コード例 #1
    public async Task StoreAuthorizationCodeAsync_should_persist_grant()
        var code1 = new AuthorizationCode()
            ClientId        = "test",
            CreationTime    = DateTime.UtcNow,
            Lifetime        = 10,
            Subject         = _user,
            CodeChallenge   = "challenge",
            RedirectUri     = "http://client/cb",
            Nonce           = "nonce",
            RequestedScopes = new string[] { "scope1", "scope2" }

        var handle = await _codes.StoreAuthorizationCodeAsync(code1);

        var code2 = await _codes.GetAuthorizationCodeAsync(handle);

コード例 #2
        private async Task <TokenRequestValidationResult> ValidateAuthorizationCodeRequestAsync(NameValueCollection parameters)
            _logger.LogDebug("Start validation of authorization code token request");

            // check if client is authorized for grant type
            if (!_validatedRequest.Client.AllowedGrantTypes.ToList().Contains(GrantType.AuthorizationCode) &&
                LogError("Client not authorized for code flow");

            // validate authorization code
            var code = parameters.Get(OidcConstants.TokenRequest.Code);

            if (code.IsMissing())
                LogError("Authorization code is missing");

            if (code.Length > _options.InputLengthRestrictions.AuthorizationCode)
                LogError("Authorization code is too long");

            _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCodeHandle = code;

            var authZcode = await _authorizationCodeStore.GetAuthorizationCodeAsync(code);

            if (authZcode == null)
                LogError("Invalid authorization code: {code}", code);

            await _authorizationCodeStore.RemoveAuthorizationCodeAsync(code);

            if (authZcode.CreationTime.HasExceeded(authZcode.Lifetime, _options.UtcNow))
                LogError("Authorization code expired: {code}", code);

            // populate session id
            if (authZcode.SessionId.IsPresent())
                _validatedRequest.SessionId = authZcode.SessionId;

            // validate client binding
            if (authZcode.ClientId != _validatedRequest.Client.ClientId)
                LogError("Client {0} is trying to use a code from client {1}", _validatedRequest.Client.ClientId, authZcode.ClientId);

            // validate code expiration
            if (authZcode.CreationTime.HasExceeded(_validatedRequest.Client.AuthorizationCodeLifetime, _options.UtcNow))
                LogError("Authorization code is expired");

            _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode = authZcode;

            // validate redirect_uri
            var redirectUri = parameters.Get(OidcConstants.TokenRequest.RedirectUri);

            if (redirectUri.IsMissing())
                LogError("Redirect URI is missing");

            if (redirectUri.Equals(_validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.RedirectUri, StringComparison.Ordinal) == false)
                LogError("Invalid redirect_uri: {redirectUri}", redirectUri);

            // validate scopes are present
            if (_validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.RequestedScopes == null ||
                LogError("Authorization code has no associated scopes");

            // validate PKCE parameters
            var codeVerifier = parameters.Get(OidcConstants.TokenRequest.CodeVerifier);

            if (_validatedRequest.Client.RequirePkce || _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.CodeChallenge.IsPresent())
                _logger.LogDebug("Client required a proof key for code exchange. Starting PKCE validation");

                var proofKeyResult = ValidateAuthorizationCodeWithProofKeyParameters(codeVerifier, _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode);
                if (proofKeyResult.IsError)

                _validatedRequest.CodeVerifier = codeVerifier;
                if (codeVerifier.IsPresent())
                    LogError("Unexpected code_verifier: {codeVerifier}. This happens when the client is trying to use PKCE, but it is not enabled. Set RequirePkce to true.", codeVerifier);

            // make sure user is enabled
            var isActiveCtx = new IsActiveContext(_validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.Subject, _validatedRequest.Client, IdentityServerConstants.ProfileIsActiveCallers.AuthorizationCodeValidation);
            await _profile.IsActiveAsync(isActiveCtx);

            if (isActiveCtx.IsActive == false)
                LogError("User has been disabled: {subjectId}", _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.Subject.GetSubjectId());

            _logger.LogDebug("Validation of authorization code token request success");

