コード例 #1
 public MultiPermissionsItems(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, int appId, IEntity item, ILog parentLog)
     : base(blockBuilder, appId, parentLog)
     Items = new List <IEntity> {
コード例 #2
ファイル: DynamicEntity.cs プロジェクト: micahsdad1402/2sxc
 public DynamicEntity(IEntity entity, string[] dimensions, int compatibility, IBlockBuilder blockBuilder)
     Dimensions         = dimensions;
     CompatibilityLevel = compatibility;
     BlockBuilder       = blockBuilder;
コード例 #3
ファイル: LookUpCmsBlock.cs プロジェクト: micahsdad1402/2sxc
 /// <inheritdoc />
 /// <summary>
 /// The class constructor, can optionally take a dictionary to reference with, otherwise creates a new one
 /// </summary>
 public LookUpCmsBlock(string name, IBlockBuilder blockBuilder) : base(name, new Dictionary <string, string>
     { QueryConstants.ParamsShowDraftKey, blockBuilder.UserMayEdit.ToString() }
     BlockBuilder = blockBuilder;
コード例 #4
 internal BlockBuilder(IBlockBuilder rootBlockBuilder, IBlock cb, ILog parentLog)
     : base("Sxc.BlkBld", parentLog, $"get CmsInstance for a:{cb?.AppId} cb:{cb?.ContentBlockId}")
     // the root block is the main container. If there is none yet, use this, as it will be the root
     RootBuilder = rootBlockBuilder ?? this;
     Block       = cb;
コード例 #5
        public Node(NodeOptions options, IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IPeerChannel channel)
            this.options = options;
            this.logger  = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <Node>();

            logger.LogInformation($"Configuración del nodo:\n" +
                                  $"NodeId: {options.NodeId}\n" +
                                  $"NodeName: {options.NodeName}\n" +
                                  $"NodePublicUrl: {options.NodePublicUrl}\n" +
                                  $"PeerUrl: {options.PeerUrl}\n" +
                                  $"MinerAddress: {options.MinerAddress}\n" +
                                  $"BlockchainDificulty: {options.BlockchainDificulty}");

            Host = new Peer
                Id        = options.NodeId,
                Name      = options.NodeName,
                PublicUrl = options.NodePublicUrl

            Peers = new Peers(this, channel, loggerFactory.CreateLogger <Peers>());

            Blockchain = new Blockchain(new Miner(AddressRewards), blockBuilder, options.BlockchainDificulty);

            var path = "genesis.block";


            pendings = new Dictionary <string, BlockItem>();
コード例 #6
        public Blockchain(Miner miner, IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, byte dificulty)
            this.miner        = miner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(miner));
            this.blockBuilder = blockBuilder ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(blockBuilder));

            this.dificulty = dificulty;
            trunk          = new List <Block>();
コード例 #7
        public RowBlockBuilder <TPointer> SetField(int index, IBlockBuilder block)
            BlockOffset field = Table.Layout.GetField(index);

            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(_data, (int)field.Start, (int)field.Length, true, false))

コード例 #8
ファイル: AdamAppContext.cs プロジェクト: micahsdad1402/2sxc
 public AdamAppContext(ITenant tenant, IApp app, IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, int compatibility, ILog parentLog) : base("Adm.ApCntx", parentLog, "starting")
     Tenant             = tenant;
     _app               = app;
     AppRuntime         = new AppRuntime(app, blockBuilder?.UserMayEdit ?? false, null);
     BlockBuilder       = blockBuilder;
     CompatibilityLevel = compatibility;
     EnvironmentFs      = Factory.Resolve <IEnvironmentFileSystem>();
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Standard constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blockBuilder">CMS Block which is used in this code.</param>
        /// <param name="compatibility">compatibility level - changes behaviour if level 9 or 10</param>
        /// <param name="parentLog">parent logger for logging what's happening</param>
        public DnnDynamicCode(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, int compatibility = 10, ILog parentLog = null)
            : base(blockBuilder, new DnnTenant(null), compatibility, parentLog ?? blockBuilder?.Log)
            // Init things than require module-info or similar, but not 2sxc
            var instance = blockBuilder?.Container;

