public void Accept(IVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitEnter(this); Left.Accept(visitor); Right.Accept(visitor); visitor.VisitLeave(this); }
public void Accept(IVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitEnter(this); Expression.Accept(visitor); Index.Accept(visitor); visitor.VisitLeave(this); }
public OptionalValue <BitcodeModule> Generate(IAstNode ast) { ast.ValidateNotNull(nameof(ast)); ast.Accept(this); if (AnonymousFunctions.Count > 0) { var mainFunction = Module.CreateFunction("main", Context.GetFunctionType(Context.VoidType)); var block = mainFunction.AppendBasicBlock("entry"); var irBuilder = new InstructionBuilder(block); var printdFunc = Module.CreateFunction("printd", Context.GetFunctionType(Context.DoubleType, Context.DoubleType)); foreach (var anonFunc in AnonymousFunctions) { var value = irBuilder.Call(anonFunc); irBuilder.Call(printdFunc, value); } irBuilder.Return( ); // Use always inline and Dead Code Elimination module passes to inline all of the // anonymous functions. This effectively strips all the calls just generated for main() // and inlines each of the anonymous functions directly into main, dropping the now // unused original anonymous functions all while retaining all of the original source // debug information locations. using var mpm = new ModulePassManager( ); mpm.AddAlwaysInlinerPass( ) .AddGlobalDCEPass( ) .Run(Module); Module.DIBuilder.Finish( ); } return(OptionalValue.Create(Module)); }
protected internal virtual string Output2MySql(IAstNode node, string sql) { var sb = new StringBuilder(sql.Length); node.Accept(new MySqlOutputAstVisitor(sb)); return(sb.ToString()); }
public static string ToString(IAstNode ast, bool showOffsets = false) { var dumper = new DumpAstVisitor(showOffsets); var code = ast.Accept(dumper); return(code); }
public IExpression Resolve(IAstNode node) { return(node .Accept(new ConstantParsingVisitor()) .Accept(new BindingVisitor(this)) .Accept(new ConversionVisitor(this))); }
public List <IOperation> Compile(IAstNode node) { var irVisitor = new IRVisitor(); node.Accept(irVisitor); return(irVisitor.Operations); }
private IExpression Index(IAstNode operand, AstNodeCollection arguments) { var resolvedArguments = ResolveArguments(arguments); var resolvedOperand = operand.Accept(this); if (resolvedOperand.Type.IsArray) { if (resolvedArguments.Length != resolvedOperand.Type.GetArrayRank()) { throw new ExpressionsException( "Invalid array index rank", ExpressionsExceptionType.TypeMismatch ); } foreach (var argument in resolvedArguments) { if (!TypeUtil.IsCastAllowed(argument.Type, typeof(int))) { throw new ExpressionsException( "Argument of array index must be convertable to integer", ExpressionsExceptionType.TypeMismatch ); } } if (resolvedArguments.Length == 1) { return(new Expressions.Index(resolvedOperand, resolvedArguments[0], resolvedOperand.Type.GetElementType())); } else { return(_resolver.ResolveMethod(resolvedOperand, "Get", resolvedArguments)); } } var defaultMemberAttributes = resolvedOperand.Type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DefaultMemberAttribute), true); if (defaultMemberAttributes.Length != 1) { throw new ExpressionsException( "Operand does not support indexing", ExpressionsExceptionType.TypeMismatch ); } var result = _resolver.ResolveMethod(resolvedOperand, "get_" + ((DefaultMemberAttribute)defaultMemberAttributes[0]).MemberName, resolvedArguments); if (result == null) { throw new ExpressionsException( "Unresolved index method", ExpressionsExceptionType.UnresolvedMethod ); } return(result); }
public IReadOnlyList <Block> Render(IAstNode node) { var context = new ParsingContext(1); node.Accept(this, context); context.Blocks.Trim(); return(context.Blocks); }
