { newID = ENGINEbr.NewBusRole(rolename, description, session.idSubprocess); ENGINEbr.SetBusRole(newID, roletype); okCount++; } catch (Exception ee) { RETmsgs.Enqueue("REC#" + recordseq.ToString() + ": " + ee.Message); } } if (newID >= 0) { // New code added Thanksgiving 2012: supporting approver/owner if (primaryOwner.Length > 2) { string __eid = primaryOwner; string __rank = "OWNprim"; string __rankPretty = "Primary Owner"; try { HELPERS.FindUser(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn(), __eid, __eid, false); returnListBusRoleOwnerByBusRole[] theList = ENGINEbrown.ListBusRoleOwnerByBusRole(null, newID); if (theList.Length < 1) { ENGINEbrown.NewBusRoleOwner(__eid, "", __rank, newID); } else { foreach (returnListBusRoleOwnerByBusRole roleowner in theList) { if (roleowner.Rank == __rank) { ENGINEbrown.DeleteBusRoleOwner(roleowner.ID); } } } } catch (Exception ee) { RETmsgs.Enqueue("REC#" + recordseq.ToString() + ": ignoring setting of " + __rankPretty + " due to unknown employee ID: " + __eid); } } if (primaryApprover.Length > 2) { string __eid = primaryApprover; string __rank = "appr"; string __rankPretty = "Primary Approver"; try { HELPERS.FindUser(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn(), __eid, __eid, false); returnListBusRoleOwnerByBusRole[] theList = ENGINEbrown.ListBusRoleOwnerByBusRole(null, newID); if (theList.Length < 1) { ENGINEbrown.NewBusRoleOwner(__eid, "", __rank, newID); } else { foreach (returnListBusRoleOwnerByBusRole roleowner in theList) { if (roleowner.Rank == __rank) { ENGINEbrown.DeleteBusRoleOwner(roleowner.ID); } } } } catch (Exception ee) { RETmsgs.Enqueue("REC#" + recordseq.ToString() + ": ignoring setting of " + __rankPretty + " due to unknown employee ID: " + __eid); } } } } // ----------------------------------------------- RETmsgs.Enqueue("------------------"); RETmsgs.Enqueue("Number of NEW business roles created successfully: " + okCount.ToString()); if (RETmsgs.Count > 0) { string strMsgs = ""; foreach (object objMsg in RETmsgs.ToArray()) { strMsgs += "\n" + objMsg.ToString(); } TXTimportEngineMessages.Text = strMsgs; DIVimportFeeback.Visible = true; PANELcond_AbortUpload.Visible = false; PANELcond_AllowUpload.Visible = false; } } } }