            Dnn  = new DnnContext(instance);
            Link = new DnnLinkHelper(Dnn);
コード例 #10
 public BlockDispatcher(
     IBlockBuilder blockBuilder,
     IDispatcher <Block> dispatcher,
     ILineReader lineReader)
     this.blockBuilder = blockBuilder;
     this.dispatcher   = dispatcher;
     this.lineReader   = lineReader;
コード例 #11
        protected bool CompleteInit(IBlockBuilder rootBuilder, IBlockIdentifier blockId, int blockNumberUnsureIfNeeded)
            var wrapLog = Log.Call <bool>();

            ParentId       = Context.Module.Id;
            ContentBlockId = blockNumberUnsureIfNeeded;

            Log.Add($"parent#{ParentId}, content-block#{ContentBlockId}, z#{ZoneId}, a#{AppId}");

            // 2020-09-04 2dm - new change, moved BlockBuilder up so it's never null - may solve various issues
            // but may introduce new ones
            BlockBuilder = new BlockBuilder(rootBuilder, this, Log);

            // If specifically no app found, end initialization here
            // Means we have no data, and no BlockBuilder
            if (AppId == AppConstants.AppIdNotFound || AppId == Eav.Constants.NullId)
                DataIsMissing = true;
                return(wrapLog("stop: app & data are missing", true));

            // If no app yet, stop now with BlockBuilder created
            if (AppId == Eav.Constants.AppIdEmpty)
                var msg = $"stop a:{AppId}, container:{Context.Module.Id}, content-group:{Configuration?.Id}";
                return(wrapLog(msg, true));

            Log.Add("Real app specified, will load App object with Data");

            // Get App for this block
            Log.Add("About to create app");
            App = Context.ServiceProvider.Build <App>()
                  .Init(this, Context.ServiceProvider.Build <AppConfigDelegate>().Init(Log).BuildForNewBlock(Context, this), Log);
            Log.Add("App created");

            // note: requires EditAllowed, which isn't ready till App is created
            var cms = Context.ServiceProvider.Build <CmsRuntime>().Init(App, Context.UserMayEdit, Log);

            Configuration = cms.Blocks.GetOrGeneratePreviewConfig(blockId);

            // handle cases where the content group is missing - usually because of incomplete import
            if (Configuration.DataIsMissing)
                DataIsMissing = true;
                App           = null;
                return(wrapLog($"DataIsMissing a:{AppId}, container:{Context.Module.Id}, content-group:{Configuration?.Id}", true));

            // use the content-group template, which already covers stored data + module-level stored settings
            View = new BlockViewLoader(Log).PickView(this, Configuration.View, Context, cms);
            return(wrapLog($"ok a:{AppId}, container:{Context.Module.Id}, content-group:{Configuration?.Id}", true));
コード例 #12
        private void writeCell(IBlockBuilder bb, ExcelReportCell cell, int colSpan)
            var b = bb.Add(cell.Value)
                    .Style(string.IsNullOrEmpty(cell.StyleName) ? GamePlanReportStyles.DataCellStyle.Name : cell.StyleName)

            if (cell.AlternateBackground)
                b.Background(Color.FromArgb(0xF5, 0xF5, 0xF5));
コード例 #13
ファイル: Block.cs プロジェクト: micahsdad1402/2sxc
        internal static IBlockDataSource ForContentGroupInSxc(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, IView view, ILookUpEngine configurationProvider, ILog parentLog, int instanceId = 0)
            var log        = new Log("DS.CreateV", parentLog, "will create view data source");
            var showDrafts = blockBuilder.UserMayEdit;

            log.Add($"mid#{instanceId}, draft:{showDrafts}, template:{view?.Name}");
            // Get ModuleDataSource
            var dsFactory        = new DataSource(log);
            var initialSource    = dsFactory.GetPublishing(blockBuilder.Block, showDrafts, configurationProvider);
            var moduleDataSource = dsFactory.GetDataSource <CmsBlock>(initialSource);

            moduleDataSource.InstanceId = instanceId;

            moduleDataSource.OverrideView = view;
            moduleDataSource.UseSxcInstanceContentGroup = true;

            // If the Template has a Data-Pipeline, use an empty upstream, else use the ModuleDataSource created above
            var viewDataSourceUpstream = view?.Query == null
                ? moduleDataSource
                : null;

            log.Add($"use pipeline upstream:{viewDataSourceUpstream != null}");

            var viewDataSource = dsFactory.GetDataSource <Block>(blockBuilder.Block, viewDataSourceUpstream, configurationProvider);

