public static List <Authouriser> getAllUsersCreditials(IAuthDataMapper authDataMapper = null) { List <Authouriser> results = new List <Authouriser>(); if (authDataMapper == null) { authDataMapper = new AuthDataMapper(); } results = authDataMapper.getAllUsersFromTheDatabase(); if (results == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("The system have no users registered currently, please reister"); } else { return(results); } }
public static string resetUserCreditials(string username, string password, IAuthDataMapper authDataMapper = null) { if (authDataMapper == null) { authDataMapper = new AuthDataMapper(); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { throw new ArgumentException("Username can not be empty"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { throw new ArgumentException("Password can not be empty"); } if (!authDataMapper.usernameExistInTheDatabase(username)) { string message = string.Format("The username {0} is not registered", username); throw new ArgumentException(message); } if (!Validator.emailIsValid(username)) { string message = string.Format("The email address {0} is invalid ", username); throw new ArgumentException(message); } int?results = authDataMapper.resetUserPasswordFromDatabase(username, password); if (results > 0) { string message = string.Format("Successfully updated user {0}", username); return(message); } else { string message = string.Format("Failed to update user {0}", username); return(message); } }
public static Authouriser getUserCreditials(string username, IAuthDataMapper authDataMapper = null) { Authouriser results = new Authouriser(); if (authDataMapper == null) { authDataMapper = new AuthDataMapper(); } results = authDataMapper.getUserFromTheDatabase(username); if (results == null) { string message = string.Format("The user {0} is not registered, please reister", username); throw new ArgumentNullException(message); } else { return(results); } }
public static string craeteCreditials(string username, string password, IAuthDataMapper authDataMapper = null) { if (authDataMapper == null) { authDataMapper = new AuthDataMapper(); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { throw new ArgumentException("Username can not be empty"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { throw new ArgumentException("Password can not be empty"); } if (authDataMapper.usernameExistInTheDatabase(username)) { string message = string.Format("The username {0} is already registered", username); throw new ArgumentException(message); } if (!Validator.emailIsValid(username)) { string message = string.Format("The email address {0} is invalid ", username); throw new ArgumentException(message); } int?results = authDataMapper.insertUserNewToDatabase(username, password); if (results > 0) { return("Please check your email to complete your registeration"); } else { return("Outch.. something went wrong, try again later"); } }
// Unsubscribe user public static string unsubscribeUser(string username, string password, IAuthDataMapper authDataMapper = null) { if (authDataMapper == null) { authDataMapper = new AuthDataMapper(); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { throw new ArgumentException("Username can not be empty"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { throw new ArgumentException("Password can not be empty"); } if (!authDataMapper.usernameExistInTheDatabase(username)) { string message = string.Format("The username {0} is not registered", username); throw new ArgumentException(message); } return(authDataMapper.deleteUserFromDatabase(username, password)); }