コード例 #3
        public async Task RemoveAllGrantsAsync_should_remove_all_grants()
            await _userConsent.StoreUserConsentAsync(new Consent()
                ClientId  = "client1",
                SubjectId = "123",
                Scopes    = new string[] { "foo1", "foo2" }

            await _userConsent.StoreUserConsentAsync(new Consent()
                ClientId  = "client2",
                SubjectId = "123",
                Scopes    = new string[] { "foo3" }

            await _userConsent.StoreUserConsentAsync(new Consent()
                ClientId  = "client1",
                SubjectId = "456",
                Scopes    = new string[] { "foo3" }

            await _referenceTokens.StoreReferenceTokenAsync("key1", new Token()
                ClientId     = "client1",
                Audiences    = { "aud" },
                CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                Type         = "type",
                Claims       = new List <Claim>
                    new Claim("sub", "123"),
                    new Claim("scope", "bar1"),
                    new Claim("scope", "bar2"),

            await _referenceTokens.StoreReferenceTokenAsync("key2", new Token()
                ClientId     = "client2",
                Audiences    = { "aud" },
                CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                Type         = "type",
                Claims       = new List <Claim>
                    new Claim("sub", "123"),
                    new Claim("scope", "bar3"),

            await _referenceTokens.StoreReferenceTokenAsync("key3", new Token()
                ClientId     = "client1",
                Audiences    = { "aud" },
                CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                Type         = "type",
                Claims       = new List <Claim>
                    new Claim("sub", "456"),
                    new Claim("scope", "bar3"),

            await _refreshTokens.StoreRefreshTokenAsync("key4", new RefreshToken()
                CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                Lifetime     = 10,
                AccessToken  = new Token
                    ClientId     = "client1",
                    Audiences    = { "aud" },
                    CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                    Type         = "type",
                    Claims       = new List <Claim>
                        new Claim("sub", "123"),
                        new Claim("scope", "baz1"),
                        new Claim("scope", "baz2")
                Version = 1

            await _refreshTokens.StoreRefreshTokenAsync("key5", new RefreshToken()
                CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                Lifetime     = 10,
                AccessToken  = new Token
                    ClientId     = "client1",
                    Audiences    = { "aud" },
                    CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                    Type         = "type",
                    Claims       = new List <Claim>
                        new Claim("sub", "456"),
                        new Claim("scope", "baz3"),
                Version = 1

            await _refreshTokens.StoreRefreshTokenAsync("key6", new RefreshToken()
                CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                Lifetime     = 10,
                AccessToken  = new Token
                    ClientId     = "client2",
                    Audiences    = { "aud" },
                    CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                    Type         = "type",
                    Claims       = new List <Claim>
                        new Claim("sub", "123"),
                        new Claim("scope", "baz3"),
                Version = 1

            await _codes.StoreAuthorizationCodeAsync("key7", new AuthorizationCode()
                ClientId        = "client1",
                CreationTime    = DateTime.Now,
                Lifetime        = 10,
                Subject         = _user,
                CodeChallenge   = "challenge",
                RedirectUri     = "http://client/cb",
                Nonce           = "nonce",
                RequestedScopes = new string[] { "quux1", "quux2" }

            await _codes.StoreAuthorizationCodeAsync("key8", new AuthorizationCode()
                ClientId        = "client2",
                CreationTime    = DateTime.Now,
                Lifetime        = 10,
                Subject         = _user,
                CodeChallenge   = "challenge",
                RedirectUri     = "http://client/cb",
                Nonce           = "nonce",
                RequestedScopes = new string[] { "quux3" }

            await _codes.StoreAuthorizationCodeAsync("key9", new AuthorizationCode()
                ClientId        = "client1",
                CreationTime    = DateTime.Now,
                Lifetime        = 10,
                Subject         = IdentityServerPrincipal.Create("456", "alice"),
                CodeChallenge   = "challenge",
                RedirectUri     = "http://client/cb",
                Nonce           = "nonce",
                RequestedScopes = new string[] { "quux3" }

            await _subject.RemoveAllGrantsAsync("123", "client1");

            (await _referenceTokens.GetReferenceTokenAsync("key1")).Should().BeNull();
            (await _referenceTokens.GetReferenceTokenAsync("key2")).Should().NotBeNull();
            (await _referenceTokens.GetReferenceTokenAsync("key3")).Should().NotBeNull();
            (await _refreshTokens.GetRefreshTokenAsync("key4")).Should().BeNull();
            (await _refreshTokens.GetRefreshTokenAsync("key5")).Should().NotBeNull();
            (await _refreshTokens.GetRefreshTokenAsync("key6")).Should().NotBeNull();
            (await _codes.GetAuthorizationCodeAsync("key7")).Should().BeNull();
            (await _codes.GetAuthorizationCodeAsync("key8")).Should().NotBeNull();
            (await _codes.GetAuthorizationCodeAsync("key9")).Should().NotBeNull();
コード例 #4
        public async Task RemoveAllGrantsAsync_should_remove_all_grants()
            await _userConsent.StoreUserConsentAsync(new Consent()
                ClientId  = "client1",
                SubjectId = "123",
                Scopes    = new string[] { "foo1", "foo2" }

            await _userConsent.StoreUserConsentAsync(new Consent()
                ClientId  = "client2",
                SubjectId = "123",
                Scopes    = new string[] { "foo3" }