            // Take Publish-Properties from the View-Template
            if (view != null)
                viewDataSource.Publish.Enabled = view.PublishData;
                viewDataSource.Publish.Streams = view.StreamsToPublish;

                log.Add($"use template, & pipe#{view.Query?.Id}");
                // Append Streams of the Data-Pipeline (this doesn't require a change of the viewDataSource itself)
                if (view.Query != null)
                    log.Add("Generate query");
                    var query = new Query(blockBuilder.App.ZoneId, blockBuilder.App.AppId, view.Query.Entity, configurationProvider, showDrafts, viewDataSource, parentLog);
                    viewDataSource.Out = query.Out;

                    //// build the query and attach it to the view-data-source
                    //new QueryBuilder(parentLog)
                    //    .BuildQuery(view.Query, configurationProvider, /*paramsLookUp*/null , viewDataSource, showDrafts);
                log.Add("no template override");

コード例 #14
ファイル: Utils.cs プロジェクト: iodes/PrestoClient
        public static IBlock NativeValueToBlock(IType type, object obj)
            if (obj != null && obj.GetType() != type.GetJavaType())
                throw new ArgumentException($"Object {obj.ToString()} does not match type {type.GetJavaType()}.");

            IBlockBuilder BlockBuilder = type.CreateBlockBuilder(new BlockBuilderStatus(), 1);

            TypeUtils.WriteNativeValue(type, BlockBuilder, obj);

コード例 #15
        protected DynamicCodeRoot(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, ITenant tenant, int compatibility, ILog parentLog) : base("Sxc.AppHlp", parentLog ?? blockBuilder?.Log)
            if (blockBuilder == null)

            BlockBuilder       = blockBuilder;
            _tenant            = tenant;
            CompatibilityLevel = compatibility;
            App  = blockBuilder.App;
            Data = blockBuilder.Block.Data;
            Edit = new InPageEditingHelper(blockBuilder, Log);
コード例 #16
        // todo: try to cache the result of settings-stored in a static variable, this full check
        // todo: shouldn't have to happen every time

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the Portal HomeDirectory Contains the 2sxc Folder and this folder contains the web.config and a Content folder
        /// </summary>
        public void EnsureTenantIsConfigured(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, HttpServerUtility server, string controlPath)
            var sexyFolder        = new DirectoryInfo(server.MapPath(blockBuilder.Block.Tenant.SxcPath));
            var contentFolder     = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(sexyFolder.FullName, Constants.ContentAppName));
            var webConfigTemplate = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sexyFolder.FullName, Settings.WebConfigFileName));

            if (!(sexyFolder.Exists && webConfigTemplate.Exists && contentFolder.Exists))
                // configure it
                var tm = new TemplateHelpers(blockBuilder.App);
コード例 #17
ファイル: BlockBuilder.cs プロジェクト: micahsdad1402/2sxc
        internal BlockBuilder(IBlockBuilder rootBlockBuilder, IBlock cb,
                              IContainer container,
                              IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > urlParams, ILog parentLog)
            : base("Sxc.BlkBld", parentLog, $"get CmsInstance for a:{cb?.AppId} cb:{cb?.ContentBlockId}")
            EnvFac      = Factory.Resolve <IEnvironmentFactory>();
            Environment = EnvFac.Environment(parentLog);
            // the root block is the main container. If there is none yet, use this, as it will be the root
            RootBuilder = rootBlockBuilder ?? this;
            Block       = cb;
            Container   = container;

            // keep url parameters, because we may need them later for view-switching and more
            Parameters = urlParams;
コード例 #18
        protected MultiPermissionsApp(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, int zoneId, int appId, ILog parentLog)
            : base("Api.Perms", parentLog)
            var wrapLog = Log.Call($"..., appId: {appId}, ...");

            BlockBuilder = blockBuilder;
            var tenant        = new DnnTenant(PortalSettings.Current);
            var environment   = Factory.Resolve <IEnvironmentFactory>().Environment(Log);
            var contextZoneId = environment.ZoneMapper.GetZoneId(tenant.Id);

            App = new App(tenant, zoneId, appId,
                          ConfigurationProvider.Build(blockBuilder, true),
                          false, Log);
            SamePortal             = contextZoneId == zoneId;
            PortalForSecurityCheck = SamePortal ? PortalSettings.Current : null;
            wrapLog($"ready for z/a:{zoneId}/{appId} t/z:{tenant.Id}/{contextZoneId} same:{SamePortal}");
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a delegate which will be used to build the configuration based on a new sxc-instance
        /// </summary>
        internal static Func <App, IAppDataConfiguration> Build(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, bool useExistingConfig)
            return(appToUse =>
                // the module id
                var envInstanceId = blockBuilder.Container.Id;

