コード例 #1
        public IEnumerable<Image> BuildImage(IEnumerable<Vec2i> sizes, GlyphDescriptorCollection glyphs, IAtlasDescriptor descriptor)
            List<Image> images = new List<Image>();

            foreach (var sz in sizes)
                images.Add(new Bitmap(sz.X, sz.Y, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb));

            // place glyphs on texture
            foreach (GlyphDescriptor gi in glyphs)
                var image = images[gi.Page];
                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image))
                    if (gi.Image != null)
                        g.DrawImage(gi.Image, gi.X + descriptor.Spacing, gi.Y + descriptor.Spacing, gi.Image.Width, gi.Image.Height);

            return images;
コード例 #2
        public GlyphDescriptorCollection CollectGlyphs(IAtlasDescriptor descriptor, Action<float> progress, CancellationTokenSource cts)
            GlyphDescriptorCollection glyphs = new GlyphDescriptorCollection();

            HashSet<char> chars = null;

            if (descriptor.UseFonts)
                chars = new HashSet<char>();

                // build set of characters
                foreach (ICharSet charSet in descriptor.CharSets)
                    foreach (char ch in charSet.Characters)

            int count = 0;
            count += (descriptor.UseImages) ? descriptor.Images.Count : 0;
            count += (chars != null) ? chars.Count : 0;
            int current = 0;

            if (descriptor.UseImages)
                int ch = descriptor.StartCode;

                foreach (ImageInfo ii in descriptor.Images)
                    int width = ii.Image.Width;
                    int height = ii.Image.Height;

                    Vec2i offset;
                    Image image = CropImage(ii.Image, out offset);

                    ABC abc = new ABC();
                    abc.abcA = -(int)ii.Offset.X;
                    abc.abcB = (uint)(width + ii.Offset.X);
                    abc.abcC = 0;

                    ii.SortCode = ii.HasCustomCode ? ii.Code : UniqueCode(ref ch, descriptor.Images);
                    var gi = new GlyphDescriptor((char)ii.SortCode, abc, image, descriptor.Spacing * 2);
                    gi.Offset = offset - (Vec2i)ii.Offset;
                    gi.ImageInfo = ii;

                    if (progress != null)
                        progress((float)(++current) / count);

                    if (cts != null)

            if (descriptor.UseFonts)
                // build image for each glyph
                var gm = new GLYPHMETRICS();
                foreach (char ch in chars)
                    Image image = null;

                        if (ch == 159)

                        image = TextHelper.GetGlyphOutlineImage(descriptor.Font, ch, out gm);
                        if (image == null)
                        if (image != null)

                        // skip glyph

                    // flip Y offset
                    ABC abc = new ABC();
                    TextHelper.GetCharABCWidths(descriptor.Font, ch, out abc);

                    GlyphDescriptor glyph = new GlyphDescriptor(ch, abc, image, descriptor.Spacing * 2);
                    glyph.Offset = new Vec2i(gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.X, -gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.Y);

                    if (progress != null)
                        progress((float)(++current) / count);

                    if (cts != null)

                if (descriptor.ForceSpace && glyphs.Find(32) == null)
                    ABC abc = new ABC();
                    TextHelper.GetCharABCWidths(descriptor.Font, (char)32, out abc);
                    abc.abcB = (uint)(abc.abcA + abc.abcB + abc.abcC);
                    abc.abcC = 0;
                    glyphs.Add(new GlyphDescriptor((char)32, abc));

            return glyphs;
コード例 #3
        private void SlotGlyphPosition(GlyphDescriptorCollection glyphs, IAtlasDescriptor descriptor, List<Vec2i> sizes, Action<float> progress, CancellationTokenSource cts)
            long big = (long)descriptor.MaxSize;
            byte[] scan = new byte[big * big];
            Vec2i minsize = Vec2i.Zero;

            int count = glyphs.Count;
            int current = 0;
            int page = 0;

            foreach (var gi in glyphs)
                if (!FindSlot(descriptor, scan, gi, ref minsize))
                    if (descriptor.MultiTexture)