            await _userConsent.StoreUserConsentAsync(new Consent()
                ClientId  = "client1",
                SubjectId = "456",
                Scopes    = new string[] { "foo3" }

            var handle1 = await _referenceTokens.StoreReferenceTokenAsync(new Token()
                ClientId     = "client1",
                Audiences    = { "aud" },
                CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Lifetime     = 10,
                Type         = "type",
                Claims       = new List <Claim>
                    new Claim("sub", "123"),
                    new Claim("scope", "bar1"),
                    new Claim("scope", "bar2")

            var handle2 = await _referenceTokens.StoreReferenceTokenAsync(new Token()
                ClientId     = "client2",
                Audiences    = { "aud" },
                CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Lifetime     = 10,
                Type         = "type",
                Claims       = new List <Claim>
                    new Claim("sub", "123"),
                    new Claim("scope", "bar3")

            var handle3 = await _referenceTokens.StoreReferenceTokenAsync(new Token()
                ClientId     = "client1",
                Audiences    = { "aud" },
                CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Lifetime     = 10,
                Type         = "type",
                Claims       = new List <Claim>
                    new Claim("sub", "456"),
                    new Claim("scope", "bar3")

            var handle4 = await _refreshTokens.StoreRefreshTokenAsync(new RefreshToken()
                CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Lifetime     = 10,
                AccessToken  = new Token
                    ClientId     = "client1",
                    Audiences    = { "aud" },
                    CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Type         = "type",
                    Claims       = new List <Claim>
                        new Claim("sub", "123"),
                        new Claim("scope", "baz1"),
                        new Claim("scope", "baz2")
                Version = 1

            var handle5 = await _refreshTokens.StoreRefreshTokenAsync(new RefreshToken()
                CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Lifetime     = 10,
                AccessToken  = new Token
                    ClientId     = "client1",
                    Audiences    = { "aud" },
                    CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Type         = "type",
                    Claims       = new List <Claim>
                        new Claim("sub", "456"),
                        new Claim("scope", "baz3")
                Version = 1

            var handle6 = await _refreshTokens.StoreRefreshTokenAsync(new RefreshToken()
                CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Lifetime     = 10,
                AccessToken  = new Token
                    ClientId     = "client2",
                    Audiences    = { "aud" },
                    CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Type         = "type",
                    Claims       = new List <Claim>
                        new Claim("sub", "123"),
                        new Claim("scope", "baz3")
                Version = 1

            var handle7 = await _codes.StoreAuthorizationCodeAsync(new AuthorizationCode()
                ClientId        = "client1",
                CreationTime    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Lifetime        = 10,
                Subject         = _user,
                CodeChallenge   = "challenge",
                RedirectUri     = "http://client/cb",
                Nonce           = "nonce",
                RequestedScopes = new string[] { "quux1", "quux2" }

            var handle8 = await _codes.StoreAuthorizationCodeAsync(new AuthorizationCode()
                ClientId        = "client2",
                CreationTime    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Lifetime        = 10,
                Subject         = _user,
                CodeChallenge   = "challenge",
                RedirectUri     = "http://client/cb",
                Nonce           = "nonce",
                RequestedScopes = new string[] { "quux3" }

            var handle9 = await _codes.StoreAuthorizationCodeAsync(new AuthorizationCode()
                ClientId        = "client1",
                CreationTime    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Lifetime        = 10,
                Subject         = new IdentityServerUser("456").CreatePrincipal(),
                CodeChallenge   = "challenge",
                RedirectUri     = "http://client/cb",
                Nonce           = "nonce",
                RequestedScopes = new string[] { "quux3" }

            await _subject.RemoveAllGrantsAsync("123", "client1");

            (await _referenceTokens.GetReferenceTokenAsync(handle1)).Should().BeNull();
            (await _referenceTokens.GetReferenceTokenAsync(handle2)).Should().NotBeNull();
            (await _referenceTokens.GetReferenceTokenAsync(handle3)).Should().NotBeNull();
            (await _refreshTokens.GetRefreshTokenAsync(handle4)).Should().BeNull();
            (await _refreshTokens.GetRefreshTokenAsync(handle5)).Should().NotBeNull();
            (await _refreshTokens.GetRefreshTokenAsync(handle6)).Should().NotBeNull();
            (await _codes.GetAuthorizationCodeAsync(handle7)).Should().BeNull();
            (await _codes.GetAuthorizationCodeAsync(handle8)).Should().NotBeNull();
            (await _codes.GetAuthorizationCodeAsync(handle9)).Should().NotBeNull();
コード例 #5
    private async Task <TokenRequestValidationResult> ValidateAuthorizationCodeRequestAsync(NameValueCollection parameters)
        _logger.LogDebug("Start validation of authorization code token request");