                // check if we'll use the config already on the sxc-instance, or generate a new one
                var config = useExistingConfig
                    ? blockBuilder.Block.Data.Configuration.LookUps
                    : GetConfigProviderForModule(envInstanceId, appToUse as IApp, blockBuilder);

                // return results
                return new AppDataConfiguration(blockBuilder.UserMayEdit,
                                                blockBuilder.Environment.PagePublishing.IsEnabled(envInstanceId), config);
コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the object and performs all the initial security checks
        /// </summary>
        public AdamSecureState(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, int appId, string contentType, string field, Guid guid, bool usePortalRoot, ILog log)
            : base(blockBuilder, appId, contentType, log)
            // only do checks on field/guid if it's actually accessing that, if it's on the portal root, don't.
            if (!usePortalRoot)
                Field = field;
                Guid  = guid;

            var firstChecker          = PermissionCheckers.First().Value;
            var userMayAdminSomeFiles = firstChecker.UserMay(GrantSets.WritePublished);

            UserMayAdminSiteFiles = firstChecker.GrantedBecause == Conditions.EnvironmentGlobal ||
                                    firstChecker.GrantedBecause == Conditions.EnvironmentInstance;

            UserIsRestricted = !(usePortalRoot
                ? UserMayAdminSiteFiles
                : userMayAdminSomeFiles);

            Log.Add($"AdamSecureState - field:{field}, guid:{guid}, adminSome:{userMayAdminSomeFiles}, restricted:{UserIsRestricted}");

            SecurityChecks.ThrowIfAccessingRootButNotAllowed(usePortalRoot, UserIsRestricted);

            Log.Add("check if feature enabled");
            if (UserIsRestricted && !Feats.Enabled(FeaturesForRestrictedUsers))
                throw Http.PermissionDenied(
                          $"low-permission users may not access this - {Feats.MsgMissingSome(FeaturesForRestrictedUsers)}");

            PrepCore(App, guid, field, usePortalRoot);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(field))

            Attribute = Definition(appId, contentType, field);
            if (!FileTypeIsOkForThisField(out var exp))
                throw exp;
コード例 #21
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void Init(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, Purpose purpose, ILog parentLog)
            BlockBuilder = blockBuilder;
            var view = BlockBuilder.View;


            var    root         = TemplateHelpers.GetTemplatePathRoot(view.Location, blockBuilder.App);
            var    subPath      = view.Path;
            string templatePath = null;

            if (enablePolymorphism)
                templatePath = TryToFindPolymorphPath(root, view, subPath);

            if (templatePath == null)
                templatePath = VirtualPathUtility.Combine(root + "/", subPath);

            // Throw Exception if Template does not exist
            if (!File.Exists(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(templatePath)))
                // todo: change to some kind of "rendering exception"
                throw new SexyContentException("The template file '" + templatePath + "' does not exist.");

            Template     = view;
            TemplatePath = templatePath;
            App          = blockBuilder.App;
            DataSource   = blockBuilder.Block.Data;
            Purpose      = purpose;

            // check common errors

            // check access permissions - before initializing or running data-code in the template

            // Run engine-internal init stuff
コード例 #22
ファイル: TypeUtils.cs プロジェクト: iodes/PrestoClient
        /// <summary>
        /// Write a native value object to the current entry of {@code blockBuilder}.
        /// TODO: Add in slice logic
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="blockBuilder"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        public static void WriteNativeValue(IType type, IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, object value)
            if (value == null)
            else if (type.GetJavaType() == typeof(bool))
                type.WriteBoolean(blockBuilder, (bool)value);
            else if (type.GetJavaType() == typeof(double))
                type.WriteDouble(blockBuilder, (double)value);
            else if (type.GetJavaType() == typeof(long))
                type.WriteLong(blockBuilder, (long)value);
            else if (type.GetJavaType() == typeof(Slice))
                Slice Slice = (Slice)value;

                if (value is byte[])
                    //Slice = Slices.WrappedBuffer((byte[]) value);
                else if (value is string)
                    //Slice = Slices.Utf8Slice((string)value);
                    Slice = (Slice)value;

                type.WriteSlice(blockBuilder, Slice, 0, Slice.Size);
                type.WriteObject(blockBuilder, value);
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the appId - either based on the parameter, or if missing, use context
        /// Note that this will fail, if both appPath and context are missing
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal IAppIdentity GetAppIdFromPathOrContext(string appPath, IBlockBuilder blockBuilder)
            var wrapLog = Log.Call($"{appPath}, ...", message: "detect app from query string parameters");