                        // inc to next texture

                        // clear
                        Array.Clear(scan, 0, scan.Length);
                        minsize = Vec2i.Zero;

                        // find again and place on new texture
                        FindSlot(descriptor, scan, gi, ref minsize);
                        throw new Exception("Unable to fit glyphs on a single texture");

                gi.Page = page;

                // mark glyph area used
                long incr0 = (gi.Y) * big;
                for (long y = 0; y < gi.Height; y++)
                    long incrx1 = incr0 + gi.X;
                    for (long x = 0; x < gi.Width; x++)
                        scan[incrx1 + x] = 0xff;
                    incr0 += big;

                if (progress != null)
                    progress((float)(++current) / count);

                if (cts != null)

            // add the last page (or first page if single texture)
            if (sizes.Count <= page)

            if (descriptor.PowerTwo)
                for (int i = 0; i < sizes.Count; i++)
                    int mm = MathEx.HighPow2(Math.Max(sizes[i].X, sizes[i].Y));
                    sizes[i] = new Vec2i(mm, mm);
                // calc tightest box
                foreach (var gi in glyphs)
                    Vec2i sz = sizes[gi.Page];
                    sz.X = Math.Max(sz.X, gi.X + gi.Width);
                    sz.Y = Math.Max(sz.Y, gi.Y + gi.Height);
                    sizes[gi.Page] = sz;
コード例 #4
        private void GridGlyphPosition(GlyphDescriptorCollection glyphs, IAtlasDescriptor descriptor, out Vec2i texSize, Action<float> progress, CancellationTokenSource cts)
            texSize = Vec2i.Zero;

            int mx = 0;
            int my = 0;

            // calc max sizes
            foreach (var gi in glyphs)
                mx = Math.Max(mx, gi.Width);
                my = Math.Max(my, gi.Height);

            // calc smallest size block
            int count = glyphs.Count;
            int sz = Math.Max(mx, my);
            int dim = sz;
            int cx = 0;

            while (dim <= descriptor.MaxSize)
                cx = dim / sz;
                int cnt = cx * cx;
                if (count <= cnt)

                // increase
                dim += sz;

            if (dim > descriptor.MaxSize)
                throw new Exception("Unable to fit glyphs on a single image");

            dim = descriptor.PowerTwo ? MathEx.HighPow2(dim + 1) : dim;

            // position
            int current = 0;
            foreach (var gi in glyphs)
                gi.X = (current % cx) * sz;
                gi.Y = (current / cx) * sz;

                if (progress != null)
                    progress((float)(current) / count);

                if (cts != null)

            Vec2i size = Vec2i.Zero;
            size.X = cx;
            size.Y = ((count - 1) / cx) + 1;
            descriptor.GridCells = size;

            size.X = sz;
            size.Y = sz;
            descriptor.GridSize = size;

            if (descriptor.PowerTwo)
                texSize = new Vec2i(dim, dim);
                // calc tightest box
                foreach (var gi in glyphs)
                    texSize.X = Math.Max(texSize.X, gi.X + gi.Width);
                    texSize.Y = Math.Max(texSize.Y, gi.Y + gi.Height);
コード例 #5
        private bool FindSlot(IAtlasDescriptor descriptor, byte[] scan, GlyphDescriptor gi, ref Vec2i minsize)
            long reqWidth = gi.Width;
            long reqHeight = gi.Height;
            long big = (long)descriptor.MaxSize;

            if (reqHeight == 0 || reqWidth == 0)
                gi.X = (int)0;
                gi.Y = (int)0;
                return true;

            // try to find an empty space within the current used box
            for (long y = 0; y <= (minsize.Y - reqHeight); y++)
                for (long x = 0; x <= (minsize.X - reqWidth); x++)
                    long cx, cy;
                    long incr = y * big;
                    for (cy = y; cy < y + reqHeight; cy++)
                        for (cx = x; cx < x + reqWidth; cx++)
                            if (scan[incr + cx] != 0)
                                cy = 9999;
                        incr += big;

                    // put it here
                    if (cy < 9999)
                        gi.X = (int)x;
                        gi.Y = (int)y;
                        return true;

