コード例 #1
ファイル: BackgroundRunner.cs プロジェクト: radtek/_Proxy
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the TcpForwarder as background application. This method will also be called when running as a service.
        /// In this mode, it will read "configuration.xml" to create TcpConnectionForwarder objects and run them.
        /// </summary>
        private static async Task RunBackgroundAsync(IBackgroundLogger logger)
            IDictionary <long, TcpConnectionForwarder> forwarders = new SortedDictionary <long, TcpConnectionForwarder>();

            List <ForwarderConfiguration> configs = GetConfiguration(logger);
            StringBuilder logSb         = new StringBuilder(); // for logging all created forwarders
            Random        seedGenerator = new Random();

            // Create a forwarder for each config.
            long nextId = 0;

            foreach (ForwarderConfiguration config in configs)
                long id = nextId++;
                TcpConnectionForwarder forwarder;
                try {
                    forwarder = new TcpConnectionForwarder(seedGenerator.Next(), config.RemoteHost, config.RemotePort, config.LocalPort, config.RemoteSslHostname,
                                                           TcpConnectionForwarderUtils.sslProtocols, config.LocalSslCert, TcpConnectionForwarderUtils.sslProtocols, config.MaxConcurrentConnections);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    if (ExceptionUtils.ShouldExceptionBeRethrown(ex))

                    logger.LogError("Error when creating forwarder with ID " + id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ":\r\n" + FormatExceptionForLog(ex));
                forwarders.Add(id, forwarder);
                // Log the creation of a forwarder
                if (logSb.Length > 0)

                logSb.Append("[ID: ").Append(id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                .Append("] maxConcurrentConnections = ").Append(config.MaxConcurrentConnections)
                .Append(", remoteHost = ").Append(config.RemoteHost)
                .Append(", remotePort = " + config.RemotePort.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                .Append(", localPort = " + config.LocalPort.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                if (config.LocalSslCert != null)
                    logSb.Append("; Server SSL certificate:\r\n").Append(config.LocalSslCert.ToString());
            logger.LogInfo("Created " + forwarders.Count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " TCP Connection Forwarders:\r\n" + logSb.ToString());

            // Run the forwarders.
            List <Task> forwarderTasks = new List <Task>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <long, TcpConnectionForwarder> kvp in forwarders)
                TcpConnectionForwarder forwarder = kvp.Value;

                Task t = forwarder.RunAsync();
                if (t.IsCompleted)
                    // The task has already completed without an async wait - this should mean there was some exception.
                    try {
                        await t; // Await the task to catch an exception (e.g. thrown by the TcpListener).
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        if (ExceptionUtils.ShouldExceptionBeRethrown(ex))

                        logger.LogError("Error when starting forwarder with ID " + kvp.Key.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ":\r\n" + FormatExceptionForLog(ex));
                    // Wrap the task so that exceptions immediately lead to the process termination.
                    Task newt = new Func <Task>(async() => await ExceptionUtils.WrapTaskForHandlingUnhandledExceptions(async() => await t))();

            // Await the forwarder tasks.
            foreach (Task t in forwarderTasks)
                await t;
コード例 #2
ファイル: BackgroundRunner.cs プロジェクト: radtek/_Proxy
        private static List <ForwarderConfiguration> GetConfiguration(IBackgroundLogger errorLogger)
            List <ForwarderConfiguration> configs = new List <ForwarderConfiguration>();

            try {
                // Read the XML configuration file.
                XDocument doc;
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "configuration.xml"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) {
                    doc = XDocument.Load(fs);

                XElement root = doc.Root;
                if (root.Name.LocalName == "TcpForwarderConfiguration")
                    foreach (XNode node in root.Nodes())
                        try {
                            if (node is XElement && ((XElement)node).Name.LocalName == "Forwarder")
                                // Found an entry.
                                XElement el = (XElement)node;

                                XAttribute remoteHost = el.Attribute("remoteHost");
                                XAttribute remotePort = el.Attribute("remotePort");
                                XAttribute localPort  = el.Attribute("localPort");

                                if (remoteHost == null || remotePort == null || localPort == null)
                                    throw new ArgumentException("One of the required attributes (maxConcurrentConnections, remoteHost, remotePort, localPort) is missing.");

                                int        maxConcurrentConnections;
                                XAttribute maxConcurrentConnectionsAttr = el.Attribute("maxConcurrentConnections");
                                if (maxConcurrentConnectionsAttr != null)
                                    maxConcurrentConnections = int.Parse(maxConcurrentConnectionsAttr.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    maxConcurrentConnections = 10000;

                                string     remoteSslHostname = null;
                                XAttribute at = el.Attribute("remoteSslHostname");
                                if (at != null)
                                    remoteSslHostname = at.Value;

                                X509Certificate2 cert = null;
                                at = el.Attribute("localSslCertFingerprint");
                                if (at != null)
                                    cert = TcpConnectionForwarderUtils.GetCurrentUserOrLocalMachineCertificateFromFingerprint(at.Value);
                                    if (cert == null)
                                        throw new Exception("The certificate with fingerprint \"" + at.Value + "\" was not found.");

                                    // check if we have enough privileges to get the private key of the certificate (when using the local machine's store,
                                    // the program might need administrative rights to access the private key)
                                    try {
                                        System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm am = cert.PrivateKey;
                                        GC.KeepAlive(am); // Ensure the compiler does not optimize-away the above call
                                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                                        if (ExceptionUtils.ShouldExceptionBeRethrown(ex))

                                        throw new Exception("Error when retrieving the private key of the certificate. Make sure "
                                                            + "you run this program with correct privileges.\r\n\r\n"
                                                            + ex.GetType().ToString() + ": " + ex.Message, ex);

                                ForwarderConfiguration conf = new ForwarderConfiguration()
                                    MaxConcurrentConnections = maxConcurrentConnections,
                                    RemoteHost        = remoteHost.Value,
                                    RemotePort        = ushort.Parse(remotePort.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                    LocalPort         = ushort.Parse(localPort.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                    RemoteSslHostname = remoteSslHostname,
                                    LocalSslCert      = cert

                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            if (ExceptionUtils.ShouldExceptionBeRethrown(ex))

                            errorLogger.LogError("An error occured when parsing the following XML configuration entry:\r\n"
                                                 + node.ToString() + "\r\n\r\nError Details:\r\n" + FormatExceptionForLog(ex));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (ExceptionUtils.ShouldExceptionBeRethrown(ex))

                errorLogger.LogError("An error when reading the XML configuration.\r\n\r\nError Details:\r\n" + FormatExceptionForLog(ex));
