static async Task SendOrder(IBusContext busContext) { Console.WriteLine("Press enter to send a message"); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); while (true) { ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); if (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter) { break; } Guid id = Guid.NewGuid(); PlaceOrder placeOrder = new PlaceOrder { Product = "New shoes", Id = id }; await busContext.Send("Samples.StepByStep.Server", placeOrder); Console.WriteLine("Sent a new PlaceOrder message with id: {0}", id.ToString("N")); } }
static async Task AsyncMain() { #region non-transactional BusConfiguration busConfiguration = new BusConfiguration(); busConfiguration.UseTransport <MsmqTransport>() .Transactions(TransportTransactionMode.None); #endregion busConfiguration.EndpointName("Samples.MessageDurability.Sender"); busConfiguration.UseSerialization <JsonSerializer>(); busConfiguration.EnableInstallers(); busConfiguration.UsePersistence <InMemoryPersistence>(); busConfiguration.SendFailedMessagesTo("error"); IEndpointInstance endpoint = await Endpoint.Start(busConfiguration); try { IBusContext busContext = endpoint.CreateBusContext(); await busContext.Send("Samples.MessageDurability.Receiver", new MyMessage()); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); } finally { await endpoint.Stop(); } }
static async Task AsyncMain() { BusConfiguration busConfiguration = new BusConfiguration(); busConfiguration.EndpointName("Samples.MessageBodyEncryption.Endpoint1"); busConfiguration.UsePersistence <InMemoryPersistence>(); busConfiguration.RegisterMessageEncryptor(); busConfiguration.SendFailedMessagesTo("error"); IEndpointInstance endpoint = await Endpoint.Start(busConfiguration); try { IBusContext busContext = endpoint.CreateBusContext(); CompleteOrder completeOrder = new CompleteOrder { CreditCard = "123-456-789" }; await busContext.Send("Samples.MessageBodyEncryption.Endpoint2", completeOrder); Console.WriteLine("Message sent"); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); } finally { await endpoint.Stop(); } }
// Shut down server before sending this message, after 30 seconds, the message will be moved to Transactional dead-letter messages queue. static async Task Expiration(IBusContext bus) { await bus.Send(new MessageThatExpires { RequestId = new Guid() }); Console.WriteLine("message with expiration was sent"); }
static async Task SendJsonMessage(IBusContext busContext) { MessageWithJson message = new MessageWithJson { SomeProperty = "Some content in a json message", }; await busContext.Send("Samples.MultiSerializer.Receiver", message); Console.WriteLine("Json Message sent"); }
static async Task SendRequest(IBusContext bus) { Guid requestId = Guid.NewGuid(); await bus.Send(new Request { RequestId = requestId }); Console.WriteLine("Request sent id: " + requestId); }
public async Task RequestImmediateDispatch() { IBusContext busContext = null; #region RequestImmediateDispatch var options = new SendOptions(); options.RequireImmediateDispatch(); await busContext.Send(new MyMessage(), options); #endregion }
static async Task Data(IBusContext bus) { Guid requestId = Guid.NewGuid(); await bus.Send(new LargeMessage { RequestId = requestId, LargeDataBus = new byte[1024 * 1024 * 5] }); Console.WriteLine("Request sent id: " + requestId); }
async Task DisablePerMessage() { IBusContext busContext = null; #region DisableBestPracticeEnforcementPerMessage SendOptions options = new SendOptions(); options.DoNotEnforceBestPractices(); await busContext.Send(new MyEvent(), options); #endregion }
static async Task SendMessageTooLargePayload(IBusContext bus) { #region SendMessageTooLargePayload AnotherMessageWithLargePayload message = new AnotherMessageWithLargePayload { LargeBlob = new byte[1024 * 1024 * 5] //5MB }; await bus.Send("Samples.DataBus.Receiver", message); #endregion }
static async Task SendCommand(IBusContext bus) { Guid commandId = Guid.NewGuid(); await bus.Send(new MyCommand { CommandId = commandId, EncryptedString = "Some sensitive information" }); Console.WriteLine("Command sent id: " + commandId); }
public async Task Correlation() { IBusContext busContext = null; #region custom-correlationid SendOptions options = new SendOptions(); options.SetCorrelationId("My custom correlation id"); await busContext.Send(new MyRequest(), options); #endregion }
static Task DeferTask(TaskDefinition taskDefinition, IBusContext bus) { var options = new SendOptions(); options.DelayDeliveryWith(taskDefinition.Every); options.RouteToLocalEndpointInstance(); return(bus.Send(new ScheduledTask { TaskId = taskDefinition.Id, Name = taskDefinition.Name, Every = taskDefinition.Every }, options)); }
