public ActionResult Details(int id) { ViewBag.areas = new SelectList(areas, "areaId", "title"); Dream dream = IBOVirtualAPI.Get <Dream>(id.ToString()); return(PartialView(dream)); }
public ActionResult AddProgressAjax(GoalProgress model) { if (ModelState.IsValid == true) { try { GoalProgress Goalprogress = IBOVirtualAPI.GetProgress(model.goalId.ToString()); if (model.progress == 100) { Goal Goal = IBOVirtualAPI.Get <Goal>(model.goalId.ToString()); Goal.completed = true; string result = IBOVirtualAPI.Update <Goal>(Goal.goalId.ToString(), Goal); } if (Goalprogress == null) { bool result = IBOVirtualAPI.CreateProgress(model); } else { model.progressId = Goalprogress.progressId; string result = IBOVirtualAPI.UpdateProgress(model.progressId.ToString(), model); } return(Json(model)); } catch { return(Json(new { success = false })); } } else { return(Json(new { success = false })); } }
public ActionResult GoalsList(int id) { if (ibo != null) { List <Goal> goals = IBOVirtualAPI.GetIBOLevelGoals(ibo.IBONum, id.ToString()); if ((goals.Count > 0) || (id == 0)) { ViewBag.goalLevel = id; ViewBag.nextLevel = id + 1; List <Goal> goalsLevel = IBOVirtualAPI.GetIBOLevelGoals(ibo.IBONum, (id + 1).ToString()); Dictionary <Timeframe, Goal> timeframeGoals = new Dictionary <Timeframe, Goal>(); List <Timeframe> timeframes = IBOVirtualAPI.GetTimeFrames(id, ibo.languageId); Timeframe last = timeframes.Last(); if (goalsLevel.Count < 1) { ViewBag.lastItem = last; } foreach (Timeframe time in timeframes) { Goal dream = (from d in goals where d.timeframeId == time.timeframeId select d).FirstOrDefault(); timeframeGoals.Add(time, dream); } return(PartialView(timeframeGoals)); } } return(null); }
public ActionResult Update() { IBO ibo = IBOVirtualAPI.GetIBOByUId(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId.ToString()); ViewBag.languages = languages; return(View(ibo)); }
public ActionResult DreamList(int id) { if (ibo != null) { List <Dream> dreams = IBOVirtualAPI.GetDreamsUserLevel(ibo.IBONum, id.ToString()); if ((dreams.Count > 0) || (id == 0)) { ViewBag.dreamLevel = id; ViewBag.nextLevel = id + 1; List <Dream> dreamsLevel = IBOVirtualAPI.GetDreamsUserLevel(ibo.IBONum, (id + 1).ToString()); Dictionary <Timeframe, Dream> timeframeDreams = new Dictionary <Timeframe, Dream>(); List <Timeframe> timeframes = IBOVirtualAPI.GetTimeFrames(id, ibo.languageId); Timeframe last = timeframes.Last(); if (dreamsLevel.Count < 1) { ViewBag.lastItem = last; } foreach (Timeframe time in timeframes) { Dream dream = (from d in dreams where d.timeframeId == time.timeframeId select d).FirstOrDefault(); timeframeDreams.Add(time, dream); } return(PartialView(timeframeDreams)); } } return(null); }
public ActionResult DreamMV(DreamsMV dream) { try { DreamsMV dreammv = new DreamsMV(); dreammv.IBONum = ibo.IBONum; =; dreammv.mission = dream.mission; dreammv.purpose = dream.purpose; if (dream.dreamMVId == 0) { bool result = IBOVirtualAPI.CreateDreamMV(dreammv); dreammv = IBOVirtualAPI.GetDreamMV(ibo.IBONum); } else { dreammv.dreamMVId = dream.dreamMVId; string result = IBOVirtualAPI.UpdateDreamMV(dreammv.dreamMVId.ToString(), dreammv); } return(Json(new { success = true, id = dreammv.dreamMVId })); } catch { return(Json(new { success = false, id = 0 })); } }
public ActionResult EditGoal(int id) { = new SelectList(tools, "toolId", "name"); ViewBag.dreams = new SelectList(dreams, "dreamId", "dream1"); Goal goal = IBOVirtualAPI.Get <Goal>(id.ToString()); return(PartialView(goal)); }
public ActionResult EditFollowup(int id) { ContactFollowup followup = IBOVirtualAPI.Get <ContactFollowup>(id.ToString()); Contact contact = IBOVirtualAPI.Get <Contact>(followup.contactId.ToString()); ViewBag.contactName = contact.GetFullName(); return(PartialView(followup)); }
public ActionResult EditContact(string id) { ViewBag.languages = languages; ViewBag.contacttypes = contacttypes; Contact contact = IBOVirtualAPI.Get <Contact>(id); return(PartialView(contact)); }
public ActionResult NewGoal(Goal model) { try { bool result = IBOVirtualAPI.Create <Goal>(model); } catch { } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult NewDream(Dream model) { try { bool result = IBOVirtualAPI.Create <Dream>(model); } catch { } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult UpCount(string id) { Book Book = IBOVirtualAPI.Get <Book>(id); Book.Count += 1; string result = IBOVirtualAPI.Update <Book>(Book.BookId.ToString(), Book); return(Json(new { success = true })); }
public ActionResult Index() { /* Get Clients For Autocomplete */ _contacts = null; _contacts = GetContacts(); List <FollowupView> followups = IBOVirtualAPI.GetIBOFollowupView(ibo.IBONum); return(View(followups)); }