        // check if client is authorized for grant type
        if (!_validatedRequest.Client.AllowedGrantTypes.ToList().Contains(GrantType.AuthorizationCode) &&
            LogError("Client not authorized for code flow");

        // validate authorization code
        var code = parameters.Get(OidcConstants.TokenRequest.Code);

        if (code.IsMissing())
            LogError("Authorization code is missing");

        if (code.Length > _options.InputLengthRestrictions.AuthorizationCode)
            LogError("Authorization code is too long");

        _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCodeHandle = code;

        var authZcode = await _authorizationCodeStore.GetAuthorizationCodeAsync(code);

        if (authZcode == null)
            LogError("Invalid authorization code", new { code });

        // validate client binding
        if (authZcode.ClientId != _validatedRequest.Client.ClientId)
            LogError("Client is trying to use a code from a different client", new { clientId = _validatedRequest.Client.ClientId, codeClient = authZcode.ClientId });

        // remove code from store
        // todo: set to consumed in the future?
        await _authorizationCodeStore.RemoveAuthorizationCodeAsync(code);

        if (authZcode.CreationTime.HasExceeded(authZcode.Lifetime, _clock.UtcNow.UtcDateTime))
            LogError("Authorization code expired", new { code });

        // populate session id
        if (authZcode.SessionId.IsPresent())
            _validatedRequest.SessionId = authZcode.SessionId;

        // validate code expiration
        if (authZcode.CreationTime.HasExceeded(_validatedRequest.Client.AuthorizationCodeLifetime, _clock.UtcNow.UtcDateTime))
            LogError("Authorization code is expired");

        _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode = authZcode;
        _validatedRequest.Subject           = authZcode.Subject;

        // validate redirect_uri
        var redirectUri = parameters.Get(OidcConstants.TokenRequest.RedirectUri);

        if (redirectUri.IsMissing())
            LogError("Redirect URI is missing");

        if (redirectUri.Equals(_validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.RedirectUri, StringComparison.Ordinal) == false)
            LogError("Invalid redirect_uri", new { redirectUri, expectedRedirectUri = _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.RedirectUri });

        // validate scopes are present
        if (_validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.RequestedScopes == null ||
            LogError("Authorization code has no associated scopes");

        // resource indicator
        if (_validatedRequest.RequestedResourceIndicator != null &&
            _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.RequestedResourceIndicators?.Any() == true &&
            return(Invalid(OidcConstants.AuthorizeErrors.InvalidTarget, "Resource indicator does not match any resource indicator in the original authorize request."));

        // resource and scope validation
        var validatedResources = await _resourceValidator.ValidateRequestedResourcesAsync(new ResourceValidationRequest {
            Client             = _validatedRequest.Client,
            Scopes             = _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.RequestedScopes,
            ResourceIndicators = _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.RequestedResourceIndicators,
            // if we are issuing a refresh token, then we need to allow the non-isolated resource
            IncludeNonIsolatedApiResources = _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.RequestedScopes.Contains(OidcConstants.StandardScopes.OfflineAccess)

        if (!validatedResources.Succeeded)
            if (validatedResources.InvalidResourceIndicators.Any())
                return(Invalid(OidcConstants.AuthorizeErrors.InvalidTarget, "Invalid resource indicator."));
            if (validatedResources.InvalidScopes.Any())
                return(Invalid(OidcConstants.AuthorizeErrors.InvalidScope, "Invalid scope."));

        _validatedRequest.ValidatedResources = validatedResources.FilterByResourceIndicator(_validatedRequest.RequestedResourceIndicator);

        // validate PKCE parameters
        var codeVerifier = parameters.Get(OidcConstants.TokenRequest.CodeVerifier);

        if (_validatedRequest.Client.RequirePkce || _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.CodeChallenge.IsPresent())
            _logger.LogDebug("Client required a proof key for code exchange. Starting PKCE validation");

            var proofKeyResult = ValidateAuthorizationCodeWithProofKeyParameters(codeVerifier, _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode);
            if (proofKeyResult.IsError)

            _validatedRequest.CodeVerifier = codeVerifier;
            if (codeVerifier.IsPresent())
                LogError("Unexpected code_verifier: {codeVerifier}. This happens when the client is trying to use PKCE, but it is not enabled. Set RequirePkce to true.", codeVerifier);

        // make sure user is enabled
        var isActiveCtx = new IsActiveContext(_validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.Subject, _validatedRequest.Client, IdentityServerConstants.ProfileIsActiveCallers.AuthorizationCodeValidation);
        await _profile.IsActiveAsync(isActiveCtx);

        if (isActiveCtx.IsActive == false)
            LogError("User has been disabled", new { subjectId = _validatedRequest.AuthorizationCode.Subject.GetSubjectId() });

        _logger.LogDebug("Validation of authorization code token request success");