            // try to override detection based on additional zone/app-id in urls
            var appId = GetAppIdentityFromQueryAppZone();

            if (appId == null)
                Log.Add($"auto detect app and init eav - path:{appPath}, context null: {blockBuilder == null}");
                appId = appPath == null || appPath == "auto"
                    ? new AppIdentity(
                    blockBuilder?.Block?.ZoneId ??
                    throw new ArgumentException("try to get app-id from context, but none found"),
                    blockBuilder.Block.AppId     // not nullable any more 2019-11-09 ?? 0
                    /*, Log*/)
                    : GetCurrentAppIdFromPath(appPath);


コード例 #24
        public ClientInfoContentGroup(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, bool isCreated)
            IsCreated = isCreated;
            IsContent = blockBuilder.Block.IsContentApp;

            Id            = blockBuilder.Block.Configuration?.Id ?? 0;
            Guid          = blockBuilder.Block.Configuration?.Guid ?? Guid.Empty;
            AppId         = blockBuilder.Block.AppId;// 2019-11-09, Id not nullable any more // ?? 0;
            AppUrl        = blockBuilder.App?.Path ?? "" + "/";
            AppSettingsId = (blockBuilder.App?.Settings?.Entity?.Attributes?.Count > 0)
                ? blockBuilder.App?.Settings?.EntityId : null;   // the real id (if entity exists), 0 (if entity missing, but type has fields), or null (if not available)
            AppResourcesId = (blockBuilder.App?.Resources?.Entity?.Attributes?.Count > 0)
                ? blockBuilder.App?.Resources?.EntityId : null;  // the real id (if entity exists), 0 (if entity missing, but type has fields), or null (if not available)

            HasContent = blockBuilder.View != null && (blockBuilder.Block.Configuration?.Exists ?? false);

            ZoneId          = blockBuilder.Block.ZoneId; // 2019-11-09, Id not nullable any more // ?? 0;
            TemplateId      = blockBuilder.View?.Id ?? 0;
            TemplateEdition = blockBuilder.View?.Edition;
            QueryId         = blockBuilder.View?.Query?.Id;                                // will be null if not defined
            ContentTypeName = blockBuilder.View?.ContentType ?? "";
            IsList          = blockBuilder.Block.Configuration?.View?.UseForList ?? false; //  isCreated && ((sxc.BlockConfiguration?.Content?.Count ?? 0) > 1);
            SupportsAjax    = blockBuilder.Block.IsContentApp || (blockBuilder.App?.Configuration?.EnableAjax ?? false);
コード例 #25
 public MultiPermissionsTypes(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, int appId, IEnumerable <string> contentTypes, ILog parentLog)
     : base(blockBuilder, appId, parentLog)
     => ContentTypes = contentTypes;
コード例 #26
 public MultiPermissionsTypes(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, int appId, string contentType, ILog parentLog)
     : this(blockBuilder, appId, new [] { contentType }, parentLog)
コード例 #27
ファイル: AbstractType.cs プロジェクト: frankzye/PrestoClient
 public void AppendTo(IBlock block, int position, IBlockBuilder blockBuilder)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #28
ファイル: AbstractType.cs プロジェクト: frankzye/PrestoClient
 public void WriteObject(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, object value)
     throw new InvalidOperationException(this.GetType().Name);
コード例 #29
ファイル: AbstractType.cs プロジェクト: frankzye/PrestoClient
 public void WriteSlice(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, Slice value, int offset, int length)
     throw new InvalidOperationException(this.GetType().Name);
コード例 #30
ファイル: AbstractType.cs プロジェクト: frankzye/PrestoClient
 public void WriteDouble(IBlockBuilder blockBuilder, double value)
     throw new InvalidOperationException(this.GetType().Name);
コード例 #31
 private Block BuildBlock(IBlockBuilder builder, int start, StringRange document, out int newPosition)
         return builder.Build(start, document, out newPosition);
     catch (Exception x)
         throw new ParsingException("Parser failed to parse block. See exception details for more info.", x)
             BuilderType = builder.GetType(),
             Position = start,
             Content = new StringRange(document.Document, start, document.End)