ITile FindSpawnTile() { Vector3Int myPos = Vector3Int.FloorToInt(transform.position); int x = 0; int z = -1; for (; x < attachment.GetDimension().x; x++) { ITile tile = map.GetTile(myPos.x + x, myPos.z + z); if (tile != null && tile.GetAttachment() is Road) { return(tile); } } z++; for (; z < attachment.GetDimension().z; z++) { ITile tile = map.GetTile(myPos.x + x, myPos.z + z); if (tile != null && tile.GetAttachment() is Road) { return(tile); } } x--; for (; x > -1; x--) { ITile tile = map.GetTile(myPos.x + x, myPos.z + z); if (tile != null && tile.GetAttachment() is Road) { return(tile); } } z--; for (; z > -1; z--) { ITile tile = map.GetTile(myPos.x + x, myPos.z + z); if (tile != null && tile.GetAttachment() is Road) { return(tile); } } return(null); }
public void DrawPreview(Map map, Vector3Int coordinate, GameObject brushPrefab) { if (!previewObject && brushPrefab != null) { previewObject = Instantiate(brushPrefab); attachment = previewObject.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(IAttachment)) as IAttachment; previewObjectRenderers = previewObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); } if (previewObject) { previewObject.transform.position = new Vector3(coordinate.x, 0, coordinate.z); if (map.IsWithinBounds(coordinate.x, coordinate.z) && map.IsWithinBounds(coordinate.x + attachment.GetDimension().x - 1, coordinate.z + attachment.GetDimension().z - 1)) { previewObject.SetActive(true); } else { previewObject.SetActive(false); } bool occupied = map.IsTileSpaceOccupied(coordinate.x, coordinate.z, attachment.GetDimension().x, attachment.GetDimension().z); if (occupied) { foreach (Renderer rend in previewObjectRenderers) { rend.material.color =; } } else { foreach (Renderer rend in previewObjectRenderers) { rend.material.color =; } } } }
public bool Attach(int x, int z, GameObject attachmentPrefab) { if (x < 0 || x >= mapData.width) { return(false); } if (z < 0 || z >= mapData.length) { return(false); } Tile tile = GetTile(x, z); if (!tile.HasAttachment()) { GameObject attachmentGO = Instantiate(attachmentPrefab); attachmentGO.transform.SetParent(transform); attachmentGO.transform.localPosition =; attachmentGO.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 0, z); IAttachment attachment = attachmentGO.GetComponent(typeof(IAttachment)) as IAttachment; // A large attachment occupies more than one tile, therefore we must ensure that none of the affected tiles have any attachment. Vector3Int dim = attachment.GetDimension(); if (IsTileSpaceOccupied(x, z, dim.x, dim.z)) { Debug.LogWarning("Can not attach object to tile. At least one tile is already occupied..."); Destroy(attachmentGO); return(false); } bool attached = tile.Attach(attachment); if (attached) { bool claimedTiles = AssignClaimantToTiles(x, z, dim.x, dim.z); if (!claimedTiles) { Debug.LogError("Failed to claim nearby tiles!"); return(false); } List <ITile> adjacentTiles = GetAdjacentTiles(x, z); foreach (ITile adjacentTile in adjacentTiles) { adjacentTile.OnNeighborChanged(tile); tile.OnNeighborChanged(adjacentTile); } return(true); } else { Debug.LogError("Failed to attach..."); return(false); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Failed to attach, because the tile already has an attachment..."); return(false); } }