public String CreateClientAndBankAccount(string identityCard, string firstName, string lastName, int town, string street, string streetNumber, string postalCode, string phoneNumber, string email, string IBAN, decimal limit) { string ret; int clientId = _clientRepository.CreateClient(identityCard, firstName, lastName, town, street, streetNumber, postalCode, phoneNumber, email); if (clientId != 0) { if (_bankAccountRepository.CreateBankAccount(clientId, IBAN, limit) > 0) { ret = "Client and BankAccount were Created"; } else { if (_clientRepository.DeleteClient(clientId) > 0) { ret = "There is a problem with bankAccount, please check the fields"; } else { ret = "The problem occured, please call system administrator"; } } } else { ret = "There was some problem with Creating Client"; } return(ret); }