static async Task AsyncMain() { LogManager.Use <DefaultFactory>() .Level(LogLevel.Info); BusConfiguration busConfiguration = new BusConfiguration(); busConfiguration.EndpointName("Samples.FullDuplex.Client"); busConfiguration.UseSerialization <JsonSerializer>(); busConfiguration.UsePersistence <InMemoryPersistence>(); busConfiguration.EnableInstallers(); busConfiguration.SendFailedMessagesTo("error"); IEndpointInstance endpoint = await Endpoint.Start(busConfiguration); try { IBusContext busContext = endpoint.CreateBusContext(); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to send a message"); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); #region ClientLoop while (true) { ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); if (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter) { return; } Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid(); Console.WriteLine("Requesting to get data by id: {0}", guid.ToString("N")); RequestDataMessage message = new RequestDataMessage { DataId = guid, String = "String property value" }; await busContext.Send("Samples.FullDuplex.Server", message); } #endregion } finally { await endpoint.Stop(); } }
static async Task SendMessageLargePayload(IBusContext bus) { #region SendMessageLargePayload MessageWithLargePayload message = new MessageWithLargePayload { SomeProperty = "This message contains a large blob that will be sent on the data bus", LargeBlob = new DataBusProperty <byte[]>(new byte[1024 * 1024 * 5]) //5MB }; await bus.Send("Samples.DataBus.Receiver", message); #endregion Console.WriteLine("Message sent, the payload is stored in: " + BasePath); }
static async Task SendMessageWithFileStream(IBusContext busContext) { #region send-message-with-file-stream MessageWithStream message = new MessageWithStream { SomeProperty = "This message contains a stream", StreamProperty = File.OpenRead("FileToSend.txt") }; await busContext.Send("Samples.PipelineStream.Receiver", message); #endregion Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Message with file stream sent"); }
static async Task AsyncMain() { BusConfiguration busConfiguration = new BusConfiguration(); busConfiguration.EndpointName("Samples.Encryption.Endpoint1"); busConfiguration.RijndaelEncryptionService(); busConfiguration.UsePersistence <InMemoryPersistence>(); busConfiguration.SendFailedMessagesTo("error"); IEndpointInstance endpoint = await Endpoint.Start(busConfiguration); try { IBusContext busContext = endpoint.CreateBusContext(); MessageWithSecretData message = new MessageWithSecretData { Secret = "betcha can't guess my secret", SubProperty = new MySecretSubProperty { Secret = "My sub secret" }, CreditCards = new List <CreditCardDetails> { new CreditCardDetails { ValidTo = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1), Number = "312312312312312" }, new CreditCardDetails { ValidTo = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(2), Number = "543645546546456" } } }; await busContext.Send("Samples.Encryption.Endpoint2", message); Console.WriteLine("MessageWithSecretData sent. Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); } finally { await endpoint.Stop(); } }
static async Task SendMessageWithHttpStream(IBusContext busContext) { #region send-message-with-http-stream using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) { MessageWithStream message = new MessageWithStream { SomeProperty = "This message contains a stream", StreamProperty = webClient.OpenRead("") }; await busContext.Send("Samples.PipelineStream.Receiver", message); } #endregion Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Message with http stream sent"); }
static async Task AsyncMain() { BusConfiguration busConfiguration = new BusConfiguration(); busConfiguration.EndpointName("Samples.FaultTolerance.Client"); busConfiguration.UseSerialization <JsonSerializer>(); busConfiguration.EnableInstallers(); busConfiguration.UsePersistence <InMemoryPersistence>(); busConfiguration.SendFailedMessagesTo("error"); IEndpointInstance endpoint = await Endpoint.Start(busConfiguration); try { IBusContext busContext = endpoint.CreateBusContext(); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to send a message"); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); while (true) { ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(); if (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter) { return; } Guid id = Guid.NewGuid(); await busContext.Send("Samples.FaultTolerance.Server", new MyMessage { Id = id }); Console.WriteLine("Sent a new message with id: {0}", id.ToString("N")); } } finally { await endpoint.Stop(); } }
public async Task Send(object message) => await _context.Send(message);