            // if no space was found, expand the smallest edge of the used box,
            // which will keep the texture close to square
            if (minsize.X < minsize.Y)
                if (minsize.X == descriptor.MaxSize - 1)
                    return false;

                minsize.X += (int)reqWidth;
                if (minsize.X >= descriptor.MaxSize)
                    minsize.X = descriptor.MaxSize - 1;
                if (minsize.Y == descriptor.MaxSize - 1)
                    return false;

                minsize.Y += (int)reqHeight;
                if (minsize.Y >= descriptor.MaxSize)
                    minsize.Y = descriptor.MaxSize - 1;

            return FindSlot(descriptor, scan, gi, ref minsize);
コード例 #6
        protected virtual void ValidateSettings(IAtlasDescriptor descriptor)
            if (descriptor.UseFonts && (descriptor.Font == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptor.FontName)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Error: Invalid font name provided.");

            if (!descriptor.UseFonts && !descriptor.UseImages)
                throw new ArgumentException("Error: Both fonts and images are disabled.  Nothing to do.");

            if (descriptor.MultiTexture && descriptor.Alignment == GlyphAlignment.Grid)
                throw new ArgumentException("Error: Grid alignment does not support multi texturing.");
コード例 #7
 public void ValidateImageInfo(IImageInfo ii, IAtlasDescriptor descriptor)
     if (ii.Image != null && (ii.Image.Width > descriptor.MaxSize || ii.Image.Height > descriptor.MaxSize))
         throw new Exception("Image too large for sheet");
コード例 #8
        public void Save(string filename, IEnumerable<Image> images, GlyphDescriptorCollection glyphs, IAtlasDescriptor descriptor, SpriteDescriptor sprite)
            // convert to fully qualified path
            var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
            string path;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dir))
                path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dir);
                // ensure directory exists
                path = di.FullName;

            string ext = Path.GetExtension(filename);
            string file = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
            string atlasBase = file + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ext) ? ".atlas" : ext);
            string dataFile = Path.Combine(path, atlasBase);
            string spriteFile = Path.Combine(path, file) + ".sprite";

            // sort by code
            glyphs.Sort((a, b) => (int)a.CH - (int)b.CH);

            // save xml
            var docCreator = service.GetService<IXmlDocCreator>();
            if (docCreator == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Xml Document Creator not defeind");

            var doc = docCreator.CreateDoc();

            object root = doc.AddRoot("atlas");
            doc.SetAttrib(root, "glyphs", glyphs.Count);

            if (descriptor.UseFonts)
                doc.SetAttrib(root, "fontheight", descriptor.FontHeight);

            // save images
            int count = 0;
            object xi = doc.AddNode(root, "images");
            foreach (var image in images)
                // don't number image when we have only one image
                var ifile = images.Count() > 1 ? file + (count++).ToString() + ".png" : file + ".png";
                object node = doc.AddNode(xi, "image");
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "src", ifile);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "width", image.Width);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "height", image.Height);
                image.Save(Path.Combine(path, ifile), ImageFormat.Png);

            if (descriptor.Alignment == GlyphAlignment.Grid)
                doc.SetAttrib(root, "cellwidth", descriptor.GridSize.X);
                doc.SetAttrib(root, "cellheight", descriptor.GridSize.Y);
                doc.SetAttrib(root, "gridcols", descriptor.GridCells.X);
                doc.SetAttrib(root, "gridrows", descriptor.GridCells.Y);

            #region save glyphs
            object glyph = doc.AddNode(root, "glyphs");
            foreach (var gi in glyphs)
                object node = doc.AddNode(glyph, "glyph");
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "ch", (int)gi.CH);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "p", gi.Page);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "x", gi.X + descriptor.Spacing);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "y", gi.Y + descriptor.Spacing);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "w", gi.Width - descriptor.Spacing * 2);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "h", gi.Height - descriptor.Spacing * 2);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "a", gi.ABC.abcA);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "b", gi.ABC.abcB);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "c", gi.ABC.abcC);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "ox", gi.Offset.X);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "oy", gi.Offset.Y);

                if (gi.ImageInfo != null)
                    doc.SetAttrib(node, "name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(gi.ImageInfo.FileInfo.Name));
            #endregion save glyphs