public ActionResult Index() { List <Book> Books = IBOVirtualAPI.GetIBOBooks(ibo.IBONum); List <Book> CBooks = IBOVirtualAPI.GetMyBooks(ibo.IBONum); ViewBag.ibolevel = ibo.level; ViewBag.BookCount = CBooks.Count; return(View(Books)); }
public ActionResult CreateBook() { List <Book> BookList = IBOVirtualAPI.GetBooks(); ViewBag.BookList = BookList; Book Book = new Book(); Book.IBONum = ibo.IBONum; return(PartialView(Book)); }
public ActionResult CreateAlert() { List <Alert> AlertList = IBOVirtualAPI.GetAllAlerts(); ViewBag.AlertList = AlertList; Alert Alert = new Alert(); Alert.datetime = DateTime.Now; return(PartialView(Alert)); }
public ActionResult CreateTicket() { List <PriorityLevel> priorityLevel = IBOVirtualAPI.GetPriorityLevels(); ViewBag.PriorityLevel = new SelectList(priorityLevel, "ID", "Name"); Ticket ticket = new Ticket(); =; return(PartialView(ticket)); }
public ActionResult DeleteFollowupAjax(int id) { try { string result = IBOVirtualAPI.Delete <ContactFollowup>(id.ToString()); return(Json(new { success = true })); } catch { return(Json(new { success = false })); } }
public ActionResult EditGoal(Goal model) { try { string result = IBOVirtualAPI.Update <Goal>(model.goalId.ToString(), model); return(Json(new { success = true })); } catch { return(Json(new { success = false })); } }
public ActionResult EditFollowupAjax(ContactFollowup model) { if (ModelState.IsValid == true) { string result = IBOVirtualAPI.Update <ContactFollowup>(model.followupId.ToString(), model); return(Json(new { success = true })); } else { return(Json(new { success = false })); } }
public ActionResult EditDream(Dream model) { try { string result = IBOVirtualAPI.Update <Dream>(model.dreamId.ToString(), model); return(Json(new { success = true })); } catch { return(Json(new { success = false })); } }
public ActionResult DeleteContactAjax(string id) { try { string result = IBOVirtualAPI.Delete <Contact>(id); return(Json(new { success = true })); } catch { return(Json(new { success = false, message = "There was an issue with the server, please try again latter." })); } }
public ActionResult DeleteBookAjax(string id) { try { string result = IBOVirtualAPI.Delete <Book>(id); return(Json(new { success = true })); } catch { return(Json(new { success = false })); } }
public decimal GetProgress(string id) { GoalProgress Goalprogress = IBOVirtualAPI.GetProgress(id); try { return(Goalprogress.progress); } catch { return(0); } }
public ActionResult MoreDreams(int id) { try { Dream dream = IBOVirtualAPI.Get <Dream>(id.ToString()); if (dream != null) { Dream newDream = ModelParser.ParseDream(dream); bool result = IBOVirtualAPI.Create <Dream>(newDream); } } catch { } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult CompletFollowup(int id) { try { ContactFollowup followup = IBOVirtualAPI.Get <ContactFollowup>(id.ToString()); followup.completed = true; string result = IBOVirtualAPI.Update <ContactFollowup>(followup.followupId.ToString(), followup); return(Json(new { success = true })); } catch { return(Json(new { success = false })); } }
public ActionResult MoreGoals(int id) { try { Goal goal = IBOVirtualAPI.Get <Goal>(id.ToString()); if (goal != null) { Goal newGoal = ModelParser.ParseGoal(goal); bool result = IBOVirtualAPI.Create <Goal>(newGoal); } } catch { } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Update(IBO model) { IBO iboUpdate = ModelParser.ParseIBO(model); iboUpdate.UserId = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId; iboUpdate.datetime = DateTime.Now; iboUpdate.facebookid = FacebookId != null ? FacebookId : ""; iboUpdate.accesstoken = AccessToken != null ? AccessToken : ""; iboUpdate.level = model.level; try { string result = IBOVirtualAPI.Update <IBO>(model.IBONum, iboUpdate); Cookies.Nullify(); } catch { } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard")); }
public ActionResult CreateBookAjax(Book model) { if (ModelState.IsValid == true) { bool result = IBOVirtualAPI.Create <Book>(model); if (result) { return(Json(model)); } else { return(Json(new { success = false })); } } else { return(Json(new { success = false })); } }
public ActionResult EditContactAjax(Contact model) { if (ModelState.IsValid == true) { try { string result = IBOVirtualAPI.Update <Contact>(model.contactId.ToString(), model); return(Json(new { success = true })); } catch { return(Json(new { success = false, message = "There was an issue with the server, please try again latter." })); } } else { return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Please correct all the issues." })); } }