/// <summary>Gets the complete collection of errors for this node and children</summary> /// <param name="node">Node to traverse for errors</param> /// <remarks>Traverses the node hierarchy to find all error node at any depth</remarks> /// <returns>Collection of errors found</returns> public static IReadOnlyCollection <ErrorNode> CollectErrors([ValidatedNotNull] this IAstNode node) { node.ValidateNotNull(nameof(node)); var collector = new ErrorNodeCollector(); node.Accept <string>(collector); return(collector.Errors); }
private IEnumerable <IInstruction> Eval(IAstNode node, IInstruction atTheEnd) { var evalVisitor = new CodeGenVisitor(this.readOnlyEnvData); node.Accept(evalVisitor); evalVisitor.instructions.Add(atTheEnd); return(evalVisitor.instructions); }
internal void Ast_VisitsCorrectMethod(IAstNode node, string expectedCalledMethod) { var visitorCallCounting = new AstVisitorCallCounting(); node.Accept(visitorCallCounting); Assert.Single(visitorCallCounting.CallCount); Assert.Equal(1, visitorCallCounting.CallCount[expectedCalledMethod]); }
/// <summary> /// Calculated two values and returns the result /// </summary> /// <param name="target">Visitor to use when calculating the values</param> /// <param name="value1">Value to the left</param> /// <param name="value2">Value to the right</param> /// <param name="calcInt">Method to calculate values if int</param> /// <param name="calcDec">Method to calculate values if decimal</param> /// <param name="error">Method to handle errors (usually type errors)</param> /// <returns>The result of the calculation</returns> public static object Calculate(this IVisitor target, IAstNode value1, IAstNode value2, Func <int, int, object> calcInt, Func <decimal, decimal, object> calcDec, Func <object, object, Exception, object> error) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } if (value1 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value1)); } if (value2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value2)); } if (calcInt == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(calcInt)); } if (calcDec == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(calcDec)); } if (error == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(error)); } var v1 = value1.Accept(target); var v2 = value2.Accept(target); try { if (v1 is int i1 && v2 is int i2) { return(calcInt(i1, i2)); } if (!ValueHelper.IsNumeric(v1) || !ValueHelper.IsNumeric(v2)) { return(error(v1, v2, new InvalidOperationException("Value is not numeric!"))); } var d1 = Convert.ToDecimal(v1); var d2 = Convert.ToDecimal(v2); return(calcDec(d1, d2)); } catch (Exception innerException) { return(error(v1, v2, innerException)); } }
public static DirectedGraph CreateGraph([ValidatedNotNull] this IAstNode node) { node.ValidateNotNull(nameof(node)); var generator = new AstGraphGenerator(); node.Accept(generator); return(generator.Graph); }
public static void AstEquals(IAstNode astExpected, IAstNode astActual, bool showOffsets = false) { var dumper = new DumpAstVisitor(showOffsets); var expectedCode = astExpected.Accept(dumper); var actualCode = astActual.Accept(dumper); Check.That(actualCode).IsEqualTo(expectedCode); Console.WriteLine(expectedCode); }
public Value Generate(IAstNode ast, Action <CodeGeneratorException> codeGenerationErroHandler) { try { // Prototypes, including extern are ignored as AST generation // adds them to the RuntimeState so that already has the declarations return((ast is FunctionDefinition) ? ast.Accept(this) : null); } catch (CodeGeneratorException ex) when(codeGenerationErroHandler != null) { codeGenerationErroHandler(ex); return(null); } }