            #region save editor info
            object editor = doc.AddNode(root, "info");

            // save atlas info
            object info = doc.AddNode(editor, "common");
            doc.SetAttrib(info, "usefonts", descriptor.UseFonts);
            doc.SetAttrib(info, "useimages", descriptor.UseImages);
            doc.SetAttrib(info, "alignment", descriptor.Alignment);
            doc.SetAttrib(info, "spacing", descriptor.Spacing);
            doc.SetAttrib(info, "powertwo", descriptor.PowerTwo);
            doc.SetAttrib(info, "maxsize", descriptor.MaxSize);
            doc.SetAttrib(info, "makesprite", descriptor.MakeSprite);

            // save font info
            object font = doc.AddNode(editor, "font");
            doc.SetAttrib(font, "name", descriptor.FontName);
            doc.SetAttrib(font, "size", descriptor.FontSize);
            doc.SetAttrib(font, "bold", descriptor.FontBold);
            doc.SetAttrib(font, "italic", descriptor.FontItalic);

            object charset = doc.AddNode(font, "charsets");
            foreach (var set in descriptor.CharSets)
                var attrib = Reflect.GetAttribute<DataNameAttribute>(set);
                object node = doc.AddNode(charset, "charset");
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "name", attrib != null ? attrib.Name : set.GetType().Name);

            // save sprite info
            if (sprite != null && descriptor.MakeSprite)
                object spr = doc.AddNode(editor, "sprite");
                doc.SetAttrib(spr, "rate", sprite.Rate);
                doc.SetAttrib(spr, "overflow", sprite.Overflow);

            // save image info
            object img = doc.AddNode(editor, "image");
            doc.SetAttrib(img, "startcode", descriptor.StartCode);

            object imgNode = doc.AddNode(img, "images");
            foreach (var ii in descriptor.Images)
                object node = doc.AddNode(imgNode, "image");
                string src = ii.FileInfo.GetRelativePath(path);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "src", src);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "ox", ii.Offset.X);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "oy", ii.Offset.Y);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "code", ii.Code);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "usecode", ii.HasCustomCode);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "loc", ii.Location);
                doc.SetAttrib(node, "angle", ii.Angle);
            #endregion save editor info

            // save it

            if (sprite != null && descriptor.MakeSprite)
                var sdoc = docCreator.CreateDoc();
                object sr = sdoc.AddRoot("sprite");
                sdoc.SetAttrib(sr, "rate", sprite.Rate);
                sdoc.SetAttrib(sr, "overflow", sprite.Overflow);

                // string GetRelativePath
                object x0 = sdoc.AddNode(sr, "elements");
                foreach (var gi in glyphs)
                    object x1 = sdoc.AddNode(x0, "element");
                    sdoc.SetAttrib(x1, "src", atlasBase);
                    sdoc.SetAttrib(x1, "index", (int)gi.CH);
コード例 #9
        public IEnumerable<Vec2i> PlaceGlyphs(GlyphDescriptorCollection glyphs, IAtlasDescriptor descriptor, Action<float> progress, CancellationTokenSource cts)
            List<Vec2i> sizes = new List<Vec2i>();

            if (descriptor.Alignment == GlyphAlignment.Grid)
                // sort by code
                glyphs.Sort((a, b) => (int)a.CH - (int)b.CH);
                Vec2i sz;
                GridGlyphPosition(glyphs, descriptor, out sz, progress, cts);
                // sort by size
                glyphs.Sort((a, b) => b.Size - a.Size);
                SlotGlyphPosition(glyphs, descriptor, sizes, progress, cts);

            return sizes;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: 2bitpirates/twobit-atlas
        private void CollectImages(IAtlasDescriptor descriptor)
            foreach (var png in pngList)
                    var ii = new ImageInfo(png);
                    if (centerImages)
                        ii.Offset = new Vec2f(ii.Image.Width * 0.5f, ii.Image.Height * 0.5f);
                        ii.Offset = ii.Offset + imageOrigin;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Error reading image: " + Path.GetFileName(png), ex);