public void Test2() { var imp = new IBL_imp(); foreach (var mother in imp.GetMothers()) { Console.WriteLine(mother); Console.WriteLine(); } foreach (var nanny in imp.GetNannies()) { Console.WriteLine(nanny); Console.WriteLine(); } var chidren = new List <Child>(); foreach (var mother in imp.GetMothers()) { chidren.AddRange(imp.GetChildrenByMother(mother.ID)); } foreach (var child in chidren) { Console.WriteLine(child); Console.WriteLine(); } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); WindowStartupLocation = System.Windows.WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; mainBL = IBL_imp.Instance; }
static void Main(string[] args) { #region introduction Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our program!\nwe will present the initial stage of our project via this console app."); Console.WriteLine("To start the program, please press \"Enter\":\n"); Console.ReadKey(); #endregion #region peoples Console.WriteLine("Here we will introduce the people that participate in this program:"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(4000); Nanny Sarit = new Nanny("Friedman", "Sarit", "Tal Institute - College of Technology", 758556411, new DateTime(1995, 7, 15), "508494561", true, 40, 1700, 12, 4, 24); Console.WriteLine(Sarit); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Nanny Chagit = new Nanny("Cohen", "Chagit", "jaffa street 31 Jerusalem", 647859321, new DateTime(1992, 11, 2), "504741121", true, 75, 1400, 6, 10, 36); Console.WriteLine(Chagit); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Nanny Avigail = new Nanny("Morad", "Avigail", "Haneviaim street 25 Jerusalem", 812535224, new DateTime(1996, 3, 28), "509822451", false, 0, 1660, 9, 4, 32); Console.WriteLine(Avigail); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Nanny Chaya = new Nanny("Scholssberg", "Chaya", "Nikanor street 15, Jerualem", 316525442, new DateTime(2002, 10, 25), "528494531", true, 45, 1300, 12, 7, 32); Console.WriteLine(Chaya); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Console.WriteLine("**********"); Mother Rivka = new Mother("Aflalo", "Rivka", "Lev Academic Center", 456223300, "502283470"); Console.WriteLine(Rivka); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Mother Hadasa = new Mother("Hadasa", "Weiss", "King George 20 Jerusalem", 316522107, "523566464"); Console.WriteLine(Hadasa); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Mother Yael = new Mother("Adler", "Yael", "Yermiyahu street 14 Jerusalem", 316522488, "523578461"); Console.WriteLine(Yael); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Console.WriteLine("**********"); Child Dudi = new Child("Dudi", 212235799, 456223300, new DateTime(2016, 5, 18)); Console.WriteLine(Dudi); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Child Yossi = new Child("Yossi", 212277899, 316522107, new DateTime(2015, 11, 11)); Console.WriteLine(Yossi); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Child Alon = new Child("Alon", 214566512, 316522107, new DateTime(2017, 1, 18)); Console.WriteLine(Alon); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Child Dani = new Child("Dani", 714565899, 316522488, new DateTime(2017, 8, 11)); Console.WriteLine(Dani); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Child Miryam = new Child("Miryam", 263255119, 456223300, new DateTime(2016, 12, 24)); Console.WriteLine(Miryam); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Console.WriteLine("**********\nnow lets make some contracts! to do so please press \"Enter\":\n"); Console.ReadKey(); #endregion #region contracts Contract Sarit_and_Dudi = new Contract(Sarit, Dudi, false); Console.WriteLine(Sarit_and_Dudi); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Contract Avigail_and_Dani = new Contract(Avigail, Dani, false); Console.WriteLine(Avigail_and_Dani); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Contract Chaya_and_Miryam = new Contract(Chaya, Miryam, true); Console.WriteLine(Chaya_and_Miryam); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Contract Chagit_and_Yossi = new Contract(Chagit, Yossi, true); Console.WriteLine(Chagit_and_Yossi); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Contract Chagit_and_Alon = new Contract(Chagit, Alon, true); Console.WriteLine(Chagit_and_Alon); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Console.WriteLine("**********\nas you can see, all the contracts number are -1. this mean that the contract is not signed."); Console.WriteLine("also note that the two last contracts are two brothers with the same nanny, but the salary is the same, for now."); Console.WriteLine("the second contract salary is 0, interesting..."); Console.WriteLine("in order to sign the contracts, we need to send the contracts all the way to data source. please press \"Enter\" to continue:\n"); Console.ReadKey(); #endregion #region bl_calls Console.WriteLine("sending to data source all the objects... \nstay in focus, there are few errors in the data and exceptions will appear!\n\n"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); IBL_imp program_bl = new IBL_imp(); program_bl.addNanny(Sarit); program_bl.addNanny(Chagit); program_bl.addNanny(Avigail); try { program_bl.addNanny(Chaya); } catch (Exception first_teenNanny) { Console.WriteLine(first_teenNanny.Message); Console.WriteLine("as you can see, the BL detect that Chaya is too young. lets continue, press \"Enter\"\n\n:"); Console.ReadKey(); } program_bl.addMother(Rivka); program_bl.addMother(Hadasa); program_bl.addMother(Yael); program_bl.addChild(Dudi); program_bl.addChild(Yossi); program_bl.addChild(Alon); program_bl.addChild(Dani); program_bl.addContract(Sarit_and_Dudi); try { program_bl.addContract(Avigail_and_Dani); } catch (Exception second_wrongTypeContract) { Console.WriteLine(second_wrongTypeContract.Message); Console.WriteLine("as you can see, the BL detect that Avigail works only per month but the contract was per hour! lets continue, press \"Enter\"\n\n:"); Console.ReadKey(); } program_bl.addContract(Chagit_and_Yossi); program_bl.addContract(Chagit_and_Alon); try { program_bl.addContract(Chaya_and_Miryam); } catch (Exception third_missingNanny) { Console.WriteLine(third_missingNanny.Message); Console.WriteLine("as you can see, the BL detect that Chaya not in DS. remember that she was too young? lets continue, press \"Enter\"\n\n:"); Console.ReadKey(); } #endregion #region print signed contract Console.WriteLine("*************\nwell, lets see the contracts that survive the BL. we are abut to call and print them:\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("List of all signed contract:\n"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); List <Contract> currentListOfContracts = program_bl.getListOfContract().ToList <Contract>(); foreach (Contract temp in currentListOfContracts) { Console.WriteLine(temp); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); } Console.WriteLine("\nnotice that now the brothers contracts are different, the second got a discount!\n"); Console.WriteLine("to continue press Enter!"); Console.ReadKey(); #endregion #region googleApi Console.WriteLine("************\nlets examine the googleApi tool, and ask for the distance between Sarit and Dani:\n"); int distance = program_bl.distanceBetweenAddresses(Sarit.address, Rivka.address); Console.WriteLine("Sarit lives in: " + Sarit.address + "and dudi in his mother house: " + Rivka.address + "\n the distance is: " + distance + " meters!"); #endregion Console.WriteLine("to continue press Enter!"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("\nprogram finished!"); }