private void Accept(SqlAstVisitor visitor, IList<ITransformer> tranformers, IAstNode parent) { Debug.WriteLine(parent.Level+"\t"+parent.ParentNode + "\t" + parent +"\t" + parent.OriginalValue); foreach (ITransformer transformer in tranformers) { parent.Transform(transformer); } parent.Accept(visitor); IList<IAstNode> childs = parent.ChildNodes; if (childs == null) { return; } foreach(IAstNode child in childs) { Accept(visitor, tranformers, child); } }
public Value Generate(IAstNode ast, Action <CodeGeneratorException> codeGenerationErroHandler) { try { ast.Accept(this); if (AnonymousFunctions.Count > 0) { var mainFunction = Module.AddFunction("main", Context.GetFunctionType(Context.VoidType)); var block = mainFunction.AppendBasicBlock("entry"); var irBuilder = new InstructionBuilder(block); var printdFunc = Module.AddFunction("printd", Context.GetFunctionType(Context.DoubleType, Context.DoubleType)); foreach (var anonFunc in AnonymousFunctions) { var value = irBuilder.Call(anonFunc); irBuilder.Call(printdFunc, value); } irBuilder.Return( ); // Use always inline and Dead Code Elimination module passes to inline all of the // anonymous functions. This effectively strips all the calls just generated for main() // and inlines each of the anonymous functions directly into main, dropping the now // unused original anonymous functions all while retaining all of the original source // debug information locations. var mpm = new ModulePassManager( ) .AddAlwaysInlinerPass( ) .AddGlobalDCEPass( ); mpm.Run(Module); Module.DIBuilder.Finish( ); } } catch (CodeGeneratorException ex) when(codeGenerationErroHandler != null) { codeGenerationErroHandler(ex); } return(null); }
private void Accept(SqlAstVisitor visitor, IList <ITransformer> tranformers, IAstNode parent) { Debug.WriteLine(parent.Level + "\t" + parent.ParentNode + "\t" + parent + "\t" + parent.OriginalValue); foreach (ITransformer transformer in tranformers) { parent.Transform(transformer); } parent.Accept(visitor); IList <IAstNode> childs = parent.ChildNodes; if (childs == null) { return; } foreach (IAstNode child in childs) { Accept(visitor, tranformers, child); } }
private bool IsEqual(IAstNode value1, IAstNode value2) { var v1 = value1.Accept(this); var v2 = value2.Accept(this); if (v1 == null && v2 == null) { return(true); } if (v1 == null || v2 == null) { return(false); } if (ValueHelper.IsNumeric(v1) && ValueHelper.IsNumeric(v2)) { var d1 = Convert.ToDecimal(v1); var d2 = Convert.ToDecimal(v2); return(d1 == d2); } return(v1.Equals(v2)); }
public static void DumpAst(IAstNode ast) { ast.Accept(new DumpAstVisitor()); }
public static string ToString(IAstNode ast, bool showOffsets = false) { var dumper = new DumpAstVisitor(showOffsets); var code = ast.Accept(dumper); return code; }
public IExpression Resolve(IAstNode node) { return node .Accept(new ConstantParsingVisitor()) .Accept(new BindingVisitor(this)) .Accept(new ConversionVisitor(this)); }
public IAstNode Eval(IAstNode ast) { ast.Accept(this); return(ast); }
private void Visit(IAstNode node) => node.Accept(this);
public void Accept(IVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitEnter(this); Arg.Accept(visitor); visitor.VisitLeave(this); }
internal static void Generate(IAstNode p, TextWriter streamWriter, string nspace) { p.Accept(new ProtoGenerator(streamWriter,nspace)); }
public void Resolve(IAstNode root, ResolveContext context) { root.Accept(this, context); }
internal static void Generate(IAstNode p, TextWriter streamWriter, string nspace) { p.Accept(new ProtoGenerator(streamWriter, nspace)); }
public void Generate(IAstNode rootNode, TextWriter textWriter) { MdlGeneratorAstVisitor generatorAstVisitor = new MdlGeneratorAstVisitor(textWriter); rootNode.Accept(generatorAstVisitor); }
protected internal virtual string Output2MySql(IAstNode node, string sql) { var sb = new StringBuilder(sql.Length); node.Accept(new MySqlOutputAstVisitor(sb)); return sb.ToString(); }